Saturday, 13 July 2013

STORM 118 Juli 2013

No. 118                      Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action                       Juli 2013
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only

STORM gets information from ‘insiders’, SCUTTLEBUTT. We can’t confirm their stories. Here’s the latest:

ASSASSINS CREED: A concerned parent contacted us:
‘My 12 year old son plays this video game called Assassins Creed, as do all his friends at school. Another game they play is Grand Theft Auto Three. I watch him play it every day, on weekends from dawn till late, seven days a week. Before school, after school, all weekend. Watching him recently, and wondering how we could replicate this devotion and use it to get him just as interested in his school work, I stopped him to find out to what these games were all about.

He told me: ‘the Assassin’s are ancient ninjas. They battle their enemies’. Who are the enemies? These guys called the Knights Templar. They are really evil. I have to kill them all!’ It turns out the Assassins were a fanatical Islamic group who opposed the Crusaders when they attempted to liberate the Holy Land from Muslim rule in the 12th century. Huh?! But our family are Christians! After a weekend of this my son yelled to me: ‘hey Dad! So far I’ve killed 2,700 people’. Were mainly whites. How’d this game get into our house and who designed it to be so popular?!”

We viewed the second game first, the popular Grand Theft Auto. Third in the popular series, this one takes place in the imaginary US city, Vice City, where you get to play a Negro member of the US Special Forces. He is on a ‘mission’ in hostile territory. To get across town he must kill everyone in his path, in any way he can. Shoot, stab, run them over with a tank or even use a flame-thrower. The whole time he’s pursued by police & must ‘do’ drugs deals without getting killed by other drug dealers. The ‘mission’? This is never explained. It is soon obvious the goal is simply to kill as many white people as possible. We wondered who would make such anti-Christ/anti-white games. The usual Chosen Enemy. They turn our own children against us,  in our own homes.

SBS - A CHOSEN STATION? After 9-11 2001 the Australian government’s SBS TV network became progressively more of a pro-Chosen outfit. By 2011 it was the only TV station to have at least one programme a week on Hitler or alleged events Poland in WWII. An example? The week 26Oct–1Nov 2011:

830pm Frigasday 28 Oct 2011 SBSTV: ‘The Polish Battle of Britain’ from the UK.

3pm Solday 30 Oct 2011: Six-part series Hitler’s Bodyguards, this episode ‘Nearly assassinated at the Berghof’.

11pm Solday 30 Oct 2011: part one of a two-parter, the 3.30 hour-long documentary Ship of No return: Last Voyage of the Gustloff’. German refugees are killed in 1945 by Red submariners who then show no sympathy for their victims. “After all they were only ‘Nazis!’ - weren’t they?”

11.40pm Tuisday 1 Novembis 2011: Israeli film Zion & His Brother (2009).

Why the constant deluge of anti-German hate/pro-Israeli propaganda on a publicly-funded network? Do the Australian taxpayers want it or just the 100,000 Chosen in Melbourne and Sydney? 

DVD REVIEW: NEVER LET ME GO (2009) (101 minutes)
A Searchlight Production for 20th Century Fox. Director Mark Romanek; Producer Alon Reich; Writer & Executive Producer Alex Garland. Stars Cary Mulligan, (f) Andrew Garfield, Kiera Knightley & Charlotte Rampling. Based on the ‘best selling’ novel by Kazuo Ishiguro. 

A low-budget film from a semi-Independent unit of one of the major studios. Writer’s viewpoint is entirely non-Christian, non-Western. Shows no concept of individual worth. A person only exists to serve the ‘greater good’. Like much Eastern philosophy, Buddhism and Marxism included, the interests of the individual are almost non-existent. Only the group counts. This is a tale set in the future that examines the ramifications of eugenics. Not just the issues of abortion and euthanasia – the killing of the helpless unborn & the helpless elderly – but also what sort of society we produce when we take this to its logical conclusions.

NLMG begins in Hailsham School for clones, bred as ‘spare parts’ for surgically transplanting into others. Like any boarding school there are rules. This is one school among a half-dozen. Each term there’s a visit from ‘Madame’, a Frenchwoman who awards ‘deferrals’ – a stay of execution – for any tagged as ‘artistically gifted’. To win means to live a little longer. We follow the lives of three clones as they graduate then leave to await their ‘donation day’. They know most clones only survive three ‘donations’ before they reach ‘completion’ - death. In the meantime some find love to fill the emptiness of their soulless existence. Others just find sex.

After ten years waiting they hope Madame might save them, so two escape to visit her at her home. Upon their arrival she alerts the clone Mistress, head of their school. They demand a deferral, insisting: ‘we know the art was a test - you wanted to see into our souls’. ‘No,’ says Mistress: ‘we wanted to see if you had souls’. Madame nods in agreement. The blank expression on the faces of both Madame and Mistress tells us it is not the clones who lack humanity, but those who harvest them.

Doesn’t this echo the embryo stem cell/abortion debate? One cannot harvest another’s life then claim it is for ‘the greater good’? The foolish old argument about ‘should you save the mother or the child?’ is summed up by the sole surviving clone of the three. When her two close/clone friends are ‘completed’ she’s told she’ll be next. She stares blankly at the symbolically setting Sun and asks:
‘What I’m not sure about is if our lives have been so different from the lives of the people we save. We all complete. Maybe none of us really understand what we’ve lived through or felt we’ve had enough time’.

This moral void is not unique to the Japanese author or to those who made this film. The yawning abyss that confronts every pagan/atheist/evolutionist was bridged 2,000 years ago by Christ. Only He can restore meaning to their lives. When you try to witness for your faith to intellectuals their common rebuke is: ‘that may be your reality but mine is different’. WRONG. French Leftists invented Existentialism in the 1950’s as a theoretical crutch for Marxist atheism: ‘I exist! Nothing else matters. All is meaningless’. Look around:  we’re suffering the fall-out!

No, there is only one reality, one viewpoint and that belongs to GOD. The Christian must inhabit the same world as these demi-devils but we do not have to suffer them or the results of their moral blindness. As Dr Martin Luther put it in the 16th century:
“There are two laws. The law of grace for the believer to guide us & the law of the Claw for unbelievers to keep them from bothering believers.”

Too many act as if those bound for Hell have to be tolerated as equals when that is neither the view of GOD nor evidenced by His Scriptures. A clear sign of this is those who claim ‘rights’ when doing only wrong.

Luther was correct: we should not allow those destined for Hellfire to vex us in the brief time they spend on our Earth. We must convert those few we can and prepare the rest to meet their Maker. There must be no ‘grey areas’ of morality, only black & white. Right and wrong. Yes and No. If only Hollywood spent its wealth making pro-life, positive films instead of sad somber elegies like this, dirges for the doomed.   

Ezra Pound was a literary genius. An American, he settled in Fascist Italy before WWII & remained throughout the War. After the war he was imprisoned by the US military. To avoid an embarrassing war crimes trial for ‘aiding and abetting the enemy’ EP was declared insane & kept in a mental hospital for the rest of his life.

The following are quotations from America’s greatest fascist poet/philosopher: (Pound, Ezra.  America, Roosevelt & the Causes of the Present War. 1944, Vienna).
“The Italian Fascist Revolution was the first serious attempt to control [‘usurocracy’] since Lincoln [in 1863]”. 
5pm 1 August 1944: Rightist AK (Polish Home Army) Uprising begins, Warsaw. Lasts 63 days. 150,000 civilians KIA, 45,000 AK and 35,000 KIA &WIA.
2 August 1990: Saddam’s Iraq invades Kuwait.
2 August 1965: ALP officially abandons policy of a ‘WHITE AUSTRALIA’.
12 August 1687: Christian Dukes of Lorraine & Baden (France and Germany) defeat Muslim Turks at battle of Mohacs, liberating Hungary from Islamic rule.
12 August 1898: USA forcibly annexes Kingdom of Hawaii
12 August 1944: John P. Kennedy Jr killed in flying ‘accident’, England.
12 August 1998: Swiss banks forced to pay holocaust survivors US$1.25 billion. 
15 August 2002: Lebanese Muslim rape gang leader gaoled (Sydney NSW) for 55 years.
16 August 1975: First aboriginal ‘land grant’ of Wave Hill Station, NT to Gurindji tribe.
17 August 1945: Vo Nguyen Giap’s Viet Minh captures of Vietnamese capital, Hanoi.
17 August 1987: Former Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess strangled Spandau Prison, Germany.
18 August 1945: Viet Minh unilaterally declare a Provisional Government for a unitary Vietnam.
19 August 1991: Communist hard-line coup against Gorbachev reforms (fails within two days). 
20 August 1938: SS Colonel Eichmann opens ‘Central Emigration Office’, Vienna, to ease exits.  
21 August 2010: ALP’s Julia Gillard elected Australia’s first (and only) female Prime Minister.
26 August 1978: Albino Luciano, Patriarch of Venice, elected Pope John Paul I.
27 August 1789: France’s National Assembly adopts universal Declaration of Rights of Man.
27 August 1902: NSW grants women the ‘right’ to vote.
27 August 1939: World’s first jet aircraft flies, Heinkel 78.
27 August 1921: British Army install Faisal as first ‘king of Iraq’.
27 August 1992: British Royal Air Force impose ‘no fly zone’ over Southern Iraq.
27 August 2001: Howard Liberal government refuses entry to hijacked MV Tampa +433 boaties.
31 August 1951: SS Brigadefuhrer Jurgen Stroop hanged, Warsaw for 1943 Ghetto Suppression. 
31 August 1997: Diana Spencer, executed, Paris. Guilty of popularising divorce and race-mixing.
31 August 1999: Indonesia’s Timor Timur Province votes unanimously to secede.  UN observes.      

UPDATE: A request to write to US POW’s contained one error. New address for US POW, Dennis Mahon. It is:
Dennis Mahon #30289-424             U.S.P. McCreary                 U.S.P. P.O. Box 3000
Pine Knot KY 42635             U S A

FEDERAL ELECTION 14.9.2013: We’ve been asked our advice on the elections. We can only say that BOTH sides [ALP/Greens and LNP] are traitors to the White Race and to this continent our ancestors secured for us through blood, sweat and toil. They seized it for us, not so it could be given to others. It’s OURS! Our advice: ‘put the sitting MP last’. In place of the majors, we endorse minor parties. They are:

AUSTRALIAN CHRISTIANS: Ph. Ray Moran 1300 788 502.
FAMILY FIRST: PH 07 33526555.
KATTER’S AUSTRALIA PARTY: Liaison Jen Hopper on 07 3267 7799
RISE UP AUSTRALIA Party: Ph. 03 9708 6691    

UPDATE #2: Due to phone-line faults and failure of Telstra’s ‘Message Bank’ our 07 3205 8543 Contact No. has failed. We are using a borrowed phone No. 0448 187 582. This also has problems with Telstra’s ‘Message Bank’. Some numbers appear as ‘Unknown’ or ‘Private’ so we cannot return calls. If you call us on the new No. and we do not reply within three working days call again as you may be one of these.

P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia  phone 0448 187 582