Friday, 13 February 2015

STORM 137 (Februa 2015)

No. 137               Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action                      Februa 2015
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only

STORM gets information from ‘insiders’, SCUTTLEBUTT. We can’t confirm stories. Here’s the latest:

A GRATEFUL ITALIAN: An 81-year old Italian told us: 
“I migrated here from Tunisia in 1956 aged 24 years old. France was running the country then but the Arabs, they were fighting, y’know. My Dad said to me: ‘it’s too dangerous to stay’. So when the chance came to move to Australia, he sent me and my brother-in-law out here. We were to ‘check things out’ before the rest of our family moved here. I loved it here but my brother-in-law didn’t. He went back to Tunisia. After that, my mother wanted to stay as my sister was staying and she was her only daughter. Dad wanted to come out but wouldn’t without Mum. I was left here, alone. In time, I met a good Irish girl and we got married. My Dad always missed me. He died 72 years old, of a broken heart”. 
“In December 2012, due to a long dry Summer followed by heavy rain there was a population explosion of Eastern Brown Snakes in Brisbane. I even killed an EBS in my backyard! The EBS is as bad as the Western Brown Snakes, whose venom is 20 times more deadly than the Indian Cobra. The Australian Taipan is 18 times more deadly than the Cobra, but is more vicious striking several times in each attack. 
The worst variety is the Ferocious Taipan. Its venom is 25 times more deadly than the Indian Cobra but it’s attacks are rare as it is only 18 inches long and tends to hide in cracks in rocks. The EBS is much more common and loves to reside in sand-dunes near popular beach resorts. This is how most people meet an EBS. They’re walking down steps to the beachfront when WHACK! They walk on an EBS. Imagine a five foot-long snake hanging off your leg! It’s quite a shock. 
Taipans only grow to four foot-long. That’s nothing compared to the Australian Scrub Python. It grows to an average 16 foot-long but I’ve seen one that was 21 foot-long. A mate showed me a photo of one he’d killed: it was 28 feet long. When he killed it, it had a 70 kg kangaroo stuck in its jaws. It was big enough to swallow a small child”.    
FILM REVIEW:Epic (2014). Director Chris Wedge.Stars Amanda Seyfried, Aziz Ansari, Pitbull, Beyonce and Colin Farrell. 20th Century Fox Writer/co-producer William Joyce based on his book The Leafmen and the Brave Good Bugs

A standard US kids pic with a racial message as subtext. In Epic hordes of Hispanic-accented invaders, Boggans, lead by Mandrake battle for supremacy in their forest with tiny forest folk or Leaf-men lead by black queen, Tara, played by Beyonce, whom the Boggans murder before she is able to name a successor to ‘rule the land for the next century’. 

Red-headed rebel, Mary Kathleen, is a human magically shrunk down into this miniature world by the dying queen. Her army of Leaf-men/warriors are all blonde, Aryan types with square jaws. Their general, Ronan, played by Dolf Lundgren look-alike, Colin Farrell, is given to quoting the Leaf-men motto: ‘many leaves – one tree’ which means ‘even though we’re all individuals, we’re all connected’. 

Black characters appear on both sides of this conflict, fighting for both the Boggans and the Leaf-men. The Boggans are lead by Mandrake. One black is the local match-fixer and head gangster; two others are snail ‘minders of the pod’, loyal to the black Queen. 

Plot is akin to other kid pics like Nim’s Island,The Ant Bully and Arthur and The Invisibles i.e. children who cannot ‘get on’ in the real world follow their ‘senses’ into a mythical Greenie world where they can find fulfillment and destiny. Tara, the dying black queen, tells Mary-Kate (Amanda Seyfried): “you’re here for a reason. You just can’t see the connection yet”. The Leaf-men motto: ‘many leaves, one tree’ sounds eerily like the old Leftist slogan: ‘unity in diversity’ from the 1960’s. 

Like much Fox Network kiddie material, this is Bolshevik agit-prop that seeks to tell the world’s remaining whites: ‘cooperate in your own demise and it will go easier for you’. Ask South Africans how that plays out. Not well at all. If a Race is doomed to be conquered, why should they cooperate? Let’s do what Portuguese did in Angola: destroy it all. 

Leaf-men ridicule humans nicknaming them ‘Stompers’ as ‘they're big 'n' dumb 'n' don’t see things as they really are’. Leafers mock MK’s pseudo-scientist Dad to her face saying: ‘he can't prove we exist as we only show him what we want him to see. We’re just messing with him’. Sounds like another group, copied by white Christians who assume: ‘they  share our common interests’ when in fact they are their deadly foes. Who does the dying queen finally choose as successor? From amongst the competing Blacks, Hispanics, Redheads and Aryans she chooses a Green. A very Murdoch message.  

BOOK REVIEW: Hitler and Stalin - Parallel Lives by Lord Alan Bullock (London: Harper- Collins Books, 1991) (1,165 pages):

p. 21: “What Hitler saw in Vienna strengthened his offensive, aggressive attitude towards other nationalities. In the Austrian Empire these outnumbered ethnic Germans by 4 to 1. After 1867, the German speaking minority felt under threat from the growing Czech population. Government attempts to meet Czech demands lead to compromises which Hitler saw as doomed. He believed it was always Germans who made concessions. Hitler saw concessions as acts of national betrayal.”  

p. 22: “Vienna’s population rose by 259 percent in just forty years, 1860 to 1900. By 1900 of 1,675,000 people in Vienna, 54% were foreign–born, mostly Czech. Hitler was appalled when he arrived there to find the German working class eagerly disparaging everything he cherished. ‘They drag through the mud…the Nation, the Fatherland, our laws, religion and morality. I don’t know what appalled me most - their economic misery, crude morals or the low level of their intellect.’ Hitler saw the Social Democrats as using working class sufferings to denationalise them”.  

p. 23: “In 1857, only 2% of Vienna’s population were Jewish - 6,217 people. By 1910, this had grown to 8.6% or 175,318 of the city’s two million people”.  

p. 39: “Following Russia’s failed 1905 revolution there was a repressive backlash or Counter- revolution, 1907-1912. Caused a massive decline in Social Democrat party membership (both majority Menshevik faction and the smaller, more radical Bolshevik faction). In St. Petersburg alone the SD fell from 8,000 members in 1907 to only 300 by 1909”.  

p. 49: “Hitler enjoyed the frontlebnis, unique ‘joy of life’ found on the Frontline. Frontkampfer played a large role in the founding of the NSDAP. Hitler said it provided his followers with both pride and exhilaration. Hitler’s favourite book in the trenches was Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and Idea, also a favourite of composer Richard Wagners. Hitler said: war is to men what child birth is to women. He later referred to service in the First World War as the happiest years of my life’ ”.

p. 52: “Russia’s February 1917 Revolution saw the collapse of a 300 year-old monarchy that had proved incapable of coping with long-standing economic and social problems made intolerable by the strain of unsuccessful wars”.  

p. 53: “Contrary to later myths, the Bolsheviks played little part in Russia’s Revolution prior to August 1917. In fact, by February 1917 their membership was only 25,000 much less than their radical rivals the Menshiviks and Social Revolutionists. Together they controlled the People’s Soviets (Revolutionary Workers Councils). The Bolsheviks later, sudden growth was due to Lenin’s ‘genius for slogans that catalysed grievances into revolutionary energy’ ”.  

p. 54: “Lenin arrived in Petrograd on 3rd April 1917 for the first time in five years and courtesy of the German Army High Command”.  

p. 64: “The Soviet Secret Police or CHEKA (Extraordinary Commission) was run by Felix Dzerzhinsky(J). The CHEKA carried out 200,000 executions in the five years from 1919-1924, compared with only 14,000 executions under the Tsars in fifty years, 1864-1914”.   

p. 66: “On 6th July 1918, the Left faction of the Social Revolutionist party (SR) staged a revolt in Moscow and Petrograd. Following widespread CHEKA repression, an SR agent shot Lenin in the head, August 1918. The resultant CHEKA mass-terror campaign targeted not only SRs but any remaining regime foes”.

p. 69: “In 1919 Soviet Republics were established in Hungary and Bavaria. In 1920 the Soviet Red Army attacked Poland. In 1921 and 1923 Communist uprisings took place in central Germany. The last took place in Hamburg, October 1923”.    

p. 73: “In 1918 the 700 year-old Munich-based Whitzelbach dynasty abdicated due to a Communist revolt led by Kurt Eisner, a Jew. He proclaimed ‘Bavarian People's Republic’ but in March 1919 was killed by Count Arco-Vallee, a notorious Rightwing officer. After Eisner's death, a second Leftist coup seized power in Munich, this time led by two Russian Jews. Hitler's Army unit was stationed in Munich. He was there during the Freikorps counter-coup during which 100’s died”.    

p. 74 “In Hungary the Jewish Communist Bela Kun [Cohen] overthrew the monarchy, He replaced it with a Workers Council, 25 of whose 32 Commissars [Commissioners] were Jewish”. 

p.72: “In 1890s the German middle class embraced Social Darwinism, racial superiority and anti- Semitism. This meant acclaiming the ‘heroic’, ‘living dangerously' and opposing Materialism with Conservatism. They thereafter valued feelings over intellect, irrationality over Rationalism, Action over Reason. During the 1914-18 War this lead German intellectuals to set themselves apart from other Western intellectuals: they saw Kultur as superior to Civilisation and German ‘uniqueness’ better than the Enlightenment’s Universalism”.    

p.73: “This feeling was summed up in Oswald Spengler's book 'Decline of the West’. Published in Germany between 1918 and 1922, within a concept of ‘Volkish' Spengler glorified War as 'renewal by destruction' and as superior to the Leftists’ Internationalist Pacifism. Other opposites he presented were: ‘National Unity versus Individual Rights’, ‘the State and Elitism versus Parliament and Equality' ”.  

p. 76: “Adolf Hitler said 'to be a leader means being able to move [motivate] the Masses.' Hitler despised Rightists who only spoke to the like-minded. His goal was ‘a Nationalist Alternative to the Social Democrat party, a mass-based party' ”. 

p. 77: “As orator, Hitler's aim was not to persuade by argument but to appeal to emotion: ‘the Masses are like a woman. They'd rather bow to a strong man than dominate a weakling. Choices make them feel abandoned. They love to be terrorised intellectually and being forced to submit to ruthless, brutal utterances.' He was fond of quoting Nietzsche: ‘men believe only when they see another strongly believe'. Hitler often gave the impression he was being out of control but would stop short, then vary the effect by dropping his voice or using sarcasm. He combined simplicity with reiteration. He stuck to a few points and repeated them over and over”.  

p.79: “Hitler read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a popular anti-Bolshevik tract in 1930’s Europe. He never failed to match denunciation with a moving appeal to National pride and a call for National Renewal. This gave his listeners the hope they were seeking and left them exalted, rather than depressed’ ”.

p.80: “Hitler welcomed violence at his speeches as this attracted those seeking excitement. He told Herman Rauschning: ‘those beaten up at my rallies are the first to apply for NSDAP membership’”.  

p. 81: “In 1921 Hitler formed the SA from such Freikorps units as the OberlandKorp, EppKorpsEhrhardt Brigade and the Einwohnerwher or Bavarian Citizen’s Militia. On 4th November, 1921, at the Hofbrauhaus, 50 SA were attacked by 500 Communists, workers from nearby factories. The SA won. Thereafter, Munich’s streets belonged to the SA.  The event was marked annually as the Saal-schlacht [hall battle]”.  

p. 82: “Organisedviolence was not incidental but central to NSDAP politics. In October 1922, the same month Mussolini became Prime Minister of Italy, Hitler and 800 SA celebrated ‘German Day’ in Koberg, then an SPD bastion. They beat off a hostile SPD-organized mob and marched twice through the town. It later became an NSDAP stronghold. SAwere a political militia unlike their rightist rivals. SA goal was to beat the Left and drive them off the streets in their strongholds, the working-class areas”.            [our emphasis]

p. 83: “Hitler agreed with Lenin: ‘the workers exist to be mobilised. They’re not a membership to be represented’. Using the above tactics, NSDAP membership rose rapidly. In June 1920 there were 1,100 NSDAP members. By early 1922, this had risen to 6,000 and in early 1923, following merger with the smaller German Socialist Party, to 20,000. By November 1923, NSDAP membership had reached 55,000”.   

p. 84: “The predominant tone of the NSDAP’s was lower middle-class: vulgar, male, beer-drinking, xenophobic, authoritarian, anti-Semitic, anti-intellectual, anti-feminist and anti-modern.

p. 85: “People did not attend Hitler’s speeches for the content but for his gift of presenting common Nationalist propaganda with a force no rivals could equal”.          [our emphasis]

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