P O Box 635 Strathpine PS Qld 4500 AUSTRALIA Phone: 61+448 187 582 australiannationalaction@yahoo.com.au
Friday, 17 August 2012
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Can Western-style democracy survive in Australia despite a deluge of non-Western migrants since the late 1970's? No. First we must define what we mean by 'democracy' & how our democracy differs from varieties found in other lands.
Christianity is the corner-stone of Western democracy.The original Greek democracy, as practiced solely in Athens, was a small club of the elite who chose their leaders by ballot & made decisions by ballot.
They still waged aggressive wars, enslaved fellow Greeks, etc. Athenians' sole difference was in the way they decided things. Interestingly, democratic Republic of Athens waged many more wars than its neighbour the hierarchical, military monarchy, Sparta.
This holds true in our times. Democracies wage many times more wars than dictatorships of either totalitarian or military type. Why?
The media in a democracy are able to whip up public sentiment & delude them into acting against what is in their best interests. This is not so in a dictatorship. There people mask their thoughts so the State is wary, even fearful, of them. It is reluctant to put weapons in their hands lest they turn on it.
Athenian-style democracy exists in many non-Western states today, especially in former Western colonies. It's possible many in these non-Western democracies are unaware how far short they fall of the ideal. What ideal?
Western Man infused the original Athenian model with Christianity. This radical religion espoused that GOD had become Man; He'd died for sinners so all may be freed from the consequences of their wrong actions; by dying GOD made Man 'right' with Him. The implication is every man may now attain equality with GOD. This implied God-value is theirs to appropriate when they 'repent' & are 'saved'.
This radical concept underlies all Western thought & action - from its wars to its missionaries. Since WWII a new idea has overtaken the formerly Christian West. Many Westerners today reject Christian values & the Christian GOD. They no longer see each individual as worthy of God's death. Instead they value each according to their wealth & status. These externals account for the so-called 'celebrities' we fill the glossy magazines & our controlled TV shows. What does nay of this have to do with mass migration?
Many of Australia's recent Arrivals are familiar with such a system & fully endorse it. Only material worth is valued. These same Arrival tell us: 'Aussies are rude & arrogant'. Why? For failing to see the Arrivals as our superiors, worth more than 'you foolish whites'. Why foolish? 'You brought us here to run your country as you're too stupid to run it yourselves!'
We told some of these Arrivals that Christian compassion motivated our governments refugee & migrant policies. They simply blinked in astonishment, this not being a concept they comprehend or endorse. How different their home countries would be if they did! But alas they flee them seeking 'a better life' but bring their debased beliefs & practices with them, creating yet another mess.
One side-effect of allowing in those who value not individuals but caste, clan or status is they devalue all else. To tell practisers of Caste segregation that a fellow worker has equal value to them purely on a professional basis is folly; to say an individual voter has the same rights as a group, clan or caste is regarded as false. Bloc-voting for their clan or caste is all they understand - not the good of the State or its peoples.
Can Western democracy survive in such a confined political space? Maybe a form of democracy, one more akin to ancient Athens with its elite rule, many wars, bondage & eventual demise. We already see 'political correctness' establishing a new dictatorship in the name of 'the greatest good for the greatest number'. Can the West survive without Christian values? No.
Christianity is the corner-stone of Western democracy.The original Greek democracy, as practiced solely in Athens, was a small club of the elite who chose their leaders by ballot & made decisions by ballot.
They still waged aggressive wars, enslaved fellow Greeks, etc. Athenians' sole difference was in the way they decided things. Interestingly, democratic Republic of Athens waged many more wars than its neighbour the hierarchical, military monarchy, Sparta.
This holds true in our times. Democracies wage many times more wars than dictatorships of either totalitarian or military type. Why?
The media in a democracy are able to whip up public sentiment & delude them into acting against what is in their best interests. This is not so in a dictatorship. There people mask their thoughts so the State is wary, even fearful, of them. It is reluctant to put weapons in their hands lest they turn on it.
Athenian-style democracy exists in many non-Western states today, especially in former Western colonies. It's possible many in these non-Western democracies are unaware how far short they fall of the ideal. What ideal?
Western Man infused the original Athenian model with Christianity. This radical religion espoused that GOD had become Man; He'd died for sinners so all may be freed from the consequences of their wrong actions; by dying GOD made Man 'right' with Him. The implication is every man may now attain equality with GOD. This implied God-value is theirs to appropriate when they 'repent' & are 'saved'.
This radical concept underlies all Western thought & action - from its wars to its missionaries. Since WWII a new idea has overtaken the formerly Christian West. Many Westerners today reject Christian values & the Christian GOD. They no longer see each individual as worthy of God's death. Instead they value each according to their wealth & status. These externals account for the so-called 'celebrities' we fill the glossy magazines & our controlled TV shows. What does nay of this have to do with mass migration?
Many of Australia's recent Arrivals are familiar with such a system & fully endorse it. Only material worth is valued. These same Arrival tell us: 'Aussies are rude & arrogant'. Why? For failing to see the Arrivals as our superiors, worth more than 'you foolish whites'. Why foolish? 'You brought us here to run your country as you're too stupid to run it yourselves!'
We told some of these Arrivals that Christian compassion motivated our governments refugee & migrant policies. They simply blinked in astonishment, this not being a concept they comprehend or endorse. How different their home countries would be if they did! But alas they flee them seeking 'a better life' but bring their debased beliefs & practices with them, creating yet another mess.
One side-effect of allowing in those who value not individuals but caste, clan or status is they devalue all else. To tell practisers of Caste segregation that a fellow worker has equal value to them purely on a professional basis is folly; to say an individual voter has the same rights as a group, clan or caste is regarded as false. Bloc-voting for their clan or caste is all they understand - not the good of the State or its peoples.
Can Western democracy survive in such a confined political space? Maybe a form of democracy, one more akin to ancient Athens with its elite rule, many wars, bondage & eventual demise. We already see 'political correctness' establishing a new dictatorship in the name of 'the greatest good for the greatest number'. Can the West survive without Christian values? No.
BBC World Service 6am Wodensday 27 Juno 2012:
"South African President Jacob Zuma told today's ANC conference: 'the willing seller/willing buyer' system is too slow & is costing too much' [much applause]. He has shied away from nationalisation [forced sales with little or no compensation] but commentators have not. One said: 'BEE [Affirmative Action] has failed. It ended in croneyism. All the new positions created went to the ANC's friends'. After 18 years many ask if the ANC government has run out of puff. 18 years after Apartheid all power & wealth remains in white hands. The only alternative is to copy Brother Mugabe's 'land grab' ".
This foolish reporter ignores reality. Why does 'the wealth stay in white hands'? It is thanks to them, through their intelligence & a will to work, that the wealth exists at all.
It is said: 'a cat may look at a king'. This old proverb applies well today to Africa & Africans. Till now Australia could ignore the whining of these inveterate malingerers but as the ALP now imports 100,000 per year it is essential we see these failed fools for what they are, despite their begging bowls.
A long way from the imagined ills of Apartheid or the chains of the American South the negroid black remains stupid & poor. Only those blinded by ideology cannot see this is genetic & unalterable. Look at the Caribbean. Freed of white rule in the 1960's it is now a basket-case. Look at Haiti. In 1803, under white rule, Haiti was the richest country in South America. Today it is the poorest.
Logic? Fools can't rule. We appeal to Afrikaaners: follow the example of the Portuguese in Angola. Destroy what you can then migrate to Australia. Let Zuma & Co starve. No more compassion for these carrion.
"South African President Jacob Zuma told today's ANC conference: 'the willing seller/willing buyer' system is too slow & is costing too much' [much applause]. He has shied away from nationalisation [forced sales with little or no compensation] but commentators have not. One said: 'BEE [Affirmative Action] has failed. It ended in croneyism. All the new positions created went to the ANC's friends'. After 18 years many ask if the ANC government has run out of puff. 18 years after Apartheid all power & wealth remains in white hands. The only alternative is to copy Brother Mugabe's 'land grab' ".
This foolish reporter ignores reality. Why does 'the wealth stay in white hands'? It is thanks to them, through their intelligence & a will to work, that the wealth exists at all.
It is said: 'a cat may look at a king'. This old proverb applies well today to Africa & Africans. Till now Australia could ignore the whining of these inveterate malingerers but as the ALP now imports 100,000 per year it is essential we see these failed fools for what they are, despite their begging bowls.
A long way from the imagined ills of Apartheid or the chains of the American South the negroid black remains stupid & poor. Only those blinded by ideology cannot see this is genetic & unalterable. Look at the Caribbean. Freed of white rule in the 1960's it is now a basket-case. Look at Haiti. In 1803, under white rule, Haiti was the richest country in South America. Today it is the poorest.
Logic? Fools can't rule. We appeal to Afrikaaners: follow the example of the Portuguese in Angola. Destroy what you can then migrate to Australia. Let Zuma & Co starve. No more compassion for these carrion.
BBC World Service 5am Tuisday 24 Jlui 2012:
"The allleged Colroado shooter James Homes today appeared in court. With flaming red hair he seemed to sleep at times to stare striathg ahead. At the time of his arrest he told police: 'I'm the Joker!' the Batman's arch-nemesis".
This individual is suffering from a dis-associative disorder i.e. he thinks he is a cartoon character. Why was such a mental patient allowed to roam free?
Because that is the liberal/Left attitude towards mental illness. Since the 1960's they have closed the lock-up wards; force the mentally ill back into 'society' where 'the community' is expected to care for them.
What 'community'? The same one the liberal/Left have worked so hard at atomising with their ill-conceived, corrosive social policies. The sad fact is James Holmes is one of thousands - maybe millions - of mentally ill out there. All are walking time-bombs.
This is no accident. It is a direct result of deliberate policy decisions. The same BBC report spoke to a Colorado gun-range operator. They tried but failed to trick him into saying: 'guns kill people & should be banned'.
Do human lives matter? Then why not ban abortion? On the same day James Holmes killed 12 in Aurora CO, 4,000 babies were slaughtered across America by their own mothers. Legally. Was that in the news? No.
Because it suits the Left media agenda to accept such butchery as 'normal'. We've been brain-washed to think the mutilation of the unborn is 'a women's right'. Well, maybe James Holmes had a 'right' to butcher as well.
Are you worried America is in decline? Think that GOD may be fighting against & not for them? You're right. He is. When someone like James Holmes, a product with 'Made in Hollywood' stamped on his forehead, is big news yet 4,000 murdering mothers DAILY is not then only a just GOD can reap the righteous reward such an EVIL society deserves.
As for Hollywood's role in all this they will no doubt deny any blame. 'We only market our product to responsible, sane, individuals' they always say. Well, Sollywood - any who've drunk long & deep of your bilge won't stay sane or responsible for long. Sollywood, America deserves you.
"The allleged Colroado shooter James Homes today appeared in court. With flaming red hair he seemed to sleep at times to stare striathg ahead. At the time of his arrest he told police: 'I'm the Joker!' the Batman's arch-nemesis".
This individual is suffering from a dis-associative disorder i.e. he thinks he is a cartoon character. Why was such a mental patient allowed to roam free?
Because that is the liberal/Left attitude towards mental illness. Since the 1960's they have closed the lock-up wards; force the mentally ill back into 'society' where 'the community' is expected to care for them.
What 'community'? The same one the liberal/Left have worked so hard at atomising with their ill-conceived, corrosive social policies. The sad fact is James Holmes is one of thousands - maybe millions - of mentally ill out there. All are walking time-bombs.
This is no accident. It is a direct result of deliberate policy decisions. The same BBC report spoke to a Colorado gun-range operator. They tried but failed to trick him into saying: 'guns kill people & should be banned'.
Do human lives matter? Then why not ban abortion? On the same day James Holmes killed 12 in Aurora CO, 4,000 babies were slaughtered across America by their own mothers. Legally. Was that in the news? No.
Because it suits the Left media agenda to accept such butchery as 'normal'. We've been brain-washed to think the mutilation of the unborn is 'a women's right'. Well, maybe James Holmes had a 'right' to butcher as well.
Are you worried America is in decline? Think that GOD may be fighting against & not for them? You're right. He is. When someone like James Holmes, a product with 'Made in Hollywood' stamped on his forehead, is big news yet 4,000 murdering mothers DAILY is not then only a just GOD can reap the righteous reward such an EVIL society deserves.
As for Hollywood's role in all this they will no doubt deny any blame. 'We only market our product to responsible, sane, individuals' they always say. Well, Sollywood - any who've drunk long & deep of your bilge won't stay sane or responsible for long. Sollywood, America deserves you.
Saturday, 23 June 2012
BBC World Service 3am Solday 24 Juno 2012:
"Syrian TV has shown the path of the Turkish Air Force F4 that it shot down. Is course appeared to be meandering. It left Northern Cyprus & approached the coast low & fast. It was one km off the coast when it was fired upon. It crashed 10km from the coast. Syria & Turkey are conducting a joint search for the pilot. Hopes are not held he will be found alive".
Are several possibilities here. Turkey, Qatar & the IDF have been running Spec Ops into Syria since Mars 2011. They hope for a repeat of their success in Libya 2011 & Kosovo 1999. It has not happened so far.
US needs to eliminate Syria as a transhipment point for arms to Hezbollah in South Lebanon & HAMAS in Gaza, both enemies of the US's Masters. Syria is also an ally of Iran. Removing Syria from stable rule, as in Libya, would allow US proxies a free hand in another land.
Iran already faces 50,000 US troops on its border with Iraq & 110, 000 US troops ready to invade from Afghanistan. Yes, that is why the US invaded both in 2001 & 2003. With Syria gone that leaves only Russia to save Iran.
What's the US long-term strategy? To fulfil its Masters plan, the 'Project For A New American Century'. Rejected by Bibi Netanyahu in 1994 & Bill Clinton in 1998 it was OK'ed by Geo W. Bush in 2000. Its goal: 'to rewrite the borders of the Ottoman Empire' (sic) but to 'do it right' this time.
What has Turkey to gain from unrest in Syria? Several things. Turkey wants to 'be on the right side of history' so does not oppose the US's Masters. It got a taste of the cold shoulder in 2009 when its Peace Fleet was attacked by the IDF. Worldwide condemnation of Turkey & media hate-campaign aims at it, not the IDF, shocked the Turkish government. Saw reality for first time.
Turkey's ruling party is semi-Islamist & fears being lumped in with other US foes by its media-owning Masters. Turks saw how easily the Masters media monopoly legitimised the illegal overthrow & murder of both Saddam Hussein in Iraq & Qadafi in Libya. To be an Enemy is to be a target. To avoid Turks began to 'rebuild the Ottoman Empire' as a Zone of Influence e.g. in Bosnia & Somalia but must adhere to US wishes in other areas.
After Turkey was twice rejected from the entering the EU its leaders 'turned East' instead. They seek to use 'soft diplomacy' - cultural imperialism, aid & scholarships similar to the Germany's Goethe Institute, to promote themselves as some sort of Third World role-model. In this they compete with China & India so are at a disadvantage. Is logical they start with their former colonies in North Africa, the Middle East & Central-Eastern Europe.
Was it an F4 or a US drone aircraft? Why use an F4, a plane that first flew in 1964? Turkey has many F4's. Being a poor country its military are dependent on US & German second-hand materials. But a variant of F4 flown by the US out of Rammstein AFB, Germany is an intel-gathering aircraft.
It possible the F4 in question was a simply testing Syrian air defence capacity. US was doing something similar in 1980 when probes by a KC135 along the Russian coast provoked the Red Air Force into shooting down a passing Korean airliner by mistake.
US technology is such that they can now 'sweep up' all radio, telephone & electronic communications as they fly along one's coast. They obtain computer access codes, passwords, etc. just as Google-earth recently admitted doing during its worldwide efforts to photograph everyone's homes. US did this in Chinese waters several years ago when two PAF Migs forced a USAF PC3 down. China had repeatedly warned the US to halt such flights. How do we not know the Syrians have not warned NATO to stop as well?
Was the goal of this plane to provoke a war between Turkey & Syria? NATO would then be drawn in as Turkey could invoke its 'collective defence' strategy as it attempted to do after the IDF assaulted their Peace Fleet.
Many in the US would be happy to see such a war. As in 1980 when asked what he disliked about the Iran-Iraq War Henry Kissinger said: 'only one of them can lose'. In 1990 Geo Bush reversed this. Soon both will be US satraps, an idea Turkey will understand & wish to avoid.
"Syrian TV has shown the path of the Turkish Air Force F4 that it shot down. Is course appeared to be meandering. It left Northern Cyprus & approached the coast low & fast. It was one km off the coast when it was fired upon. It crashed 10km from the coast. Syria & Turkey are conducting a joint search for the pilot. Hopes are not held he will be found alive".
Are several possibilities here. Turkey, Qatar & the IDF have been running Spec Ops into Syria since Mars 2011. They hope for a repeat of their success in Libya 2011 & Kosovo 1999. It has not happened so far.
US needs to eliminate Syria as a transhipment point for arms to Hezbollah in South Lebanon & HAMAS in Gaza, both enemies of the US's Masters. Syria is also an ally of Iran. Removing Syria from stable rule, as in Libya, would allow US proxies a free hand in another land.
Iran already faces 50,000 US troops on its border with Iraq & 110, 000 US troops ready to invade from Afghanistan. Yes, that is why the US invaded both in 2001 & 2003. With Syria gone that leaves only Russia to save Iran.
What's the US long-term strategy? To fulfil its Masters plan, the 'Project For A New American Century'. Rejected by Bibi Netanyahu in 1994 & Bill Clinton in 1998 it was OK'ed by Geo W. Bush in 2000. Its goal: 'to rewrite the borders of the Ottoman Empire' (sic) but to 'do it right' this time.
What has Turkey to gain from unrest in Syria? Several things. Turkey wants to 'be on the right side of history' so does not oppose the US's Masters. It got a taste of the cold shoulder in 2009 when its Peace Fleet was attacked by the IDF. Worldwide condemnation of Turkey & media hate-campaign aims at it, not the IDF, shocked the Turkish government. Saw reality for first time.
Turkey's ruling party is semi-Islamist & fears being lumped in with other US foes by its media-owning Masters. Turks saw how easily the Masters media monopoly legitimised the illegal overthrow & murder of both Saddam Hussein in Iraq & Qadafi in Libya. To be an Enemy is to be a target. To avoid Turks began to 'rebuild the Ottoman Empire' as a Zone of Influence e.g. in Bosnia & Somalia but must adhere to US wishes in other areas.
After Turkey was twice rejected from the entering the EU its leaders 'turned East' instead. They seek to use 'soft diplomacy' - cultural imperialism, aid & scholarships similar to the Germany's Goethe Institute, to promote themselves as some sort of Third World role-model. In this they compete with China & India so are at a disadvantage. Is logical they start with their former colonies in North Africa, the Middle East & Central-Eastern Europe.
Was it an F4 or a US drone aircraft? Why use an F4, a plane that first flew in 1964? Turkey has many F4's. Being a poor country its military are dependent on US & German second-hand materials. But a variant of F4 flown by the US out of Rammstein AFB, Germany is an intel-gathering aircraft.
It possible the F4 in question was a simply testing Syrian air defence capacity. US was doing something similar in 1980 when probes by a KC135 along the Russian coast provoked the Red Air Force into shooting down a passing Korean airliner by mistake.
US technology is such that they can now 'sweep up' all radio, telephone & electronic communications as they fly along one's coast. They obtain computer access codes, passwords, etc. just as Google-earth recently admitted doing during its worldwide efforts to photograph everyone's homes. US did this in Chinese waters several years ago when two PAF Migs forced a USAF PC3 down. China had repeatedly warned the US to halt such flights. How do we not know the Syrians have not warned NATO to stop as well?
Was the goal of this plane to provoke a war between Turkey & Syria? NATO would then be drawn in as Turkey could invoke its 'collective defence' strategy as it attempted to do after the IDF assaulted their Peace Fleet.
Many in the US would be happy to see such a war. As in 1980 when asked what he disliked about the Iran-Iraq War Henry Kissinger said: 'only one of them can lose'. In 1990 Geo Bush reversed this. Soon both will be US satraps, an idea Turkey will understand & wish to avoid.
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