Friday, 31 May 2013

SECRET '3,500 km wide corridor' to be WHITE-FREE ZONE?

home | news | a stunning accomplishment at southern tanami
A Stunning Accomplishment at Southern Tanami
A huge new Indigenous Protected Area is Australia's largest protected area on land, and the Conservancy is helping to manage it.  10.15 million hectares. 
That’s a huge area of land, roughly 1.3 times bigger than Tasmania.
It also happens to be the size of Southern Tanami Indigenous Protected Area (IPA), Australia’s newest—and largest—land reserve.
In July 2012, The Nature Conservancy helped announce the launch of the IPA alongside the Central Land Council and government representatives from Australia’s National Reserve System. The Conservancy will support the Traditional Owners—mostly Warlpiri speakers—who will continue to live on their country and oversee day-to-day operations of Southern Tanami IPA.
“We’re incredibly proud to be involved with the Southern Tanami IPA declaration,” Dr Michael Looker, director of the Conservancy in Australia, says. “It’s an honor to support Traditional Owners across the Tanami as they seek to manage Warlpiri country, and we’re excited to work with them to care for their country in ways that protect its cultural and natural heritage.” 
The People's Choice   The decision to declare this expanse of the Tanami desert as an IPA ultimately comes from the Warlpiri people. The land’s Traditional Owners have managed it sustainably for thousands of years, and, working alongside Indigenous Warlpiri Rangers, they will continue to care for their country as custodians of the IPA.
It’s an area of immense conservation significance. Over 70 types of birds call this area of the Tanami desert home; so do roughly 100 reptile species, as well as threatened, uniquely Australian species such as the bilby, great desert skink and princess parrot.
But European settlement disrupted the region’s ecological balance. “In the past our old people looked after country and kept it strong,” Madeleine Napangardi Dixon, senior Warlpiri ranger, says. “Now there are new problems coming in, like weeds, feral animals and big wildfires.” 
Lending a Hand 
Fighting those threats will require both Indigenous knowledge and conservation science, which is why the Conservancy will support the Central Land Council Warlpiri rangers to manage the reserve. The Conservancy is contributing $500k toward the management of Southern Tanami IPA, including paying the salaries of some of the Warlpiri rangers who’ll be looking after the reserve, and we’ll offer ongoing advice on the IPA’s management through sitting on its advisory committee.
On the ground, we’ll help guide fire management activities facilitated by the Central Land Council's Fire Officer that forestall dangerous late-season wildfires through prescribed on-ground and aerial burns and also potentially create financial benefits for Indigenous communities under Australia’s new carbon trading guidelines. The Conservancy will also assist with limiting feral species and tracking threatened wildlife, including species such as the mulgara—a small, carnivorous marsupial.
The Conservancy’s support for Southern Tanami IPA is an extension of its long-standing commitment to the IPA concept, which is a robust model for both furthering the rights and livelihood opportunities of Traditional Owners and protecting ecologically important lands. In 2009, we helped establish the Warddeken and Djelk IPAs in Arnhem Land, and Dr Looker sits on the IPA subcommittee of the National Reserve System’s Indigenous Advisory Committee. 
Linking Up  The Southern Tanami IPA will protect important pieces of the Northern Territory’s natural legacy. Included in the reserve are much of Lake Mackay—Australia’s second-largest lake—and an enormous swath of the Tanami Desert. The IPA will link a variety of habitats that includes deserts and savannas, giving plant and animal species the space they need to maneuver around threats like wildfires and climate change.
The IPA will also link existing reserves. Southern Tanami IPA is a crucial piece of the Trans-Australia Eco-Link, an ambitious project seeking to create a 3,500-kilometre corridor of land managed for conservation. When completed, the Eco-Link will stretch from Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory to Port Augusta in South Australia, making it the largest conservation corridor initiative in the world. 
“That Southern Tanami IPA fills in another piece of what’s becoming a continent-spanning conservation corridor just adds to its significance,” Looker says. “This new protected area is immensely important—for Australia, for its wildlife and for its people.”          Copyright © 2013 The Nature Conservancy
Did anyone hear about this in the media? Yet more of Australia barred to whites by Abos and their alien handlers. During the past week we had Eddy McGuire accused of racism and a 13 y.o. white girl threatened by Adam Goodes(sic), a footy player for calling him an ‘ape’. But no mention that Goodes’ racial kin were stealing 10 million hectares from Australia’s whites  – and for whose use? Did you KNOW of the ‘3,500 km wide corridor’ from the North to South i.e. cutting Australia in half, severing East from West. Not heard of it? Turn off your TV and wake up to REALITY! 

Saturday, 25 May 2013

STORM 116 Mai 2013

No. 116                      Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action                      Mai 2013
STORM, printed in the national interest, is an information source only. ANA accept no responsibility for actions inferred or implied.
STORM gets information from ‘insiders’, SCUTTLEBUTT. We can’t confirm their stories. Here’s the latest:
KITCHEN HAND @23.8.2012 at a Queensland government health facility:
“this new [Liberal National Party] government hires only Filipinos. There’s now a 6 to1 ratio of them to us whites here. They gang up on [white] Aussies, arrogant know-it-alls! They back-stab us. They get us ‘out’ so they can get more ‘relatives’ on the payroll”.

ANTI-RACIST DOCTOR @ 24.8.2012: A Pakistani doctor contacted us:
“I started my training in the UK, BUT as a nurse. The racism! all from fellow trainees. They’d say: ‘go home, Paki!’ behind my back. One night I came back to my dormitory on campus to find someone’d wiped their bottom and stuck the poo-paper to my door. After 18 months of that I transferred from nursing to doctor training, instead. My Dad’s Pakistani, my Mum is Dutch.

I arrived in committed to combating racism. The system here asks: ‘are you Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?’ but never ‘are you Asian? And it should! We too have significant cultural differences. I’m actively pushing for it [Muslim-only hospitals?]

I worked in the British mental health system; they were closing down all the bid ‘looney-bins’. One  had 2,500 beds. It was huge! But empty. All were ‘sent into the community’ without any funding to cover them. We could only detain those we did for six months. Even then we could only hold them with agreement of two doctors plus a social worker. And that had to be reviewed every six months”.    

DVD Review: Coriolanus 2011 (2011) (155 minutes)
Hermetof films, BBC Films, Lonely Dragon Films & Icon Films.
Produced & directed by Ralph Fiennes. Written by John Logan. Starring Ralph Fiennes, Gerard Butler, Vanessa Redgrave. Based on a play by William Shakespeare.

RF plays a Roman general who, though victorious in war, is a poor politician. Gets himself banished from Rome for life by more cunning political rivals. Out for revenge, he allies with Rome’s worst enemies. He leads them to victory, but as they are about to begin the final assault his wife, mother & son arrive from Rome beseeching him to halt. He does. His allies then turn on him and kill him.

Ralph Fiennes is the second former Harry Potter star who’s gone on to produce his own film. The other was Jason Isaacs(J) who played Harry Potter’s Lucius Malfoy. We predict this film will not make a profit. The public, too dumbed-down, cannot comprehend Shakespeare, least ways not the bulk of his work. In the 1980’s BBCTV, under a Conservative government, filmed all 27 of his plays. Not just his 13 ‘popular’ plays but his 14 lesser known, unpopular ones as well. Coriolanus is one of the latter. 

The valiant BBC effort made plain why the 14 are rarely seen. They are too wordy, with little action, are illogical or just have a very unpleasant lead character - like Coriolanus. Shakespeare’s brilliant writing cannot redeem so proud and foolish a character as Coriolanus. He’s simply too unlikeable.  

Channel Nine Opening Ceremony London Olympics 6.08am Saturnsday 28 Juli 2012 (240 minutes):
Opens with traditional Anglican hymn New Jerusalem. Mentions ‘a green & pleasant land’. Is a idyll to the 19th century vision of England as a British Israelite ‘heaven on earth’ embodied in the British Empires. But the rural picture portrayed here was very different. 20% of the actors were Blacks or Indians. Dresses as English peasants, emerging from thatched cottages, dancing ‘round maypoles, etc. It was ill and odd.

These then observe actor/director Kenneth Branagh and forty men, again 20% Black or Indian, appears as early Industrialists. The mixed-race crowd of peasants watch the mixed-race industrialists begin worshipping a large tree atop a forty-foot high mound. The ‘New Jerusalem’? Irony is the ‘green pleasant land’ was white/Christian not alien/heathen but has since been overrun. The all-white success of then is today’s mulatto nightmare.

Most of the audience will be unaware of this. Around their tree, Kenneth Branagh delivers a speech by Isobard Kingdom Brunel(J), a famous 19th Century engineer. When KB finishes his spiel the ‘tree’ (Ydrasil, the Odinist tree of knowledge?) rises. From underneath dozens of miners emerge.

Next, choirs are shown from the British regions. The first, the London Stadium Choir, was politically correct, i.e.25% African or Indian but choirs from Ireland & Wales were 100% white. Even the Scots only manage one African child out of forty. I guess you just can’t fake talent. It struck us then: what was missing from this ‘pageant of English History’? Any mention of a Cross or Christianity. The tree should have been a Cross. 

How easily 1900 years of faith are erased by these New World Order tyros. We gaped, forlorn. Over four hours the scene only grew ‘darker’ with no mention of what made England great: GOD & the white RACE. Later, on BBC Talkback Radio, Britons were asked what they had hoped for from ‘their Games’. Many said: ‘unity: that’s what London needs now’, meaning since the previous four-day long London riots. But those riots were a direct result of the race-mixing ‘multi culture’ now being promoted in every Western country. This pageant alleged England has always been mixed-race. Can any good come from such lies?

DVD REVIEW: Machine Gun Preacher 129 minutes (2011).
Playtone Productions for Universal Pictures. Director Marc Foster, producer Rob Brenner. Stars Gerard Butler. Based on true events.
MGP is about an ex-biker & ex-drug peddler turned Pentecostal minister, Sam Childers [Butler]. He builds an orphanage in Uganda but Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army have other ideas. What lead up to this? Saved from a life of crime this self-taught builder  builds himself a church then, in lieu of a trained minister, begins to preach himself. As he doesn’t know how a minister is supposed to act, he simply lives out the pure message of the Gospels. 

When he saw people hungry, he organizes a soup kitchen. When he saw homeless folk, he gets his church to house them. When he saw a wrong, he sought to right it. On a trip to Africa to visit a missionary friend he encounters the LRA. True to form, the gun-loving redneck Sam grabs an AK47 and some spare ammo and takes off to hunt them. Years later, he’s still chasing Kony. This film shows a muscular Christianity we thought we’d lost in the 19th century, sold out by Liberalism in seminaries and pulpits. This film is an inspiration for those who say the 21st century Church has ‘lost its way’. We highly recommend it.  

Ezra Pound was a literary genius. Although American he settled in Fascist Italy before WWII & remained through-out the War. After the war he was imprisoned by the US military. To avoid an embarrassing war crimes trial for ‘aiding and abetting the enemy’ EP was declared criminally insane & kept in a mental hospital for the rest of his life.
Following quotation is from America’s greatest fascist poet/philosopher: (Pound, Ezra. America, Roosevelt & the Causes of the Present War. 1944, Vienna). 
“The monopoly of money or the restriction of its circulation is merely a variation. The simple fall into the trap. Wars are provoked deliberately by great usurers to create debt & scarcity so they can extort interest on debt & raise the price of money, raising & lowering the price of food completely indifferent to their victims, civilization or culture heritage”.
1st Juno 1962: SS Colonel Adolf Eichmann [SS No. 45326. NSDAP member No. 889-895]
murdered, Occupied Palestine.
2 Juno 1924: US Congress grants citizenship to Native Americans (‘American Indians’).
2 Juno 1964: Palestine Liberation Organisation founded.
3 Juno 1992: Australian High Court passes Mabo ruling granting Abos 100% of Australia.
3 Juno 1863: Battle of Cold Harbor, VA. Federalists lose 7,000 troops in 60 minutes.
4 Juno 1989: PLA troops suppress US-funded student Uprising, Tian An Men Square, Beijing.
5 Juno 1967: IDF sneak attack on three Arab States. ‘Six Day War’ lasts till 10th Juno 1967.
5 Juno 1968: Robert F. Kennedy shot by Palestinian over 20 year-long Israeli Occupation.
6 Juno 1859: Queensland separates from NSW Colony: a new white nation is born.
6 Juno 1944: US/UK Capitalist-funded armies attack Fascist-led United Europe, based in Berlin.
6 Juno 1945: Rost van Toningen, Dutch wartime co-leader, murdered in prison.
8 Juno 1942: Japanese submarines shell Newcastle (NSW) and Sydney (NSW).
10 Juno 1945: Australian Imperial Forces [Aust. Army] attack Imperial Japanese Army positions, North Borneo. Battle lasts till 15 August 1945 resulting in 114 AIF KIA & 221 WIA.
814 am, 11 Juno 2001: 33 year old Timothy McVeigh, murdered for Oklahoma Bombing.
13 Juno 1996: 18 Montana Freeman militia surrender after 81-day siege by FBI, et al.
13 Juno 323 BC. 33 year old Alexander the Great dies.
13 Juno 1381: Watt Tyler Revolt by English peasants begins.
13 Juno 1900: Boxer Rebellion begins against ‘foreign rule’. Manchus divert into ‘anti-Westernism’.
16 Juno 2002: Israel begins a 700km protective ‘Wall’ to segregate settlers from Palestinians.
17 Juno 1960: Francis P. Yockey, author of Imperium, murdered in San Francisco prison.
20 Juno 1944: French nationalist Philippe Henriot murdered by agents of foreign Capital.
22 Juno 1941: Three million West Europeans enter Ost Europa to liberate it from Bolshevism.
26 Juno 1862: Robert E. Lee begins ‘Seven Days Campaign’, losing 77,000 of 97,000 men.
[A breech of ‘Jeroboam/Rehoboam Pact’ in I Kings 12.21-24 thus dooming South to defeat].
28 Juno 1914: Gavrilo Princip begins WWI by murdering Austrian heir to the throne.
28 Juno 1389: Turks conquer Serbian Kosovo.
30 Juno 1861: Lambing Flats riots (NSW), Whites vs Chinese over mining rights.

FREE DOWNLOADS: we encourage those receiving STORM by mail to send their e-mail addresses so they may receive STORM by e-mail. Folk may then forward it to their friends around the world. We have FREE downloads with each issue including ANA flyers. Our ‘blogspot’ carries back issues of STORM plus ANA flyers. Feel free to run a White Nationalist campaign in your area. Simply download ANA material.

P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia   phone 07 3205 8543

N&INS August 2012

Nationalist & Inter-Nationalist News Service
August 2012
N&INS is published in the National Interest. N&INS accept no liability for information provided or any actions taken.
BBC World Service c/- 936AM 5am Solday 6 Novembis 2011 (50 minutes):
Interview with author Noah Richler(J).
“I examine the role of the novel in European cultural conquest & domination of the Third World. A young Ghanaian writer angrily lamented to me: ‘if we’d the novel, instead of the oral story-telling tradition, we’d have defeated any colonial invader’. This seems strong language but not after we examine the rival world-views present.
A Canadian Native American leader explained: ‘in oral tradition the community is emphasized, not the individual. In the novel it is the individual who’s most important. He gets the girl, gains the throne, gets the prize. Community interests are ignored. In our tradition the hunter asks permission of the moose to kill it, and it must be killed in the right way with elaborate ritual preparation’. In short, the oral tradition has a community cooperating to work with nature, not against it. In the novel the hero confronts nature & defeats it.
Norman Deutsch(J) in his book Brain Plasticity said:
 ‘thoughts follow paths, like a skier down a slope. They create paths that each new thought then follows which become habits of thought. We now know the brain can regenerate damaged areas. Thoughts are not limited to one area of the brain. When irreparably damaged, other areas ‘take over’ the damaged areas’ function’.
Some call science fiction, a creation purely of the West, ‘speculative fiction’. Sci-fi writer Ray Bradbury said:
‘sci-fi is a short-hand way of dealing with the long-hand problems of the world’.
Steven Pinker(J) in his book How the Brain Works says:
‘novels are a series of thought experiments’ i.e. novels allowed Europeans to imagine a world different from the one they inhabited. How’s this differ from Third World experiences? There oral tales emphasize continuity, not change. When confronted by modern foes, like Europeans with modern arms & technology, traditional societies could neither compete or even compute a way of reacting”.
[The result? Fractured societies in all neo-colonial states whether Abos in Australia, Maoris in NZ, ‘native Americans’ in the US or Canada or just the average African no matter where he lives. Third Worlders are not lazy, just unable to adapt. We prefer to call ‘white Christian’ what Richler sees as ‘European’. It was the Christian GOD who gave Adam dominion over the earth. GOD made individuals. It was traditionalist Third Worlders, even when Christianised, who continue to hide their collective incapacity behind group conformity. Whites are encouraged to celebrate success and admit their failures. Non-whites are not. However, some, like the Green Party seek a Third World model for the West, a return to pre-white/Christian communalism. RE].      

BBC World Service c/- Classic FM 101.4FM 8am Solday 6 Novembis 2011:
“100 people have been killed by the Nigerian Islamist group Boko Harum in the NE town of Damantura(?). Eyewitnesses say a suicide bomber destroyed the HQ of a special police unit tasked with ‘hunting down’ Boko Harum militants. Gunmen then allegedly wandered at will for several hours attacking churches and a bank with guns & grenades”.
[Un-armed populace is at the mercy of killers. RE].

P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia    Ph.  07 3205 8543

Thursday, 2 May 2013

N&INS Juno 2012

Nationalist & Internationalist News Service            Juno 2012
N&INS is printed in the national interest. N&INS accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred & is an information source only.

BBC World Service Its a Dog’s Life’ 7am Solday 10 Juno 2012 (30 minutes): Reporter Roland Burke: 
“Many Japanese now have pets instead of children. Japan’s National Institute of Population Research’s Junichi Takao says Japan’s population is to fall from 128 million to 43 million in next 100 years. Why? Statistics show 32% of young men ‘hate sex’ as they fear women will reject them. This is because 10 million still live at home due to the economic collapse of Japan since 1997. They have little money for entertainment. 

60% of women in the reproductive cohort (aged 25-45) are unmarried; 70% of these say they do not even have a boyfriend. In Japan births are still confined to marriage so no marriage means no births. Yet 48% of married couples surveyed say they don’t have sex as they are ‘too tired’ & ‘bored’. 60% of women quit work after having kids as employers are not child-friendly. Women are forced to choose career or to be a housewife so many are staging a ‘baby-strike’. 

Many complain the cost of raising children in Japan is too high, yet dog funerals cost US$8,000. Annual membership at dog swimming pools is US$6,000. Most show more grief for death of dogs than for parents. Dogs have their own Buddhist temples where they can be buried. These recommend one should ‘cry one day for parents; one week for your dog’. NIPR’s Junichi Takao says: ‘following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster we expect another sharp decline in births as people say they see the world as increasingly unsafe’ ”.  

 Channel Nine 60 Minutes 7.30pm Solday 10 Juno 2012 (30 minutes):  
“Matthew Milat, nephew of infamous Belanglo Forest serial killer Ivan Milat was this week sentenced to 43 years gaol for the torture & murder of a random acquaintance. He used a home-made, medieval axe. His co-accused Cohen Klein(J) filmed the entire event on his cell phone. It was this evidence which was crucial in convicting Matthew Milat. It recorded how Cohen had continually urged Milat on, to torture & kill his victim, a mutual friend. We spoke to a group of local youths. They testified that one month before the murder MM [& CK?] had approached them inviting ‘one of us’ to accompany them into the Forest. They’d all declined. ‘It coulda been any one of uz!’ they all exclaimed”.

BBC World Service 3am Solday 24 Juno 2012: 
Reporter Jonathan Head (J): “Syria admits it shot down a Turkish Air Force F4. They say it was one km off their coast, traveling very fast & low. Turkey denies this. The Turkish public expect a sudden & dramatic move by their government, as in the past. This will not happen this time”. Reporter Jim Muir: “Syrian TV showed the coause of the plane, which took off from Northern Cyprus. It was meandering & erratic”. [a US spy plane? CIA drone? RE]

“60 killed so far this month in Sitwai(?), Rackin(?) State, Western Burma, by anti-Muslim violence. The state borders Bangladesh. The violence follows the rape & murder of a Buddhist woman. Ten Muslim men were killed in reprisal”.       

Reporter Mark Lowen(J): “Greek government demands concessions from EU over the strict austerity measures. If it wins none it could face a voter-backlash at home. The Greek Prime Minister is absent, undergoing eye surgery. The Greek Finance Minister suffered a physical collapse; some say it came after he looked at the ‘books.’ " 

Channel Seven News 6.25pm Thorsday 29 Augustus 2012:
New Orleans [white] Mayor Mick Laideau: “We’ve spent US$14 billion in the past seven years strengthening the levy banks since Hurricane Katrina [2005] and today [Hurricane Isaac]. Reporter: “today is the seventh anniversary” [why not spend US$14 billion the move the city to higher ground? RE]  

5am BBC World Service Frigasday 31 Augustus 2012: 
Reporter Nomsun Oseiko: “270 miners at the Marakana platinum mine [in South Africa] have been charged with ‘common purpose’ to murder police by the National Prosecution Authority. That is they formed armed groups to kill police. What surprised many was even the 34 miners killed by police have been listed as ‘suspects.’ ”  

“The Anglican Bishop of Jos [Northern Nigeria, a Muslim zone] says attacks by Islamist group Boko Harum are religious not political as many in Nigeria are claiming”.   

“The Angolan Opposition has accused the ruling MPLA and its Electoral Commission of ‘stealing’ the recent election, only the second since the civil war ended”.

SBSTV Who do you think you are? 7.30pm Tuisday 4 Septembis 2012 (50 minutes):
“Your ancestor was Deputy-Governor of New York State when the Negro Revolt began in 1741. 20% of the colony’s population was Negroid. There began a series of arson attacks. These continued for two years. Your ancestor worked out a solution. The ring leaders were caught and hanged via paid informants. Some slaves were even freed”.     

SBSTV Lost World – Battle Castle 7.30pm Solday 4 Octobis 2012 (50 minutes):
Produced by Shaw Media, BBC & Parallax for Discovery Channel, Canada 2012. Series producer Merjo Levo. 
“In 1488 there remained only one Muslim stronghold in Spain - Malaga. The 9,000 Muslim defenders were besieged by Ferdinand and Isabella’s combined armies of 70,000 troops from Aragon and Castille”. 

Channel Nine Morning Show News 920am Moonday 22 Octobis 2012: 
Twilight trilogy of films earned US$2 billion at box office. The fourth film, Break of Dawn, is released today”. 

BBC World Service 1230hours Saturnsday 17 Novembis 2012:
Reporter Michael Debachant(?): “There are now 1.5 million Africans living in China. Most came on Temporary Visas but then stay. Some have purchased ‘business wives’ i.e. Chinese women who are willing to legally ‘marry’ the African for a percentage of their income. These come useful as business partners who also ‘vet’ deals so the African is not cheated by his Chinese customers. Recently the issue came into public focus when ‘Emmanuel’ a TV holder wa chased by police seeking visa over-stayers. Chased to the top of a six storey building, he jumped off. He landed on his head, so survived (sic) but 100’s of Africans rioted in protest. Chinese were shocked at this behavior and also at how many African are now here ‘as they are un-used to large-scale migration’ (sic). One African visa-overstayer/ businessman said: ‘Chinese pulls faces and hold their noses when I get on the bus. They see us as monsters. Yet I arrange the purchase of cheap Chinese goods for export to Nigeria’.    

Channel Seven News 11.50 pm Frigasday 30 Novembis 2012:
“United Nations General Assembly today voted 138-9 in favour of recognizing Palestine. Were 41 abstentions”. 

P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia   ph. 07 3205 8543