Monday, 26 October 2015

Nationalist and Inter-Nationalist News Aug 2015

Nationalist and Inter-Nationalist News Service 
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. N&INS is an information source only

BBC World Service 3am Frigasday 6th Augusutus 2015:
“Host of MTV’s Daily Show, Jon Stewart(J) is to quit after 16 years. He is handing over to South African Trevor Noah(J). Stewart became famous for his coverage of the 2000 US Presidential Election. In America till then, most comedy shows revolved around the host. Stewart's was different. He soon emerged as the ‘voice of liberal America’. Polls now rate him ‘the most trusted newscaster in world”. 

Reporter Yoland Nel (J): “The first ship has passed through the New, parallel, lane of the Suez Canal after a one year, $8 billion rebuild. The first boat was a yacht carrying Egyptian President Al-Sisi. He said: ‘our government makes buildings and prosperity, unlike [our Islamist enemies] who only promote destruction’. Leaders of Russia, France and the Gulf States attended. A lane each way means more ships, more quickly. The government has claimed the new lane will expand the number of ships per day to 100, 2.5 times the current level.

It is hoped this will raise public income as transit fees from the Canal are the largest source of public funds to the state. The New Canal was dug in just one year - two years earlier than expected - on direct orders from President Al Sisi. The New Lane was entirely funded by Egyptians. It only took 81/2 weeks to raise the money by public subscription. Al Sisi is portrayed  by the State-controlled media as ‘next Nasser’ hero of 1960’s throughout Arab worlds.

Reporter Jonathon Marcus (J) : ‘The New Canal allows US warships to transit quicker, the US being Egypt's closest ally. America's other 'quick access' point, the Panama Canal, is also being upgraded. Egypt got their Canal finished first. Doubts remain on Egyptian government claims The New Canal ill expand ship-transits to 100 ships per day, 2.5 times current usage. It is hoped this will raise national income as income from the Canal is the largest source of public funds for the Egyptian State’.  

‘Australia has suffered its worst ever results in Ashes cricket Test versus England’.
[Team now includes muslims, as England's has for years. We copy them. Now fall as low as them. RE]

Reporter Frank Gardiner: ‘15 people were killed by a suicide bomber in a Saudi Arabian mosque used by Saudi Special Forces troops based near its border with Yemen. Attack has been claimed by IS". 

"The first commercial flight into Aden since Saudi Coalition air attacks began months ago. Contained returning refugees, supporters of the reinstated pro-Saudi government".

“400 of 600 refugees rescued from a boat sinking in the Mediterranean have arrived in Sicily, Italy. They were rescued by an Irish Navy vessel”. [Catholics 'rescue' Islamists. Pope is a Socialist; his lemming-like acolytes are doomed. Same Irish government just legalised 'same-sex marriage'(sic). RE]

“Bride-price in Uganda is still legal. But today a court ruled that 'demanding a refund is illegal'. Previously a failed marriage required a refund of the Bride-price; now not. This means women are now free to divorce and may retain all wedding ‘gifts’ e.g. cars. Hailed as 'improvement in rights of women’. 

‘First ever Soccer match West Bank vs Gaza teams in 15 years after Isrealis provided permits. Due to pressure at 2015 FIFA Congress on Isreal. Means Palestine will now be allowed to compete in the Asian Federation Cup. The Palestinian team played in the AFC in Australia in 2014 for first time’.

'The Maoist Shining Path (Sindero Luminoso) terrorist group has made a come-back in Peru. They now controls all the main cocaine routes into Peru. SL was declared ‘defeated’ in Februa 2012 after its leader, Comrade Artemio, was captured by police. They still have 350 active members due to widespread poverty'. [Peru President Alberto Fujimori defeated SL by using 'extreme measures'. Earned wrath of Leftist US 'human rights' (sic) groups. Got US government to topple him. Was gaoled for life.]

'A heat wave in Bagdad has resulted in temperatures up to 50'C. These sparked popular protests against the lack of electricity and air-conditioning, allegedly a result of government corruption’. 

US secretary of state John Kerry has told an ASEAN Conference: ‘the US will not allow anyone to block free passage through the South China Sea. This is a universal rights’. [Veiled attack on China].

Actor George Cole of from the popular British TV series Minder has died aged 90. He introduced the phrase ‘er in doors’ to the English language. Is now in the Oxford Dictionary. Means 'wife'. 

'Nine Pakistani troops killed in the crash of a helicopter crash carrying aid relief'.

" 'Macedonian police have arrested nine Islamist returnees from Syria and Iraq, plus their Imam. They seek 27 other IS returnees. Some are charged with 'attempting to recruit for IS' ". 

'Since April 2015 an earthquake has closed the border crossing point, Nepal-China. Reopened today'. 

'Kenyan athletes have just completed an 800km 'walk against ethnic violence’, the ‘Walk for Peace’. 

'EGAD Bloc have put pressure both sides in the South Sudan Civil War to sign the latest peace treaty. 10,000 + people have been killed in the past 20 months. No one knows the actual figures’. 

'Roman Totenberg(J) died three years ago. Today his family finally got back his stolen Stradivarius violin. It was lost 30 years ago'. (Chosen ‘own’ what they do not produce, including all art. RE].

(Rep Tony Bonsinyore): “Mozambique is among the fastest growing economies in Africa. The port of Beira serves Malawi, Zimbabwe and Zambia. Mozambique is part of the SADAC economic bloc. They suffered a 15-year long Civil War, 1977-1992. Oil and gas have been found in Pemba. The new railway will convey  35,000 tonnes of raw material per day to China. Will the common people benefit? There are many new buildings being built in the capital, Maputo.

In 1975 Jose Forgas was Mozambique's first Economics Minister. Today he says: ‘all this brings no benefits. Our new middle class see the nation's mineral wealth as theirs, 'milk to be sucked'. There are now 1,000s of civil servants, here, at the UN and at all the new Embassies. The cost of living in Maputo now equals London! There has been, and will be, no ‘trickle down effect’. If you go just 20 km outside the capital you'll find absolutely no increase in income’. He claims 'corruption and graft are everywhere' e.g. traffic police demanding bribes".

P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia phone 0448 187 582


          STORM ALERT# 61 
STORM ALERT is published in the National Interest. No action should be implied or inferred. The opinions expressed remain those of the author entirely.
By Ixul Dante    5th Septembis 2015 
A BURNING RAGE: Australia’s Descent, from White to Darkness
BRIGHT FUTURE: Australia was founded in 1788 as a White colony of White Britain. No African slaves were imported, no local so-called ‘Abo’ labour was available. Instead, 160,000 White slaves, convicts were used. ¼ were Irish rebels and paupers. Others were drawn from SW London petty criminals and pioneer English trade union activists. The presence of so many ‘activists’ later lead to two revolts – 1804’s Vinegar Hill and 1854’s Eureka (Ballarat). Both were lead by Irishmen. The 1854 saw a large number of Americans take part, former California ‘49ers’. If an outpost of White civilization is to survive, we is a logical location. An entire continent, self-sufficient in food and fuel. 

FUTURE DERAILED: In 2007 John Howard’s anti-immigrant Liberal-National Coalition government was defeated over a minor labour ‘reform’ bill by the pro-migrant ALP/Greens alliance over ‘Work Choices’, a minor ‘labour reform’ bill. The newly installed Kevin Rudd ALP government rapidly raised immigration from 140,000 per year with zero tolerance for illegals to 300,000 per year, all non-whites, and ‘open borders’. This was followed by the Julia Gillard ALP government 2009-2012. 8,500 refos arrived on our Northern shores. White public outrage saw the LN returned to power. Tony Abbott’s ‘Turn Back the Boats’ policy is widely popular, so illegals ended but the 300, 000 p.a. non-white continue to arrive, a spreading stain of Indians, Chinese and Africans.

Z.P.G. FOR WHITES: Australia achieved dubious status of Zero Population Growth* in the 1970’s following Whitlam ALP government ‘reforms’ to marriage and birth laws. Abortion and divorce were thereafter freely available.  By 2015 100,000 White children are murdered p.a. and 54% of marriages end in separation. Worse, 56% do not even marry living ‘de facto’ as ALP reforms give de facto and married the same status. As a result half of White children born here lack one parent and/or legitimacy.  

ALP MEDIA MONOPOLY: One result of the 1972-75 radical ALP Whitlam government was a total takeover of the media and education sectors by Leftists, mainly pro-Chinese Maoists. No one works in education or the media here who is not a Communist. No other views are tolerated. It is a minor miracle the LNP ever win or retain office. It is solely due to rampant ALP corruption and incompetence, rivalling the last days of the Soviet era. ALP appartchiks literally, in the local parlance, ‘can’t run a bath’. It is only their total media control that gets them regularly re-elected. Of course, dozens of minor parties exist but fail to win seats due to the ALP-controlled media’s blackout. This same Censorate even use the term ‘two party-preferred’ to emphasis they only acknowledge the two ‘Major’ parties as existing. These two obey the dictat and agenda of Asian ‘investors’ and globalists like R. Murdoch, infamous for his News of the World (UK) FOX News (US). 

LITTLE AUSTRALIA versus BIG AUSTRALIA: When Rudd was foisted on us by Murdoch and Co in 2007 one of his first pronouncements was of a ‘Bigger Australia’. Australia since the Whitlam takeover in 1972 had been regaled with Greenie radicals in our schools and media demanding we ‘protect the environment’ by having fewer children and reducing our ‘footprint’ on our ‘fragile continent’. Modern women were only too happy to comply, forgoing childbearing for ‘careers’. Any accidental conceptions were rapidly deleted via free abortions and ‘morning after pills’. This ‘scorched womb’ policy left the continent empty – till 2007.  

‘BIG AUSTRALIA’ TO BE NON-WHITE: The fewer of us - 21 million in an area only slightly smaller than the USA – was then reversed. This 40-years hiatus was now disparaged as the era of  ‘Little Australia’. Via Asian and African immigration we were now to become ‘Big Australia’. All the previously raucous  Greenie experts fell silent. ALP hacks to the core, they had done their job: prevent the emergence of a White Continent in the South Pacific. They had encouraged and aided the deletion of an entire generation of white reproduction. Three million babies killed 1973-2013. These same Greens now became ‘Big Australia’ advocates and boasted we would be 35 million by 2050 AD. An increase of 14 million over 35 years, all non-white, leaving us with a non-white majority. 

NO DEBATE: No debate was encouraged or even allowed. The ALP-controlled media closed ranks. By 2013 we had risen to 24 millions, the newer three million entirely non-white. What shocked many older Whites was how angry and hateful the new migrants were, whether poor Africans or rich Indians. They collectively show only contempt for us and our country. Their attitude appears to be: ‘what the Hell are you still doing here, Whitey?!” Instances of ‘racism’ soon spiralled, most famously the ironically named 2014 Adam Goode case where a 6’4” Australian Football League player had a 13 year old White girl arrested for calling him an ‘ape’ at a footy match. Two weeks later, after non-stop media adulation, weak Liberal PM Tony Abbott named Goode 2014’s ‘Australian of the Year’.

AGITATE, EDUCATE, ORGANISE: Despite this, or maybe because of it, at every subsequent match Goode was booed off the field for the next six months. By 2015, with the ALP media chiding the public, fans deserting the highly politicised AFL code and AFL clubs threatening fans with life bans and suspensions for ‘racism’, ‘racism’ was worse than ever. Was clear AFL had become an Abo ‘job creation scheme’ and was no longer a sport. White masses smelled a rat and stayed away, choosing NRL and soccer instead. More irony here, as NRL is owned by Murdoch and Soccer Australia/FFA by Lowy, a friend of Silverstein of the WTC 9-11 ilk.

SMOULDERING RAGE: What will it take to ignite this smouldering rage, this inchoate sense that ‘something is not right’? The role of all White Right groups, and the many ‘lone wolves’, must be to:
1.   Educate the public; 2. Motivate the public; 3. Make them aware of solutions.
2.   To summarise Lenin: “Agit-Prop is our method. Agitate the masses, awakening them to their oppression then Propagandise them into becoming political activists”.  Or as US Black activists have been saying since the 1960’s: ‘Agitate, Educate, Organise’.   
*ZPG: A term coined by Malthusian ‘Population Bomb’ terrorists to describe when population growth by births falls below natural death rates. Since 1970’s Australia’s population increase has been solely via immigration.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

ORAGE N ° 143 Octobius-Novembis

N ° 143     du Bulletin d'information publique nationale australienne action     Octobius-Novembis 2015
ANA accepter aucune responsabilité pour les informations fournies / inférées. STORM est une source d'information seulement

TEMPÊTE obtient des informations à partir, SCUTTLEBUTT 'initiés de. Nous ne pouvons pas confirmer histoires. Voilà la dernière:

'The Golden Mile' 9ème Décembre 2014: 30-ish homme d'affaires indien:
«Mon ami vit dans le Golden Mile de Vancouver. Sa maison est une valeur de dix millions de dollars canadiens. Ils ont leur propre Bat-cave et un garage! La région est tellement exclusive, ils «murées it up ': vous ne pouvez plus y construire. Vous ne pouvez pas acheter; elles ne vendent pas ". TEMPÊTE: "Donc, ce que les entreprises est sa famille impliqués dans?" "Euh ... l'entreprise d'import / export".

«Tribal Peoples - Vous n'êtes jamais va les battre '9ème Décembre 2014:!
A 60-year-old femme blanche: «Je voyage à travers l'Afghanistan en 1972 par bus. Il était sûr à l'époque! Il y avait un roi, mais il y avait encore des combats tribaux. Un trajet en bus? Tout le monde le faisait à l'époque. Ils appellent cela «le sentier Hippy 'maintenant. Il est passé de Katmandou à destination de Londres. Il y avait des gâteaux haschisch vendus à chaque bord de la route. Je me souviens, une fois, notre chauffeur a mangé tellement il passé pendant 24 heures et nous avons dû attendre pour lui de se réveiller avant que nous puissions continuer notre voyage ".

Deuxième femme blanche femelle blanche écoute, carillons dans 89 ans, elle dit:. "Combats tribaux ?! Permettez-moi de vous dire, vous ne serez jamais battu populations tribales! Je vivais en Terre d'Arnhem dans le Territoire du Nord [seulement de la zone de l'Australie invaincu par les Blancs] pendant une longue période. Les Aborigènes aiment se battre! Il remplit leurs jours mornes, ternes. Il n'a vraiment leur donner une excuse pour habiller et à danser autour. Voilà pourquoi vous ne pouvez pas battre les peuples indigènes. Le combat est leur seul plaisir! "

"Seuls Cinq Blancs ..." 1er Augustus 2015: Une femme de race blanche âgée récoltés: «Je suis allé à une cérémonie de citoyenneté, hier, de 78 il ya cinq seulement étaient blancs, y compris mon mari britannique.". Elle semblait choqué mais bientôt changé la conversation quand il est apparu à devenir «raciale». Pourquoi est-ce que les blancs apparaissent à voir le danger quand il est trop tard, mais même alors se détourner? Ont-ils peur de dire l'évidence? Nous sommes envahis et de notre terre volée, alors que nous agitons et le sourire, enfonce lentement sous les vagues des étrangers centripètes. Nous blâmons les médias, les tribunaux, les parités, pour créer un état d'esprit où la trahison semble est préférable à la survie.

EDITORIAL: BBS World Service 4 heurs Moon. 17 Augustus 2015: Entretien avec Justice Sacks (J):
«Je suis un membre de l'ANC de l'Afrique du Sud et étais désespéré d'être pris au sérieux par la police de sécurité, mais ils me voyais comme un vilain garçon. Ils ont dit: «Nous allons vous envoyer à la maison de votre mère!» Mais quand elle est arrivée, elle me fit signe de ne pas parler. Elle savait qu'ils nous ont été sur écoute. Elle a été ne va pas les laisser l'utiliser pour me briser. Plus tard, ils me torturaient - ils me privés de sommeil - et je rompues. Maintenant, je suis un juge. Je l'ai vu ceux qui me arrêté depuis. Ils ont tous présenté des excuses! "

«Reptiliens règle ...» Plus absurde de l'Internet. Retour à la mi-2014, on a beaucoup parlé de «reptiliens». Habiles photo-acheteurs entrecoupés de vraies interviews de télévision pour "prouver" certains gens célèbres étaient en fait des reptiles. Nous sommes allés «virale» (devenu populaire) pendant un certain temps, puis l'intérêt calmée. Nous nous en doutions, comme d'habitude, la main invisible, comme dans une grande «activité Net. Après cet épisode de reptile nous avons trouvé quand nous disons jeunes, recrues potentielles des médias-savvy: «Saviez-vous tel ou tel est en fait un X? 'Nous avons eu un accueil étrange. Ils diraient: «Oh, vous pensez probablement, ils sont des reptiles, trop« Par la suite, ils nous évitent?. Aucune quantité de faits ou de témoignages objectif peut les convaincre de nous rejoindre. Ils ont été pré-conditionnés à rejeter tout argument fondé sur la race.

SORTIES ENNEMIS AUTO: De la même façon, un nombre croissant de groupe Génération X sont coming out publiquement, comme des déviants sexuels. Lorsque nous les signaler, nous ne recevons pas la réaction que nous prévoyons. Au lieu de cela, nous obtenons un choc, puis perplexe, regarde: «Aha! Ces gars-là sont des imbéciles! »Puis ils sourire narquois et éclipser, en riant sous cape. Un ami nous a dit: 'les volets mentales descendent; fin de la conversation'. Comment pouvons-nous WN groupes / NS surmonter ce conditionnement mental?

Lone Wolves: Le pré-conditionnement est présent dans tout le système des médias et de l'éducation. Les rares qui le refusent sont souvent aussi mentalement instable. Groupes WN / NS les recrutent pour leur clairvoyance, mais ils peuvent apporter avec eux un degré élevé de l'ineptie sociale et une tendance à des accès de violence. Ce qui les rend à l'abri de l'ennemi conditionnement social rend aussi à l'abri de la correction par nous. Ils restent loose cannons si les membres de groupes WN / NS ou comme des «Lone Wolves». Ils ne seront pas parqués et pourraient expliquer des niveaux élevés de la désunion à travers le spectre de droite.

REDOS: Beaucoup d'ex-Sud-Africains vivent maintenant en Australie. Ils sont à la hausse à travers les médias, les arts et les cercles littéraires, en particulier dans les ABC et SBS Radio Networks / TV financés par le gouvernement, mais a laissé contrôlée. Ceux-ci se vantent souvent de leur rôle dans «anti-apartheid de l'Afrique du Sud (ie anti-blanc) mouvement. Peut regarder blanc, mais ne sont pas; leurs cœurs sont noirs comme de la poix. Creusez plus profond et vous trouverez leurs origines sont souvent en «Europe de l'Est» en tant que réfugiés après-guerre. Post-guerre, le gouvernement sud-africain, tout comme l'Australie, était désespérée pour les colons blancs. Pris en tout qui semblait blanc. Regrettable. Une leçon à tirer.

IMMIGRATION crise européenne: En 2015, la faiblesse de l'UE a été incapable de se sauver de donner refuge à 300.000 Africains qui ont forcé leur chemin à terre, aidés par des agents ennemis déguisés en / groupes «droits humains» «antifasciste». Militants WN / NS doivent aider le public à voir la vérité derrière les titres de noblesse: ces groupes, souvent composées des mêmes personnes, sont des anti-Blancs haineux. Les Sud-Africains ont été imprudent de 'serrer un aspic à leur plantureuse. Ils sont tombés et sont maintenant abattus. Soyons ceux pour arrêter la pourriture, ICI.

DVD Review: Kako Se MagaoIzbeci Rat: Bosni I & II (Ce que vous avez manqué dans les guerres de Bosnie) 180 minutes documentaire TV de Bosnie télévision serbe Circa 1997. Sous-titres, mais aucun sous-titrage des personnes interrogées. (Troisième partie. Voir la deuxième partie sur STORM 142).

 "Le 27 mai 1992, 20 ont été tués et 70 blessés dans l'infâme« seuil de pauvreté Sarajevo «massacre, trois jours avant un vote de l'ONU sur l'opportunité d'imposer des sanctions sur les Serbes de Bosnie. Compte tenu de l'importance du vote, les Serbes étaient désespérée pour éviter un vote négatif, de sorte qu'ils ont cessé tout bombardement de Sarajevo pendant quatre jours avant, soit au moins 24 heures avant le massacre. Ce cessez-le feu temporaire a été confirmé par les troupes de l'ONU sur le terrain. Cependant, le gouvernement de Bosnie-Herzégovine a pris la télévision des images du massacre. Envoyé directement aux réseaux de télévision américains immédiatement après l'attaque, ces puis blâmé les Serbes. Gouvernement et les médias ont convenu: "les Serbes l'ont fait!"

Ceci malgré des Nations Unies confirmation que deux de ces attaques précédentes avaient été lancées par les forces gouvernementales de Bosnie-Herzégovine contre son propre peuple. Les troupes canadiennes de l'ONU avaient été témoins ces derniers. Leonard Doyle, reporter pour le journal The Independent de Londres, plus tard, a détaillé ces cas dans son article: «musulmans Slaughter leur propre peuple». Des témoins ont rapporté avoir entendu au moins cinq BH station de radio du gouvernement émissions d'une "distribution de pain sans" prévue pour le 27 mai 1992. Lorsque une foule assez avait assemblé ils ont trouvé qu'il n'y avait pas de pain, mais à la place une équipe de télévision a été en attente ainsi que d'un groupe de ambulances. Ensuite, les mortiers ont commencé à tomber.

Ce fut la première mise en scène de trois attaques sur le même marché de Markala, tout est fait juste pour nous les clés, réunions antérieures de l'UE, de l'ONU. Serbes ont été contraints de signer plan de paix Vance-Owen de l'UE que de la voir rejetée par les États-Unis. LDO: "sous Vance-Owen nous avons laissé 38% de la Bosnie-Herzégovine dans les mains du gouvernement. Mais [après l'intervention des États-Unis], le gouvernement musulman a commencé à exiger 100%! "

En 1993, Bill Clinton est devenu président des États-Unis. Ses adversaires républicains, menés par Bob Dole, étaient de fervents défenseurs de la séparation de la Croatie et de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, de la Fédération yougoslave dominé par les Serbes. . L'utilisation de ce soutien manifeste, en 1993 les forces croates et musulmanes ont lancé des attaques féroces sur mal Serbes armés de l'Ouest et la Bosnie centrale. Ces agressions étaient occultées par les médias américains. Ils ne correspondaient pas au vu des États-Unis de la guerre entre les «bons» musulmans et les «mauvais» les Serbes.

L'opposition américaine à Vance-Owen a forcé l'UE à adopter une seconde approche, le plan Owen-Stoltenberg. Ce plan Septembre 1993 envisageait trois républiques égales de Bosnie-Herzégovine, avec les villes de capitaux à Mostar et Sarajevo. Serait basé sur un modèle suisse des «cantons», avec Mostar sous contrôle de l'ONU. LDO découvert que, encore une fois, les responsables américains ont saboté les pourparlers, pression sur le gouvernement musulman de ne pas signer.

Le Département d'Etat américain, à la suite ambassadeur américain à l'ONU Madeleine Albright (J), étaient entièrement pro-musulmane. LDO trouvé Albright et Secrétaire d'Etat américain Warren Christopher "saboté toutes les tentatives de paix de l'UE en Bosnie-Herzégovine. Frustré, l'UE a enfin invité les États-Unis à se joindre à son «processus de paix». Mais, maintenant, avec le soutien ouvert des États-Unis, le gouvernement musulman a rejeté toutes les offres de paix. Merci de nous soutenir le gouvernement musulman a reçu aujourd'hui une aide militaire directe des alliés des États-Unis Turquie, la Malaisie et l'Arabie saoudite ainsi que l'Iran et le Soudan.

Troupes françaises / ONU dit LDO US 'aide aérienne tombe' en BH occidentale étaient en fait des gouttes d'armes. WDR TV (Allemagne) a rapporté observateurs de l'UE la contrebande d'armes à des forces musulmanes. Un accusé était Christian von Bechold, l'agent exécutant BND allemand «opérations spéciales» tout au long de la zone musulmane. US Air Force C-130 de volé des armes à des unités musulmanes basées à l'aéroport de Tuzla, un autre de l'ONU «Safe Haven». Était l'un des cinq en Bosnie-Herzégovine.

Secrétaire d'Etat adjoint américain Richard Holbrook (J), ancien ambassadeur des États-Unis à l'Allemagne, à plusieurs reprises nié ces étaient les livraisons d'armes, en dépit des preuves des agences de renseignement français et britanniques. Holbrook a simplement dit: "nous ne le faisons pas". Il a été contredit par deux articles dans le New York Times à la page A8, 22/05/1996 et un Los Angeles Times de l'article de Tim Weiner: «nous tourne Eye Blind To Arms l'Iran pour la Bosnie».

CRITIQUE DE LIVRE: Autopsie d'un empire: Sept dirigeants qui ont construit le régime soviétique par le Dr D. général Volkogonov (NYC: Free Press, 1998)

P.248: «La première attaque sur Khrouchtchev est venu 18-21 juin 1957. Old staliniens dans le Présidium ne pouvait lui pardonner son attaque sur Staline. Ils ont tous été impliqués dans les purges sanglantes et avaient pris l'habitude de le régime tel qu'il était. Khrouchtchev a été sauvé par le chef du KGB général Serov qui (p.249) a alerté le Comité central qui a ensuite rencontré 22-29 Juin 1957. 121 membres du Comité central sont réunis; 60 parlé. Ils craignaient un retour à l'ordre ancien de la règle de la police ".

P 334: «Youri Andropov était ambassadeur à la Hongrie de 1954 à 1957. Il était un ardent défenseur des «mesures sévères». Il a aidé à l'arrestation de deux Premier ministre hongrois Imre Nagy et ministre de la Défense hongrois Pal Malater. Andropov avait persuadé Nagy à quitter l'ambassade de Yougoslavie. Malgré les assurances, il a ensuite été arrêté et a tiré six mois plus tard. Yuri et Imre avait été un des amis de quand tous deux servi dans le NKVD soviétique ».

P.335: "10ème Novembre 1982, Léonid Brejnev est mort. Il a été remplacé par Iouri Andropov qui, après 15 ans à la tête du KGB, avait conclu l'utilisation des camps de concentration était inefficace. Il avait discrédité à la fois le PCUS et l'URSS. Il était sa décision de passer la politique loin de terreur physique à un contrôle spirituel et idéologique sur la société ".
           P 336: «Andropov croyait que le seul moyen de préserver le système était stagnante en maintenant un contrôle de la pensée, l'opinion publique et les esprits des gens."

P337: "Le 12 Augustus 1952, 13 dirigeants du Comité antifasciste juif ont été jugé et exécuté. KGB maintenu «surveillance permanente» de l'ex -Premier ministre Alexandre Kerenski jusqu'à 1963. était seulement interrompue en raison de son «âge avancé et la maladie».
P.338: "White, généraux anti-soviétiques russes Miller et Kutepov ont été enlevés de Paris dans les années 1930".

P383: «Jusqu'à ce 20ème Congrès du PCUS en 1956 le peuple soviétique a vu l'avenir à travers le prisme de l'idéologie officielle. Un communiste Utopia promis a été menacé par «l'encerclement capitaliste». Après le 20e Congrès, sur un fond de l'inattendue «mal» Staline, le «bon» Lénine est apparu encore plus d'un génie et prophète infaillible. Les gens ont commencé à voir bolcheviques «vérités» comme des expressions d'un grand mensonge au sein de tout un système de mensonges ".

P393: «penseur polonais Leszek Kolakowski a déclaré:« dans les sociétés totalitaires se trouve servir une fonction spéciale. Les versions sont libérés pour les gens d'en haut et peuvent être modifiés le lendemain. Il n'y a aucun critère fiable de la vérité en dehors de ce qui est la vérité déclarée à tout moment. Le mensonge devient la vérité. La distinction entre mensonge et vérité disparaît. Ce fut le plus grand triomphe du socialisme: elle a réussi à démolir la notion de vérité de sorte qu'il ne pourrait jamais être accusé de mentir ".
  P.395: «Dans la société de socialisme n'a pas participé à la sélection des dirigeants. Même le Parti a été exclu. L'échelon supérieur eux-mêmes nommé, à partir d'un petit clan de fonctionnaires. Quand un chef est mort tous les gens pouvaient faire était d'attendre d'une radio pour entendre qui lui succéderait ".

P.424: "En 1984, la stagnation sous Chernyenko menacé effondrement total, poussant certains à l'action. Nombre d'artistes et diplomates qui fuient le pays sauté. Le chef du KGB Chebrikov rapporté:
'1.223 écrivains du matériau nationaliste ou politiquement nuisible ont été appréhendés. Parmi ceux-ci, 89 étaient membres du PCUS. En Ukraine, 17 groupes nationalistes clandestins les États baltes et la Transcaucasie ont été rendus inoffensifs. 75 tentatives nationalistes de commettre des actes extrémistes ont été empêchés. 11 étaient à Tbilissi, en Géorgie. 13 nationalistes ont été inculpés en Lituanie, Lettonie et Estonie. Cela montre que, bien avant les événements sanglants survenus, les signaux arrivant de l'agitation nationaliste ».
       P.432: «Les malheurs de la Russie proviennent du fait qu'elle n'a jamais compris le concept de« liberté».
PO Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australie Tél 0448 187 582

STORM No. 143 Octobius-Novembis 2015

No. 143          Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action        Octobius-Novembis 2015
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only

STORM gets information from ‘insiders’, SCUTTLEBUTT. We can’t confirm stories. Here’s the latest:

‘The Golden Mile’ 9th December 2014: 30-ish Indian businessman: 
“My friend lives in Vancouver’s Golden Mile.  His house is worth ten million Canadian dollars. They have their own Bat-cave as a garage! The area is so exclusive, they ‘walled it up’: you can’t build there anymore. You can’t buy; they won’t sell”. STORM: “So what business is his family involved in?” “Err…the import/export business”.

Tribal Peoples - you're never gonna beat ‘em!’ 9th December 2014: 
A 60-year-old white female: “I travelled across Afghanistan in 1972 by bus. It was safe back then! There was a king, but there were still tribal fights. A bus-trip? Everyone was doing it back then. They call it ‘the Hippy Trail’ now. It went from Kathmandu to London. There were hashish cakes sold at every roadside stall. I remember, one time our driver ate so many he passed out for 24 hours and we had to wait for him to wake up before we could continue our journey”. 

Second white female white female listening in, chimes in. 89 years old, she says: “Tribal fights?! Let me tell you, you’ll never beat tribal people! I lived in Arnhem Land in Northern Territory [only area of Australia unconquered by whites] for a long time. The Aborigines love to fight! It fills up their dull, dreary days.  It really does give them an excuse to dress up and to dance around. That’s why you can’t beat tribal peoples. Fighting is their only fun!”

"Only Five Whites…" 1st Augustus 2015: An elderly white female donated: "I went to a Citizenship Ceremony yesterday. Of 78 there only five were whites, including my British husband". She seemed shocked but soon changed the conversation when it appeared to become 'racial'. Why is it whites only appear to see danger when it is too late, but even then shy away? Are they afraid to state the obvious? We are being invaded and our land stolen, while we wave and smile, slowly sinking beneath the waves of inrushing aliens. We blame the media, courts, parities, for creating a mind-set where treason seems is preferable to survival.

EDITORIAL: BBS World Service 4am Moonday 17th Augustus 2015: Interview with Justice Sacks(J):
“I was a member of the South African ANC and was desperate to be taken seriously by the Security Police but they just saw me as a naughty boy. They said: ‘we’re going to send you home to your mother!’ But when she arrived she signalled to me not to talk. She knew they were bugging us. She wasn’t going to let them use her to break me. Later they tortured me – they deprived me of sleep – and I broke down. Now I am a judge. I have seen those who arrested me since. They have all apologised!”   

‘Reptilians Rule…’ More nonsense from the Internet. Back in mid-2014, there was much talk of ‘reptilians’. Skilful photo-shoppers intercut real TV interviews to ‘prove’ certain famous folk were in fact reptiles. Went ‘viral’ (became popular) for a while, then interest subsided. We suspected, as usual, the Unseen Hand, as in much ‘Net activity. After this reptile episode we found when we tell young, media-savvy, prospective recruits: ‘did you know such and such is in fact an X?’ we got an odd reception. They would say: ‘Oh, you probably think they are reptiles, too?” Thereafter, they avoid us. No amount of facts or objective testimony can convince them to join us. They’ve been pre-conditioned to reject any argument based on Race. 

ENEMY OUTS SELF: In the same way, increasing numbers of Generation X group are ‘coming out’ publicly, as sexual deviants. When we point them out we do not get the reaction we anticipate. Instead, we get a shocked, then bemused, look: ‘Aha! These guys are fools!’ Then they smirk and slink away, chuckling to themselves. A friend told us: ‘the mental shutters come down; end of discussion’. How do we WN/NS groups overcome this mental conditioning? 

LONE WOLVES: The pre-conditioning is present throughout the media and education system. The few who refuse it are often also mentally unstable. WN/NS groups recruit them for their clear-sightedness but they can bring with them a high degree of social ineptitude and a tendency for violent outbursts. What makes them immune to Enemy social conditioning also renders them immune to correction by us. They remain loose cannons whether as members of WN/NS groups or as ‘Lone Wolves’. They won’t be corralled and could explain of high levels of disunity across the Rightist spectrum. 

REDOS: Many ex-South Africans now reside in Australia. They are on the rise through the media, arts, and literary circles especially in the government-funded, but Left-controlled, ABC and SBS Radio/TV Networks. These often boast of their role in the South Africa’s ‘anti-apartheid’ (i.e. anti-white) movement. May look white but aren’t; their hearts are black as pitch. Dig deeper and you’ll find their origins are often in ‘Eastern Europe’ as post-WWII refugees. Post-war the South African government, just like Australia’s, were desperate for white settlers. Took in any who looked white. Regrettable. A lesson to be learned.

EUROPEAN IMMIGRATION CRISIS: In 2015 the weak EU was unable to save itself from giving sanctuary to 300,000 Africans who forced their way ashore, aided by Enemy agents masquerading as ‘antifascist’/‘human rights’ groups. WN/NS activists must help the public see the truth behind the noble titles: these groups, often made up of the same people, are hateful anti-whites. South Africans were unwise to ‘clasp an asp to their buxom’. They fell and are now being slaughtered. Let us be the ones to stop the rot, HERE.  

DVD REVIEW: Kako Se MagaoIzbeci Rat: Bosni I & II (What you may have missed in the Bosnian Wars) 180 minutes TV documentary from Bosnian Serb TV Circa 1997. Subtitles but no captions of those interviewed. (Part Three. See Part Two on STORM 142). 

 “On 27 May 1992, 20 were killed and 70 wounded in the infamous ‘Sarajevo breadline’ massacre, three days prior to a UN vote on whether to impose sanctions on the Bosnian Serbs. Given the importance of the vote, the Serbs were desperate to avoid a negative vote so they ceased all shelling of Sarajevo for four days prior, i.e. at least 24 hours before the massacre. This temporary ceasefire was confirmed by UN troops on the ground. However,  BH government TV took footage of the massacre. Sent it directly to US TV networks immediately after the attack, these then blamed the Serbs. US government and media agreed:”the Serbs did it!” 

This despite UN confirmation that two previous such attacks had been initiated by the BH government forces against its own people. Canadian UN troops had witnessed these. Leonard Doyle, reporter for the London Independent newspaper, later detailed these cases in his article: ‘Muslims Slaughter Their Own People’. Eyewitnesses reported hearing at least five BH government radio station broadcasts of a “free bread distribution” planned for 27 May 1992. When a large enough crowd had assembled they found there was no bread but instead a TV crew was waiting as well as a group of ambulances. Then the mortars began falling. 

This was the first three staged attacks on the same Markala Market, all done just prior to key US, EU, UN meetings. Serbs were coerced into signing the EU’s Vance-Owen Peace Plan only to see it rejected by the US. LDO: “under Vance-Owen we left 38% of Bosnia-Herzegovina in government hands. But [after US intervention], the Muslim government started demanding 100%!” 

In 1993 Bill Clinton became US President. His Republican opponents, lead by Bob Dole, were strong advocates for separation of both Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina from the Serb-dominated Yugoslav Federation. . Using this overt support, during 1993 Croat and Muslim forces launched fierce attacks on poorly armed Serbs in West and Central Bosnia. These assaults went unreported by the US media. They did not fit in US view of the war as between ‘good’ Muslims and ‘bad’ Serbs. 

US opposition to Vance-Owen forced the EU to adopt a second approach, the Owen-Stoltenberg Plan. This September 1993 plan envisioned three equal republics in Bosnia-Herzegovina, with capital cities in Mostar and Sarajevo. Would be based on a Swiss model of ‘cantons’, with Mostar under UN control. LDO found out that, again, US officials sabotaged the talks, pressuring the Muslim government not to sign. 

The US State Department, following US Ambassador to the UN Madeline Albright(J), were entirely pro-Muslim. LDO found Albright and US Secretary of State Warren Christopher “sabotaged all EU peace attempts in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Frustrated, the EU finally invited the US to join its ‘peace process’. But, now with open US support, the Muslim government rejected every peace offer. Thanks to US support the Muslim government now received direct military aid from US allies Turkey, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia as well as Iran and Sudan. 

French/UN troops told LDO US 'aerial aid drops' into Western BH were in fact arms drops. WDR TV (Germany) reported EU monitors smuggling arms to Muslim forces. One accused was Christian von Bechold, BND agent running German ‘Special Operations’ throughout the Muslim Zone. U.S. Air Force C-130’s flew arms to Muslim units based in Tuzla airport, another UN ‘Safe Haven’. Was one of five in BH. 

US Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrook(J), former US ambassador to Germany, repeatedly denied these were arms shipments, despite evidence from French and UK intelligence agencies. Holbrook simply said: “we didn’t do it”. He was contradicted by two articles, in The New York Times on page A8, 5/22/1996 and a Los Angeles Times’ article by Tim Weiner: ‘US Turns Blind Eye To Iran Arms For Bosnia’

BOOK REVIEWAutopsy for an empire: Seven leaders who built the Soviet regime by Dr General D. Volkogonov (NYC: Free Press, 1998)

P.248: “The first attack on Khrushchev came 18-21 June 1957. Old Stalinists in the Presidium could not forgive him his attack on Stalin. They were all implicated in the bloody purges and had become used to the regime as it was. Khrushchev was rescued by KGB Chief General Serov who (P.249) alerted the Central Committee which then met 22-29 June 1957. 121 Central Committee members met; 60 spoke. They feared a return to the old Order of police rule”.

P 334: “Yuri Andropov was Ambassador to Hungary 1954-57. He was a firm advocate of ‘tough measures’. He assisted in the arrest of both Hungarian Prime Minister Imre Nagy and Hungarian Defence Minister Pal Malater. Andropov had persuaded Nagy to leave the Yugoslav Embassy. Despite assurances, he was then arrested and shot six months later. Yuri and Imre had been a friends from when both served in the Soviet NKVD”.

P.335: “10th November 1982, Leonid Brezhnev died. He was replaced by Yuri Andropov who, after 15 years as head of the KGB, had concluded the use of concentration camps was ineffectual. It had discredited both the CPSU and the USSR. It was his decision to shift policy away from physical terror to spiritual and ideological control over society”.

P 336: “Andropov believed the only way to preserve the stagnant system was by maintaining control of thought, public opinion and the people’s minds”.

P337: “On 12 Augustus 1952, 13 leaders of the Jewish Antifascist Committee were tried and executed. KGB maintained ‘permanent surveillance’ of ex -Prime Minister Alexander Kerensky till 1963. Was only halted due to his ‘advanced age and ill-health’ ”.

P.338: “White Russian, anti-Soviet generals Miller and Kutepov were kidnapped from Paris in the 1930s”.

P383: “Until 20th CPSU Congress in 1956 the Soviet people saw the future through the lens of official ideology. A promised Communist Utopia was threatened by ‘capitalist encirclement’. Following the 20th Congress, against a background of the unexpectedly ‘evil’ Stalin, the ‘good’ Lenin appeared even more of a genius and infallible prophet. People began to see Bolshevik ‘truths’ as expressions of a big lie within a whole system lies”.

P393: “Polish thinker Leszek Kolakowski said: “in totalitarian societies lies serve a special function. Versions are released for the people from above and can be altered the next day. There is no reliable criterion of truth apart from what is the declared truth at any moment. The lie becomes the truth. The distinction between lie and truth disappears. This was the greatest triumph of Socialism: it succeeded in demolishing the notion of truth so it could never be accused of lying”.

P.395: “Under Socialism society had no part in selecting of leaders. Even the Party was excluded. The top echelon appointed themselves, from a small clan of functionaries. When a leader died all people could do was wait by a radio to hear who would succeed him”.

P.424: “In 1984 the stagnation under Chernyenko threatened total collapse, prompting some into action. Numbers of artists and diplomats fleeing the country leapt. KGB chief Chebrikov reported: 
‘1,223 writers of the nationalist or politically-harmful material were apprehended. Of these, 89 were CPSU members. In Ukraine, the Baltic States and Transcaucasia 17 illegal nationalist groups were rendered harmless. 75 attempts by nationalists to commit extremist acts were prevented. 11 were in Tiblisi, Georgia. 13 nationalists were charged in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia’. This shows that long before bloody events occurred, signals arriving of nationalist unrest”.

P.432: “Russia’s misfortunes stem from the fact she never understood the concept of ‘liberty’ ”.

P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia phone 0448 187 582