Nationalist and Inter-Nationalist News Service
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ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. N&INS is an information source only
BBC World Service 3am Frigasday 6th Augusutus 2015:
“Host of MTV’s Daily Show, Jon Stewart(J) is to quit after 16 years. He is handing over to South African Trevor Noah(J). Stewart became famous for his coverage of the 2000 US Presidential Election. In America till then, most comedy shows revolved around the host. Stewart's was different. He soon emerged as the ‘voice of liberal America’. Polls now rate him ‘the most trusted newscaster in world”.
Reporter Yoland Nel (J): “The first ship has passed through the New, parallel, lane of the Suez Canal after a one year, $8 billion rebuild. The first boat was a yacht carrying Egyptian President Al-Sisi. He said: ‘our government makes buildings and prosperity, unlike [our Islamist enemies] who only promote destruction’. Leaders of Russia, France and the Gulf States attended. A lane each way means more ships, more quickly. The government has claimed the new lane will expand the number of ships per day to 100, 2.5 times the current level.
It is hoped this will raise public income as transit fees from the Canal are the largest source of public funds to the state. The New Canal was dug in just one year - two years earlier than expected - on direct orders from President Al Sisi. The New Lane was entirely funded by Egyptians. It only took 81/2 weeks to raise the money by public subscription. Al Sisi is portrayed by the State-controlled media as ‘next Nasser’ hero of 1960’s throughout Arab worlds.
Reporter Jonathon Marcus (J) : ‘The New Canal allows US warships to transit quicker, the US being Egypt's closest ally. America's other 'quick access' point, the Panama Canal, is also being upgraded. Egypt got their Canal finished first. Doubts remain on Egyptian government claims The New Canal ill expand ship-transits to 100 ships per day, 2.5 times current usage. It is hoped this will raise national income as income from the Canal is the largest source of public funds for the Egyptian State’.
It is hoped this will raise public income as transit fees from the Canal are the largest source of public funds to the state. The New Canal was dug in just one year - two years earlier than expected - on direct orders from President Al Sisi. The New Lane was entirely funded by Egyptians. It only took 81/2 weeks to raise the money by public subscription. Al Sisi is portrayed by the State-controlled media as ‘next Nasser’ hero of 1960’s throughout Arab worlds.
Reporter Jonathon Marcus (J) : ‘The New Canal allows US warships to transit quicker, the US being Egypt's closest ally. America's other 'quick access' point, the Panama Canal, is also being upgraded. Egypt got their Canal finished first. Doubts remain on Egyptian government claims The New Canal ill expand ship-transits to 100 ships per day, 2.5 times current usage. It is hoped this will raise national income as income from the Canal is the largest source of public funds for the Egyptian State’.
‘Australia has suffered its worst ever results in Ashes cricket Test versus England’.
[Team now includes muslims, as England's has for years. We copy them. Now fall as low as them. RE]
[Team now includes muslims, as England's has for years. We copy them. Now fall as low as them. RE]
Reporter Frank Gardiner: ‘15 people were killed by a suicide bomber in a Saudi Arabian mosque used by Saudi Special Forces troops based near its border with Yemen. Attack has been claimed by IS".
"The first commercial flight into Aden since Saudi Coalition air attacks began months ago. Contained returning refugees, supporters of the reinstated pro-Saudi government".
“400 of 600 refugees rescued from a boat sinking in the Mediterranean have arrived in Sicily, Italy. They were rescued by an Irish Navy vessel”. [Catholics 'rescue' Islamists. Pope is a Socialist; his lemming-like acolytes are doomed. Same Irish government just legalised 'same-sex marriage'(sic). RE]
“Bride-price in Uganda is still legal. But today a court ruled that 'demanding a refund is illegal'. Previously a failed marriage required a refund of the Bride-price; now not. This means women are now free to divorce and may retain all wedding ‘gifts’ e.g. cars. Hailed as 'improvement in rights of women’.
‘First ever Soccer match West Bank vs Gaza teams in 15 years after Isrealis provided permits. Due to pressure at 2015 FIFA Congress on Isreal. Means Palestine will now be allowed to compete in the Asian Federation Cup. The Palestinian team played in the AFC in Australia in 2014 for first time’.
'The Maoist Shining Path (Sindero Luminoso) terrorist group has made a come-back in Peru. They now controls all the main cocaine routes into Peru. SL was declared ‘defeated’ in Februa 2012 after its leader, Comrade Artemio, was captured by police. They still have 350 active members due to widespread poverty'. [Peru President Alberto Fujimori defeated SL by using 'extreme measures'. Earned wrath of Leftist US 'human rights' (sic) groups. Got US government to topple him. Was gaoled for life.]
'A heat wave in Bagdad has resulted in temperatures up to 50'C. These sparked popular protests against the lack of electricity and air-conditioning, allegedly a result of government corruption’.
US secretary of state John Kerry has told an ASEAN Conference: ‘the US will not allow anyone to block free passage through the South China Sea. This is a universal rights’. [Veiled attack on China].
Actor George Cole of from the popular British TV series Minder has died aged 90. He introduced the phrase ‘er in doors’ to the English language. Is now in the Oxford Dictionary. Means 'wife'.
'Nine Pakistani troops killed in the crash of a helicopter crash carrying aid relief'.
" 'Macedonian police have arrested nine Islamist returnees from Syria and Iraq, plus their Imam. They seek 27 other IS returnees. Some are charged with 'attempting to recruit for IS' ".
'Since April 2015 an earthquake has closed the border crossing point, Nepal-China. Reopened today'.
'Kenyan athletes have just completed an 800km 'walk against ethnic violence’, the ‘Walk for Peace’.
'EGAD Bloc have put pressure both sides in the South Sudan Civil War to sign the latest peace treaty. 10,000 + people have been killed in the past 20 months. No one knows the actual figures’.
'Roman Totenberg(J) died three years ago. Today his family finally got back his stolen Stradivarius violin. It was lost 30 years ago'. (Chosen ‘own’ what they do not produce, including all art. RE].
(Rep Tony Bonsinyore): “Mozambique is among the fastest growing economies in Africa. The port of Beira serves Malawi, Zimbabwe and Zambia. Mozambique is part of the SADAC economic bloc. They suffered a 15-year long Civil War, 1977-1992. Oil and gas have been found in Pemba. The new railway will convey 35,000 tonnes of raw material per day to China. Will the common people benefit? There are many new buildings being built in the capital, Maputo.
In 1975 Jose Forgas was Mozambique's first Economics Minister. Today he says: ‘all this brings no benefits. Our new middle class see the nation's mineral wealth as theirs, 'milk to be sucked'. There are now 1,000s of civil servants, here, at the UN and at all the new Embassies. The cost of living in Maputo now equals London! There has been, and will be, no ‘trickle down effect’. If you go just 20 km outside the capital you'll find absolutely no increase in income’. He claims 'corruption and graft are everywhere' e.g. traffic police demanding bribes".
In 1975 Jose Forgas was Mozambique's first Economics Minister. Today he says: ‘all this brings no benefits. Our new middle class see the nation's mineral wealth as theirs, 'milk to be sucked'. There are now 1,000s of civil servants, here, at the UN and at all the new Embassies. The cost of living in Maputo now equals London! There has been, and will be, no ‘trickle down effect’. If you go just 20 km outside the capital you'll find absolutely no increase in income’. He claims 'corruption and graft are everywhere' e.g. traffic police demanding bribes".
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