No.132 Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action Septembis 2014
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only
STORM rarely do ‘Special Editions’. This is one of them. The US is fomenting 13 wars simultaneously around the globe including WWIII against Russia and China. We believe this book, of events in Europa 1919-39, is timely. Are there parallels with today? You be the judge. Read on:
P.21 "What Hitler saw in Vienna strengthened his offensive/aggressive attitude towards other nationalities. In the Austrian Empire these outnumbered ethnic Germans by 4:1. After 1867, the German-speaking minority felt threatened by Czechs. Government efforts to compromise and satisfy claims were seen by Hitler as doomed as it was always Germans who made concessions. He also saw these as 'national betrayal’ ".
p.22 "Vienna’s population grew by 259% between 1860 and 1900. By 1900, of 1,675,000 in Vienna, only 46% were natives. The others were mostly Czechs. Hitler was appalled to find the German working class eager to disparage all he held dear: ‘they drag through the mud…the nation, the Fatherland, the law, the religion, the morality. I don't know what appalled me the most - the economic misery of my fellows, their crude customs and morals or the low level of their intellect.’ Hitler saw the Austrian Social Democratic Party government using the suffering of the masses to denationalise them". p.23 "In 1857, there were 6,217 Jews in Vienna or 2%. By 1910 this had grown to 8.6% or 175,318 of Vienna's two million people".
P39 "Following the failed 1905 Russian Revolution there followed a government counter-revolution 1907-1912. The Russian Social Democratic party (Bolsheviks and Mensheviks) membership declined rapidly. In St. Petersburg alone SD membership fell from 8,000 in 1907 to only 300 by 1909".
p. 49 "Hitler enjoyed front-lebnis, the unique joy of 'life at the front'. Front-kampfer played a large role in founding the NSDAP. Hitler said it provoked both pride and exhilaration. His favourite reading in the trenches was Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and Idea, a favourite of Wagner’s. Hitler said: ‘war is to man what childbirth is to woman’. He referred to WWI as ‘the happiest years of my life’ ".
p. 52 "February 1917 Russian Revolution saw the 300 year-old regime collapse, unable to cope with long-standing economic/social problems made intolerable by strain of unsuccessful wars". p. 53 "Contrary to the later legends, the SD's Bolshevik faction played only a minor role in the Russian Revolution prior to August 1917. In February 1917, its total membership was only 25,000 far less than their rivals, the Social Revolutionists and SD Mensheviks who together controlled the Soviets. Lenin changed this: he showed a genius for slogans such as: ‘catalyse grievance into revolutionary energy’ ".
p. 54 "Lenin did not arrive in St Petersburg till 3rd April 1917, for the first time in five years and only thanks to the German Army High Command".
p 64 "The CHEKA (Extraordinary Commission) the Bolshevik secret police, run by Felix Dzerzhinsky a J--, carried out 200,000 executions in five years, 1919-24. The Tsar ordered only 14,000 executions 1864-1914, a fifty year period". p.66. "On 6th July 1918 an alleged Social Revolutionist (SR) revolt broke out in Moscow and Petrograd. An SR shot Lenin in August 1918. In response, the Bolshevik-controlled CHEKA began a mass-terror campaign aimed at SR’s and any other regime opponents".
p 69 "Soviet-style republics arose in Hungary and Bavaria, 1919. The Soviet Red Army attacked Poland, 1920. Communist uprisings took place in Central Germany, 1921 and 1923 and in Hamburg in October 1923". p 73. "In Munich the Bavarian monarchy abdicated in 1918 ending the 700 year-old Wittelsbach dynasty. Kurt Eisner, a J--, led a successive Communist revolt and proclaimed a Bavarian People's Republic. He was assassinated in March 1919 by Count Arco auf Valley, a Rightist officer". p 74. "Communist J-- Bela Kun (Cohen) overthrew the Hungarian monarchy, establishing a Workers Council with 25 J--ish Commissars out of 32. After Eisner's death a second Communist coup seized power in Munich led by two Russian J--s. Hitler's Reichwehr unit was stationed in Munich and he experienced first-hand the Freikorps counter-coup which killed hundreds of Communists in reprisals".
p 72. "In the 1890s, the German middle class embraced Social Darwinism, racial superiority and anti-Semitism. They acclaimed the heroic - living 'dangerously' - as opposed to materialism and Conservatism. They put feelings and intuition ahead of intellect, irrationality above Rationalism, action instead of Reason. The 1914 War saw German intellectuals sett apart from rest of the West with Kulture vs Civilisation, unique Germans vs the Universalism of the Enlightenment". p. 73 "Oswald Spengler's book Decline of the West summed up this sentiment, 1918-1922. Spengler used the term 'Volkish' to glorify war. He described a series of contrasts: 'Renewal by destruction' vs Internationalist Pacifism; National unity vs individual Rights; the State and Elitism vs Parliamentary egalitarianism' ".
p 76. "Adolf Hitler said: 'to be a leader means being able to [motivate] the masses.' He despised Rightist groups who spoke only to the like-minded. Hitler's goal was a Nationalist alternative to rival the Social Democratic Party, a mass-based party". p 77. "As an orator, Hitler's aim was not to persuade by argument but to appeal to emotion: 'the masses are like a woman. they'd rather bow to a strong man than dominate a weakling. Choices make them feel abandoned. They love to be terrorised intellectually, submitting to ruthless force and brutal utterances.' He was fond of quoting Nietzsche: 'men believe when they see another strongly believe.' Hitler often gave the impression of being out of control but would stop short and vary the effect by dropping his voice or using sarcasm. He combined simplicity with reiteration. He stuck to a few points and went over and over them".
p.79. "Hitler read Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, then popular in 1930’s Europe. He matched denunciation with moving appeals to national pride and a call for national renewal. He gave listeners the hope they sought and left them exalted rather than depressed". p. 80 "Hitler welcomed violence at his speeches as this 'attracted those there for excitement'. He told Herman Rauschning: ‘those beaten up at my rallies [by Communists] are always the first to apply for NSDAP membership".
p 81. "In 1921 Hitler formed the SA from Freikorps units - the Oberland Korp, the Epp Korps, the Ehrhardt Brigade, and the Einwohnerwher (Bavarian Citizen's Militia). On 4th November 1921 at the Hofbrauhaus, 50 SA were attacked by 500 Communists - workers from nearby factories. The SA won. Thereafter, the streets belonged to the SA. The event was later commemorated annually as the Saal-schlacht - or 'hall battle'. p 82. Organised violence was not incidental but central to NSDAP politics. In October 1922, the same month Mussolini seized power in Rome, Hitler and 800 SA travelled to Koberg to celebrate ‘German Day’, in what was then an SPD bastion. They managed to beat off a hostile SPD mob and march twice through the town which later became a NSDAP base. The SA was a political militia unlike their Rightist rivals. The SA goal was to beat the Left and drive them from the streets in their own strongholds, the working class suburbs".
p 83 "Hitler agreed with Lenin: 'the workers are to be mobilised. They are not a membership to be represented'. Using such tactics, the NSDAP grew rapidly. In June 1920, there were 1,100 NSDAP members. By early 1922 this had risen to 6,000. Within one year it reached 20,000 following merger with the German Socialist Party. In November 1923, total NSDAP membership was 55,000". p 84 "The NSDAP's predominant tone was lower middle-class: vulgar, male, beer-drinking, xenophobic, authoritarian, anti-Semitic, anti-intellectual, anti-feminist, anti-modern”. p 85. "It was not for the content of Hitler's speeches that audiences came to see him but for his gift of presenting common nationalist propaganda with a force which no rivals could equal".
p 98-99 "Trotsky was seen as an outsider by the Old Bolsheviks. Zinoviev, too. He was seen as a foreigner like his friend Levi Kaminev, both J--s. That the three most senior posts after Lenin's were held by J--s - Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kaminev - allowed Hitler and others to identify Moscow with ‘the Z---ist World Conspiracy’". p.105 "Trotsky made a list of Stalin's character defects 'the narrowness of his interests; his psychological coarseness and the special cynicism of the provincial, freed from prejudice by Marxism but not replacing them with any well thought out philosophy". "The 1922 Census showed that of the Soviet Union's total population of 140 million, 65 million were neither Slavs or Russians. These were the national minorities. Till 1924, Stalin controlled these as 'Commissar for the National Minorities' ". p 105 "Old Bolshevik's said Stalin was 'very capable but difficult to work with'. He 'personalised every situation, was loud in claims and harsh in criticism'. Stalin 'sees treachery and conspiracy where others see only inefficiency and muddle'. Stalin was 'consumed with jealousy and spent more energy feuding with rivals than fighting the common enemy' ". p 107 "Lenin retained Stalin for his 'grubost' (earthiness) which he saw as essential in 'a party of intellectuals' ".
p 108 "The Civil War produced staggering human losses. Well documented figures show15 million perished in the Russian Civil War 1917-22 from war and famine whereas only two million died during the First World War 1914-1917. The Russian population by 1923 was thirty million souls less than demographers had projected. Industrial production in 1920 was only 15% of 1913 output, wiping out all the economic gains obtained since the Tsar's 1862 Emancipation of the Serfs".
p109. "One side effect of the Russian Civil War was the doctrine of War Communism, a militarisation of Communist party rule. Under WC, the CP leadership came to see force as the way to solve all social and economic problems". p 110. "Trotsky wrote in his 1920 book A Defence of Terrorism in which he set forth the basic principles of WC. Trotsky rejected: 'Parliamentary democracy, equality before the law and all civil liberties. These are as bourgeois frauds.' Trotsky argued class war can only be won by force, not votes and that 'to reject terror is to reject socialism.' 'A La guerre, come a la guerre' Trotsky said, 'the State exists for the masses, but does not exclude compulsion by force. Compulsion of labor has replaced free-hiring just as socialisation of the means of production has replaced capitalist property.' p110. In 1921, Lenin abruptly reversed the policies of War Communism and instituted his New Economic Policy (NEP), which allowed for a mixed economy: part State and part Capitalist. Following Lenin's death in 1924, Stalin replaced the NEP with WC".
p.111 "In March 1920 a new group arose. Delegates to the Ninth Communist Party Congress, they called themselves the Democratic Centralists. They opposed authoritarianism and sought autonomy for trade unions and a role for trade unions in managing industries". p 112. "Lenin specifically opposed trade union control of industry in his 1902 work What is to be Done? where he said: 'there can be no independent ideology developed by the working class on its own apart from the guiding hand of the Communist Party as without the Communist Party there can be no Dictatorship of the Proletariat'. Six days before the Ninth party congress, on March 8th, 1920, there was an attempted coup at Kronstadt Naval Base. The coupists denounced 'the oppressive rule of the communist party' calling it a commissarocracy and demanding 'a Third Revolution' ". p 113. "Lenin suppressed the revolt by rounding up and shooting several thousand sailors without trial. He went further, showing again his readiness to sacrifice every principle in order to retain power".
p 114. "Lenin said 'only the Communist Party is capable of resisting the inevitable petty burgeious wavering of the masses and their relapse into trade union narrowness and prejudice". p 115. "The Ninth Communist Party Congress approved Lenin's measures but soon after 1921-22 30% of Communist Party members were expelled for 'continued factionalism''. Lenin declared: 'we've had enough of Oppositionalism!' proscribing all opponents as 'Syndicalist/Anarchist Deviationists' ".
p 119. "Scriabin, a J--, chose the name 'Molotov' meaning Hammer. He later became Stalin's foreign minister". p 120. "A renegade J-- , Lazar Kaganovich, became head of the secret police. He passed Stalin's ultimate test of loyalty when told: 'your brother is mixing with Rightists.' He replied: 'then he must be severely dealt with.' Whereupon he phoned his brother to inform him. His brother promptly shot himself". p 121. "Molotov also passed 'the test' by agreeing to have his beloved wife sent to a concentration camp. As a reward both LK and Molotov went to to become Stalins' most loyalist assistants on the Communist Party's Central Committee Secretariat. Molotov lived till 1986 and Kaganovich till 1991". p 122. "Stalin became General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) but did not create the party Machine. He merely organised it. By 1923 his 767 staff held detailed reports on all 485,000 CPSU cadres. Under Stalin's influence, thousands of local CPSU officials were no longer elected locally or even responsible to local bodies. Instead, all were appointed by Stalin himself. They relied on Stalin for power, power he retained through their loyalty".
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