Saturday, 31 March 2018

N&INS 6th Augustus 2015:

Nationalist and Inter-Nationalist News Service 
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. N&INS is an information source only

BBC World Service 3am Frigasday 6th Augustus 2015 (Pt. II):

Source Irwin Steltzer of the Hudson Institute: “Barak Obama is pursuing a ‘war on coal’ according to the Republican-controlled US Congress. He wants 'renewable energy' within 20 years. China went  to Paris to demand 'market-based schemes'. But the US government is pushing for a Central Plan. Is bizarre. They've become Capitalist and we've become Socialist! China builds a new coal-fired power  plant each week. They plan no cuts to this for at least ten years. Obama is more concerned with his ‘legacy’ than the country. The Republican Party are split: half are 'climate change’ deniers. Obama hopes to ‘lock in’ any potential Republican President to his new International energy deal".  

Reporter Dave Lee: "Las Vegas has just held its annual DefCon for the world's hackers. Many are wanted criminals. All are 'off the grid'. They use only cash, pens and paper. At DefCon no E-data is exchanged. No bookings: all pay cash at the door. DefCon attracts many FBI, and other intel, agents plus a large computer industry and media contingent. Dubbed 'the world’s most dangerous hackers', these like to meet to have fun and exchange 'ideas'. e.g. the Chrysler car-hackers who were active in recent weeks.
They appeared on stage to wild cheering from the 100’s of assembled hack-tivists in the room. The group said: 'we  uncovered a glitch in Oct 2014 and informed Chrysler. We received no response so felt forced to act. We released the information to the general media but Chrysler then tried to suppress the information. That's when  'Charlie Miller' did the hack”. 

‘British Treasurer Marc Carney(J) has said: ‘there will be no interest rate rise till 2016’. 

Rep Karen Allen: ‘It has been confirmed the Boeing wing flap found on Reunion came from MH370'. 

Reporter Alistair Leithhead: “Zimbabwe's top lion researcher has opposed calls for a 'hunting ban' after death of Cecil the Lion. He had tracked Cecil for the past nine years but says 'hunting is our sole source of research funds. Without research there'll be no lion parks. That means a return to cattle ranching and a greater loss of habitat. Poaching poses a greater threat to these animals. There is no debate on the need for hunting within Zimbabwe”.  

Reporter Sami Awami: “Tanzania has lost 80,000 elephants to poachers in the past ten years alone. All their tusks were sent by air to Beijing. The Tanzanian government complains of 'lax airport security' ”.
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