No. 143 Public Information Bulletin of
Australian National Action Octobius-Novembis 2015
ANA accept no
responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an
information source only
STORM gets information
from ‘insiders’, SCUTTLEBUTT. We can’t confirm stories. Here’s the latest:
‘The Golden
Mile’ 9th December 2014: 30-ish Indian
“My friend
lives in Vancouver’s Golden Mile. His house is worth ten million dollars
Canadian. They have their own Bat-cave as a garage! The area is so exclusive,
they walled it up. You can’t build there any more; you can’t buy and they’ll
never sell”. STORM: “So what business is his family involved in?” “Ohh…err…the
import/export business”.
Peoples - you're never gonna beat ‘em!’ 9th December 2014:
60-year-old white female: “I travelled across Afghanistan in 1972 by bus. It
was safe back then. There was a king but there were still tribal fights. The
bus-trip? Every one was doing it! It went from Kathmandu to London. They call
it ‘the Hippy Trail’ now. It’s true, there were hashish cakes sold at every
roadside stall. I remember, one time our driver ate so many he passed out for
24 hours and we had to wait for him to wake up before we could continue our
white female white female listening in, chimes in. 89 years old, she says:
“Tribal fights?! Let me tell you, you’ll never beat tribal people! I lived in
Arnhem Land in Northern Territory [only area of Australia unconquered by
whites] for a long time. The Aborigines love to fight! It fills up their dull,
dreary days. It really does give them an excuse to dress up and to dance
around. That’s why you can’t beat tribal peoples. Fighting is their only fun!”
"Only Five Whites…" 1st Augustus 2015: An elderly white female donated : "I went to a Citizenship Ceremony yesterday. Of 78 there only five were whites, including my British husband". She seemed shocked but soon changed the conversation when it appeared to become 'racial'. Why is it whites only appear to see danger when it is too late, but even then shy away? Are they afraid to state the obvious? We are being invaded and our land stolen, while we wave and smile, slowly sinking beneath the waves of inrushing aliens. We blame the media, courts, parities, for creating a mind-set where treason seems is preferable to survival.
DVD REVIEW: Kako Se Magao Izbeci
Rat: Bosni I & II (What you may have missed in the Bosnian
Wars) 180 minutes TV documentary from Bosnian Serb TV Circa 1997. Subtitles
but no captions of those interviewed. (Part Three. See Part Two on STORM
“On 27 May 1992, 20 were killed and 70 wounded in the
infamous ‘Sarajevo breadline’ massacre, three days prior to a UN vote on
whether to impose sanctions on the Bosnian Serbs. Given the importance of the
vote, the Serbs were desperate to avoid a negative vote so they ceased all
shelling of Sarajevo for four days prior, i.e. at least 24 hours before the massacre.
This temporary ceasefire was confirmed by UN troops on the ground. However, BH
government TV took footage of the massacre and sent it directly to US TV
networks immediately after the attack. These then blamed the Serbs. The
US government and media agreed:”the Serbs did it!”
This despite UN confirmation that two previous such attacks
had been initiated by the BH government forces against its own people. Canadian
UN troops had witnessed these. Leonard Doyle, reporter for the London Independent
newspaper, later detailed these cases in his article: ‘Muslims Slaughter Their
Own People’. Eyewitnesses reported hearing at least five BH government radio
station broadcasts of a “free bread distribution” planned for 27 May 1992. When
a large enough crowd had assembled they found there was no bread but instead a
TV crew was waiting as well as a group of ambulances. Then the mortars began
This was the first three staged attacks on the same Markala
Market, all done just prior to key US, EU, UN meetings. Serbs were coerced into
signing the EU’s Vance-Owen Peace Plan only to see it rejected by the US. LDO:
“under Vance-Owen we left the Bosnia-Herzegovina government with 38% of the
territory. But [after the US intervened], the BH demanded 100%!”
In 1993 Bill Clinton became US President. His Republican
opponent, Bob Dole, was a strong supporter of independence for both Croatia and
Bosnia-Herzegovina. During 1993 Croat-Muslim forces launched fierce attacks on
poorly armed Serbs in West and Central Bosnia. These went unreported by the
main-stream US media as they did not fit in the US ‘view of the war as between
‘good’ Muslims ‘bad and ‘bad’ Muslims.
After US opposition to Vance-Owen the EU came up with a
second peace, the Owen-Stoltenberg Plan. This September 1993 plan would have
seen three equal republics in Bosnia-Herzegovina with Capital cities of Mostar
and Sarajevo, based on the Swiss model of ‘cantons’. Mostar would come under UN
control. LDO discovered US officials discouraging the BH government from
The US State Department, headed by US Ambassador to the UN,
Madeline Albright(J), were entirely pro-BH. LDO found Albright and US Secretary
of State Warren Christopher “sabotaged every EU attempt at peace in
Bosnia-Herzegovina. In frustration, the EU felt forced to invite the US to join
the ‘peace process’. But with open US support, the BH government now rejected
all peace proposals. With US support the BH government was now getting direct
military aid from Iran, Turkey, Malaysia, Sudan and Saudi Arabia.
French UN troops informed LDO that US 'aerial aid drops'
into Western BH were a cover for arms drops. WDR TV (Germany) reported
that EU monitors were smuggling arms to BH forces, for example Christian von
Bechold, then a BND agent responsible for directing German ‘special operations’
within BH. U.S. Air Force C-130’s flew arms to BH forces based at Tuzla
airport. Tuzla was another ‘UN Safe Haven’, one of five in BH.
US Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrook, former US
ambassador to Germany, repeatedly denied these arms shipments, despite detailed
evidence from French and UK military intelligence agencies. Holbrook simply
said: “we didn’t do it; we couldn’t do it”. The New York Times article on page
A8, 5/22/1996 stated otherwise, as did the LA Times’ article by Tim Weiner: “US
Turns Blind Eye To Iran Arms For Bosnia”.
BOOK REVIEW: Autopsy for an empire: Seven leaders who built the Soviet regime by Dr General D. Volkogonov (NYC: Free Press, 1998)
P.248: “The first attack on Khrushchev came 18-21 June 1957. Old Stalinists in the Presidium could not forgive him his attack on Stalin. They were all implicated in the bloody purges and had become used to the regime as it was. Khrushchev was rescued by KGB Chief General Serov who (P.249) alerted the Central Committee which then met 22-29 June 1957. 121 Central Committee members met; 60 spoke. They feared a return to the old Order of police rule”.
P 334: “Yuri Andropov was Ambassador to Hungary 1954-57. He was a firm advocate of ‘tough measures’. He assisted in the arrest of both Hungarian Prime Minister Imre Nagy and Hungarian Defence Minister Pal Malater. Andropov had persuaded Nagy to leave the Yugoslav Embassy. Despite assurances, he was then arrested and shot six months later. Yuri and Imre had been a friends from when both served in the Soviet NKVD”.
P.335: “10th November 1982, Leonid Brezhnev died. He was replaced by Yuri Andropov who, after 15 years as head of the KGB, had concluded the use of concentration camps was ineffectual. It had discredited both the CPSU and the USSR. It was his decision to shift policy away from physical terror to spiritual and ideological control over society”.
P 336: “Andropov believed the only way to preserve the stagnant system was by maintaining control of thought, public opinion and the people’s minds”.
P337: “On 12 Augustus 1952, 13 leaders of the Jewish Antifascist Committee were tried and executed. The KGB maintained ‘permanent surveillance’ of ex -Prime Minister Alexander Kerensky till 1963. It was only halted due to his ‘advanced age and ill-health’ ”.
P.338: “ White Russian, anti-Soviet generals Miller and Kutepov were kidnapped from Paris in the 1930s”.
P383: “Until 20th CPSU Congress in 1956 the Soviet people saw the future through a lens of official ideology. Their promised Communist Utopia was threatened by enemies of ‘the capitalist encirclement’. Following the 20th Congress, against the background of the ‘unexpectedly evil’ Stalin, the ‘good’ Lenin appeared even more of a genius, an absolutely infallible prophet. The time came when more people began to see that Bolshevik ‘truths’ were fact expressions of a big lie within a whole system lies”.
P393: “Polish thinker Leszek Kolakowski said: “in totalitarian societies lies serve a special function. Versions are released for the people from above and can be altered the next day. There is no reliable criterion of truth apart from what is the declared truth at any moment. Thus the lie becomes the truth as the distinction between lie and truth disappears. This was the greatest triumph of Socialism: it succeeded in demolishing the notion of truth so it cannot ever be accused of lying”.
P.395: “Under Socialism society had no part in selecting of leaders. Even the Party was excluded. The top echelon appointed themselves, from a small clan of functionaries. When a leader died all people could do was wait by a radio to hear who would succeed him”.
P.424: “In 1984 the stagnation under Chernyenko which threatened total collapse, prompted some into action. The number leaving the country grew especially artists and diplomats. KGB chief Chebrikov reported:
‘1,223 writers of the nationalist and/or politically-harmful material were apprehended. Of these, 89 were CPSU members. In Ukraine, the Baltic States and Transcaucasia 17 illegal nationalist groups were rendered harmless. 75 attempts by nationalists to commit extremist acts were prevented. 11 of these were in Tiblisi, Georgia. 13 nationalists were charged in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia’. This shows that long before bloody events occurred, signals arriving of nationalist unrest”.
P.432: “all Russia’s misfortunes stem from the fact she never came to terms with the idea of ‘liberty’ ”.
P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia phone 0448 187 582
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