Tuesday, 8 January 2013


                                           STORM ALERT 27
STORM ALERT is published in the national interest. No action should be inferred or implied. 

North-West Shelf gas & oil from the new oil fields off Western Australia are earmarked for export via US energy giants Exxon & Chevron to China only. None is reserved for 'domestic consumption' even in Western Australia. It is predicted this will lead to a shortage of oil & gas in WA itself by 2015.

The same situation applies in Qld & NSW where their Coal Seam Gas fields are being emptied by Chinese gas companies for export to China on Chinese ships via Chinese pipelines & Chinese ports. Not heard about this?

Back to the 1990's, under the Hawke Federal ALP regime, we had the 'Cash for Comments Affair'. A corruption scandal emerged which revealed major sections of our private media, including John Laws, at that time our highest paid talk-back radio host, were being paid NOT to criticise certain companies.  Laws alone was paid AUD$4.5 million per year for his silence. Even the media title for the Affair - 'cash for comments' is misleading. It should have been 'cash for silence'.

Laws alone was exposed. Many others continue to receive payoffs. Laws was never punished nor was his radio station. Was this an isolated case? No. In 2008 the retiring former CEO of CNN boasted "we allow no criticism of our major advertisers". In other words, just like John Laws, when you buy advertising space  on a media outlet you are also buying immunity from public exposure.

You should no longer wonder why so little real 'news' appears on the TV 'news'. Indeed, these now appear to be little but 'info-mercials' plugging the latest fashions or trends. A source revealed to us in the 1990's that "the Sales division at Channel Seven (our No.2 ratings network) has taken over the News division".

The advent of so many females to the media has only accelerated this (a recent QUT Journalism class had 24 females to three males). Females have a natural bent away from 'conflict' (stories like war) & towards consensus ('puff' pieces like food or fashion). That is why your TV 'news' now follows a format similar to the 'Australian Woman's Weekly' or 'Women's Day'.

This is the end result of loud calls by feminists for 'a women's perspective in the media'. These two trends, towards bribe-taking for soft peddling news on corporate giants combine with a female-dominated media who dodge all tough issues, produce the trivalised dross we now call 'media' where they only pursue little fish - those not paying them bribes.


        STORM ALERT 30 - US 'Fiscal Cliff' Explained
A number of supporters asked us to explain this complex issue. Here goes:

CLIFF: There is no 'cliff'.  It is a media cliche used to communicate a complex fact to an infantile, dumbed-down public. The 'cliff' date of 31 December 2012 was set for a the first in a series of financial 'triggers' which will automatically make both budget cuts & taxes increase should the two reigning US political parties be unable to agree on new taxes & cuts. So far they have failed to agree.

WHY USE A CLIFF? Some media commentators believe it is in the interests of the parties to allow these 'automatic' taxes/cuts to go ahead to spare both the blame. They can both blame 'the cliff', not themselves, for the new taxes/cuts which both parties know are needed, although they are unable to persuade their supporters.

WHY WAS A CLIFF NECESSARY?  A year ago the two parties could not agree to new taxes or cuts. They did agree to defer a decisions for one year. Due to the impending 28 Nov. 2012 elections, neither side could allow itself to be seen as 'weak' by its supporters. Both agreed to wait till after the election to settle the issues. That's why it is occurring now, one month after the election. But they still cannot agree. Why? It is not the fault of the two parties despite what the media say. It is their supporters.

NATURE OF U.S. POLITICS: The two system parties in the US as in most Western social democracies represent interest groups who could not run for office as they are unappealing to the public. Can you imagine a bankers party or an illegal immigrants party getting votes? So instead they hire 'faces' to stand for them. This is called 'representative democracy'. Two token parties represent these two disparate blocs.  Which are:

1.  REPUBLICANS: One bloc is white, male, mostly Christian, pro-gun, anti-non-white migration & middle class. They oppose new taxes as they ARE the rich & the wealth producers. Any new tax must fall on them. The US Republican Party looks after these interests.

2.  DEMOCRATS: The other side of politics is covered by the US Democratic Party. This can be described as an umbrella for welfarist groups. These are unions, pro-migrant groups, pro-abortion, mostly female voters. Virtually any group that lives off government funding. Such parasites love new taxes. The taxes fund an expanding array of new welfare programmes to replace the old, failed ones. The programmes always fail as the only cure for poverty is hard work which these are incapable of doing. Why?

DEMOGRAPHICS: This section of the population is the most rapidly expanding whereas the rich whites have stopped reproducing. Since 1962 the 'pill' has allowed young white women to reject birthing as a career. Since 1973 abortion has complimented their position. Now only non-whites & aliens in the US breed. In mid-2012 the US fell off a demographic cliff when for the first time ever more non-white births were recorded than whites. The whites are effectively now in decline. Then came the election which the whites' party lost for the second time in a row. US whites are now asking themselves, as South Africa's whites said before them: "why should we pay taxes so the non-whites majority may feed 'n' breed?" This is why the non-white ruler Barak Hussein Obama will find no friends in the Republican-controlled lower house of Congress.

WHY USE A CLIFF (2)? The US owes US$16 trillion. The current President forced through a bill in 2011 expanding the legal debt limit from US$15 trillion to US$ 16 trillion. He did this using similar tactics to the ones he's using now. The Republicans caved in then but forced him to agree to the 'cliff' they now face. The first 'cliff' will only cut US$12 billion off the national debt. That leaves $15.988 trillion still owing. How was the US$16 trillion debt amassed?  A long time ago the US as every other Western country, spent more than it earned. A company or an individual goes bankrupt. A country just borrows more. But the taxes are used to fund 'programmes' for the alien poor, not for whites. These feed literally off the sweat of the few remaining whites. The whites are saying: enough is enough!

WHAT VOTERS SHOULD DO: This cliff is the first of many. That is why 'saving' the US from this one will not prevent the series cascading down upon them. The media can't tell the public this or they'll stop spending & the capitalists who own the media will disappear. Without capital the Masters can no longer bribe the politicians to obey them. The US may yet free itself from tyrannical alien rule. Don't demand, like Starbucks, that  'the politicians work together'. Pray they let the whole mess collapse. Then a new way, a Third Way, may begin to be built in its place.          

PO Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia Phone 07 3205 8543 Email: australiannationalaction@yahoo.com.au   australiannationalaction2.blogspot.com.au/

STORM 95 Augustus 2011

        No. 95  Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action  Augustus 2011
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only.

STORM gets a lot of information from ‘inside’ sources, SCUTTLEBUTT. We can’t use their names or confirm their stories. Here’s the latest:

TAFE TEACHER: An ESL [English as a Second Language] teacher at South Brisbane TAFE told us:
“I teach English to refugees who want to pass the new immigration rules which require a ‘sound knowledge of English’. Two are Muslim men, from Iraq & Afghanistan. They confided to me them want to quit Islam as they desperately want to be more ‘Aussie’. They say Islam is ‘too restrictive’ ”.

SOMALI CONTACT: (@ 23 Juno 2011): “Did you hear the price our boys [Somali pirates] got for their latest release? US$32 million. Not a bad income stream!”

NSW POLICE CONTACT: “What happened to Donald Mackay [Griffith anti-drugs campaigner who disappeared in 1974]? Was put through a kangaroo mincer. [Mafia] don’t muck around”.

SRI LANKAN CONTACT: “I hate Indians! They’re a big country but they want ours, too. We’ve got gold, diamonds & minerals. They want them!”
STORM: “If SL is rich why are so many in Australia?”
SLC: “It’s got wealth but the rich don’t share it. There are beggars in the streets. Not like here. Professional people like doctors, nurses & teachers are very badly paid. Foreign countries send ‘aid’ to SL but it all disappears. That’s why everyone I know there wants to leave”
[Nogs mess up their own lands. Are we to be the site of their next mess? RE].

FILPINA CONTACT: “Why has Australia no limits on foreigners buying up our land? (sic). Both the US and China are buying up the Northern Territory. New Zealand has a limit of five hectares that any one foreigner can buy. Even the Philippines has limits but here – none. Why?! Soon we won’t even own our own country” (sic).
[Similar comments from a white Australian are an offence under Racial Vilification & Race Hatred Acts. She saw hatred of Chinese as ‘natural’. Believed Australia is ‘ours’. RE].

FEMALE ENGLISH CONTACT: “I’m 91 years old. I remember the War. I lost four girlfriends to the Americans! They killed them! There were all ganged raped in Carlyle, on the Scots-English border. This was in 1944. Just before the Normandy Invasion, it was never reported. They kept it quiet so as not to damage civilian morale. The Yanks didn’t arrive till 1943. All the trouble started then. They’re still there. Part of the deal to secure US troop support was we had to allow them bases for 100 years. We didn’t want them then & we don’t want them now. We were doin’ alright! We had the French, Canadians, Australians – but when the Yanks turned up all the trouble started” [She changed the subject & we never discovered what ‘the trouble’ was. RE].

2011 FLOOD VICTIM CONTACT: An 85 year old woman from Chinchilla, 500 km West of Brisbane. The January 20011 floods saw 94% of Qld declared a ‘natural disaster’ zone.
STORM: “How badly affected was tiny Chinchilla?”
She: ‘we got flooded but it was not as bad as in 1942. You’ve never heard of the 1942 floods? The government was worried it’d encourage the Japs to invade us from New Guinea, that they’d see Australia as vulnerable. So no one’s ever admitted the ‘42 floods actually occurred. Media were heavily censored. We just got our lives back together & carried on. That’s what we did in these floods, too’ ”.

PARENTAL DILEMMA: A parent contacted. “My 16 year old son attends Bracken Ridge State High School [formerly Nashville SHS]. Since the Januar 2011 floods they’ve had an influx of Sudanese. That’s when the trouble began. The Sudanese lived in Ipswich & Southern Brisbane in the vast welfare ghettos there. Since the flood wiped out 18,000 dwellings they’ve headed to the North of the River, to our area [mostly white North Brisbane was not flooded]. BRSHS now has a violence problem. The Sudanese don’t know any better. Whenever they don’t get what they want – BAM! - they assault someone. Everyone else is just a punching bag for them”.

DVD REVIEW: Good (2007) (92 minutes):
Director Vincente Amorim; Executive producer Jason Isaacs; producer Miriam Segal(J) for Miromar Productions. Based on a play by C.P.Taylor. Stars Mark Strong, Jason Isaacs(J) & Viggo Mortensen. A vanity piece by Isaacs who plays villain Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter series. Isaacs is using the fortune earned from the HP franchise – fellow star Emma Watson allegedly earned US$32 million from the eight films. JI funded this puff-piece, filmed in Hungary, adapted from a badly written stage play. Regurgitates usual lies & half-truths surrounding Second European Civil War 1939-45.

Plot: VM plays a German academic with a Chosen best friend, a psychiatrist played by JI. VM character is ‘seduced’ by Nazi flattery into writing anti-Semitic books. Even joins SS as an ‘adviser’. Meanwhile his friend played by JI is detained for his own protection after Kristelnacht & begins a new career in a work camp (Koncentration Lager). From there things become odd. VM gets promoted to an ‘Inspector of Camps’ just so he can run hither & thither whining: “Joseph, my friend where are you?“ across half of Poland. What’s going on?

RACIST TYPE-CASTING: JI & VM both face same dilemma as Ralph Fiennes who was type-cast as a Nazi in Spielberg’s racist slander piece, Schindler’s List. After that he was forced to play a fascist in The English Patient & the HP series’ ultra-evil Lord Voldemort. Since the epochal Lord of the Rings series VM has been reduced to playing violent psychopaths as in the post-apocalyptic The Road,  A History of Violence & two cow-boy flix, Appaloosa & Hidalgo. His crime? He played a white hero battling the sub-human Orcs in LotR. An inspiration to White, Western youth, something Hollywood hates. Only non-whites are to be role models now. Such odious specimens as Nelson Mandela, B.Obama & Oprah Winfrey. They see VM’s LotR role as ‘racist’. As such his film career is dim. So, too, JI’s. With the eighth & final HP film completed he is unemployable. His response? To do a mini-Spielberg, on the cheap: Good. Title comes from expression: ‘the good German’. After 1945 many Germans claimed they were never Nazis but simply been ‘good people caught in a bad situation‘. This film aims to show these ‘good’ Germans were not. Is a racist libel on an entire race but is legal as these days only whites may be freely smeared.

DEMOGRAPHIC DECLINE & FEMALE PEER PRESSURE: We’re all concerned with the declining white proportion of the world’s population, now only 5%, but few agree on the causes. Some facts: 37% of Danish men are now involuntarily sterile. Is it caused by fluoride, after-shave lotion or diet? 97,000 Australian un-borns are murdered per year by their own mothers, paid for by the tax-payers. Procedure costs AUD$2,000 but the cost to the murderer is only AUD$68 thanks to Medicare. Recently another factor was added to our equations.

TUBAL LIGATION OR VASECTOMY? A contact told us of a startling event when he & his wife had their second child 14 years ago. “We’d just had our second & were telling all our friends. Along with congratulations we got a second message from women: ‘it’s time to have the snip’ i.e. a vasectomy. One woman nagged us for weeks. Kept saying ‘you’ve had your two! You’ve got your pigeon-pair!’ Even tried: ‘be a real man – have the op [operation]’. Was fanatical. Same universal disapproval greeted us when we told our close friends we were ‘trying for a third child’. Standard response was: ‘but what about world overpopulation?’ To which we began to reply: ‘tell the Third World but get off my back!’ That got me cast as a ‘racist’. Too bad! Oddly, a year after we’d had our third all our friends then had theirs – till then they all had two’.

PEER PRESSURE: Why this peer pressure from middle-class women? Article from Australian Doctor newspaper: ‘each year 29,000 Australian women & 39,000 men undergo voluntary sterilization’. Women have tubal ligation - their ‘tubes’ are tied. For men its ‘the snip’. Why do it? Back to our contact: ‘our married female friends tire of taking their daily birth-control pills. But the wife of a sterile man doesn’t need to take the pill. It’s that simple - and that selfish. Women in Australia are brain-washed to believe they must be on the pill; that they must only have two kids. So they seek a way out – short of avoiding sex. They choose to sterilize themselves or their male partner. We heard of one case where a girl, a part-Maori, had two children then divorced. She remarried but to a man who was also divorced. She wanted no more children so convinced him to ‘get the snip’ but their marriage only lasted six months. After her he married a white, his third wife. What could he tell his new wife? Maori later suffered an identity crisis. Was committed to a mental hospital. Too late, if you ask me”.

VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA: So there you have it. The hidden killer, self sterilization. Add to this the many pre- born’s murdered in Australia per year. On top of this nearly the entire fertile, white, female population are on the pill - some from 12 years of age. Some allege gay educators want to convert 1/3 of school children into ‘gays’ by 2030. How? Compulsory High School subjects like HPE [Personal Education] & PDE [Personal Development Education] encourages youths to identify as ‘gay’ as one of their ‘lifestyle options’. Includes  becoming bisexual or transgender. Californian contact told us the state’s made this education compulsory. Parents are denied a right to rebuke such information at home. Can be prosecuted if they do. Goal is to diminish breeding by our dwindling white population. Less of us - more of them. We cooperate in our own demise.

ABCTV Landline 12 noon Solday 27 Februa 2011 (55 minutes):
Reporter Kerry Lonergan: “In 2010 consumption of chicken meat overtook beef for the first time. Consumption of chicken has risen in Australia since the 1960’s from six million tones to 37 million tones. This is predicted to rise to 42 million tonnes. Meat chickens grow twice as fast today as they did 40 years ago purely through genetic manipulation, not hormones. These have been banned in Australia for the past 40 years”.
[Why a rise in chicken use? Immigration. STORM spoke to Poles in the 1980’s. They had never eaten beef & the wives were too embarrassed to ‘begin again’ so only ever ate the pork they had known at ‘home’. Same was true of Asians who flooded in after 1979. They only knew of chickens at home so only ate chicken here. Many find beef too ‘tough’ to eat plus far too expensive. Is another sign of our increasing Asianisation. RE]. .

Reporter Tina Lee: “Premium wool prices are at a 25 year high due to higher demand in China and a lack of alternatives. Previously manufacturers turned to cheaper synthetics. Now their prices are also high as is cotton”.

ABCTV Indus Civilisation: Clues in the Mounds 1040am Moon 7 Mars 2011 (BBCTV2005) (20 minutes). Executive Producer/director for the BBC Andrew Parr.
“In 2600 BC cities were built in the Indus Valley North of modern day Karachi, Pakistan’s main seaport. The major excavation sites are Harappa & Mohen-djaro. The modern discoverer of the Harappa site in 1820 was British Army deserter & spy, Charles Masson AKA James Lewis. He wrote a book about the site later but by then the walls of the city had been demolished by the British . Some went to build towns nearby. Others were used for a 200 miles stretch of railway to modern-day Harappa. These bricks still exist as the Harappans first perfected kiln drying of bricks”. [What is left unsaid is the Harappans of 4,600 years ago were white, not Arabic as are today’s Pakistanis. RE].

P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia  phone 0448 187 582     Email: australiannationalaction@yahoo.com.au australiannationalaction2.blogspot.com.au/

STORM 101 Februa 2012

No. 101      Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action       Februa 2012
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only
STORM gets a lot of 'insider' information, SCUTTLEBUTT. We can’t confirm these stories:

OVERHEARD: “Do you remember Chris & Sue? He was the minister who quit being one. Then his wife want to college, now she’s the minister. They split up. He’s now remarrying. It’ll be his third wife. He was married before Sue. This one is Sam. Chris broke up her first marriage, oh, 25 years ago. He told her: ‘you don’t have to put up with that! So she left her husband. He ran a church campsite. After that she went with someone else but didn’t marry him. She had two kids but the first one & no one buy the second. Chris had two by his second but both died, one at birth & the other at 16 years old. So how’re your kids?” We weave a tangled web for ourselves these days. It will be a nightmare for our kids to unravel, if this next generation survives the mayhem of the multicultural madness.

DVD REVIEW: Transformers Three: Dark Side of the Moon (152 minutes)
Director Michael Bay. Stars Shia Labeouf(J), John Malkovich(J), John Turturro(J). Despite allegedly costing $839 million – a world record – it is a sad, wasted film. We gave it a 2 out of 10. This film may kill off the Transformer franchise. To test the appeal of the film we took along an eleven year old boy. Fanatical about the first two Transformer movies, he was stunned at ‘how bad’ this third one was. He even described it as: ‘little more than a 2 ½ hour-long video game’. How could they get it so wrong?

To start with Sam Whitwhicky’s girlfriend, the stunning brunette Megan Fox, has been replaced by a dumb English blonde, not even an actress but a model. What a contrast! Fox was a fighter, along the lines of Angela Jolie in Tomb Raider. Fox often used her initiative to save Sam & his US Spec Ops pals. She was never a victim. But this blonde bimbo is a throwback to the 1960’s where female leads played variations on the ‘damsel in distress’ role. Sam is repeatedly having to stop fighting aliens to rescue his limp noodle of a girlfriend. Whereas Fox soared this blonde is an albatross around his neck.

Why was Fox sacked? After Transformer Two she was quoted in the Hollywood press describing Executive Producer & Hollywood Godfather Steven Speilberg as ‘a little Hitler’. SS has made a career of putting Hitler or ‘Nazis’ into every single one of his films since the 1970’s, from Darth Vader's helmet to The Indiana Jonah series. It is his one constant obsession so to have someone call him ‘Hitler’ especially someone he could punish, well…let’s just say we don’t expect to see Fox in a film again for a long time.

Another serious flaw is casting a favourite of the Hollywood elite, John Malkovich(J). JM dominates any film he's in, no matter how minor his role. Recent examples of this are Red with Helen Mirren & Burn After Reading with Brad Pitt & George Clooney. T3's plot, what there is of it, is warped by placing a major actor in a minor role & a non-actor in a major role. All the 'smoke n mirrors' can't distract us from that.

Other factors imbalanced the plot. The 'baddies' or Decepticons are shown torturing and executing prisoners plus carrying out random massacres of civilians. But then the ‘good’ aliens, the Autobots, also show scant regard for life, alien or otherwise. The 'goodies' tear a prisoner literally limb-from-limb while joking: ‘this is gonna hurt!’ The film ends with ‘good’ leader Optimus Prime executing captured rebel leader Sentinel, voiced by Leonard Nimoy. After so much moral equivalence the target teen audience must be left wondering: 'who’s good & who’s bad?' There could be a subtle message here.

Director Michael Bay has extremely close contacts with the US War Machine – in Transformers One he even had real soldiers & airmen play themselves. Bay used extensive US military technical support in all three Transformer films. We have to ask: is Bay simply ‘channeling’ current US military doctrine? Given US official sanctions for torture (Abu Graib & Guantanamo Bay prisons), use of kidnapping (CIA’s ‘Extraordinary Rendition’ programme) & extra-judicial executions (Osama bin Laden et al) this appears to be true. While Bay's T3 posits the question: 'who’s good & who’s bad?', he himself seems uninterested in the answer. Many in the US elite, Bay included, believe that just as in WWI & WWII that is irrelevant so long as they win. Victors write history. The US must win or die.

Why cast Leonard Nimoy, famed as the good Dr Spock from the Star Trek franchise, as the turncoat, a goody turned bad? It's the first time LN has played a baddy & leaves a lingering bad taste in one's mouth. Why has Bay pushed such moral ambiguity into a children’s film? He is telling us, subliminally, that the once ‘good’ America now choses to be ‘bad’ but in a good cause, the War on Terror. Bay wants to impart this same amorality to the impressionable next generation, one who already fail to distinguish between video ‘war’ games from the real thing on TV. These future recruits to the US WAr Machine are being pre-programmed to believe torture, mistreatment of prisoners, assassinations, civilian deaths are perfectly acceptable - when done by the good ole US of A. It's only a ‘war crime’ if done by someone with a funny name like Saddam or Qadafi. Or B. Hussein Obama? This is the world our kids will enter, conditioned by Wall Street's Hollywood agit-prop brigade.

ABC News Radio 936AM 10am Tuisday 12 Juli 2011:
“New Zealand Prime Minister said his country will refuse to accept a boat carrying 400 Sri Lankan asylum seekers. They were shown flying NZ flags & holding signs saying ‘our future is in NZ’. He said to allow them entry would means ‘millions will follow’. He's been warned by Amnesty International he must ‘obey international legal obligations’ ”.
[Same used by Philip Ruddock, Immigration Minister 1995-2007, regarding illegals. ‘Legal obligations’?  Zimbabwe shows none over farm seizures nor South Africa on 5,000 farm murders. RE].

ABCTV Architects of Change 10am Wodensday 13 Juli 2011 (55 minutes):
A Lato Sensu Production for TV5 Monde & Quebeccor. Producer Jean Bourbonnais.
 “After Thailand, Cambodia is a hub of the child sex industry. Of 60,000 prostitutes on the streets on the capital, Phnom Penh, 20,000 are children. Of these 12,000 have HIV. The FRIENDS Society now trains these street kids in its chain of restaurants, Restaurant Romdeng. They have no birth certificates & have been abused so have no pride. With a job & trained in Cambodian cooking they regain their pride. They learn they do not have look to Thailand or the USA for examples but to themselves. Many go on to run their own restaurants. In 15 years FRIENDS has gone global & now operates in Thailand, Laos, Indonesia & South America. ”.

The Mural Arts Programme in Philadelphia has been run by Jane Golden for 25 years. Ph has the highest murder rate in the US with one murder per day. The unemployment rate is double the US average at 1:4. This is rooted in endemic poverty. JG: ‘I was drawn to Ph as it had America’s first black Mayor. We enrolled 3,000 graffiti artists. In 25 years we have done 3,000 murals using 20,000 artists from the streets & prisons. ‘Mona’ has a mural on her house. ‘My mother was a block captain for 42 years’ [i.e. black Democratic Party activist]. MAP is now the largest employer in Ph. Graffiti has disappeared from the city. MAP now has a Branch in Montreal. They work in Habitation Jamal(?) a public housing project built in the 1950’s where 70 ‘cultural communities’ (sic) now coexist”. JG: “We’ve found graffiti artists will never deface a mural. This is art that reflects the community”.

Ram Karam runs the Barefoot College in Rajistan: “They’ve built 1,200 water reservoirs in public schools across 16 Indian States. That has freed 500,000 children from having to carry water during school hours. The water reservoirs collect rainfall during the monsoon season, sparing the ground water. BC has no pre-requisites, not even a common language. Rajistan has the lowest literary in India at 50% for men & only 20% for women. BC began enrolling women as solar power engineers as ‘these have the most interest in having electricity in their homes’ so they used their intense interest to motivate them to learn. It has worked. We used colour codes to train those illiterate in which wires to solder. As a result women now run many affairs of the state and are demanding change e.g. in the caste system. For children who are forced to work in agricultural during the day BC runs night classes. In the past 30 years BC has educated 200,000 women. Today there are now 700 BC night schools where 3,000 children are educated.

DVD REVIEW: The Matrix Warner Bros. 131 minutes Written & directed by the Wachowski Bros(J); produced by Joel Silver(J); Executive producers Andy & Larry Wachowski(J); stars Keanu Reeves, Lawrence Fishburne & Carrie-Anne Moss(J).
Neo (Keanu Reeves) meets his mentor Morpheus (Lawrence Fishburne).
M: “Do you believe in fate?”
N: “No”.
M: “Why not?”
N: “I don’t like the idea I’m not in control of my life”.
M: “You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain. But you feel it. You felt it your entire life. That’s there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what but its there. Like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. The Matrix? The Matrix is everywhere. All around us. You see it when you turn on your TV. You feel it when you go to work or church or pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. That you are a slave. Like everyone you were born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison of they mind. No one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it [i.e. experience it]. This is your last chance [M. shows N two pills]. Take this pill and you wake up in your bed & believe whatever you want to. Take the other - you stay in Wonderland & I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes”.

Being science-fiction, Morphius leads Neo on a crusade against ‘alien invaders’ that goes nowhere except to two sequels. For political activists The Matrix has become an open door to many socially aware individuals who, thanks to the Global Recession, now question the world they live in. When we describe the world as White Nationalists see it we often get the response: “ah! Just like in the Matrix” to which we reply: “yes but this isn’t fiction. Its reality & the Enemy doesn’t come from outer space”.  

BOOK REVIEW: The Brave Japanese by Kenneth Harrison (Adelaide: Rigby Press, 1966).
Chapter Two, pp.26-56, dealt with the unpleasant aftermath of a WWII action by the Australian Imperial Force [Australian Army] at Parit Sulong bridge, Malaya. The author was taken prisoner by the Japanese & held with 700 Dutch, British & AIF soldiers at Pudu Prison, Kuala Lumpur. There they shared their war-tales & learned of atrocities by the Imperial Japanese Army [IJA].

“At Pudu Prison, a former civilian prison, we 700 men were held with 30 Asian women. A tragic figure there was 18 year old Jimmy Wharton. Jim'd been among the wounded left at Parit Sulong when our 2/19th & 2/29th units staged a fighting 70-day withdrawal down the Malay Peninsula. We assumed, wrongly, the IJA would take good care of our wounded just as we would have of theirs. Jimmy was among 135 wounded POWs dragged from the PS hospital to be tied up, machine-gunned then bayoneted. He watched in horror as the other 134 were drenched in petrol & set alight. He heard their screams, pleas & curses as those still heavily drugged awoke to the smell of petrol & realized their fate. He saw trucks driven back & forth across them as they lay on the damaged PS bridge. He watched till night fell. Jungle creatures came out, feasting on the charred flesh. He fled” (p.101).

[Author (KH) had passed through PS in Februa 1942 during a two month Escape & Evasion attempt following a failed counter-offensive North of there. He saw the remains of dozens of bodies crammed into potholes on approaches to the PS bridge. They’d been partially eaten by wild pigs & baboons. KH wondered whose they were but only found out later, after meeting JW months later. PS village had been held by AIF units attempting to block the IJA’s inexorable progress South. AIF took a heavy toll of IJA troops before making an orderly retreat. As in European wars, AIF left their wounded behind in the expectation the IJA would take care of them. They did not. Instead, they took revenge on wounded AIF for the set-back to their tight invasion schedule. This pattern was later repeated throughout the Pacific War: any set-backs for the IJA lead to terrible reprisals on captured prisoners. RE].

“JW wandered for a week with a bayonet wound right through his chest but which missed both his lungs. Then he was captured by second-line IJA units and brought to Pudu. There his limbs quivered & colour drained from his face each time he heard a Jap voice. The only other survivor of the Ps massacre was Lt Ben Hackney. His leg had been shattered by a mortar bomb during the defence of the PS bridge. When the massacre began Hackney shammed death despite being bayoneted eight times by the Japanese [our emphasis]. One even stole his army boots. The agony of his broken leg can only be imagined. When I met Hackney in Pudu his legs & body were covered with bayonet marks. His left leg was bent at an odd angle. His horrifying experience had made him grim & unyielding to the guards. He appointed himself guardian of poor bewildered Jimmy Wharton & protected him. Grim, implacable, an example of guts for all of us. I was proud he was an Australian (p.102).      

KH noted some odd items:
“The Jap’s used puppet Chinese troops from Occupied China” (p.69) yet “every Chinese man, woman & child we met had been wonderful friends to us & ran dangerous risks for us” (p.70) as all supported Chang Kai Shek’s Nationalist regime, not Mao Zedong’s Reds. RE].

DVD REVIEW: The Long Way Home 133 minutes 2010
Written produced & directed by Peter Weir for National Geographic Entertainment + Abu Dhabi Film. Based on the book by Slavmir Rawicz. Stars Colin Farrell & Mark Strong. Filmed in Bulgaria & Morocco.
Is the true story of Polish POW’s captured by the Red Army in 1940 during the Russian invasion of Poland. They later escape from a concentration camp near Lake Baikal, part of the Siberian Gulag system. These POW’s fled with members of several other nationalities. All had been arrested as ‘spies’ by Stalin’s paranoid regime. They crossed Siberia entering Mongolia. Finding it to be also a Communist dictatorship they continued into China. China itself was in the grip of a Japanese invasion & a Nationalist-Communist Civil War. Too unsafe, the escapees were forced to continue. On into Tibet & then to British India. Their journey took them 4,000 miles.

In the ‘making of’ featurette Australian Director Peter Weir gives the background to this extraordinary true life adventure:
“the Soviet Gulag or concentration camp system had 450 separate camps, but all were linked into a network. Some were large, some small. In all 20 million people were imprisoned. That included 1,000s of American Communists who’d believed the Soviet propaganda & migrated to the USSR during the 1930’s Depression looking for work. All were eventually accused of being ‘spies’ & sent to the Gulag. Spying? Stalin sentenced all alleged spies to 20 years ‘forced labour’. He used them to build railways, dams & infrastructure across the vast Siberia landmass. To simply question Stalin’s action would earn you a 10 year sentence for ‘slandering the State’. These also went to the Gulag as forced labour”.

The few media reviews for this anti-Soviet film were all negative. Hollywood’s media lackeys are the last ‘true believers’ in Bolshevism. A truly traumatic film made by a true-blue Aussie.

P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia  phone 07 3205 8543
Email: australiannationalaction@yahoo.com.au


No. 59              Public Information Bulletin of National Action           Augustus 2008 
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only. 

‘DEMOCRACY’ AUSTRALIAN-STYLE: In our Februa 2008 STORM we spoke of this country having entered an era of dictatorship. Some thought we were guilty of hyperbole or exaggeration. So we will in this issue examine one small part of that ‘democracy’. Think: do parallels exist in my local area? Then decide: if everything about the current set-up is crooked, corrupt and criminal does that match classical definitions of a ‘democracy’ - or a dictatorship.

‘OVER-GOVERNED’: In mid-2007 the Qld public were informed by the State ALP Beattie-led government: ‘you are over-governed’. Beattie’s solution to this was to abolish half the local government areas and ‘merge’ these with the other half in what was termed ‘amalgamations’. Oddly only non-ALP ruled councils would be abolished and all these would be merged with larger ALP-ruled councils. E.g. large urban centres, home to most welfare cheats, malingerers and aliens, would swallow up their surrounding mostly white-flight rural townships.
Those who had sought to escape the ALP’s atheistic, anti-male, anti-white rule would now be snared.

CASE STUDY - PINE RIVERS SHIRE COUNCIL: A classic study of this was Pine Rivers Shire Council (PRSC). A dormitory city to Brisbane, the State capital, it held 135,000 citizens. It was only formed in 1994 but had grown as a cheaper alternative to Brisbane’s one million cramped residents, flooded with Abos, aliens and Reds fleeing the Southern slums of Sydney and Melbourne. As they crowded in and slum-ified Brisbane sensible whites moved across the boundaries, to PRSC. Was only a quick train ride to their jobs in Brisbo, then back to sane living amongst their fellow whites each night.

“TARGET CHAPMAN“: An added bonus was PRSC’s sole Mayor for its 13 years was an old colleague of ‘Joh‘*, former Nationals Cabinet Minister Yvonne Chapman, a fundamentalist Christian. It she who gained nation-wide attention in 2000 when campaigning against queers using public toilets to meet. She removed all toilet doors to counter this. Media loather her, public adored her. She was a female ’JOH’. This galled the ‘local’ Murdoch-monopoly media and their ALP lackeys. When the ALP forced amalgamations onto the local councils, the media let rip with lies and innuendos about Yvonne.

ALP’s MURDOCH MEDIA: The two local Murdoch rags the Northern Times (www.questnews.com.au) and Pine Rivers Press (www.questnews.com.au), both free weekly ’throwaways’ usually only ran articles of gardening tips and footy results for local high school teams. Most only read them for the free TV guide. But…every three years for four weeks the front page is transformed from ’grow your own vegies’ to ’vote ALP’. Is the secret weapon ALP used to secure monopoly rule across Australia. The ‘local rag’ that carried ’little Jimmy’s photo from the footy match’ is a trusted source when TV and radio are not. ALP abuse this trust because like the other two media this ‘local’ is foreign-owned. All ’local rags‘ are controlled by a Delaware-based News Ltd. NL is owned by New York based-Murdoch, a US citizen and billionaire. He loves to tell ‘the masses’ what to do and orders governments about like pawns on a chess board.

MEDIA SMEARS: As usual the NT and PRP swung into high gear for the ALP. Here are the headlines for the four weeks election campaign: NT page one Friday 1 February 2008 ’WALL OF SILENCE’, ’Harassment payout claim rocks council’ & ’Council silent over issue’ all by Bernie Dowling & Steve D‘Arcy. Allegation was a council employee had been harassed by another so the victim was paid out. So? The matter could not be aired as that was against the ALP’s own ‘privacy policy’. Media knew this but the masses didn’t. So for four weeks media demanded something they knew the Council couldn’t do without breaking the law. Brilliant.

PRP JOINS ASSAULT: On Wednesday 6 February 2008 PRP followed NT’s lead with p.3 ’DEMAND FOR  ANSWERS’ & P.8 editorial ’Truth must be given’ and ’investigate doubts in council payout’. Included the usual calls for the CJC to be involved. CJC is a notorious ALP hyper-police unit that only ever ’investigates’ enemies of the ALP, like Joh and Yvonne. PRP’s page eight ‘Letters to the Editor‘, a key ALP mouthpiece, ran ’CMC should probe use of funds’ & ‘extensive changes [to PRSC] are required‘. The link was made: amalgamation would remove a corrupt council.
NT’s second attack on page one 8 February 2008 ‘PAYOUT PROBE’ ‘Public Lockout forces State to Act’, ’Minister Launches Payout Probe’ & ‘Silence Defended - ‘We run the Show‘ ‘ again by Dowling & D‘Arcy. PRP on page one 20 February 2008 ‘ENOUGH SILENCE‘ by B. Dowling. Local rag ’The Westerner’ (wwwthewesterner.com.au) ran article by Lee Oliver & David Peterson on Thursday 13 March 2008 ’Ritzy Retirement for millionaire mayor’ alleging Yvonne ‘whose salary is $137,000 per year would benefit from sale of land she had held since 1973. When she bought it it was worth $16,500. She sold it in July 2006 for $4.18 million” . Media had kept silent on this sale till the election then - BANG! Hoping to destroy Yvonne. NT ran on page seven Friday 14 March 2008 a full page advert ’PRSC - A need for change’ by ’concerned citizen’ J.H. Grant. Was usual ALP smear. Election was the next day, Saturday 15 March 2008.  

ALP CORRUPTION CONTINUES UNABATED: In the meantime ALP’s Beattie had handed over power to Ultra-Leftist Deputy ‘Red Anna’ Bligh, descendant of the infamous Capt Bligh of HMS Bounty. As would be expected she is a feminist tyrant. Beattie took a post at a Uni in North Carolina lecturing in Law using a fake Doctorate he granted himself from Uni of Qld just before he quit office. (His wife has a PhD in history and he wanted one, too). Now has a home in Brevard, NC. As well as his Uni pay he got Bligh to grant him a sinecure (job for doing nothing) at AUD $300,000 per annum as’ Trade Commissioner for the Americas’ in Los Angeles (reporter Patrick Lion page six Brisbane Courier-Mail 19 May 2008). But isn’t this corruption?

POST-ELECTION IRONY: One reason given by ALP and media for amalgamations was ’increased efficiency’. One hoped that meant saving money on salaries. Apparently not. After departure of Yvonne and entry of ALP Mayor Allan Sutherland, former Mayor of Redcliffe, a neighboring ethnic-Abo slum, first move was to appoint an Administrator. The three mayors of Caboolture, PRSC & Redcliffe had earned roughly $100,000 each. So the combined Administrator earned $400,000 (page one NT Friday 18 April 2008 ‘I Quit‘ by Bernie Dowling). What saving? To make the folly clearer this man, Ray Burton ’Acting CEO of the new Moreton Bay Regional Council’ quit after one week in office and was given a ’golden hand shake’ of $300,000 ( ‘$300,000 payout‘ page three PRP Wednesday  .

* JOH: Sir Johannes Bjelke-Petersen was Qld Premier for 19 years, 1968-1987. A National Party MP, Christian fundamentalist and Lutheran lay preacher, he rule Qld with an iron hand. Pro-white, pro-Christian, he openly supported apartheid and opposed feminism, queers and every Red/ALP plot. His rule meant aliens and Reds feared to migrate to sunny Qld, leaving us with the lowest ratio of aliens to whites in Australia till 1989, 1:10. After that ALPistas encouraged their alien friends to ’move North’ as it was now safe for them. We are now being flooded. When enough had arrived the ALP pulled their ’amalgamations’.

BEERWAH FORUM: ANA were proud to be invited to attend another ‘roving forum’. On Saturnsday 31 Mai 2008 the Sunshine Coast town of Beerwah, 30km North of the State capital Brisbane, joined with Warwick as sequential host to the roving ‘SE Qld Forum’. Interest in the ‘roving forums’ is growing. Warwick saw 30-40 delegates from throughout SE Qld. Beerwah had 95 attend from as far away as Mt Bartle Frere in Far North Qld (2,000km travel) to Cowra, NSW (500km travel).

ALLIANCE OF VETERANS: The growing popular movement includes many veterans of the Right over the past 15 years, those who saw the rise and fall of the Confederate Action Party (1993-95), One Nation (1997-2001), Shooters Party, Reform Party and Australia First Party (Part 1). They now resolve NOT to form a ‘party’ as this only attracts System stooges, secret police informants & other alien-loving offal. This new concept of a ’roving forum’ helps to defeat infiltrators.

A NEW STRUCTURE: As the RF’s continue to evolve over coming months we hope to engineer a new movement: a disorganized Resistance. Many groups coming together every two months in a different town or city to discuss overall strategy and tactics. In the USA their many Nationalist & Rightist groups have over the years been constantly infiltrated by both the FBI and various civilian covert organisations funded by International Finance on behalf of a certain anti-Christ religion. The US Right have been repeatedly cooperated and subverted.

‘LONE WOLF’: To prevent this several years ago the ‘Lone Wolf’ concept was advanced. This saw Rightists operating individually but followed a pre-planned strategy. Unfortunately our type of people work best in groups. Left to their own devices they often did little more than surf the ‘Net, visiting cyber-Nazi sites. The ’Net Nazi’ was born. This lead to a period of stagnation. Some in the US are now attempting to shake off this failed experiment and return to more organized forms, but...they find the Enemy waiting for them. What to do? Stay safely underground or reemerge and begin the sad saga of infiltration, paranoia, mutual suspicion & mole-hunts.

OUT OF THE CUL DE SAC: We may have found a way around both failed ends. The roving forum presents a moving target. Its disorganized structure makes it impossible to poison more than a few of its disparate wings at once. Its lack of a formal leadership means no one is responsible for decision so EVERYONE does what they know needs to be done. No leaders means everyone is both an initiator and an instigator of actions. No more deferring to authority. See the need? Meet the need. Stay tuned for more RF news.

DVD Review: ’Enchanted’ (103 minutes), (2007).
Released by Walt Disney Studios written by ‘Bill Kelly’, directed by Kevin Lima; producers Aaron Perkash & Aaron Sonnenfeld; Executive Producers Ezra Sverdlovsk & Sunil Perkash. Stars Patrick Dempsey (as Robert), Amy Adams (Giselle), Susan Sarandon (Queen Narissa), James Marsden (Prince Edward) & Idina Menzel.
Controlled media critics praised ‘Enchanted’ for its ‘wickedly funny reworking a of a tired fairytale format’. That’s code for ‘the Chosen have stolen someone else’s cultural icon, twisted it beyond recognition then pedalled it as their own’.

Begins with a traditional retelling of the ’beauty meets prince and both live happily ever after’. The couple are to marry but, unfortunately for them, the prince has an evil stepmother - the Queen. Queen Narissa  pushes the beauty, Giselle, through a portal into another world - New York City. There she meets & befriends divorced single father & Jewish divorce lawyer, Robert (‘Patrick Dempsey‘: Why doe the Chosen always adopt Irish names? Is common in Australia but also in the US). Although prince Edward eventually rescues Giselle by that time it is too late. She has been convinced by the corrupt Robert that ’true love doesn’t exist’ & ’no one loves someone forever - there is no happily ever after’.

So Giselle rejects her prince so she can stay in ’The Big Apple’ as temporary wife to the Jew lawyer.
What of the evil Queen? She’s been defeated in combat by Giselle. Giselle? The prince, a more traditional hero, stands impotently by while newbie NYC gal Giselle saves her Jew-lawyer Robert from the Queen, who has transformed into a giant dragon. Once the Queen is dead Rob and Giz ’shack-up’. But what of the Prince? He’s ’fallen in love’ with Robert’s cast-off Jewish girlfriend played by Idina Menzel. This Jewess is only too happy to travel with Ed back to his fairytale kingdom of  ‘Andalasia’, where she will now rule as Queen. Unlike Rob & Gis the prince and the Jewess marry.

What are Disney thinking? Let’s remember Walt’s real surname was Elias, not Disney. The past 20 films reviewed by STORM have been based in NYC. Why? The Chosen have thrown off any pretence of there being any world but theirs. The much lauded Left idea of ’World Music’ has come to mean simply US black ‘rap’ and ‘hip-hop‘. The twin idea of ’World Culture’ is simply NYC-centric idolatry. All other films are remakes of older classics but with whites deleted or white roles replaced by blacks and women. E.g. the 1960’s John Wayne revenge epic ‘The Searchers’ about a white Confederate War vet and ½ caste Indian on the trail of white female hostages of the Indians was remade with Cate Blanchette as Wayne and the Indians as the heroes! The 19602’s version of H.G.Welles TimeMachine which predicts a future where weak whites are prey to ruthless back cannibals was in 2005 with the roles reversed. Instead of Australian actor Rod Taylor falling in love with blonde girl in the future Australian actor Guy Pierce falls for a black girl he rescues from white oppressors. Disney films will be deleted in a future State.        

MUSLIM BRIDGES‘: We’ve begun receiving a glossy, expensive newsletter from a US group ‘Muslim Bridges’. Is all very intelligent and un-bigoted. Designed to appeal to Westerners so exudes tolerance. But a recent issue called for ‘gifted writers’ to ‘attack Islamophobia’ in the media. Also called for ‘civil rights lawyers‘ to make ‘cases against Islamophobes‘. In other words any who oppose the insidious infiltration of the West and its suborning by Muslims is to be silenced. This made us think: who else uses this approach? Who are the US Muslims modelling themselves on?

THREE GROUPS: Three groups occurred to us: feminists, homosexuals and The Chosen. All are constantly on the hunt for enemies they can attack in the media, through the media and then in the courts. It occurred to us: do you ever wonder why the TV evening News is so dull, crammed with celebrity and sports stories? These are ‘approved’ stories I.e. a p.r. firm has asked for them to be run to get free publicity. But any real news may involve reporters in threats of law suits and prosecution s before the Human Rights courts. If you were a reporter what story would you run?

REPORTERS: Given the ’equal opportunity’ laws most reporters are now female. These normally run from ’conflict’ to ’human interest’ stories hence the number of ’animal’ and ’female’ tales which are not news at all but at least are not a blank screen. We believe the level of censorship is now so high and the quality of reporters now so low that News cannot exist as a medium for information. Is why so many rely on Internet Samizdat (home made newsletters) like ours.  

Deutsch Welle Radio ‘Newslink’ c/- SBS Radio 93.3FM 4.30am Frigasday 13 Juno 2008:
La Chamorra, the Naples-based Mafia, now earns US$23 billion annually - equal to Lebanon's annual GDP. It has links with organized crime groups from Russia, Colombia, the US and Mexico”.

ABC News Radio 936AM 1.30pm Solsday 15 Juno 2008:
“Many countries facing energy shortages are turning to ‘alternative fuels’. One is solar power. A draw back of solar is its inability to operate at night and to store energy. This has now been overcome. ‘Concentrated solar power’ (CSP) uses molten salt as storage batteries overnight. Arrays of solar mirrors are circled around a tower filled with liquid. The heat warms the liquid which turns a turbines producing electricity. Such arrays are being tested in Morocco, Algeria, Egypt and Southern Spain. The technology is particularly attractive to any country with large expanses of desert [like Australia]”.

ABC News Radio 936AM 5.30am Wodensday 18 Juno 2008:
Dr Kent Anderson, Dept of Asian Studies, ANU: “Japan faces the prospect of losing 70% of its workforce within the next 40 years. Ruling LDP officials in Japan have raised the question of immigration as a way of coping with Japan‘s low birth rate. They propose bringing in 10% of the population through migration, I.e. 12 million people. One way to overcome resistance from Japanese, who pride themselves on their homogeneity [undiluted race] is to have first migrants be ’health care professionals brought in to deal with the aging population’. So Japan recently began issuing visa for nurses from Indonesian and the Philippines”.

[Getting the public to agree to their own demise, simply appeal to their selfishness. This poisoned pill is killing the US and Europe. ’Cheap labour’ is the trap used there. ’Aging population’ is used elsewhere but the treatment remains the same: more lethal injections of non-assimilating, Third World sludge. RE].  

BBC World Service c/- SBS Radio 933FM Frigasday 20 Juno 2008:
“Rebels from Nigeria’s MEND (Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta - ex. Biafra) have attacked a Shell oil platform 100 km offshore. Shell have relocated much work to these off-shores to avoid the regular MEND attacks on onshore. MEND say they took a US citizen Capt Jack Stone captive in exchange for the many MEND POW’s to the Nigerian Armed Forces” .

PO Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia Phone 07 3205 8543 Email: australiannationalaction@yahoo.com.au   australiannationalaction2.blogspot.com.au/

STORM 68 Mai 2009

        No. 68              Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action             Mai 2009
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only. 

DVD REVIEW: ‘STOP-LOSS’.  MTV+ Paramount Pictures. (2007) (107 minutes).
Written, produced & directed by Kimberley Pierce; produced by Scott Rudin(J) & Gregory Goodman(J). Stars Ryan Philippe, Abbie Cornish & Channing Tatum.

PLOT: The end credits tell us ‘since 9-11 2001 over 650,000 American troops have fought in Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts. 81,000 of these have been stop-lossed’. What is ’stop-loss’? Members of US military who’ve completed their term of contract are prevented from leaving the Service. Why? A sub-clause says ’in time of war’. Makes sense. During WWII you could not have half the army quit simply because their ’time was up’. But as a character points out, the current ’wars on terror’ are not WWII and have no end in sight; were started at the whim of the US President and he alone can stop them. ‘Stop-Loss’ begins with a unit under fire in Iraq. They return to US after their ’tour of duty’ to bury their dead & find all their worthless wives have deserted them. All turn to drink, one commits suicide & after much humming & hawing all return to the war.

SUB-PLOT: So what’s SL about? Key is it’s made by MTV. SL’s producers are all kosher & therefore pro-war. Is only the Mittel Ost Colony that is served by ‘Terror Wars’. Resultant world turmoil also saw only the Chosen gain financially from 2007-08 Recession. System needs youth of America to serve its wars. MTV is main youth channel. So it makes a movie which, ostensibly, opposes ‘war’ and with lots of rock n roll music in it, parts resembling a music video. But after briefly ‘discussing the issues’ for & against the wars the film comes down is very pro-war, shown by the final scene where all return to Iraq to ’do their duty’.

VINTAGE WWII OR POST-VIETNAM? ’SL’ is very similar to war films made during WWII. One critic compared SL to films done after the Vietnam War. WRONG. Hollywood was pro-Vietcong 1954-75 so no films were made about the ten year long US involvement in Vietnam (1965-75) except for John Wayne’s self-financed Green Berets (1968). The first US feature, ‘Apocalypse Now’, came out four years after the War ended (Run Run Shaw’s Hong Kong-based Golden Harvest Films made ‘Boys of Company C’ in 1978 a year earlier). This was the first of many anti-war pictures on Vietnam. Even today no ’pro-war’ films are allowed about Vietnam. Why?

PRO-COMMUNIST HOLLYWOOD: The Chosen invented Communism. The US in Vietnam, and Korea in the so-called ‘forgotten war’, fought against Communism I.e. against The Chosen. Is why no pro-war films are allowed about either conflict. Film mogul Steven Spielberg has even declared WWII to be “the last good war“. However this all changed in 2001. In the current wars The Chosen alone gain so their ideological arsenal, the media, have bee let loose. Now only pro-war episodes of TV shows (Ghost Whisperer, Supernatural and JAG) and  films (Jarhead, SL, Blackhawk Down, We Were Soldiers, etc) are allowed.

CENSORSHIP:  Believe US has no censorship? Wake-up! Is a basic difference between US ‘war’ films dealing with the 1965-1975 War and the ‘terror wars’ since 2001. In films about Vietnam like Platoon the reasons for the war itself are questioned but the individual soldiers themselves are cast as victims/martyrs. In current crop of War films the opposite is true. Reason for the Terror Wars are never seriously discussed. Failure to achieve victory is attributed directly to personal failings of the troops. They ‘fail’ to achieve goals set them purely due to their own personality flaws e.g. in SL Tommy is a drunk who suicides when given a Bad Conduct Discharge. Is never suggested he became a drunk DUE to the terrible things he done in the war. Another odd feature of SL has veterans of the current wars identify each other by a tattoo on their right arms. Is of a US flag - not in colour, in black. They hide it then reveal it, like Jew tattoo’s from WWII. What do the producers want us to believe? This ‘tatt’, like theirs, will one day gain its wearers  massive financial benefits? Hmmm.
VIETNAM VERSUS 9-11 WARS: Hollywood tells us that in Vietnam, it was ‘the System’ which failed. Why? It opposed Communism. But in Iraq and Afghanistan it can only be the individual that fails as, like WWII, the Chosen have declared these wars to be ‘holy wars’, I.e. ‘holy’ because they serve their purposes. Compare a film made by Spielberg just prior to the 9-11 wars, Saving Private Ryan. The Chosen star ‘Tom Hanks’ plays the role of a Christ-like, self-sacrificing soldier. Is no wonder this film was awarded so many Oscars. The Chosen loved it. Plenty of Germans are killed and lots of stupid Goy die, too. All done to an ethereal sound-track, in an attempt to cast these tools of Finance as ’saints’ in ‘a last Crusade‘, title of another Spielberg anti-Nazi rave.

ANTI-HOLLYWOOD FILMS: Sole exception to torrent of anti-war films about Vietnam, and one of the few made during the war itself, was ’the Green Berets’ starring John Wayne. Wayne, an avowed Rightist, made this film like the equally popular ’Alamo’ using his own money after Hollywood refused him finance. Wayne, much as Cecil B. De Mille before and Mel Gibson since, was a Rightist renegade ostracised by the Chosen elite who rule Sollywood.

MEL GIBSON: Some oddball theorists suggested: “Mel G only makes films the Chosen actually want made. The whole antagonism between he and they is just ’for show' ". Such ’hindsight’ passing for wisdom among ’armchairs’ historians only reveals a very twisted mind. Follow this ‘Logic’ & US only attacked Vietnam to make Communism stronger, as that was the end result of the war. Same people no doubt believe JFK deliberately traveled to Dallas in 1963, despite death threats, from a desire to ’die a hero rather than as a debauchee’ (actually stated in an episode of Stargate TV series). Maybe killing of ML King Jr. was suicide? With such convoluted reasoning is no wonder they cannot ‘figure out’ the current economic crisis.

TWO THEORIES: Are allegedly two schools of thought among historians: those who believe ’everything happens by chance’ and those who see ‘everything as planned’, down to the smallest detail. Later are dubbed ’conspiracy theorists’. Fact is history is a combination of the two. Look at WWI. Is true assassins who sought to kill Austria’s Crown Prince in Sarajevo were all Serbs & all were trained & funded by the Serbian terror gang ’the Black Hand’,  an arm of Serbia’s secret police. Is also true the first three assassins failed. The Archduke then went on to an official reception where he harangued local officials for failure to secure his person.

GOD IN HISTORY: But is also true fourth assassin, Gavrilo Princip, waited for several hours, simply not knowing what to do next. Was foolish bravado by Archduke to continue his official tour, plus his driver taking a wrong turn, that brought Princip his opportunity. To not believe in a GOD is where many historians fail. You could say the Archduke was ‘unlucky‘ or that Princip ‘got lucky‘. Is nonsense. Luca is ancient pagan god of luck like Fortuna. Is why no Christians says ‘I got lucky‘ or ‘how fortunate!’ Words reveal thoughts & beliefs. Believe in the Christian GOD? Then acknowledge Him, not dead pagan idols who are in reality fallen angels or demons.

CURRENT ECONOMIC CRISIS: Many ask ANA: “what caused the current economic collapse?“ & “how should it be resolved?“ Wrong questions. Look at wider picture. Western society is decaying. Why? Has foolishly segmented Man into his various functions, following lead of Chosen sociologists like Karl Marx, Boaz, etc. ’Economic man’ versus ‘sexual man’; ’public man’ versus ’private man’. Is false: Man is a single entity. Is as silly as looking at lung function but ignoring heart, kidney or liver. Hmmm. Could explain falling standards of health care across West.

FAITH AND ACTION: Belief determines action. Belief in a GOD dictates career choice, patterns of spending, etc. Cut through false sociological arguments designed merely to confuse. Many Rightist living in the Capitalist West falsely worship The Chosen as economic ‘gods’. WRONG. Is only one GOD and He does not share worship with any others. Fact is we’ve all been ’brought to heel’ for continued lack of righteous in our daily lives & tolerance of evil in both high and low places. Many times the courts abuse those victims of crime who attack their attackers. They are told quite sternly: ‘you must not take the law into your own hands‘ and then given a stiff penalty. This is rubbish. Where else does the LAW sit but in the hands of the righteous? In the hands of corrupt and depraved lawyers & judges, all totally divorced from any concept of good and morality. Lawyers boast ‘law and morality have nothing in common‘. WRONG. Only in our vile legal system is such a boast possible. Is no wonder many whites now look enviously at the Muslim Sharia law to deliver them form the evil enshrined in our ‘laws‘.

EVIL JUDGES: A good case in point is High court judge, Justice Michael Kirby. In the 1980‘s this creature headed the Law Reform Commission. A darling of the media he would be regularly quoted as advancing all manner of sick perversion as ‘reform‘. e.g. he wanted to legalise abortion, queer marriage, lower the age of consent for girls to ten years, etc. What the Left media never told us was the LRC is actually a sub-department of the Federal Attorney-General’s Department. I.e. a government agency. All this took place under the Fraser Liberal government, 1975-83. We all laughed and thought him a fool.  But under the Hawke ALP government Kirby was appointed a High Court judge becoming one of the nine most powerful officials in the land.

ACTIVIST JUDGES: It was under Kirby’s influence that the High Court began its ’activist’ phase. In 1993 & 1995 under the Wik and Mabo decisions it awarded all of Australia to the 1% who claim to be ’originals’ - robbing the other 99% of all their rights. It legalised queer marriage but not before Kirby ‘came out’ admitting he had been ’cohabiting’ with his male lover for 27 years. So all along Kirby and his legal pals has been pushing their private biases as ’law reform’. Conspiracy or self interest? You choose. As a pervert Kirby was quite useful to the Left especially his ALP feminist mates. In one notorious decision Kirby, who was all for ’easy divorce’ prosecutes de a non-custodial father for getting a blood test done on his child which later proved the child not to be his. For ten years he had paid ’child support’ to someone else’s child. His wife knew this. Kirby said such blood tests could only be done with the mother’s permission as ’it had the potential to break up families’ (?!).

EVIL JUDGES, EVIL LAWS: Excuse me?! He saw nothing wrong with a woman cheating on her husband then divorcing him, marrying the real father of the child then getting the former partner to finance them. This is where amoral lawyers have lead us. Of course it takes an amoral society to obey such laws. Try to get a blood test done and you’ll find every doctors surgery only employs women. These will adhere strictly toe the law, reporting you if you don’t have ex-wife’s permission. What about the laws dealing with ’false pretenses’ and ’fraud’? Kirby must not have read these while at queer lawyers school. So why does the economy collapse? Why should it survive. All the other fundamentals of our society have long since eroded away. Only a radical turning of heart and - yes - the shedding of lots of guilty blood will suffice to ’turn it around’ .Start by reading you Old Testament of the Bible. The GOD of the Old is the GOD of the New despite most Christians denying this.            

PO Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia Phone 07 3205 8543 Email: australiannationalaction@yahoo.com.au  australiannationalaction2.blogspot.com.au/

STORM ALERT 25: the World of Tomorrow

                STORM ALERT 25
8 Janus 2013 
by Clothilde Runcymen
STORM ALERT  is published in the national interest. No action should be inferred or implied. 

The world faces a time of hard decisions in the not too distant future. 30% of the population are Baby Boomers i.e. born before 1960. The social demographers have decided to segment the population into niches e.g. Builders, Battlers, Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y & Gen Z. Boomers were born after WWII in 1945 up till 1960. Gen X were born 1961 to 1980. Gen Y 1981 till 2000 & so on. Where this all comes unstuck is the Boomers make up a larger proportion of the population than any other. They are now beginning to retire. They are the most pampered & cosseted generation in World History. Why?

In 1914 the Western World exploded in a fratricidal war. Whites butchered each other for five years. In 1918 the war ended having achieved nothing but the demise of the White race. Of the 53 million combatants, 10 million white men of marriageable age were dead. Millions more were maimed. Ten million white women would never marry & reproduce. Our Race had delivered itself a death blow from which we’ve never recovered.

The millions of demobbed hardened killers produced by the War to End All Wars returned to countries supposedly ‘fit for heroes’. They found themselves scarred & fit only for fighting. They formed radical political parties of the Left & Right & proceeded to battle it out on the streets of Western , Central & Eastern Europe. Russia’s veterans formed a Soviet government. Italy’s & Germany’s veterans formed Fascist governments. Other states were paralysed as Left & Right tore the fragile democracies apart.

This titanic, continent-wide struggle led directly to WWII. There the Soviet Union attacked & destroyed a Fascist alliance of states, by forming a rival Allied front with its foes, the purportedly ‘democratic’ UK & USA. By 1945 the two fascist states lay waste along with millions of their allies in all European states, East & West. To forestall a repeat of 1919-33 the Western states showered the returning warriors with all & any privileges they might desire. Aged pensions, unemployment benefits, child endowments, widows pensions, etc. None of  this was costed. The Western democracies had mortgaged their futures. As the Boomers grew older they demanded more & got everything they asked for.

They had 4-6 children each. These grew up but when they entered the workforce found themselves increasingly saddled with the social debts incurred on behalf of their parents. By the 1990’s this included a drive by all governments of all parties to draft women into the workforce. This forced their children into day-care. It also allowed women for the first time in world history to opt out of child rearing altogether.

By 2010 30% of women in all Western nations had refused to breed. Those that did breed soon returned to fulltime work some with a month of birth. The overall birth-rate plummeted. The Boomers had 4-6 kids each. Their children, Gen X had 2-4 kids. Their kids Gen Y hav 1-2 each if any. One sample Australian family, the P’s, had six members in the Battlers Gen 1929-45. These had six Boomer kids in total, 1945-60. These had six Gen X kids in total 1995-1999.

This was mirrored across the West. Meanwhile, in the Third World the opposite was true. Medical advances brought by Western missionaries had slashed infant mortality rates. Birth rates leapt. The post-WWII population swelled. This ‘revolution of rising expectations’ by this 30% - the Third World’s Boomers - lead directly to outbursts of protest against white rule of the Third World & the end of empires in Holland, Belgium, Britain, France, Portugal & Spain.

By 2015 the two poles will meet. The declining birth rates in the West will meet the rising births in the Third World. All the world’s refugees are Third Worlders fleeing into the First World, the West. Where they seek the same benefits as we have become used to but can now not afford. The cost of the privileges bestowed on the Battlers in the post-1945 era have bankrupted all the Western nations & Japan. We now face the prospect of supporting the Battlers in their retirement with our taxes, with no children coming along to pay for our benefits.

When you see a retiree with the bumper sticker ‘Spending the Kids Inheritance’ don’t smile. Its true. This elfish bloc has drained us of our future’s then ever so kindly opened the immigration door to alien savages who will not build or work but only tear down & spoil. We don’t need the latter & can no longer afford the former. For there to be any hope of survival of the White Race anywhere we must abandon social welfarism & any concept of pity or mercy for aliens.   Either we survive in part or fail in whole.

PO Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia Phone 07 3205 8543 Email: australiannationalaction@yahoo.com.au  australiannationalaction2.blogspot.com.au/


                                   STORM ALERT 26: THE COMING WAR
We were asked: 'will a war with Iran begin soon?’  Let's assess the facts:

BBC World Service Thorsday 16 Augustus 2012:
“Richard Silverstein(J) a Leftist US blogger has been leaked a top secret Cabinet briefing from Israel. He says: ‘it was a sales pitch’. The Defence Forces were trying to prove to the government they could carry out a successful, unilateral attack on Iran. The attack would be timed to coincide with the Novembis 2012 US Presidential elections.

The IDF plan called for an attack in three phases.
Phase One: a massive cyber-attack on radio, TV, Internet upon all Iran’s military & governmental facilities. This would include the entire transport system & electrical power grid.

Phase Two: Hundreds of missiles would be fired from Israel. Hundreds of cruise missiles would be fired from IDF submarines in the Mediterranean. These would target the homes & offices of top regime officials & nuclear/defence scientists.

Phase Three: Invisible aircraft, unknown even to the US, would launch follow-up raids against the same targets ‘just to make sure’ ”.

We question why Silverstein released this? As a Leftist he maybe anti-war. But as one of the Chosen he is biased so may be simply ‘testing the water’ to see how the world reacts.

We did not give this report much credence till it was pointed out to us the 1st Augustus 2012 mass cyber attack on India which ‘took out’ half their entire electric power grid for two days. Half India’s population, 600 million people, were left without transport, communications, water or sewerage. (See attached media report).

Who would target India? India is an ally of Russia, as is Iran. Both have similar infrastructure & equipment. Attacking India would be a good way to test the use of such a strategy against Iran. The blogger released his report 15 days after the attack on India. He did not say when the IDF briefed the Cabinet.

On 19 August 2012 again suffered an attack, this time a mass text-messaging campaign. 35,000 Muslims were targeted with messages telling each to ‘flee for your lives! You are about to be killed!’ Muslims living in South India then fled to the North causing chaos in the schools & industries they had left. India was forced to order 250 websites to case operations, blaming them for spreading the false messages.

Pakistan denied any involvement; we suspect the IDF. Such a mass attack against Iran’s potential targets would disrupt key defence industries for several days, as happened in India. Another ‘dry run’?    As to timing, we do not know. We suspect the US will elect Mitt Romney who gave total & unequivocal support to Israel on his recent visit, so desperate is he to be the first Moron President. (see attached. Note the comment: ‘the road to the White Hose leads thru Jerusalem’).

In 2004 the IDF used the gap between incoming & outgoing President, to attack Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon, a key Iranian ally. It cost 1,400 lives & destroyed US$%8 billion worth of infrastructure.

After the 2008 election Israel attacked Gaza & killed 1,100 Palestinian women & children. We believe any IDF attack will take place AFTER not before a US election, possibly in early December 2012. President Romney will do nothing just as Bush & Obama did nothing in 2004 & 2008 as the US is in ‘caretaker mode’ till the Inauguration in March 2013.

But it is not the issue of if or when Israel attacks. What is important is the Aftermath. Who will then attack Israel & will the US protect them, as they have in every previous war? Why does the Israeli PM ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu wish war? For personal reasons. His brother Yoni was the sole fatality on the 1976 Entebbe Raid. Bibi has always sought to be a hero, too. US Neo-Cons, including many Christian preachers, have fed Israel’ leaders ‘a line’ that they can re-create the Old Testament Kingdom of David, their greatest king.

See 1 Chronicles Chapter 18. In summary it says: ‘David conquered & enslaved all the surrounding nations’. That’s Bibi’s goal, his monument to Yoni. But what if it is a massive trap? When Israel has exhausted all their weaponry & awaiting the ‘US Cavalry’ what if the US leaves them in the lurch? The same Christian-Zionists seek a Return of their Messiah. He is said to only return AFTER Israel is destroyed in a massive war, possibly as retaliation for their attack on Iran. (Revelation 20.7)  

STORM 69 Juno 2009

        No. 69              Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action            Juno 2009
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only. 

THEORY & PRACTICE: Karl Marx tells us: ‘learn by praxis” I.e. a theory is worthless until ’field-tested’ to see if it actually works. Is now happening with the Capitalist banking System: supposed to work one way in theory, but in reality it does not. Same as ALP’s ’race discrimination’ laws that protect anti-whites but not whites.

CASE STUDY: Several months before ‘Christ-Day’ (Christ-Mass) 2008 a Brisbane area white racial activist noticed,  from media reports, the rail stations in his area had experienced a dozen assaults on white males over the previously few months. In each case the attackers were ‘black gangs‘. None were apprehended. Activist wrote, printed & distributed door-to-door to homes near the affected (in-fected?) rail stations a simple flyer: ‘racially motivated attacks are taking place. Police do nothing. Media ignore them. Local ALP MP does nothing. White men are dying - ACT NOW!’

SILENT TREATMENT: As expected controlled media gave him ‘silent treatment’. Why should they care if whites die? But the attackers took notice. Also noticed the silence. So became bolder. Just after Christ-Day graffiti began to appear around stations: ‘Black Power’ plus the vile Abo flag. Were claiming this area as their ‘killing ground’. Still no media or police action. A month later the Abo graffiti disappeared under a barrage of ‘NSHC’ tags plus the old standard, the Swastika.

RACIAL CONSCIOUSNESS: Did not take long for Abos to respond but the ‘National Socialist High Command’, as these anonymous white youths call themselves, continued to tag the local RSL, schools, etc. In their own way they were ‘reclaiming the country one-street-at-a-time’, an old ANA idea. What’d happened? Lenin said: “Bolsheviks are about agit-prop. Our first task is agitation - tell the masses they ARE oppressed. Our method is propaganda - tell them how to ESCAPE their oppression. Our efforts will lead  them to see our party as their ’guide’ to a brighter future”.

JOINING THEIR DOTS FOR THEM: We can see from our case study where a local nationalist, simply by ‘joining the dots’ for local ‘lumpen‘ (ignorant) whites enabled them to find a solution, or at least a partial response, to their problem. How? He pointed out to them: 1. the attacks were all connected; 2. police were NOT acting to prevent them OR to catch those responsible; 3. police were inactive because local Red MP told them to ‘back off the blacks”; 4. controlled media were complicit by under-reporting the issue then refusing any follow-up reports. Time between the attacks, the activist flyer, Abo response & white backlash by so-called ‘NSHC’ took six months.

BOLSHEVIK MAJORITY: Some suggest Lenin was exaggerating in 1908 when he re-named his party faction ‘Bolshevik’ (majority). After their split with the faction Lenin dubbed ‘Menshevik’ (minority) it was Lenin’s faction which had the fewer members. Misses his theoretical point: Lenin saw his faction as representing ’the majority’ I.e. the 80% of Russians who were peasants. Their foes aimed at reaching the 10% who were ’industrial proletariat’. Lenin was not talking about the SIZE of his party but of their potential support BASE.

OUR MOB FIRST: Local Abos refer to themselves not as ‘our tribe‘ but as ‘us mob’. Like female activists, blacks only began to gain political attention & ‘payoffs’ when they agitated as a GROUP. Whites must do likewise. Aim to get the majority of whites racially motivated, I.e. to see ALL politics in terms of: ’what’s best for OUR race?’

VICTORY OF FEMINISM: This myopic, tunnel vision has richly rewarded female activists or ’feminists’ in Qld where they now have our first female Premier, a female Governor & female Governor-General - formerly the Qld Governor - plus 25 female ALP MP’s. A total of 36 females from all parties in a State Parliament with only 89 MP‘s. Is the highest proportion of female MP’s in any Parliament in the British Commonwealth’s 49 countries.

NATIONAL FEMINISM: In 2006 Federal Parliament was ‘debating’ whether to legalise the ‘night after’ abortion pill RU486. Bill was blocked till an ‘all party group’ of female MP’s from the five parties (ALP, NPA, Liberals, Australian Democrats & Greens) joined together to pass the Bill. Later appeared on page one of Murdoch’s Australian toasting their ‘victory’ with champagne glasses. Revealed feminists in ALL parties put gender before party loyalty. Till men & whites do same there is no saving this country or any white homeland.

FAULTY LOGIC: Returning to our Abo/NSHC ‘case study’. Is a classic case where a white nationalist ‘seeded’ an area then stepped back. Some see 2004 Cronulla Riot as similar. For two years before 12.12.2004 ‘white riot’ a pair of racial nationalist groups, the Patriotic Youth League & Australia First Party, had leafleted the area addressing issue of ‘anti-white violence’ by Lebanese gangs . Received minimal response. But public still absorbed their message. Fact they didn’t join PYL or AFP show its not lumpen whites at fault but our own faulty reasoning.

LUMPEN LOGIC: ‘Great unwashed masses’, as one Australian socialist leader once described them, are simply being sensible. They see from our actions & writings that we are both professional and knowledgeable. If there is anything that antagonises the semi-peasant mind of the ’average white Aussie’ it is someone who knows more than they do. So instead of joining us they sit back & watch us. All the while assessing us: are we honest? Are we sincere, persistent & consistent? Do our actions match our words or are we ’full of hot air’? All these questions must be answered before they will even listen, let alone join us. Then they may not. Why?

PRACTICAL PEASANTS: Simply being practical. ’If you guys are already doing a great job why do you need us?’ they ask. Logical. They don’t pretend to be lawyers or plumbers but hire these professionals when they need them. Politics in Australia is seen as ’something best left to the professionals’. Is idea the ALP love to foster. Helps prevent any ’grass roots movement’ against their rule since 1891. One such movement was One Nation 1995-2001 where 50,000 ordinary citizens fed up with the corruption of ’politics as usual’ joined forces to make a change. ON  were crushed in a year of lies, court cases & a hundred member-assaults. Australia was doomed in the process. ON as our ’last, best hope’. Now we’re destroyed by alien rape gangs (NSW), wild fires (Victoria) & deluge (Qld).      

OF LIGHT & DARK: Senior nationalist activist lamented to ANA recently: “this current global financial crisis should be a golden opportunity for we opponents of the System. But members of the public seem divided into two groups we call Light & Dark. The Light are few in number but seek ‘enlightenment’ or knowledge. The Dark are the majority who remain willfully ignorant. These seem to feel ignorance relieves them of any responsibility for whatever happens in the world. So we have a small group who understand & agree with us but a much larger group who don’t have a clue what we’re talking about & don‘t want to know. In short, the public either think like us or they don’t think at all. Focus on recruiting the few wise whites. Avoid the larger group, the lumpen whites”.

HOLLYWOOD FICTION EQUALS PUBLIC’S REALITY: One great mystery of the Nov 2008 installation of America’s first half-black President is why so many whites, many of them Republicans, voted for Obama and not McCain. One theory has it that the System wanted Obama in so set up a ‘loser’ like Mc Cain whom they knew no one would vote for. Even Sarah Palin was accused of being chosen by McCain for her lack of vote-drawing ability. Is not so simple. We all know the way a person is and the way the media present them to the public are usually opposites. How Obama got elected goes much deeper. Take a popular TV series like ‘24’ starring Kiefer Sutherland, a young man very popular amongst middle-aged white women. 24 is now in seventh season. When 24 began in 2002 George Bush II had just been elected US President. Hollywood were not happy.

SOCIALIST AGENDA AS ’SOCIAL CHANGE’:  Traditional home of Reds & queers Sollywood has always used its sinister power to influence the simple-minded, corroding the social fabric or as they put it ‘effect social change‘. Want women in the military? Make a movie like Courage Under Fire or Uncommon Valor with Melanie Griffiths or GI Jane with Demi Moore. Want to put people off joining the KKK? Make a movie like Mississippi Burning with Gene Hackman. Want to ridicule the Catholic Church? Make a movie like Doubt with Meryl Streep. Want to deter youth from joining Rightist groups? Make American History X with Ed Norton.

HOLLYWOOD’S PRESIDENT: In 2002 Hollywood decided it was time for a black President. First season of 24 had Sutherland’s character Jack Bauer assigned to protect the first black Presidential candidate. Bauer foils several  assassins. Black is elected. Following six seasons show what a good President he is. Did 24 get Obama elected? Not by itself. For past 30 years Hollywood has pushed an agenda with blacks in ‘power positions’ in TV & film.

BLACKS AS AUTHORITY FIGURES: In film or on TV where ever there is one police officer they must be black or female. If there is a police chief he has to be black. If a doctor in in the show it must be black or female. If there is a chief doctor it must be black or female - or preferably a black female as in Grey’s Anatomy. In The Simpsons  the doctor is a black. Early episodes had police chief Wiggin as black but he was such a fool they soon painted him white. Get it? A black must NEVER be ’dissed’ (disrespected) I.e. shown as a fool. To do so would quickly bring calls of ’Mr Bojangles’. To have a black as side-kick for a white is also denounced as ’Uncle Tom’. Australian star Paul Hogan killed his US career after the wild success of his popular Crocodile Dundee film by making a film with him as a cowboy and Cuba Gooding Jr as his dumb black sidekick. What ever happened to Hogan? He made no more US films apparent from a remake of Flipper that flopped. Lesson: don’t ’diss’ a black or you’ll suffer.

SPIELBERG’S ROLE: Major force behind this ’black empowerment’ film movement is Steven Spielberg. First element in every Spielberg film is divorce. Are no white ’happy families’ in his films. Even a feature such as the 1978 ET has children living with their single mother. 2006 saw him do a re-make of War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise as hero. Is a single father & being white, a loser. Second aspect of Spielberg films: white males are losers;  white women are always successful doctors or lawyers as in The Day After Tomorrow. Third element: blacks are always authority figures, capable & ‘in charge’.

GULLIBLE PUBLIC: Why do public not tire of such obvious, formulaic film-making? Apparently they haven’t noticed. After 30 years of indoctrination Hollywood decided it was time to test their mind control experiment in the real world so they ran Obama. All critics was silenced. All media were bought. Public followed the script just like they were supposed to. Result: ‘OUR first black President’. No. Blind masses obeyed Masters. Will Big ‘O’ make a good President - can any black? Look at Africa & Caribbean where blacks have had self-rule for decades. Then ask  why their populations are starving, disease-ridden & and fleeing as refugees to the remaining whites lands. Answers question many asked since 1994: why did 68% of white Afrikaaners vote to abolish apartheid & install black President Nelson Mandela? Now same question can be asked of US whites. Any answers?

BLACKS INCAPABLE OF SELF-RULE: An old white activist complained to ANA about African migrants:
“Blacky said to whitey: ‘get out of our land. Got back to Europe!’ so we did. Now blacks arrive here and say: ‘I made a mess. Let me in!’ So we do. Duh! America has just leapt from the frying pan into the fire. No where on the face of the earth does there exist a successful black nation, company or institution. They do not exist. Some think ‘America has come of age’ for electing Big ‘O’. WRONG. He is a zero, not a hero - like Mugabe, M. L. King Jr and every other black fraud the media have foisted on the white world. Keep the blacks in Africa. There they are free to murder and eat each other. But don’t let them into white countries or into positions of power over whites“.

BIG ‘O’ - HARBINGER OF DEATH: Good advice from a veteran white Nationalist that goes unheeded. Can Big ‘O’ save the US? Of course not. He was put in charge after the Chosen deliberately destroyed the US in a planned economic implosion beginning in Decembis 2007. Just like they did to World Trade Centre Building 7. Essence of Capitalism is to regularly create booms then burst them: they lend you money then foreclose on you. Is how they increase their ‘share’ of the economy. Today larger banks ‘foreclose’ on smaller ones. What’s the role of Big ‘O’?

BANKERS’ PRESIDENT: Former Senator Obama, along with Senator McCain, was equally responsible for the November 2008 bill to award US banks US$700 billion of taxpayers money - the infamous ’Bank Bailout‘ Bill.  Same week Big ‘O’ recorded his biggest ever donations: US$155 million. Gee, I wonder who gave him that? With that money he bought extra ‘air time’ on controlled TV & ‘won’ election. As White Nationalist Elder Statesman Eric Thomson put it: “we got the best man money could buy”.

NO FUTURE FOR USA: In a hundred year time historians will record:
“America’s first black President arrived in troubled times. Despite his best efforts he could not save the country. His successor, the first US Hispanic President, amalgamated the now defunct US with Canada & Mexico to form the now highly successful ‘North American Union”.
NAU is to be one of the ten kingdom’s of the New World Order as prophesied in Book of Revelation . (Rev. 13v1). The masses, as always, will suspect nothing. They believe whatever they’re TOLD  - not what they SEE with their own eyes. Either way whites won’t live long enough to see the advent of this ‘glorious new dawn‘.

DVD Review: Michael Collins (Geffen Pictures, 1996, 127 minutes). Writer/Dir. Neil Jordan; Producer Steven Woolley; Stars Liam Neeson; Julia Roberts; Aidan Quinn; Charles Dance; Alan Rickman.
Film opens with Michael Collins, co-founder of Irish Republican Army, surrendering to the British Army after failed 1916 Irish Easter Uprising. As he is lead away to prison he vows:
“the only way we’ll get the British out is to not fight by their rules [I.e. conventional warfare]; next time we’ll make up our own rules [I.e. guerrilla warfare]”.
On his  release from a British prison in May 1918 he began this ‘new war’ - a war of assassinations & secret executions.
As Republican Minister for Intelligence MC called himself “minister for daylight robberies & general mayhem”. When the entire Republican Cabinet are arrested after failing to believe a ’tip off’ from one of MC‘s informants only MC is left free. Released from rule by a conservative committee, MC begins a reign of terror. He makes the IRA ’leak-proof’ & tells aide Harry Boland (played by Aidan Quinn):
“I want peace & quiet. I want it so much I’d die for it“. HB: “You mean you’d kill for it first”.
MC: “No not first - last”.
HB: “Well, Mick you’re good at mayhem”.
MC: “You haven’t seen anything yet”.
HB: “You mean things are gonna get worse? So we’ll have to get worse?”
MC: “I hate them. Not for their race or their brutality. I hate them for leaving us no alternative. I hate them for forcing us to ordering our young men to kill them. I hate them for making hate necessary. And I’ll do what I have to do to end it”.

Is the same for racial nationalists. We do not hate but are called ‘haters’ by our foes. MC gained independence from Britain in 1921 but was murdered by fellow IRA in 1922 during the subsequent Irish Civil War.

A LIFE & DEATH STRUGGLE: Some white nationalists seem confused by the place of anger & hate in our Struggle. The Struggle requires ACTION. Sometimes we must DO things we’d rather not. So how do we do it? As one white summed it up: “I kill cockroaches whenever I see them. When I kill one I feel no personal animosity towards that individual ’roach, but I kill it just the same“. Is not enough to hold an objective opinion e.g. ’I want my race top survive’ and not ACT on it. ANA regularly send out flyers & stickers. We urge members/supporters to put them up or send them to others. But to do NOTHING would be worse than useless. To hold an opinion yet not ACT on it is not logical. Do you agree with ANA policies? Then JOIN us & encourage others to do so. To not do so is illogical.

PO Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia Phone 07 3205 8543
Email: australiannationalaction@yahoo.com.au australiannationalaction2.blogspot.com.au/