Tuesday, 29 April 2014

SNIPPETS #37: Heat-waves

SNIPPETS is published in the National Interest. No actions should be inferred or implied. Opinions are those of the author entirely. 
by Benn Yogarni 
When Weather Changed History Channel 72 7.30pm Tuisday 29th Apri 2014: 
"The 1995 Chicago heat-wave killed 793 people. In 2003 a similar heatwave hit France and Italy. 15,000 died in France. 20,000 in Italy". 

SNIPPETS #34 US Accuses Rus of 'sabotage'

SNIPPETS is published in the National Interest. No action should be implied or inferred. The opinions expressed remain those of the author entirely.
by Benn Yogarni 
ABC TV Channel 24 News 9pm Frigasday 25th April 2014:
“US Secretary of State John Kerry says ‘Russia is sabotaging Ukraine’s democratic processes’(sic)”. 
John Kerry-Cohen: The breathless, unblinking hypocrisy of J. Kerry-Cohen is apparently endless. How did such a creature come to be Secretary of State? He unsuccessfully ran for US President. His claim to fame was as ‘war hero’. He ran for President the same year as ‘war hero’ John McCain. Kerry ‘won’ his three Purple Hearts in the Vietnam War. Purple Heart is unique to the US. Is a medal given to any who suffer a wound, no matter how minor. Kerry won three for very minor wounds. War veteran magazine  Soldier of Fortune exposed these three minor wounds and effectively scuppered Kerry’s run for office. 

Well Connected: SOF also brought to light that JK was ‘well connected’ i.e. his Dad got him out of his safe post in the Vietnam War after only three month’s service. Kerry thereafter avoided any mention of his ‘war service’. Much as Geo W Bush did regarding his ‘war service’ during Vietnam in the very safe Texas Air National. Is sad that USA has become such a decrepit state, built on lies. Kerry could not win office so had to be appointed to high office by B. Obongo.

Veep Biden: What of US Vice-President Jo Biden? He also ran for US President. Like Kerry was forced to quit during the Democratic Party Primaries. Biden as a Congressman had plagiarised a speech by US icon John F. Kennedy. Claimed he ‘didn’t remember doing it’. Was effectively disqualified from high office so, like Kerry, his only entre was to be appointed by B Obongo.

'Sabotaging Democracy': As for 'sabotaging Ukraine's democratic process' - what 'democratic process'? Ukraine had an elected government, something the USA would not understand being a corrupt plutocracy. The many Wall Street-engineered Crashes are evidence of this have: 1987, 1997, 2001, 2007 are only the latest examples. For all the widespread fraud practiced on Wall Street and in the various insolvent merchant banks across the US, how many successful prosecutions has the US Justice Department completed? One. Of an Indian national.

US Meddling: Ukraine's two year-old government had only two faults, but the USA saw these as fatal and so needing their 'help' to remedy: they were pro-Russian and they had gaoled former Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko(J) for seven years for blatant corruption. Why gaol Yulia? She had acted like her cousins on Wall Street. But Ukraine is NOT Wall Street, as Yulia found out after losing the 2012 election.

New Ukrainian 'Government' a US Puppet: The first act of the new US puppet government, after it had seized power using small arms to topple the elected government, was a gaol break: they busted Yulia out. She soon appeared in a wheelchair on stage at the Maidan stage in Kyiv, where the rebel mob had their HQ. Of course, Yulia wasn't crippled. It was for dramatic effect. Within the week she was walking around, miraculously healed simply by the thought of war with the foe of her tribe, Putin. Along with him she wants to punish any Rus who dared oppose her ilk, the Oligarchs, after Putin took power 31 Dec 1999. But how to punish all of Russia? Let her brethren in control of the USA do it. 'First some sanctions…then a nice little war, then all their assets are to be stolen…all hail, the New World Order!'

GOLDEN DAWN Demo: Will you be there?

GOLDEN DAWN Rally 1- 4pm 2nd Mai 2014: Will you be there? 
All Racialists parties are Welcome. 
Come to the biggest racialist rally in a decade. Groups expected will be from the Hammer-skins, B and H, C18, the National Socialist Alliance, Volksfront and AFP Security  

A Qld Police permit has already been obtained. 
Media have been alerted. It is anticipated 70+ racialists will attend. Expect 160+ race-mixing Communists.

We ask that all party differences be 'left at the door' so there are no tensions on the grounds. 

For location and other details phone us here at ANA on 0423 187 582 and we can pass you onto the NSA Organiser.  

Friday, 25 April 2014

SNIPPETS #35: US Global Ambitions (Spanish)

SNIPPETS se publica en el Interés Nacional. Ninguna acción debe estar implícito o inferido . Las opiniones expresadas siguen siendo las del autor en su totalidad 
por Benn Yogarni
BBC World News 05 a.m. Saturnsday 26 de abril 2014 :

Reportero Steve Rosenberg ( J):
" 13 observadores de la OSCE no armados han sido detenidos por los separatistas pro rusos que ejecutan la ciudad ucraniana oriental de Slovyansk . Estos afirman que son ' espías ' y están siendo interrogados . Los observadores proceden de Suecia, Alemania, República Checa , Hungría y Polonia. No forma parte del equipo oficial de la OSCE fueron invitados por el gobierno de Ucrania provisional a "observar" la situación en el este de Ucrania. "
Periodista Owen Bennett -Jones :
"Rusia dice que fue la visita de vicepresidente de EE.UU., Jo Biden y el jefe de la CIA que creó todos los problemas en el este de Ucrania . Los funcionarios rusos han dicho : ' desde el final de la Guerra Fría Latina ha trabajado para disminuir la esfera de influencia de Rusia ' " .
Embajador de EE.UU. en Ucrania ( sic) Daniel Bear ( J):
"Rusia está en marcha un paquete de mentiras . Su mano está detrás de todo lo posible para sabotear las elecciones de mayo 25 de ucranianos " .
OB- J : "¿Es la OSCE quedarse sin trabajo después de algunos de sus observadores no armados fueron arrestados en Slovyansk ? "

DB: " Mi amigo Daniel Ross * ( J) dice: " No culpo a la ONU porque algunos de sus miembros no siguen las reglas . No culpes a la OSCE por la negativa de Rusia a obedecer las reglas. "

¿QUÉ ES LA AMBICIÓN global de Estados Unidos ?
¿QUIÉN ES DANIEL ROSS ? * D. Ross ( J ) fue un elemento clave en el éxito de la guerra de Bill Clinton 1999 para separar a Kosovo de mayoría musulmana de la dominación serbia cristiana. Increíble ese tipo ' diplomático ' DB ( J) citaba de manera flagrante un agente provocador . ¿Qué hizo D.Ross ? En las llamadas conversaciones de paz ' supuestamente ' para traer paz a Kosovo D.Ross reunido en privado y en público con los rebeldes del ELK en el momento en que todavía se clasificaron como "grupo terrorista" . Lo hizo con un equipo completo de medios de EE.UU. de televisión presente . Explicó que en su momento como "puramente coincidencia" de que el ELK ' acaba de pasar a estar en el bosque cuando él había decidido ir a dar un paseo ' . Medios scrum todos sonrió , asintió con la cabeza y le hizo un guiño . Medios de comunicación occidentales supuestamente " neutrales " resultaron ser muy anti- serbia.

WESTERN MEDIA , la ONU y la OSCE BIAS UNMASKED : Por supuesto , la ONU y los medios de comunicación han estado en silencio desde 1999 sobre los abusos generalizados contra los derechos humanos contra la minoría serbia por los gobernantes musulmanes albaneses de Kosovo. Incluye desapariciones , torturas, muertes y destrucción de un centenar de iglesias serbias , algunos con cascos azules presentes . Todo ha sido ignorado por la OSCE y justificadas por la ONU. Como de costumbre, la ONU muestra sus características anti- Cristo . Los serbios en 1999 se sorprendieron al ver la OSCE supuestamente neutral utilizado por la OTAN para evaluar los daños de guerra durante seis semanas campaña de bombardeos EE.UU. . Serbios habían esperado ' observadores ' de la OSCE le diría a EE.UU. lo que los errores que estaban haciendo con el fin de evitar repeticiones . En cambio, EE.UU. utiliza la OSCE y la ONU reporta al mejor afinar sus ataques.

¿QUÉ ES LA OSCE? Organización para la Seguridad y la Cooperación en Europa ha sido y siempre será un peón de EE.UU. . Una herramienta de la política exterior de EE.UU. durante la Guerra Fría que debería haber marchitado y muerto en 1989, con el fin de la guerra , pero , al igual que la OTAN, su gemelo malvado , que continúa sirviendo a la política global de EE.UU. . Sin la estructura militar de la OTAN proporciona las fuerzas estadounidenses no tienen ninguna excusa para retener 40.000 tropas de ocupación en Alemania, y una serie de bases que se extienden hasta la frontera de Polonia con Rusia.

Gobernantes musulmanes de Estados Unidos : Pero primero , de regreso a Kosovo. Serbios no se dan cuenta de meta EE.UU. en 1999 no era sólo para "liberar" Kosovo por sus amos de Arabia Saudí , ya que habían liberado a principios de Kuwait (1991) y Somalia ( 1991 ) . Verdadero objetivo era destruir las fuerzas armadas de Serbia, la tercera más grande de Europa , pero no forma parte de la OTAN y que no están bajo el control de EE.UU. . EE.UU. ve todo lo que no descarta directamente sobre como un potencial "amenaza" y por lo tanto a ser " neutralizado " . ¿Por qué destruir el ejército de los serbios ? ¿Cómo podría esto servir a objetivos a largo plazo de EEUU ?

GUERRA POR feudales ISLÁMICOS : Geo. El asesor de Seguridad Nacional del H. Bush , el general Brent Scowcroft, se jactó : " cinco de nuestros seis últimas guerras han sido a favor del Islam ' . Esto pese a la afirmación gemelo de Bush en 1990 , antes del lanzamiento de la guerra para volver a instalar la autocracia de Kuwait: " el Ejército de los EE.UU. no son " pistoleros a sueldo " y" ya no estamos en el negocio de hacer el mundo seguro para el feudalismo "Ellos fueron y . están . Esta es la clave para entender el apoyo conjunto saudí / EE.UU. por los supuestos "rebeldes" en la guerra civil de Siria después de febrero de 2011. con los 1990-1991 seis meses de bombardeo campaña contra Irak , los EE.UU. habían eliminado las terceras fuerzas armadas más grandes del Oriente Medio, que , al igual que la Serbia de no estaba bajo el control directo militares de EE.UU..

UCRANIA: Entonces, ¿cuál es el plan de juego EE.UU. en Ucrania? Utilizaron activos CIA/MI6 para derrocar al gobierno elegido en Kiev, como lo habían hecho de Serbia Slobadan Milosevic el 31 Marte 2001 . ** Cuando Rusia se opuso, los medios de comunicación y sistema de gobierno de Estados Unidos volvieron sus amenazas en Rusia. Sus ONU , OTAN, OSCE proxies y sus medios lapdog comenzaron el tambor - ritmo constante para la guerra. La gente mayor se ve terribles paralelismos con la escalada de la "crisis" europea después de 1933, cuando un gobierno popular fue elegido en Europa central que no obedecer las órdenes , pero el pensamiento de su propio pueblo primero .

' PUTIN EL NUEVO HITLER ' : Irónicamente, cuando más salvajes tipos de medios de Estados Unidos dicen : " Putin es otro Hitler le felicitan . Como AH , Putin se niega a obedecer a los Maestros. Esté atento a Moscú, la huelga antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Mira los objetivos anteriores de la OTAN Qadafi y Saddam Hussein . Ambos tenían "fe" en la ONU para ser neutral. Ambos fueron torturados y luego descuartizado . Saddam , por supuesto, era también called'Hitler revisited " en 1990 por GHBush . Otros enemigos han sido denunciados como " Amán ", como David Irving. ¿Qué quiere decir esto? Tal Volk son vistos como obstáculos a las ambiciones de un grupo determinado .

META FINAL EE.UU. ? El objetivo final EE.UU. ? He aquí una pista. Izquierdista cineasta Oliver Stone ( J) inserta una escena en su película W sobre la guerra de Irak de 2003. Él tiene verdaderos gobernantes de EEUU en una reunión secreta en la que se desarrollan un plan conjunto acordado en 1994 por el que "cualquier poder que incluso intenta rivalizar con los EE.UU. debe ser destruido - y eso incluye a todo el que aspira a obtener armas nucleares " . Un cuento apócrifo quizá, pero sus resultados son plan para todos.

JUEGO FINAL de EE.UU. ? Un misterio que afecta a los EE.UU. Derecha Cristiana : ¿por qué no hay ninguna mención de los EE.UU. en la Biblia? Ellos disciernen Rusia, Egipto y China muy claramente codificadas allí, pero los fundamentalistas estadounidenses no pueden verse a sí mismos . ¿Por qué? A principios de 2014 muy popular tele- evangelista Greg Laurie EE.UU. (J ) intentó responder a esta :
" Hay tres posibilidades : la población de EE.UU. se vuelve tan evangelizados a fondo que cuando venga el Rapto todos vamos directamente al cielo ; los EE.UU. es destruido en una guerra atómica , y ya no existe ; o los EE.UU. se ha desmembrado y el nombre ya no existe " .
Estamos de acuerdo . Considerando que el hermano Laurie (J ) prefiere la antigua creemos que todas las señales apuntan a este último.

SNIPPETS #32 How Rus gave Krim to Ukraine (Spanish)

SNIPPETS se publica en el interés nacional. Ninguna acción se debe inferir por presunta. Las opiniones expresadas siguen siendo exclusiva responsabilidad de su autor.


por Benn Yogarni

Autopsia de un Imperio : Siete líderes que gobernaron el régimen soviético Dmitri Vologonov ( NYC: Free Press, 1997 ) ( 523pp ) :

p.197 : " En 1938, Nikita Krushchev fue nombrado Primer Secretario del Partido Comunista de Ucrania Después de regresar a Moscú un año más tarde se conservó siempre una debilidad por sus días en Ucrania ... ".

p.198 : " La discusión en el Comité Central llegó a la mejor manera de conmemorar el 300 aniversario de la reunificación de Ucrania con Rusia camarada Kruschev sugirió que les damos Crimea como un don Nadie se opuso . . ."

p.201 : " . La decisión oficial se hizo el 19 de febre 1954 Se anunció en la prensa una semana después de la total indiferencia de todos, incluso de Ucrania Estaban acostumbrados a la líder supremo hacer anuncios unilaterales. " .

Cómo Rusia había obtenido Crimea ? Desde 1771-1791 el ruso había luchado contra los turcos otomanos por la posesión de su territorio en Crimea . Al final de la lucha contra Rusia había capturado .

SNIPPETS #35: US Global Ambitions (Rus)

Фрагменты # 35
Фрагменты опубликовано в National Interest . Никаких действий не должно подразумеваться или случайное. Мнения, выраженные остаются принадлежат автору целиком.
по Бенн Yogarni
BBC World Service Новости 5 утра Saturnsday 26 апреля 2014 :
Репортер Стив Розенберг ( J ) :
" 13 безоружных наблюдателей ОБСЕ были арестованы пророссийских сепаратистов , работающих под Восточную украинского города Славянск . Они утверждают, что они «шпионов» и ставятся под сомнение . Наблюдатели приходят из Швеции, Германии, Чехии, Венгрии и Польши. Не является частью официальной команды ОБСЕ они были приглашены Временным правительством Украины , чтобы " наблюдать " ситуацию в Восточной Украине ».

Репортер Оуэн Беннетт - Джонс :
" Россия говорит, что это был визиты вице-президента США Джо Байдена и начальника ЦРУ , который создал все проблемы в Восточной Украине . Российские официальные лица сказал: " с тех пор, окончание холодной войны Америке работал , чтобы уменьшить сферу влияния России " " .

Посол США в Украине ( так в оригинале ) Даниэль Медведь (J) :
" Россия работает сплошная ложь . Их рука за каждым попытку бойкотировать 25-й выборов мая украинские " .

OB- J : "Является ли ОБСЕ работает без работы после некоторых его невооруженных наблюдателей были арестованы в Славянске ? "

DB : " Мой друг Даниэль Росс * (J) говорит:« не виню ООН , потому что некоторые из его членов не соблюдать правила " . Не вините ОБСЕ за отказ России соблюдать правила " .

Что такое глобальное амбиции Америки ?
КТО ЕСТЬ Даниэль РОСС ? * Д. Росс (J) является ключевым элементом в Билла Клинтона успешного 1999 войны , чтобы отделить мусульманским населением Косово от христианской правления Сербии . Удивительно, что человек ' дипломат ' DB (J) цитировал так вопиющее провокатором . Что D.Ross делать? В так называемых мирных переговоров " , якобы " для установления мира в Косово " D.Ross встретился в частном порядке и публично с ОАК повстанцев в то время , когда они были еще классифицируется как« террористической группы ». Он сделал это с полным медиа сборной США ТВ на буксире . Разъяснения это в то время , как « чисто случайно » , что ОАК " только что произошло , чтобы быть в лесу, когда он решил выйти на прогулку " . Медиа Scrum все ухмыльнулся , кивнул и подмигнул. Предположительно ' нейтральные ' западные СМИ оказалась очень антисербская .

Западные СМИ , ООН и ОБСЕ BIAS разоблачен : Конечно , ООН и СМИ молчали когда-либо с 1999 года о широко распространенных нарушений прав человека в отношении сербского меньшинства мусульманских албанских правителей Косово. Включает исчезновения , пытки, много смертей и разрушения ста сербских церквей, некоторые с миротворцами ООН , присутствующих . Все было проигнорировано ОБСЕ и, извинившись ООН. Как обычно, ООН показывает свои антихриста характеристики. Сербы в 1999 году были потрясены, увидев якобы нейтральной ОБСЕ , используемый НАТО для оценки ущерба, причиненного войной во шестинедельного бомбардировок США кампании. Сербы надеялись ' наблюдателей ' ОБСЕ скажет США , какие ошибки они делали , чтобы избежать повторов . Вместо этого, США использовали ОБСЕ и ООН сообщает , чтобы лучше тонкой настройки его атак .

ЧТО ТАКОЕ ОБСЕ ? Организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе был и всегда будет пешкой США . Инструментом внешней политики США во время холодной войны они должны увяли и умер в 1989 году с окончания войны , но , как НАТО его злой близнец , он продолжает служить глобальной политики США. Без военной базы Североатлантического договора обеспечивает американские войска не имеют извинения сохраняя 40000 оккупационных войск в Германии и строку баз распространяется на границе Польши с Россией .

Мусульманские правители Америки : Но сначала , вернуться в Косово. Сербы не понимал цели США в 1999 году был не просто «освободить» Косово своими Саудовской Аравии мастеров , как они ранее освободили Кувейт ( 1991 ) и Сомали (1991) . Настоящее целью было уничтожить вооруженные силы Сербии , третий по величине в Европе, но не в НАТО , а не под контролем США . США видит все это непосредственно не властвовать над качестве потенциального « угрозы» и поэтому должны быть « нейтрализованы ». Почему уничтожить сербскую армию ? Как бы это служить долгосрочные цели американо автора ?

ВОЙНА ЗА ИСЛАМСКИХ феодалов : Гео . Х. Буша советник по национальной безопасности , генерал Брент Скоукрофт , хвастался : " пять из наших последних шести войн были от имени ислама ». И это несмотря двойной претензии Буша в 1990 году , до запуска войну , чтобы переустановить самодержавие Кувейта : " Армии США не ' пушки на прокат » и « мы не в бизнесе сделать мир безопасным для феодализма " Они были и . которые . Это ключ к пониманию совместной Саудовскую / поддержку США в отношении предполагаемых " повстанцев " в гражданской войне в Сирии после февраля 2011. с 1990-91 шесть месяцев бомбардировок Ирака , США устранил третьими по величине вооруженных сил в Ближний Восток , который , как и Сербии был не под прямым контролем американских военных.

УКРАИНА : Так в чем же США игра-план в Украине? Они использовали CIA/MI6 активы свергнуть избранное правительство в Киеве , как они должны были Сербии Слободана Милошевича 31 Марс 2001 ** . Когда Россия возражала , СМИ и государство США повернулись угрозы от России. Их ООН, НАТО, прокси ОБСЕ и их собачкой СМИ начали устойчивый драм- ритм для войны. Старые люди увидят страшные параллели с эскалацией европейского «кризис» после 1933 года, когданародное правительство был избран в Центральной Европе , что не будет исполнять приказы , но мысли его собственного народа в первую очередь.

" ПУТИНновым Гитлером " : Как ни странно, когда Уайлдера типы носителей США говорят : " Путин является еще одним Гитлера они дополняют его. Как AH , Путин отказывается подчиняться Masters . Берегись Москва, ударить сейчас, пока не стало слишком поздно. Посмотрите на предыдущих целевых НАТО Qadafi и Саддама Хусейна . У обоих были «вера» в ООН , чтобы быть нейтральным. Оба были замучены затем убивали . Саддам , конечно, был также called'Hitler вновь ' в 1990 году GHBush . Другие противники были осуждены как « Hamaan ', например, Дэвида Ирвинга . Что это значит ? Такое Волк рассматриваются как препятствия на пути амбиций определенной группы .

США конечная цель ? Конечная цель США ? Вот подсказка . Левый кинорежиссер Оливер Стоун (J) вставили сцену в своем фильме W о войне в Ираке 2003 года. Он имеет реальные правителей нас в на секретном совещании , где они разворачиваются план согласованный комплекс в 1994 году , когда « любая власть , что даже попытки , чтобы конкурировать с США должен быть разрушен - в том числе и любой , кто стремится получить ядерное оружие " . Апокрифической сказка может быть, но его результаты план для всех.

КОНЕЦ ИГРЫ для США ? Одна тайна , которая отравляет американскую христианскую Справа : почему не там никакого упоминания о США в Библии? Они различить Россия, Египет и Китай очень четко кодируется там, но американские фундаменталисты не могут видеть себя . Почему ? В начале 2014 популярной американской теле- евангелист Грег Лори (J) попытался ответить на этот вопрос :
" Есть три варианта: население США становится настолько тщательно евангелизированы , что, когда Восторг приходит все мы идем прямо на небеса ; США не будет уничтожен в атомной войны и больше не существует ; или США не был расчленен и имя больше не существует " .
Мы согласны . В то время как брат Лори (J) предпочитает бывший мы считаем, все признаки указывают на последнего.

Fragmenty # 35
Fragmenty opublikovano v National Interest . Nikakikh deystviy ne dolzhno podrazumevat'sya ili sluchaynoye. Mneniya, vyrazhennyye ostayutsya prinadlezhat avtoru tselikom.
po Benn Yogarni
BBC World Service Novosti 5 utra Saturnsday 26 aprelya 2014 :
Reporter Stiv Rozenberg ( J ) :
" 13 bezoruzhnykh nablyudateley OBSE byli arestovany prorossiyskikh separatistov , rabotayushchikh pod Vostochnuyu ukrainskogo goroda Slavyansk . Oni utverzhdayut, chto oni «shpionov» i stavyatsya pod somneniye . Nablyudateli prikhodyat iz Shvetsii, Germanii, Chekhii, Vengrii i Pol'shi. Ne yavlyayetsya chast'yu ofitsial'noy komandy OBSE oni byli priglasheny Vremennym pravitel'stvom Ukrainy , chtoby " nablyudat' " situatsiyu v Vostochnoy Ukraine ».

Reporter Ouen Bennett - Dzhons :
" Rossiya govorit, chto eto byl vizity vitse-prezidenta SSHA Dzho Baydena i nachal'nika TSRU , kotoryy sozdal vse problemy v Vostochnoy Ukraine . Rossiyskiye ofitsial'nyye litsa skazal: " s tekh por, okonchaniye kholodnoy voyny Amerike rabotal , chtoby umen'shit' sferu vliyaniya Rossii " " .

Posol SSHA v Ukraine ( tak v originale ) Daniel' Medved' (J) :
" Rossiya rabotayet sploshnaya lozh' . Ikh ruka za kazhdym popytku boykotirovat' 25-y vyborov maya ukrainskiye " .

OB- J : "Yavlyayetsya li OBSE rabotayet bez raboty posle nekotorykh yego nevooruzhennykh nablyudateley byli arestovany v Slavyanske ? "

DB : " Moy drug Daniel' Ross * (J) govorit:« ne vinyu OON , potomu chto nekotoryye iz yego chlenov ne soblyudat' pravila " . Ne vinite OBSE za otkaz Rossii soblyudat' pravila " .

Chto takoye global'noye ambitsii Ameriki ?
KTO YEST' Daniel' ROSS ? * D. Ross (J) yavlyayetsya klyuchevym elementom v Billa Klintona uspeshnogo 1999 voyny , chtoby otdelit' musul'manskim naseleniyem Kosovo ot khristianskoy pravleniya Serbii . Udivitel'no, chto chelovek ' diplomat ' DB (J) tsitiroval tak vopiyushcheye provokatorom . Chto D.Ross delat'? V tak nazyvayemykh mirnykh peregovorov " , yakoby " dlya ustanovleniya mira v Kosovo " D.Ross vstretilsya v chastnom poryadke i publichno s OAK povstantsev v to vremya , kogda oni byli yeshche klassifitsiruyetsya kak« terroristicheskoy gruppy ». On sdelal eto s polnym media sbornoy SSHA TV na buksire . Raz"yasneniya eto v to vremya , kak « chisto sluchayno » , chto OAK " tol'ko chto proizoshlo , chtoby byt' v lesu, kogda on reshil vyyti na progulku " . Media Scrum vse ukhmyl'nulsya , kivnul i podmignul. Predpolozhitel'no ' neytral'nyye ' zapadnyye SMI okazalas' ochen' antiserbskaya .

Zapadnyye SMI , OON i OBSE BIAS razoblachen : Konechno , OON i SMI molchali kogda-libo s 1999 goda o shiroko rasprostranennykh narusheniy prav cheloveka v otnoshenii serbskogo men'shinstva musul'manskikh albanskikh praviteley Kosovo. Vklyuchayet ischeznoveniya , pytki, mnogo smertey i razrusheniya sta serbskikh tserkvey, nekotoryye s mirotvortsami OON , prisutstvuyushchikh . Vse bylo proignorirovano OBSE i, izvinivshis' OON. Kak obychno, OON pokazyvayet svoi antikhrista kharakteristiki. Serby v 1999 godu byli potryaseny, uvidev yakoby neytral'noy OBSE , ispol'zuyemyy NATO dlya otsenki ushcherba, prichinennogo voynoy vo shestinedel'nogo bombardirovok SSHA kampanii. Serby nadeyalis' ' nablyudateley ' OBSE skazhet SSHA , kakiye oshibki oni delali , chtoby izbezhat' povtorov . Vmesto etogo, SSHA ispol'zovali OBSE i OON soobshchayet , chtoby luchshe tonkoy nastroyki yego atak .

CHTO TAKOYe OBSE ? Organizatsiya po bezopasnosti i sotrudnichestvu v Yevrope byl i vsegda budet peshkoy SSHA . Instrumentom vneshney politiki SSHA vo vremya kholodnoy voyny oni dolzhny uvyali i umer v 1989 godu s okonchaniya voyny , no , kak NATO yego zloy bliznets , on prodolzhayet sluzhit' global'noy politiki SSHA. Bez voyennoy bazy Severoatlanticheskogo dogovora obespechivayet amerikanskiye voyska ne imeyut izvineniya sokhranyaya 40000 okkupatsionnykh voysk v Germanii i stroku baz rasprostranyayetsya na granitse Pol'shi s Rossiyey .

Musul'manskiye praviteli Ameriki : No snachala , vernut'sya v Kosovo. Serby ne ponimal tseli SSHA v 1999 godu byl ne prosto «osvobodit'» Kosovo svoimi Saudovskoy Aravii masterov , kak oni raneye osvobodili Kuveyt ( 1991 ) i Somali (1991) . Nastoyashcheye tsel'yu bylo unichtozhit' vooruzhennyye sily Serbii , tretiy po velichine v Yevrope, no ne v NATO , a ne pod kontrolem SSHA . SSHA vidit vse eto neposredstvenno ne vlastvovat' nad kachestve potentsial'nogo « ugrozy» i poetomu dolzhny byt' « neytralizovany ». Pochemu unichtozhit' serbskuyu armiyu ? Kak by eto sluzhit' dolgosrochnyye tseli amerikano avtora ?

VOYNA ZA ISLAMSKIKH feodalov : Geo . KH. Busha sovetnik po natsional'noy bezopasnosti , general Brent Skoukroft , khvastalsya : " pyat' iz nashikh poslednikh shesti voyn byli ot imeni islama ». I eto nesmotrya dvoynoy pretenzii Busha v 1990 godu , do zapuska voynu , chtoby pereustanovit' samoderzhaviye Kuveyta : " Armii SSHA ne ' pushki na prokat » i « my ne v biznese sdelat' mir bezopasnym dlya feodalizma " Oni byli i . kotoryye . Eto klyuch k ponimaniyu sovmestnoy Saudovskuyu / podderzhku SSHA v otnoshenii predpolagayemykh " povstantsev " v grazhdanskoy voyne v Sirii posle fevralya 2011. s 1990-91 shest' mesyatsev bombardirovok Iraka , SSHA ustranil tret'imi po velichine vooruzhennykh sil v Blizhniy Vostok , kotoryy , kak i Serbii byl ne pod pryamym kontrolem amerikanskikh voyennykh.

UKRAINA : Tak v chem zhe SSHA igra-plan v Ukraine? Oni ispol'zovali CIA/MI6 aktivy svergnut' izbrannoye pravitel'stvo v Kiyeve , kak oni dolzhny byli Serbii Slobodana Miloshevicha 31 Mars 2001 ** . Kogda Rossiya vozrazhala , SMI i gosudarstvo SSHA povernulis' ugrozy ot Rossii. Ikh OON, NATO, proksi OBSE i ikh sobachkoy SMI nachali ustoychivyy dram- ritm dlya voyny. Staryye lyudi uvidyat strashnyye paralleli s eskalatsiyey yevropeyskogo «krizis» posle 1933 goda, kogdanarodnoye pravitel'stvo byl izbran v Tsentral'noy Yevrope , chto ne budet ispolnyat' prikazy , no mysli yego sobstvennogo naroda v pervuyu ochered'.

" PUTINnovym Gitlerom " : Kak ni stranno, kogda Uayldera tipy nositeley SSHA govoryat : " Putin yavlyayetsya yeshche odnim Gitlera oni dopolnyayut yego. Kak AH , Putin otkazyvayetsya podchinyat'sya Masters . Beregis' Moskva, udarit' seychas, poka ne stalo slishkom pozdno. Posmotrite na predydushchikh tselevykh NATO Qadafi i Saddama Khuseyna . U oboikh byli «vera» v OON , chtoby byt' neytral'nym. Oba byli zamucheny zatem ubivali . Saddam , konechno, byl takzhe called'Hitler vnov' ' v 1990 godu GHBush . Drugiye protivniki byli osuzhdeny kak « Hamaan ', naprimer, Devida Irvinga . Chto eto znachit ? Takoye Volk rassmatrivayutsya kak prepyatstviya na puti ambitsiy opredelennoy gruppy .

SSHA konechnaya tsel' ? Konechnaya tsel' SSHA ? Vot podskazka . Levyy kinorezhisser Oliver Stoun (J) vstavili stsenu v svoyem fil'me W o voyne v Irake 2003 goda. On imeyet real'nyye praviteley nas v na sekretnom soveshchanii , gde oni razvorachivayutsya plan soglasovannyy kompleks v 1994 godu , kogda « lyubaya vlast' , chto dazhe popytki , chtoby konkurirovat' s SSHA dolzhen byt' razrushen - v tom chisle i lyuboy , kto stremitsya poluchit' yadernoye oruzhiye " . Apokrificheskoy skazka mozhet byt', no yego rezul'taty plan dlya vsekh.

KONETS IGRY dlya SSHA ? Odna tayna , kotoraya otravlyayet amerikanskuyu khristianskuyu Sprava : pochemu ne tam nikakogo upominaniya o SSHA v Biblii? Oni razlichit' Rossiya, Yegipet i Kitay ochen' chetko kodiruyetsya tam, no amerikanskiye fundamentalisty ne mogut videt' sebya . Pochemu ? V nachale 2014 populyarnoy amerikanskoy tele- yevangelist Greg Lori (J) popytalsya otvetit' na etot vopros :
" Yest' tri varianta: naseleniye SSHA stanovitsya nastol'ko tshchatel'no yevangelizirovany , chto, kogda Vostorg prikhodit vse my idem pryamo na nebesa ; SSHA ne budet unichtozhen v atomnoy voyny i bol'she ne sushchestvuyet ; ili SSHA ne byl raschlenen i imya bol'she ne sushchestvuyet " .
My soglasny . V to vremya kak brat Lori (J) predpochitayet byvshiy my schitayem, vse priznaki ukazyvayut na poslednego.

SNIPPETS #35 What is the USA's Global Ambition?

SNIPPETS is published in the National Interest. No action should be implied or inferred. The opinions expressed remain those of the author entirely.
by Benn Yogarni
BBC World Service News 5am Saturnsday 26th April 2014:
Reporter Steve Rosenberg(J):
“13 unarmed OSCE observers have been arrested by pro-Russian separatists running the Eastern Ukrainian city of Slovyansk. These claim they are ‘spies’ and are being questioned. The observers come from Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. Not part of the official OSCE team they were invited by the Interim Ukrainian government to ‘observe’ the situation in Eastern Ukraine”.
Reporter Owen Bennett-Jones:
“Russia says it was visits by US Vice-President Jo Biden and the CIA chief which created all the problems in Eastern Ukraine. Russian officials have said: 'ever since the end of the Cold War America has worked to diminish Russia's sphere of influence'".
US Ambassador to Ukraine (sic) Daniel Bear (J):
“Russia is running a pack of lies. Their hand is behind every effort to sabotage the 25th May Ukrainian elections“.
OB-J: “Is the OSCE running out of a job after some of its unarmed observers were arrested in Slovyansk?”

DB: “My friend Daniel Ross*(J) says: ‘don’t blame the UN because some of its members don’t follow the rules’. Don’t blame the OSCE for Russia’s refusal to obey the rules”.

WHO IS DANIEL ROSS? *D. Ross(J) was a key element in Bill Clinton’s successful 1999 war to separate Muslim-majority Kosovo from Christian Serb rule. Amazing that fellow 'diplomat' DB(J) would quote so blatant an agent provocateur. What did D.Ross do? In so-called peace talks' allegedly 'to bring peace to Kosovo' D.Ross met privately and publicly with KLA rebels at the time when they were still classed as a ‘terrorist group'. He did this with a full US TV media team in tow. Explained it at the time as ‘purely coincidence’ that the KLA ‘just happened to be in the woods when he’d decided to go for a walk’. Media scrum all smirked, nodded and winked. Supposedly ‘neutral’ Western media proved to be very anti-Serb.

WESTERN MEDIA, UN and OSCE BIAS UNMASKED: Of course, UN and media have been silent ever since 1999 about widespread human rights abuses against the Serb minority by Kosovo’s Muslim Albanian rulers. Includes disappearances, torture, many deaths and destruction of a hundred Serb churches, some with UN peacekeepers present. All has been ignored by the OSCE and excused by the UN. As usual, UN shows its anti-Christ characteristics. Serbs in 1999 were shocked to see allegedly neutral OSCE used by NATO to gauge war damage during six-week US bombing campaign. Serbs had hoped OSCE ‘observers’ would tell US what errors they were making so as to avoid repeats. Instead, US used the OSCE and UN reports to better fine tune its attacks.

WHAT IS THE OSCE? Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe was and always will be a US pawn. A tool of US foreign policy during the Cold war they should have withered and died in 1989 with the War’s end but, like NATO its evil twin, it continues to serve US global policy. Without the military framework the North Atlantic Treaty provides US forces have no excuse for retaining 40,000 Occupation troops in Germany and a string of bases extending to Poland’s border with Russia.

AMERICA's MUSLIM RULERS: But first, back to Kosovo. Serbs did not realise US goal in 1999 was not just to ‘liberate’ Kosovo for its Saudi Arabian masters, as they had earlier liberated Kuwait (1991) and Somalia (1991). Real goal was to destroy Serbia’s armed forces, the third largest in Europe but not part of NATO and not under US control. US sees everything it does not directly rule over as a potential ‘threat’ and therefore to be ‘neutralised’. Why destroy the Serb Army? How would this serve  the US's long-term goals?

WAR FOR ISLAMIC FEUDALISTS: Geo. H. Bush’s National Security Adviser, General Brent Scowcroft, boasted: ‘five of our last six wars have been on behalf of Islam’. This despite Bush’s twin claim in 1990, prior to launching the war to reinstall Kuwait’s autocracy: ‘the US Army are not ‘guns for hire’ and ‘we’re not in the business of making the world safe for feudalism". They were and are. This is the key to understanding joint Saudi/US support for the alleged 'rebels' in Syria's civil war after Feb 2011. With the 1990-91 six months bombing campaign against Iraq, the US had eliminated the third largest armed forces in the Middle East which, like Serbia's was not under direct US military control.

UKRAINE: So what is the US game-plan in Ukraine? They used CIA/MI6 assets to topple the elected government in Kyiv, just as they had Serbia's Slobadan Milosevic on 31 Mars 2001**. When Russia objected, the US media and polity turned their threats on Russia. Their UN, NATO, OSCE proxies and their lapdog media began the steady drum-beat for war. Older folks will see terrible parallels with the escalating European ‘crisis’ after 1933 when a popular government was elected in Central Europe that would not obey orders but thought of its own people first.

'PUTIN THE NEW HITLER': Ironically, when wilder US media types say: ‘Putin is another Hitler’ they compliment him. Like AH, Putin refuses to obey the Masters. Look out Moscow, strike now before it is too late. Look at previous NATO targets Qadafi and Saddam Hussein. Both had ‘faith’ in the UN to be neutral. Both were tortured then butchered. Saddam, of course, was also called'Hitler revisited' in 1990 by G.H.Bush. Other foes have been denounced as a 'Hamaan' such as David Irving. What does this mean? Such Volk are seen as obstacles to the ambitions of a certain group.

US END GOAL? The US end goal? Here is a clue. Leftist film-maker Oliver Stone(J) inserted a scene in his film W about the 2003 Iraq War. He has the US’s real rulers at a secret meeting where they unfold a plan agreed set in 1994 whereby ‘any power that even attempts to rival the US must be destroyed - and that includes any who aspire to obtain nuclear weapons’. An Apocryphal tale maybe, but its results are plan to all.

END GAME for USA? One mystery that plagues the US Christian Right: why is there no mention of the USA in the Bible? They discern Russia, Egypt and China very clearly encoded there but US fundamentalists cannot see themselves. Why? In early 2014 popular US tele-evangelist Greg Laurie(J) attempted to answer this:
“there are three possibilities: the US population becomes so thoroughly evangelised that when the Rapture comes we all go straight to Heaven; the US is destroyed in an atomic war and no longer exists; or the US has been dismembered and the name no longer exists”.  
We agree. Whereas brother Laurie(J) prefers the former we believe all signs point to the latter.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014


善胜# 32
当俄罗斯GAVE KRIM前往乌克兰

尸检的帝国:七领袖谁由德米特里Vologonov (纽约:自由出版社,1997年)统治的苏维埃政权( 523pp ) :

第197页: “ 1938年尼基塔赫鲁晓夫被任命为共产党第一书记在乌克兰返回莫斯科后,一年后,他始终保留情有独钟,他的日子,在乌克兰...... 。 ”

第198页: “在讨论中央委员会来如何最好地纪念乌克兰与俄罗斯统一300周年赫鲁晓夫同志建议我们给他们克里米亚作为礼物没有人反对。 ”

第197页:“正式决定是在19日Februa 1954年已在报刊上一周后所有的彻底冷漠,甚至乌克兰宣布他们被用来最高领导人作出单方面宣布。”


Shàn shèng# 32
Shàn shèng fābiǎo zài guójiā lìyì. Méiyǒu xíngdòng yīng tuīduàn yǐn hán de. Biǎodá de guāndiǎn wánquán bǎochí nàxiē zuòzhě.
Dāng èluósī GAVE KRIM qiánwǎng wūkèlán
Tōngguò běn ēn Yogarni

Shījiǎn de dìguó: Qī lǐngxiù shuí yóu dé mǐ tè lǐ Vologonov (niǔyuē: Zìyóu chūbǎn shè,1997 nián) tǒngzhì de sūwéi'āi zhèngquán (523pp):

Dì 197 yè: “1938 Nián ní jī tǎ hè lǔ xiǎo fu bèi rènmìng wèi gòngchǎndǎng dì yī shūjì zài wūkèlán fǎnhuí mòsīkē hòu, yī nián hòu, tā shǐzhōng bǎoliú qíng yǒu dú zhōng, tā de rìzi, zài wūkèlán...... . ”

Dì 198 yè: “Zài tǎolùn zhōngyāng wěiyuánhuì lái rúhé zuì hǎo de jìniàn wūkèlán yǔ èluósī tǒngyī 300 zhōunián hè lǔ xiǎo fu tóngzhì jiànyì wǒmen gěi tāmen kè lǐ mǐ yà zuòwéi lǐwù méiyǒu rén fǎnduì. ”

Dì 197 yè:“Zhèngshì juédìng shì zài 19 rì Februa 1954 nián yǐ zài bàokān shàng yīzhōu hòu suǒyǒu de chèdǐ lěngmò, shènzhì wūkèlán xuānbù tāmen bèi yòng lái zuìgāo lǐngdǎo rén zuòchū dān fāngmiàn xuānbù.”

Rúhé yǐjīng huòdé èluósī kè lǐ mǐ yà? Cóng 1771 nián zhì 1791 nián, èluósī céng zhuǎnzhàn è tú màn tǔ'ěrqí rén cáng yǒu tāmen zài kè lǐ mǐ yà jìngnèi. Zài èluósī de zhàndòu de jiéshù yǐjīng zhuāhuò.


SNIPPETS publiceras i nationens intresse . Inga åtgärder bör härledas till underförstådd . De åsikter som framstårhelt och hållet författarens .
genom Benn Yogarni

Obduktion av en Empire : Sju ledare som styrde Sovjetregimenav Dmitri Vologonov ( NYC : Free Press , 1997) ( 523pp ) :

s.197 : " År 1938 Nikita Chrusjtjov utsågs förste sekreterare i kommunistpartiet i Ukraina Efter återkomsten till Moskva ett år senare han alltid behållit en soft spot för sina dagar i Ukraina ... ".

s.198 : " Diskussionen i centralkommittén kom till hur man bäst för att fira 300- årsdagen av återföreningen av Ukraina med Ryssland kamrat Chrusjtjov föreslog vi ger dem Krim som en gåva Ingen invände . . " .

s.201 : " . Det formella beslutet fattades den 19 Februa 1954 meddelades i pressen en vecka senare till fullkomlig likgiltighet för allt , till och med Ukraina De användes till den högste ledare att göra ensidiga tillkännagivanden . " .

Hur hade Ryssland erhållits Krim ? Från 1771-1791 Ryska hade kämpat de ottomanska turkarna för innehav av sitt territorium i Krim . I slutet av striderna Ryssland hade fångat .


SNIPPETS im nationalen Interesse veröffentlicht. Keine Aktionen für stillschweigende abgeleitet werden. Die zum Ausdruck gebrachten Meinungen bleiben ganz die des Autors .
von Benn Yogarni

Autopsie eines Königreichs : Sieben Mitarbeiter , die die Sowjetregimevon Dmitri Vologonov ( NYC: Free Press, 1997) entschieden ( 523pp ) :

S.197 : " Im Jahr 1938 Nikita Chruschtschow wurde Erster Sekretär der Kommunistischen Partei in der Ukraine ernannt Nach seiner Rückkehr nach Moskau hat er ein Jahr später in der Ukraine behalten immer ein Faible für seine Tage ... ".

S. 198 : "Diskussion im Zentralkomitee kam wie man am besten den 300. Jahrestag der Wiedervereinigung der Ukraine mit Russland zu gedenken Genosse Chruschtschow schlug vor, wir geben ihnen Krim als Geschenk niemand widersprochen. . ."

S. 201 : " . Die formelle Entscheidung wurde am 19. Februa 1954 wurde in der Presse eine Woche später zur völligen Gleichgültigkeit der alle, auch die Ukraine angekündigt, Sie wurden dem obersten Führer verwendet einseitigen Ankündigungen. " .

Wie hatte Russland erhalten Krim ? Von 1771-1791 hatte die russische die Türken für den Besitz von ihrem Hoheitsgebiet auf der Krim gekämpft. Am Ende des Kampfes hatte Russland gefangen genommen.


SNIPPETS est publié dans l'intérêt national . Aucune action ne devrait être déduit pour implicite . Les opinions exprimées restent entièrement ceux de l'auteur .
par Benn Yogarni

Autopsie d' un empire : sept dirigeants qui ont gouverné le régime soviétique par Dmitri Vologonov ( NYC : Free Press, 1997) ( 523pp ) :

p.197 : « En 1938, Nikita Khrouchtchev a été nommé premier secrétaire du Parti communiste en Ukraine Après son retour à Moscou un an plus tard, il a toujours conservé un faible pour ses jours en Ukraine ... ».

p.198 : " Discussion au Comité central est venu à la meilleure façon de commémorer le 300e anniversaire de la réunification de l'Ukraine avec la Russie camarade Khrouchtchev a suggéré que nous leur donnons la Crimée comme un cadeau ne s'est opposé . . ».

p.201 : " . La décision officielle a été faite le 19 févrie 1954 Il a été annoncé dans la presse une semaine plus tard à l' indifférence de tous, même l' Ukraine Ils ont été utilisés pour le chef suprême des communiqués unilatéraux . " .

Comment avait- Russie obtenu Crimée ? De 1771-1791 la Russie avait combattu les Turcs ottomans pour possession de leur territoire en Crimée . A la fin de la lutte contre la Russie avait capturé .


Фрагменты # 32
Фрагменты публикуется в национальных интересах . Никакие действия не следует рассматривать как случайное для подразумеваемой . Мнения, выраженные оставаться полностью принадлежат автору .
по Бенн Yogarni

Вскрытие империи : Семь лидеров , которые правили советской власти Дмитрия Vologonov (NYC : Free Press , 1997 ) ( 523pp ) :

стр.197 : " В 1938 году Никита Хрущев был назначен первым секретарем Коммунистической партии в Украине После возвращения в Москву через год он всегда сохранял мягкое место для его дни в Украине ... ».

стр. 198 : "Обсуждение в ЦК пришел , как лучше , чтобы отметить 300-летие воссоединения Украины с Россией товарищ Хрущев предложил, чтобы мы дать им Крым в качестве подарка Никто не возражал . . ».

с.201 : " . Формальное решение было принято на 19-м Фебруа 1954 было объявлено в прессе через неделю на полное равнодушие всех , даже на Украине они были использованы в верховный лидер односторонних объявлений . ».

Как же Россия получила Крым ? С 1771-1791Русский воевал турками за обладание своей территории в Крыму. В конце борется Россия захватила .

Fragmenty # 32
Fragmenty publikuyetsya v natsional'nykh interesakh . Nikakiye deystviya ne sleduyet rassmatrivat' kak sluchaynoye dlya podrazumevayemoy . Mneniya, vyrazhennyye ostavat'sya polnost'yu prinadlezhat avtoru .
po Benn Yogarni

Vskrytiye imperii : Sem' liderov , kotoryye pravili sovetskoy vlasti Dmitriya Vologonov (NYC : Free Press , 1997 ) ( 523pp ) :

str.197 : " V 1938 godu Nikita Khrushchev byl naznachen pervym sekretarem Kommunisticheskoy partii v Ukraine Posle vozvrashcheniya v Moskvu cherez god on vsegda sokhranyal myagkoye mesto dlya yego dni v Ukraine ... ».

str. 198 : "Obsuzhdeniye v TSK prishel , kak luchshe , chtoby otmetit' 300-letiye vossoyedineniya Ukrainy s Rossiyey tovarishch Khrushchev predlozhil, chtoby my dat' im Krym v kachestve podarka Nikto ne vozrazhal . . ».

s.201 : " . Formal'noye resheniye bylo prinyato na 19-m Februa 1954 bylo ob"yavleno v presse cherez nedelyu na polnoye ravnodushiye vsekh , dazhe na Ukraine oni byli ispol'zovany v verkhovnyy lider odnostoronnikh ob"yavleniy . ».

Kak zhe Rossiya poluchila Krym ? S 1771-1791Russkiy voyeval turkami za obladaniye svoyey territorii v Krymu. V kontse boretsya Rossiya zakhvatila .

SNIPPETS #32 When Russia Gave Krim to Ukraine

SNIPPETS  is published in the national Interest. No actions should be inferred for implied. The opinions expressed remain entirely those of the author.
by Benn Yogarni 

Autopsy of an Empire: Seven Leaders who ruled the Soviet Regime by Dmitri Vologonov (NYC: Free Press, 1997)(523pp):

p.197: "In 1938 Nikita Krushchev was appointed First Secretary of the Communist Party in the Ukraine. After returning to Moscow a year later he always retained a soft spot for his days in the Ukraine…"

p.198: "Discussion in the Central Committee came to how best to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. Comrade Krushchev suggested we give them Crimea as a gift. No one objected". 

p.201: "The formal decision was made on 19th Februa 1954. It was announced in the press one week later to the utter indifference of all, even the Ukraine. They were used to the paramount leader making unilateral announcements". 

How had Russia obtained Crimea? From 1771-1791 the Russian had fought the Ottoman Turks for possession of their territory in Crimea. At the end of fighting Russia had captured.    

Friday, 18 April 2014

SNIPPETS #30: Western Australian Special Senate Election 5th April 2014

SNIPPETS is published in the National Interest. No action should be implied or inferred. The opinions expressed remain those of the author entirely.
by Benn Yogarni 
ABC TV Channel 24 Western Australian Special Election coverage’* 10.30pm Saturnsday 5th April 2014:
"The Greens are the big winner of this campaign having received the largest donation in Australia political history. Clive Palmer's PUP have missed out on a seat".

Results c/- AEC:
Enrolment: 1,480,324
Australian Labor Party269,81621.59-5.00
The Greens (WA)192,68115.42+5.93
Animal Justice Party8,0250.64-0.10
Australian Christians19,1651.53-0.11
Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party4,5110.36-0.08
Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party6,7970.54-0.05
Sex Party11,7240.94-0.55
Australian Sports Party4,0640.33+0.10
Australian Voice Party9770.08-0.01
Building Australia Party1,0190.08+0.08
Australian Democrats3,4000.27-0.02
DLP Democratic Labour2,6370.21+0.21
Family First Party9,2260.74+0.07
Freedom and Prosperity Party7990.06-0.05
Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party13,0441.04-0.03
Katter's Australian Party1,1510.09-0.21
Liberal Democrats22,7771.82-1.61
Mutual Party8290.07+0.07
Palmer United Party154,86512.39+7.38
Pirate Party6,0610.49+0.49
Rise Up Australia Party2,1920.18-0.11
Secular Party of Australia8710.07-0.04
Shooters and Fishers12,8501.03-0.01
Smokers Rights3,5410.28-0.39
Socialist Alliance7710.06+0.06
Outdoor Recreation Party (Stop The Greens)2,6780.21+0.04
#Sustainable Population Party2,9060.23+0.13
Republican Party of Australia7100.06+0.06
The Nationals38,1543.05-2.02
The Wikileaks Party7,6620.61-0.14
Voluntary Euthanasia Party8,2620.66+0.66


By the following morning this has all been ‘flipped’ by the ALP-controlled, yet government –funded ABC. 

ABCTV The Insiders programme [run by an ex-ALP speech-writer] 9am Solday 6th April 2014: “Clive Palmer was the big winner of these elections”. 
No mention of the Greens so no need to mention the ‘biggest donation’. End of story. Usual cover-up we routinely see in our corrupt media, a tool of the ruling elite. Allowed the Greens to return to their media-created image of ‘underdogs’ which is the party every ‘dinky-di Aussie always chooses out of a sense of ‘fairness’.Who do we think gave the donation?

Afrikaaners: WA is first port of call for migrants from South Africa. These allegedly funded the Rightist Australian National Movement of the 1980’s. Thereafter labeled ‘neo-Nazi’ by the ALP-controlled media, the Afrikaaners felt marginalised and ghettoised. A group in Melbourne who fund the MOTS and seek to control both ALP and LNP have since taken a keen interest in all things political in WA.

Alien Masters: We believe it was this second group, the Perth garrison of the Alien Masters, who gave the Greens money to defeat the popular will of the WA people. These seek to prevent ‘contamination’ of their East-Coast strongholds, Sydney and Melbourne, from which they control Australia's financial sector and Federal Parliament. It is in Melbourne and Sydney that 2/3's of Australia’s population reside.

P.U.P. Defeated: Clive Palmer’s attempt to pry open the crooked shell of the political caste to allow access for the common Volk is again stymied. Will take a Revolution and much bloodshed to change anything here. The elite must go as must their many media marionettes.

Rightist Parties: As you can see from the above results, WA voters had a choice of six Rightist political parties** all competing for the same votes. This split vote means all failed. Together they got a total of 15.14%, enough to win a seat or at least to get their deposits back. When will self-defeating competition give way to a National Alliance of Rightist parties?

Main-stream Parties: Together the two main parties, ALP and LNP, obtained only 55.83% of the votes. Clearly, voters are tired of both.

*WA SPECIAL ELECTION: Following the 7th September 2013 Federal Election billionaire candidate Clive Palmer, a mining magnate and Chinese proxy, claimed ‘irregularities’ after 7,000 ballots went ‘missing’ in WA alone. He forced the AEC to hold a Special Election for the first time in Australian history. This is unique as many politically aware Australian s have alleged since the 1970’s that the AEC is a tool of the ALP/LNP and deliberately prevents minor parties from breaking the strangle-hold the duopoly hold over power in the country. 
This lead to the rise of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation in 1997 but she was maligned by the ALP-controlled media as a ‘racist’ just as Clive Palmer, Bob Katter and other minor party leaders are. Allows the System to ‘write them off’ and idiotic public too as well. Is deep-seated frustration with the crooked System but few know what to do to ‘reform’ it.    

** Australian Christian Party; Democratic Labour Party; Family First Party; Katter's Australian Party; Palmer's United Party; Rise Up Australia Party. 

SNIPPETS #31: Interview of Alain de Botton

SNIPPETS is published in the National Interest. No action should be implied or inferred. The opinions expressed remain those of the author entirely.
by Benn Yogarni 
ABC TV Channel 24 One Plus One 8.30pm Frigasday 18th April 2014 (30 minutes):
Reporter Jane Hutchence interviews philosopher & author Alain de Botton.
JH: “Your father was an Egyptian Jew and your mother a Spanish Jew. You were raised in Switzerland and Britain.”

AdB: “After WWII my father had high hopes but under Nasser they were forced to flee and became refugees”.

JH: “They arrived in Switzerland with nothing but your father became a wealthy financier”.

AdB: “Yes, he handled the financial affairs of some very wealthy people but was appalled at how badly their children turned out. He didn’t let that happen to me. Thankfully, I wrote my first book at 22 years old and it became an instant bestseller so I have never depended on my family for money”.

JH: “You write about the role of the media and critics, in particular the critic of one of your books”.

AdB: “What is more interesting is the media interest in my criticism. They said: ‘how odd he is to criticise a critic’. Why? The role of a critic is to improve culture by guiding people towards what is good and by pointing out where things could be made better. Unfortunately, I have found very few who match that role. They have little interest in improving the way books are written or films are made. Instead, they major on negative character assassinations. How does that help the production of culture?”

JH: “what is your problem with the news industry?”

AdB: “the job of the news industry is to give us the information we need to flourish both as individuals and as a collective society. But when we turn on the TV news any day of the week we think: ‘that’s not helping me understand anything. It’s not helping life to go better. Why did I just waste the last hour watching this? This has not enriched mankind in any way. So in my latest book I look at what could happen if we deleted all existing news organisations and ask ourselves: what, ideally, do we need from the News? I am quite idealistic. I believe news and news gathering has an important part to play in democracies but I believe that it has in many ways gone wrong.

JH: “But why should we in the news enrich?”

AdB: “there is a strand that says: ‘the news is too negative. We just need it to be more positive and cheerful. I disagree. It is essential for the news to report both the flaws and virtues of a nation. It is not good news versus bad news but what is in the National Interest. Those who watch too much news grow to feel the community is unbearable. For example, your car breaks down in a bad area. It’s time to talk to a stranger. Because the news has unformed you, you know what to expect next. Any stranger you meet will be a paedophile, a weirdo or a murderer. You think this way for one reason: you have come to understand your Nation not through personal contact but through the News. And the News focus on the anomalous. How could it be any other way? We are too busy. We live in one place and have a few friends. We give the job of telling us what the world is like to the news organisations. But the picture coming back is skewered, it leans to one side or the other. The news has a problem. It stands for authority. That’s why it’s called The News not some news when it is in fact just some of the news. We obey it as we did a teacher at school. It has the same authority over our childlike minds. For example the New York Times strap-line reads: ‘all the news fit to print’. Yet in 2006 when the greatest financial scandals of the 20th century occurred, that almost destroyed the world were happening 20 blocks away, they missed it. They tells you something very basic. We have to think. Many find it easier to surrender their capacity for independent judgment to the news”.

JH: “This was the era of the phone hacking scandal in the UK. Many celebrities talked openly about their inner lives and their lives with the media”.    

AdB: “the phone hacking scandal was not about what it seemed to be about. It involved only 15 journalists breaking into people’s phones. There was a mass public reaction against more than just those 15. The reaction was more broadly against the media in general. The feeling was: ‘the media are nasty. It is grubby. It goes through people’s bins. It pursues victims of crime. It is betraying the highest hopes people have of journalism. So there was a muted call for better journalism. The UK media is a phenomenally nasty place. On the one hand it keeps politicians clean but there are real costs. It is also very cynical. It cuts down a lot of initiatives. It makes Britain the raw, parasitical and cynical place that it is. Many are fed up with that. This motivated me to write my latest book. In Germany the media is, in comparison, almost scholarly. Even their tabloids. They have one of the most sophisticated media’s in Europe. Britain’s media is not great. America’s media is not great.  Rupert Murdoch exported from Australia a style of journalism that is now global. It has not done humanity justice. We can certainly do better”.

JH: “what is your view of celebrities?”

AdB: “serious journalists hate the public obsession with celebrities. I understand the public want to be taken out of their own world. Every civilisation has had its own celebrities. Ancient Rome, Ancient Aztecs. It’s not the idea of celebrity: it’s that we have the wrong celebrities. This is because the media have given up their role of creating good role models. And it is the media that does this. Celebrities are created by the news. You guys make them up. Let’s focus on positive characters. Kim Kardashian isn’t teaching humanity anything”.

[ANA Comments: ‘Egyptian-Spanish parents…arrived penniless but became rich…how?’ Duh! Same reason they were made refugees in the first place and were then allowed entry to Switzerland. Really, Jan, wake up. And AdB: are you so blind? 
Is laudable that AdB still thinks the media can play a positive role in culture production but his fellow ‘refugees’ are the ones who've degraded the media to its current low estate, along with film, music, print. Is why so few young people now buy any of these. They prefer the still-free open ranges of the Internet. But how long before Zuckerberg and heirs of Steve Job corral this, too? RE] 

Friday, 11 April 2014


von B.Knight (2002) von Steve Godfrey (2013) geändert
Abgesehen von der patriotischen Australian League of Rights, hat keine Organisation Anspruch auf eine pro- australische Ausblick die gleiche Lebensdauer wie Australian National Aktion genossen . [1] Keine Organisation Anspruch auf gleichen politischen Boden hat die Prüfungen der Zeit überlebt. Die Nationalistische Botschaft der ANA und die Methoden sie verwendet werden, um für ihre politischen Raum kämpfen, verdient die Aufmerksamkeit der australischen Landes-und Bundespolizei .

Gesetzgebung eingeführt wurde, um sie zu bekämpfen , ihre Aktivisten wurden schikaniert , angegriffen und gaoled . [2] Die Mainstream-Medien ständig verunglimpft es . Keine andere politische Organisation in den vergangenen 30 Jahren hat seine Ursprünge und Frühgeschichte von Propagandisten daran interessiert, mit anderen Zielen und Meinungen Attribut angegriffen hatte .

WANN? WO? WER? Nationalen Aktions wurde in Sydney von nationalistischen Aktivisten zuvor in der ' Progressive Nationalist Party " ( PNP) eine kurzlebige 1981 Zusammenlegung der Australian National Alliance , Immigration Control Association und ihre Wahl Arm -, Progressiv- Konservativen Partei beteiligt gegründet. Nationalen Aktions wurde bei einem Treffen der siebzehn Kameraden an einem inneren Sydney Adresse im Februar 1982 gegründet. Zwei Monate später trafen sie die Organisation folgende positive Ansätze aus anderen Abschnitten der PNP zu formalisieren. Das vergrößerte Unternehmen vereinbart, eine nationalistische Strategie verwandt mit dem ehemaligen "Allianz " und nicht als rein Lobby-Gruppe als ICA gewesen zu entwickeln.

Die restlichen ICA-Aktivisten verließen ihre früheren Engagement für Elektoralismus und andere politische Aktionen, Rückgriff auf Lobbyarbeit. Die Nationalisten sahen die Notwendigkeit des "vorwärts" mit einer umfassenden Strategie und Taktik erneuert . Bis Ende des Jahres 1982 wurde ein Skelett nationalen Struktur entwickelt. ANA offiziell verabschiedet die Eureka -Flagge als Symbol . [3]

Medien, Politiker, Linke Gruppen, auch Akademiker später ausgestellt falsche Berichte über ANA Geschichte und Ideen. Zum Beispiel im Jahr 1994 David Greason , ein " Journalist " mit Melbourne Herald Sun und "Forscher" für den Australien -Israel- Review, behauptet, ANA ' Gründer ' sein . [4] Diese Lüge wurde weithin berichtet und schnell widerlegt , aber wird heute noch produziert.

Eine frühere , aufwendiger Lüge Nationalen Aktions porträtiert als eine Fortsetzung des weit diskreditiert Australian National Socialist Party 1970 . [5] Dies wurde zuerst im Jahr 1982 von vorne marxistische Journalist, Dennis Freney, dann mit der kommunistischen Parteizeitung Tribune setzen. [6]

Die Fakten: Nationale Aktions hielt einen Rekord von all denen 1982 bei der Gründungsversammlung . Greason Name ist nicht da. Was wird von nationalen Aktions Mitgliedschaft Akten und Unterlagen ergab, ist die einzigartige Quelle Pools für ihre Mitglieder in diesem Zeitraum. Eine Zusammenstellung von 1989 ANA Aufzeichnungen offenbart sie eine Minderheit von Menschen , deren erste Loyalität war es, der großen politischen Parteien , eine Handvoll von linken und rechten Organisationen, sondern 80 Prozent beansprucht Nationalen Aktions Mitgliedschaft als ihre immer erste politische Engagement rekrutiert hatte .

Die 20 Prozent der ANA -Mitglieder , in der Regel die älteren Fans, die zuvor Mitglieder der anderen Gruppen waren bedeckt die gesamte Palette von Anti-Einwanderungs- Gruppen zurück bis 1966 , als das Weiße Australien Politik offiziell aufgegeben wurde. Abgesehen von ICA hatte ANA Mitglieder aus der konservativen Bewegung Einwanderung , Immigration Restriction Rat Migrant Integration Policy Action Group und dem Weißen und Aborigines Australien Defence League . Nationalen Aktions hatten die Menschen mit langjähriger systematischer Nicht mit anderen Ansätzen rekrutiert.

GESCHICHTE DER ENGAGEMENT: Nationale Aktions wurde sofort politisch isoliert. Es stand allein in den 1980er Jahren , einer Zeit des ökonomischen Rationalismus , Internationalisierung der Wirtschaft, der politischen Globalisierung und massiven asiatischen Einwanderung. Nationalen Aktions kämpfte an all diesen Fronten . Seine nationalistische Programm und die " politischen Guerillakrieg " Strategie und Taktik von Maoismus angenommen wurden angewendet , bis zu einem gewissen Erfolg.

Durch hart umkämpften Schlachten , Ist-und ideologischen , nationalen Aktions gewann beide Publizität und Rekruten. ANA -Aktivisten einen guten Ruf für konsequentes Handeln im Namen der gemeinsamen Australian Massen, sondern sie keine Verbündeten und wenige politische Freunde. Eine zusätzliche Dimension waren die vielen instabilen Elemente der Organisation für ungewisse oder unsachgemäße persönlichen Gründen angezogen. Wenn aufgedeckt wurden diese von der Mitgliedschaft ausgestoßen. Kontinuierliche interne Debatte zur Klärung Ziele und Ideologie.

1989 wurde der Nationale Aktions Thema nachhaltige politische Polizei Aktivität. Dies war mit einer erhöhten Medienkampagnen und Versuche, 'pin' bestimmte Aktionen auf prominente Mitglieder ANA gekoppelt. [7] Die langfristigeKampagne gegen ausländisches Eigentum , wirtschaftliche Asianisation und besondere Anstrengungen bei Aussetzen liberale Meinungsmacher und Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens gerichtet erzeugt den Wunsch, die Partei nach unten zu schließen. [8]

ANA wurden in den Bundestag bis dahin ALP Premierminister Bob Hawke angeprangert. [9] Nach einer intensiven zweijährigen Untersuchung Bundesvorsitzender Jim Saleam wurde in 1986, 1987 und 1991 festgenommen. [10] Die gleichzeitige Bemühen wurde auch auf "Rahmen" sowohl für die South Australian und viktorianischen Vorsitzenden der ANA gemacht . Anders als der National Stuhl, beide geschafft, Verhaftung entziehen. [11]

Nationalismus rekonstruiert : In den Jahren 1991 bis 1994 nationale Aktions weiterhin unter der Leitung des ehemaligen South Australian Chair Michael Brander bauen. In der neuen Periode , Nationalen Aktions entwickelt eine aktivere Straße Präsenz und eine körperliche Profil durch eine Set- Stück Auseinandersetzungen mit radikalen Linken Gruppen gegründet. ANA eröffnete eine Buchhandlung mit 24 Bank- St. Adelaide am 1. Februar 1996 . Es wurde sofort der Fokus der Angriff für die Linke , die Medien , auch der Wirt. [12]

Zu diesem Zeitpunkt hatte ANA die größte Anzahl von absichtlichen Nationalisten . Als solche war sowohl eine Bastion und ein Ziel. Die politische Elite blieb feindlich und nationalen Aktions hat verschiedene Low-Level- Möglichkeiten, es zu stören und beeinflussen Marginalisierung gefunden.

Jim Saleam wurde für schuldig befunden und verurteilt, im Jahr 1991 für die angebliche Kugelpritzder ANC rep ins Gefängnis . Eddy Funde leeren Haus, eine Verurteilung durch ' verballing ' zwei verängstigten Jugendlichen erhalten . Nach seiner Entlassung aus dem Gefängnis er Abschluss seiner Doktorstudiengesetzt . Jim wurde ANA wieder bis zum Jahr 2000 , als er ging die Leitung der Australia First Party zu nehmen . [13] Jim , jetzt Doktor James Saleam , warb ANA -Mitglieder und Niederlassungen in ganz Australien für seine neue Gruppe . ANA waren froh zu sehen, ein Nationalist gelingt so nicht mit Erweiterungs AFP stören .

ANA glaubt, es ist ihre Graswurzelaktivismus, die den Ausbruch von zahlreichen Grüppchen der Rechten in den 1980er Jahren , 1990 und heute ermöglicht. Diese neuen Kräfte waren Produkte einer Basisebene Mobilisierung der Australier gegen eine irrationale Sortieren wahrgenommen zu werden, begehen einen Völkermord der australischen Identität . ANA wollte nicht zu einer Normalität , die vor dem 'rot ' existierte soll ergriff wieder herzustellen. Sie wollen den Traum von der nationalistischen Pionier William Lane , Co- Gründer der ALP , und primitive Sozialisten wie Henry Lawson und AB ' Banjo ' Patterson abzuschließen. Sie streben die Schaffung einer neuen australischen Nation . [14]

ANA Nationalismus will für eine unabhängige Australian National Staat auf der Grundlage der zentralen Anforderungen einer neuen White Australia Politik, Industrieschutz und kulturelle Unabhängigkeit. ANA sehen sich als kämpfende Avantgarde , die artikuliert , wo Australier wird versuchen, zu bewegen, wie die populistische Bewegung kommt gegen die harte Realität des australischen Staates, der staatlichen Medien Lügen , ihre politischen Polizei, seine Stell " anti- rassistisch" Gangster Links, seine abgestumpft Down intellektuellen Konformismus und alle anderen Agenturen der Kontrolle und Einschüchterung. Ihr primäres Ziel ist es, die Menschen zu wecken. [15]

ANA Brisbane Zweig veröffentlicht einen monatlichen Newsletter STORM und können kontaktiert werden :
   P O Box 635 PS Strathpine 4500 Australien fon 07 3205 8543
E-Mail: australiannationalaction@yahoo.com.au
australiannationalaction2.blogspot.com.au /

 1 . ' League of Rights Lehre zeigt Anti- Nationalismus ' p . 8 Ultra : Internal Bulletin der NA (NSW) Nr. 65 , April 1990 .
 2 . "Sanktionen im Rennen Bogen Rechnung sind hart 'p . 2 Ultra: interne Bulletin der NA (NSW) Nr. 57 , Januar 1989 .
 3 . 'A Third Way Wirtschaft / Soziales Ideal ' p . 9 Ultra: Interne Bulletin der NA (NSW) Nr. 65 , April 1990 ; '20 Jahre der Nationalistischen Bewegung ' von B. Ritter 26.1.2002 .
 4 . I Was A Teenage faschistischen von David Greason von McPhee - Gribble , 1994.
 5 . " Dritte Position - Schlüssel zu Raus aus dem Ghetto 'p . 4 Ultra- NA Interne Bulletin Nr. 58, Februar 1989 .
 6 . Nazis aus der Uniform von Denis Freney 1984 .
 7 . 'Anti- Nationalist angefochtene Urteil ' p . 2. Nationalen Aktions News # 31, März 1999 .
 8 . Die Natur der Staatsmacht in Australien von Jim Saleam Juni 1985 .
 9 . ' Hawke Bewegt gegen Melbourne NA ! ' P . 1 Ultra # 44, Juli 1987 .
10 . "Rechts Belästigung von NA- Vorsitzender ! 'P . 1 Ultra Nr. 39 , November 1986 ; " Vorsitzender zu Jailed werden ? 'P . 1 Ultra Nr. 40 , Januar 1987 ; " Vorsitzender Jailed ! 'P . 1 Ultra Nr. 41 März 1987 .
11 . "Kosten Dropped ! 'P . 1 Nationalen Aktions News # 23, Sept.1995 .
12 ". Distasio Rückzieher über Versuch, NA vertreiben 'p . 6. Nationalen Aktions News # 24. März 1996 ; 'Shop erzürnt Enemies ' p . 1 Nationalen Aktions News # 27, März 1997 .
13 . " Rechtsextremismus Geist aus der Flasche " von Erik Jensen Sydney Morning Herald 9. Juli 2009 .
14 . 'The Australian National Revolution ' p . 1 Nationalen Aktions News # 24, März 1996 .
15 . Australian Was ist Nationalismus ? Auf dem Weg zur Entwicklung eines australischen National Idee . Mai 1987 Ed . Jim Saleam .

[ Dieser Artikel wurde für die Aufnahme als ein Wikipedia-Artikel bereit, die aktuelle , die beginnt zu ersetzen : " ANA ist eine verstorbene politische Partei " und wurde von Greason et al geschrieben. Anonymous ' Redakteure ' bei Wiki markiert diese Version für " sofortige Löschung " . Wir fragten : ' Warum ? '
" Es widerspricht der bestehenden Eintrag ' . " Duh! Das ist die allgemeine Idee . Dann bezeichnet sie uns ihre Verlagspolitik , die fünf Säulen , die sagt: ' Quotes können nur aus zuverlässigen Quellen wie veröffentlichte Bücher oder Mainstream- Presse-Veröffentlichungen sein . Sie enthalten keine extremen Minderheit Texte" (wie Ultra- oder NA News). Catch-22. Sie können Ansichten der Rechten nicht bekommen in den Druck überall , weil niemand sie gedruckt, noch nicht. Ein weiteres System, Lock-out. Ein Wunder, einige fordern die Schließung von Hochschuleinrichtungen? RE] .

Thursday, 10 April 2014

N&INS Juno 2009

Nationalist & Inter-Nationalist News Service      
Juli 2009
N&INS accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. N&INS is an information source only.

Channel Nine Live Broadcast ‘Michael Jackson Memorial’ 8.30am-2pm Wodensday 8 Juli 2009: Performances and eulogies by usual media types & has-beens. One declared: “Michael wasn’t just a great singer he was THE greatest singer of all time!“ Boastful Americans competed to outdo each other in hyperbole; for 6 ½ hours; without a single commercial. Who paid for it? BBC Radio reported the broadcast would “go world-wide“. Seven Network carried the story of Jackson’s death every day for 14 days. Many asked: ‘what gives! He was a nobody?!’ Yes. But he was one of the global new elite: race-mixers.

Most shown pictures during the 14 days from death to interment were of Michael holding his white son, the one with bleached hair. Aim was to promote racial integration. In 2000 we were warned: “racism will be to the 21st century what sexism was to the 20th century”. Michael Jackson, regarded in Australia as an oddball, was a darling of the Hollywood elite - a collection of perverts, weirdos & the Chosen. Current race-mixing elites pin-up girls include Angela Jolie, Nicole Kidman & Madonna. All are shown regularly in popular women’s media carrying their black children. In the same way Michael was regularly shown with his white kids. These opinion leaders have an impact.

White youth and twenty-some-things now routinely seek out partners from other races. This 14-day & night celebration of a sad freak is the System‘s way of showing its approval of his marriage to two white women. They’re telling our youth race-mixing will be rewarded. The two networks, Nine & Seven, that carried so much about Jackson since his 23 Juno 09 death are both Chinese-owned. Both reported extensively on their current affairs (scandal) shows Today Tonight and A Current Affair about alleged “racist attacks on Indian students” over the past month. ‘Students‘ were working as late night taxi drivers & petrol station attendants. Pro-Chinese media use alleged ‘racism’ and model race-mixers like MJ to brow-beat whites into self-destruction. Not us, Chinaman!

SBSTV World News Australia 6.30pm Frigasday 10 Juli 2009:
Reporter Daniel Sandford, London:
“Article in The Guardian newspaper alleges the News of the World, a British tabloid owned by News Limited [Murdoch], hacked into email accounts of thousands of British politicians & celebrities through their mobile phones. Two NotW reporters were gaoled in 2007 for hacking into emails of the Royal Family. Scotland Yard says it will not pursue the latest case due to ‘insufficient evidence’. Director of Public Prosecutions says he will. Guardian alleges News Limited paid one million pounds in bribes to keep case ‘quiet' ".
Channel Nine News 6pm Solday 19 Juli 2009:
“Ambulance officers in Qld are to receive Aggressive Behaviour Management training after their calls to be issued with MACE spray were rejected by Health Minister. Officers are routinely subjected to violent assault, even grievous bodily harm, when attending drunk or drug affected people. Police statistics show a 60% increase in violent crime since 2004”.
[Alco-pops, alcohol-laced soda drinks, became available in 2004. Howard’s Federal Liberal government altered the soda drink mix under pressure from Coca Cola, the dominant brand, to allow caffeine  to be added to ALL sodas not just Cola. Five years later we see effects of Capitalist ‘self regulation’ as in Finance sector. RE].

SBSTV World News Australia 6.30pm Tuisday 21 Juli 2009:
Reporter Brian Thompson:
“US Defence Secretary Robert Gates announced expansion of US military by another 22,000. Brings total to 570,000. Is hoped this will reverse the sharp increase in suicides by service personnel which some blame on their being detained long after their tours ended. Video released by Taliban of a US soldier captured in Afghanistan, Idaho Pfc Bowe Birkdale(?), brought outrage from US officials”.
BBC World Service c/- SBS Radio 933FM 5am Frigasday 24 Juli 2009:
Reporter Tom Esement, Tbilisi:
"During a tour of Georgia US Vice-President Joe Biden met with Georgia’s President whom he assured of continued US support. Now ‘reset button’ is pushed in US-Russian relations Georgians fear abandonment. Mr. Biden addressed the idea of ‘spheres of influence’ [that Georgia belongs under Russian control] by saying: ‘we now live in a multi-partner world’ ".
[War in Iraq exposed US military weakness as did war in Vietnam. Superpower? Super-fools. The US only talks of ’partners’ when it can no longer force the world to obey its fickle will. America’s leaders are tools of Others. Their media, music and cinema are a curse on the world. When their vile voice is stilled the world will be at peace.

PO Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 AUSTRALIA   ph  0732058543
Email australiannationalaction@yahoo.com.au

STORM 79 Apri 2010

 No. 79                     Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action                      Apri 2010
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only.

ABCTV Ascent of Money (Episode 3): Risky Business Thorsday 8.30pm 18 Juno 2009 (50 minutes).
Writer/presenter Prof. Niall Ferguson. Series producer Andrew Pennick; ChimericaMedia for Channel Four (UK).
“In 1744 the world’s first modern insurance scheme was organised by two Scottish clergymen. Their job was to provide for widows & orphans of their fellow clergy through the Scottish Minister’s Widows Fund. Previously a minister would deposit funds into an account. After his death his family would have this amount returned to them in a lump sum.

The new scheme changed all that. Now the deposited amounts or ‘principle‘ would stay untouched. Instead the money would be invested in commercial enterprises where it would create income. This income would be paid out to the widows in installments. Scheme proved so successful that by 1815, at the Battle of Waterloo, ¼ of the British Army had adopted it. Is now the basis for all modern insurances schemes. Another innovation of the two ministers Scottish Widows Fund was to work out an extremely accurate projection of how many widows & orphans would require funds in the future. Method is also still used today by all major insurers.

First country to provide universal insurance for its people was Japan. When Tokyo was hit in 1923 by a massive earthquake few had insurance. Government was pressured to provide it. They did. During WWII scheme was enlarged as few soldiers had life insurance. Now, thanks to the government, all did. In the closing days of WWII the Americans devastated entire Japanese cities. It was the government’s insurance scheme that rebuilt them. By the1990’s the Japanese pension schemes was so successful they had the longest living people in the world. The irony is now there are too few young to care for them.

In 2004 the city of New Orleans, USA, was hit by a natural disaster. Even though the hurricane, Katrina, did not hit the city the following storm surge did. The levies were breached, the city flooded. The Ninth Ward went under 15 feet of water in 15 minutes. 148 residents drowned there, trapped in their homes by rapidly rising flood waters. Over 2,000 died in the whole of St Bernards Parish, the local government area where New Orleans sits. After the floodwaters had receded many residents found their private insurance policies, just as the Japanese had in 1923, to be worthless.

The biggest insurers simply refused to pay up. Unlike Japan the US government did not intervene. Instead a lawyer, such as only the US seems to throw up (sic), appeared. Eugene Scruggs(?) had previously sued big tobacco companies for a record US$248 billion for their ‘failure to warn smokers that nicotine was addictive‘. His share of that payout was US$1.4 billion. With this money he’d purchased a luxury home in St Bernards Parish. After Katrina Scruggs ‘took up the fight’ on behalf of his neighbours. They won, but at a cost. Hundreds of policies that had been denied were soon being paid.

But it was a hollow victory. Not long after the big insurers had Scruggs tried, convicted & gaoled for five years on charges of ‘attempting to bribe a judge’. A second blow came when the same insurers joined forces to declare entire sections of the Gulf Coast around New Orleans to be ’uninsurable’. Meant all rebuilding ground to a halt as no bank would provide loans. Why? All such loans require Homeowners Insurance - now unavailable. As a direct result St Bernard’s Parish has lost 2/3 of its former residents. New Orleans may never be rebuilt”.

ABCTV News 7pm Saturnsday 27 Juno 2009:
“A group of Indian reporters, flown to Australia by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs, has concluded that many reports in the Indian media of ’racist attacks on Indian students here’ are false. Agreed ’there have been many attacks but none were racially motivated’. Team held talks with Federation of Indian Student Organisations In Australia who agreed with their conclusions. Recent furore in the Indian media has threatened our lucrative Overseas Student market which last year saw 100,000 Indians arrive in Australia, dumping(sic) three billion dollars into the locals economy”.
[Victorian & NSW Police found some attackers were Muslim, especially in Sydney where ruling ALP only retains power with massive financial & manpower support from Lebanese Mosque at Lakemba. RE].

INDIAN INVASION? What no reporter admits is the role Indians are playing in the Asian takeover of Australia. Under the allegedly ’racist’ Federal Liberal government of John Howard 1995-2007 the immigration laws were altered. Previously ‘overseas’, i.e. Asian, students who trained here could not apply for Citizenship till three years after they had returned ‘home’ after the completion of their Australian degree. Howard altered this due to the ’doctor shortage’ first announced in 2004. After 2004 any Asian studying at an Australian University now automatically received Citizenship WITH their degree. Is when the flood of Indians began. By 2008 contacts in Australian hospital began to complain that whereas half of the doctors were Chinese and only a few Indians now 50% of ALL staff were Indians - down to the cleaners! What had changed? The Immigration Regulations.

DOCTOR DEATH: In 2004 Indian-trained doctor Jayan Patel, one of those 3,000 foreign ‘Health workers’ was arrested. While based in Bundaberg Qld he is alleged to have killed 87 whites and permanently maimed 200 others  Dubbed by media ‘Dr Death’ Patel was hired by Qld Health despite having been de-registered in Oregon US for killing two patients there. When ‘exposed’ by a brave nurse and the local media QH gave him a one-way ticket back to the US & sacked the nurse! For four years ALP State government refused to extradite him. He returned in 2008 - voluntarily - after QH refused to pay him 'back pay’. Then his charges were reduced to two of ‘manslaughter‘. Is still not in custody. Many Indian doctors complained of media treatment of Patel as ’racist’.

WHAT ‘DOCTOR SHORTAGE’? So what of the doctor shortage? Question asked by no one in controlled media: why can’t we train our own doctors? If there were a temporary shortage in 2004 why were no whites recruited and sent to Unis who would have graduated in 2009 and replaced these Overseas incompetents. Good question but one no one will ever ask. Judging from reports sent to STORM QH seems not only to have a ’doctor shortage’ but a shortage of staff in all areas: physiotherapists, nutritionists, pharmacists, nurses. How else to explain the almost total dominance of all areas of QH by Indians -except the cleaning which is done by Filipinos. Why are no whites are allowed to train for ANY Health jobs. What’s going on? Is Health a designated non-white ghetto? Why?

AGEING POPULATION: Has much to do with the looming ’Aged Population’ problem facing every Western country. Is due directly to the legalisation of abortion since 1973. Resulted in a shortage of young whites but an oversupply of aged white Baby Boomers (those born 1945-1960). This much-coddled generation were sole beneficiaries of the post-WWII Welfare State, an idea unique in History. They effectively ‘mortgaged the future’ to fund the present. From 1945 to the present a plethora of welfare schemes were set up to pamper the Boomers with no thought given to how these could be sustained or funded. Now, finally the ‘chickens are coming home to roost’.

"I WORKED HARD!" Usual excuse offered by Boomers is “we worked hard so we deserve it”. Hmm. Idea seems to be that taxes paid by the individual are placed into some mythical ’nest egg’ to be drawn on when needed. WRONG. Taxes are spent as soon as they are taken. Current expenditure does not come from ’what we paid in’ but from current taxpayers of which there are a shrinking number. The idea young Asians can be imported to act as taxpayers for a class of retired whites is nonsense but very popular. Same idea is floated in Europe to justify African migration. Ask the retired whites of Namibia, Rhodesia or South Africa: ‘who pays your pensions?’ ‘NO ONE‘ they will reply. Same fools living in Cloud-cuckoo-land here will soon awake - but not for long. Their last thought will be ’why is this Indian administering me with a lethal injection?’ DUH!      

DIVORCE, ABORTION & THE CHURCHES: Complaint from a woman who works for a major Christian denomination: “our church claims to oppose easy divorce but in fact endorses it. How? I was recently at a meeting where a woman with four children, all prominent in the church, was boasting of her plan to divorce her husband. Every woman present, except me, openly supported her. What had hubby done wrong? Nothing. She had simply been convinced by other divorced women in the congregation that she would be ‘better off’ without a husband. How?! She hasn’t worked in years. Will go straight onto welfare but so will he as there’s no way he can continue  sending his kids to private schools AND support two households on a single income”.

DIVORCE FACTORY: Our female contact also attends a ‘Women’s Fellowship’ which she’s dubbed ‘Divorced Women’s Group’ as she is the only still married woman there. Said “they all whine about ’how bad my husband was’ yet can’t get another man to support them so rely on the church for routine chores to be done e.g. lawn-mowing“. Problem is self-perpetuating. The more ’support’ divorcees receive from churches the more are encouraged to ‘attend‘ and so receive aid. These then infect the churchwomen who follow their example. So the contagion spreads.

A second complaint from our still-married friend: of how the male partners of these women are subsequently ’ostracised’ by the church. “When a couple split, or more usually when, after 6-12 months of smearing her husband to all the other women she one day kicks him out, all the church rush to support her. He is effectively expelled. No one supports him. No one even listens to his side“. The church, if it really opposes divorce, must stop rewarding these mindless & yes evil home-wreckers. Some ’cost’ must be incurred for their anti-social behaviour. Something like ‘ditch your marriage & the church will ditch you‘.

‘RIGHT’ OR WRONG? We received a complaint was from a contact who supports Roman Catholic anti-abortion front group ’Right to Life Association’, recently renamed ’Cherish Life Inc’. CLI oppose murder of the unborn. Also promote ’safe birth control’ & family values. Apparently they’ve had no ’luck’ with their first goal so now run ’grief counselling centres’ as well. ‘Grief Counselling is for women who’ve had an attack of the ’guilts’ after murdering their child. Huh?! RTLA boast G.C. services are ’increasingly popular’.

GOD OR FREUD? Let’s get this straight: the Bible, which these church groups claim to revere, opposes both divorce & child murder yet these groups see fit to replace this with post-modernist ‘moral equivalency’. In short ‘if it fells good, do it & we’ll support you’. In effect they’ve replaced the Word of God with the words of Freud. ’Don’t murder’ becomes ’but if you do we’ll love you just the same’. You can imagine the shallow impact these churches, run by amoral jelly-fish, has on society. As a gun-owner once lamented to us about his cheap .22 cal rifle: “it wouldn’t break the skin on a rice pudding”. Is no wonder so few hold ‘The Church’ in high regard. These fools cause GOD Himself to be mocked.

GOD OF JUSTICE: Compare this parody of justice to the very real Justice exercised by the secular State. Do the police say: ’please don’t speed - but if you do we’ll forgive you!’ Duh! Wake up, Church-folk. One day soon a Judge will arrive who does not share your lassitude. You will not recognise Him but He’ll know all about you and your back-sliding. As the Bible says you are nothing but “vomit” (Rev. 3v16).  

WANTED: Gaoled US activist Geo. D. Loeb Jr seeks a publisher for his autobiography. If anyone can help please contact him at:
George D. Loeb Jr #292124, Wakulla Correctional Institution Annex N12080, 110 Melaleuca Drive, Crawfordville Florida 32327 USA.
“More conspiracies than coincidences depend on what you believe - who you believe. Jurors believe anything - anything in uniform particularly [but these are] nothing but perjurers in blue…”
From Geo D. Loeb Jr‘s 'prison diaries'. Want more? So do we so let’s get Geo a publisher for this red-hot prison memoir.

POBox 635 Strathpine PS 4500 AUSTRALIA ph 0732058543 Emailaustraliannationalaction@yahoo.com.au
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