Friday, 24 January 2014

BOOK REVIEW: Diggers and Greeks. British campaign in Greece and Crete, 1941 (German)

Buchbesprechung - FULL Zusammenfassung 
von Parchin Hamatiah
Buchbesprechung ist in der National Interest veröffentlicht. Keine Aktionen rein zufällig oder impliziert werden . Die zum Ausdruck gebrachten Meinungen bleiben ganz die des Autors .
Bagger und Griechen: Australian Kampagnen in Griechenland und Kreta.
Von Dr. Maria Hill ( Sydney : University of NSW Press, 2010).

Über das Buch: Dieses Buch hätte besser schreiben können. Es braucht dringend einen Editor. Es hätte leicht aus 500PP zu 50pp geschnitten worden. Diese notwendige Geschichte möglicherweise nicht die Aufmerksamkeit, die sie verdient aufgrund dieser unlesbar Buch erhalten. Der Autor, M. Hill, ist ein griechisch-australischen und Dozent an der Australian Defence Force Academy. Ihre Mutter war fünf Jahre alt, als die deutschen Truppen in Griechenland angekommen. M.Hill behauptet, dass dies der "erste Buch in englischer Sprache über den griechischen und Kreta -Kampagnen durch eine griechisch-australischen geschrieben" werden.

Über den Autor: M. Hill nimmt einen nicht ganz erfolgreicher Ansatz, um den Krieg. Einige ihrer Schlussfolgerungen scheinen unbegründet. Sie bricht Kardinal Gesetze der Geschichte, so breite Verallgemeinerungen von Einzelfälle. Warum beschäftigen ADFA Hill eine weibliche ohne militärische Erfahrung? ADFA wurde von einer linksgerichteten Regierung ALP gesetzt, um den traditionalistischen Duntroon Military College ersetzen. ADFA hat nur 75 Studenten und ein Arm der UNSW, selbst ein Ultra-Linke-Campus. Der Einsatz eines weiblichen ohne militärischen Hintergrund, um zukünftige Offiziere Vortrag sinnvoll, wenn Sie ein politischer Kommissar Ausbildung Outfit, nicht eine echte Militärakademie sind.

Das folgende ist eine Zusammenfassung der Hill Buch:

(S.1) "Im März 1941 schickte Großbritannien 62.532 Truppen nach Griechenland. Sie bestand aus britischen, australischen, neuseeländischen und zypriotischen palästinensischen Einheiten. Mit der Zeit kamen sie die griechische Armee hatte für sechs Monate im Kampf gegen die Italiener unter Mussolini, die Griechenland am 28. Oktober 1940 überfallen hatte, engagiert. Die britische Präsenz ermutigt eine deutsche Antwort. Das kam am 6. April 1941, als sie mit 100.000 Soldaten und 1.394 Flugzeuge" eingedrungen.

"Mit der 25. April 1941 war es klar, die britische Kampagne verloren. Sie begann eine lange Rückzug und Rückzug auf der Insel Kreta. 10.000 alliierten Truppen in Griechenland gefangen genommen worden von der Flucht hinter Briten überlassen. Von denen, nach Kreta Hälfte waren evakuiert dort gelassen, um die erwartete Ankunft deutschen Widerstand zu leisten. britischen Commonwealth-Truppen Evakuierten nach Kreta nummeriert 31.200 und 25.000 Griechen griechisch. diese trat der britische/Griechisch Garnisonen 5.600 Männer für insgesamt 61.800. gegen dieses Deutschland im Einsatz nur 23.000 Männer. auf Kreta, der Alliierten Zahl deutschen 3.01, aber das Ergebnis war das gleiche. die britisch- griechische Kampagne gegen die Deutschen in Griechenland dauerte vier Wochen, aber auf Kreta nur 10 Tage ( 20 bis 30 Mai 1941). die Kosten des deutschen Sieg auf Kreta war viel höher, 6580 Männer gegenüber britischen/Griechisch verliert von nur 3.967" ( S. 15).

"Griechischen Historiker konzentrieren ihre Untersuchungen des Zweiten Weltkriegs an der albanischen Front, der italienischen Invasion und 28. Oktober 1940, die Griechenland der zweitwichtigste Tag nach Independence Day aus der Türkei, 1821 ist. Sie haben nicht die deutsche Invasion betrachten als "Schlacht". Sie bereitwillig die griechische Armee nicht in Aufmachungen viel von einer Verteidigung noch hat der Generalstab immer die Absicht, und glauben zu Recht, dass Deutschland stark in der Unterzahl zu. Anders als der Krieg gegen Italien die britische Intermezzo, von März bis April 1941 ist nur ein 'Blinzeln' in der griechischen Geschichte". Aus diesem Grund (S. 16) gibt es keine Aufzeichnungen darüber in der griechischen Kriegsmuseum Anzeigen oder Fotos."

"Es ist unmöglich, die Rolle Griechenlands im Zweiten Weltkrieg zu diskutieren. Griechische Zurückhaltung, um den Krieg zu diskutieren ist von Historikern als "Das Schweigen" bezeichnet. Die griechische Schweigen über Zweiten Weltkrieg, ist atemberaubend. Sie werden nicht zu schreiben oder zu diskutieren. ( S.17) Der Krieg ist ein Tabu-Thema, weil der griechische Bürgerkrieg von 1945 bis 1949 begann unmittelbar nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Es polarisiert die Nation. Also im Gegensatz zu Australien gibt es nur wenige WWII Kriegsdenkmäler in Griechenland. Wie die Linke dominiert anti- deutschen Widerstand das Thema zensiert, die Teilnehmer als "Banditen" gebrandmarkt. Schließen David sagt: "viele Regime zu unterdrücken, die Vergangenheit, die Griechen die schlechteste' "(ebenda).

Angesichts all dessen, was Australier induziert, dorthin zu gehen? So wie bei Gallipoli im Jahr 1915, wenn wir überfallen Türkei, ist die einfache Antwort: "Die britische'. (S.24): "die britische Kriegsministerium geschätzt Anfang 1941, dass die deutsche Armee 170 Divisionen gegen 85 Französisch und nur zehn britischen Feld würde. Australien hatte ein starkes Faustpfand. (S.25) Doch die Briten geliefert Australien nur mit Informationen, die sie wollte, dass sie haben, so würden sie zu ähnlichen Schlussfolgerungen gelangen: . war es in ihrem Interesse ist, Truppen nach Griechenland schicken" ( S. 27)

"Die offiziellen Gründe für die Entsendung von Truppen nach Griechenland macht wenig Sinn, da die britische Regierung und das Oberkommando zugegeben, dass sie wusste, dass sie alles, was sie nach Griechenland geschickt sowohl materielle als auch Männer Elizabeth Barker sagt uns, zu verlieren:.
"Die britische Regierung unter Druck der griechischen, jugoslawischen und. türkische Regierung, den Krieg auf Seiten der Alliierten geben britische Außenminister Anthony Eden rühmte fünf Monate nach der Kampagne: "Griechenland Verteidigung stören Hitlers Zeitplan für einen Angriff auf Russland von sechs Wochen von entscheidender Bedeutung" (S.28).

"Ein weiterer Grund für die britische Intervention war der König von Griechenland wurde anglophil. 1923 Exil floh er nach Großbritannien. Es verabschiedete er britische Gewohnheiten und Manieren. (S.29) Der britische sah ihn als nützlich Leitung um Einfluss in Griechenland. (S.30) In dem von den beiden Ländern wurde 1930 so nahe, dass Griechenland auch eine formale militärische Allianz mit Großbritannien angefordert. Dies wurde höflich abgelehnt als 1939 britische Weißbuch zur Verteidigung zugelassen prophetisch: "Jeder Versuch, Griechenland zu unterstützen wäre nicht nachhaltig.'"

"Deutschland sah, dass Großbritannien suchte einen Vorwand, um Griechenland zu gelangen. Dies würde es der griechischen Flugplätze und Stützpunkte verwenden, um rumänischen Ölfelder zu bombardieren, die Schaffung eines"Balkan-Front". [Deutschland blieb abhängig von rumänischen Öl bis 1944. Sein Verlust signalisierte das Ende für das Dritte Reich. die Vorauszahlung auf Stalingrad und dann Tschetschenien im Jahr 1942 war ein Versuch, die russische Öl für das Reich zu sichern, um diese Abhängigkeit. ER reduzieren]. Ziel einer "Balkan-Front" war ein Liebling von Churchill ab 1939" (S.31).

"Französisch General Weigand Nach 1939 vereinbart, um sie als die Alliierten Eastern Front "bezeichnet er -Griechenland, der Türkei und Jugoslawien In Reaktion, fürchtete diese drei Länder zu einer "Front" für Großbritannien und Frankreich, nur um geopfert hatte Polen werden. und der Tschechoslowakei nach dem Krieg deutsche Außenminister Ribbentrop gab zu: "der Führer besetzten Griechenland und Jugoslawien, um die Bildung der Balkanfront zu verhindern" (S.32)
[Hervorhebungen durch unsere].

" Möglichst zu vermeiden, diese Verstrickung Balkan Hitler statt einen alternativen Er schlug vor, " einen Deal "zwischen Griechenland und Italien, wobei Griechenland wäre es erlaubt, das gesamte Gebiet in Albanien sie aus Italien gewonnen hatte behalten Die Hauptbedingung : Keine britischen Einheiten waren auf griechischem Boden stationiert werden. Verzweifelte, um diesen Friedensregelung zu versenken, sah die britische auswärtige Amt es für notwendig, um die Erlaubnis für eine britische Präsenz in Griechenland zu erhalten, in der Hoffnung, zu provozieren, eine deutsche Antwort. für ein Jahr vor dem Angriff auf Griechenland von italienischen Kräfte, hatte Griechenlands Regierung dringend britischen Militärausrüstung, vor allem moderne Flugzeuge" angefordert. (S.33)

"Großbritannien hatte es wiederholt abgelehnt, da diese Anfragen als Hebel, um ihre gewünschte Präsenz in Griechenland zu erhalten. (S.33) Frustriert, Griechenland schließlich umgangen Großbritannien. Sie schnell ein Versprechen von Militärflugzeugen aus den USA gesichert. Doch als Air Chief Marshal Longmore gehört es er war wütend und ausgeübten intensiven diplomatischen Druck auf die US-Regierung, sie zu zwingen, die Bestellung zu stornieren."

"Angesichts ihrer Würgegriff griechischen Streitkräfte, wusste Britannien Griechenland würde die Munition irgendwann im späten Februar 1941 ausgeführt werden. Deutschland wusste, dass dies auch
[zeitlich so ihre Ankunft für April 1941]. Britannien lediglich bidded ihre Zeit bis 13. Januar 1941, als General Wavell angekommen in Athen für "spricht" mit General Metaxas' Regierung. Metaxas widerwillig bereit erklärt, eine britische Kraft in Griechenland erlauben, aber weigerte sich, etwas zu akzeptieren weniger als zehn britischen Divisionen als " nichts weniger nur provozieren die 12 deutschen Divisionen in Rumänien'" (S.36).

(S.38) Am 29. Januar 1941 Allgemeine Metaxas starb plötzlich. Gerüchte in Griechenland verantwortlich gemacht Britannien, vor allem nach britischer Soldat wurde in seinem Haus am Tag seines Todes (S.39) gesehen. Die britische nachdrücklich unterstützt Metaxas ' schwachen Ersatz, da er sowohl Koryzis Metaxas fehlte militärischen Kenntnisse und starken Charakter. Großbritannien hatte jetzt eine neue Angst: dass Griechenland könnte einen Separatfrieden mit Deutschland unterzeichnen, da alle wussten, dass sie keine wirkliche Absicht der Unterstützung von Griechenland hatten. Das ist, warum die Truppen nach Griechenland keine Kenntnis von dem Land hatte, wurden keine Karten von Griechenland oder Verständnis für die in Deutschland gebaute Eisenbahnnetz gegeben. In Deutschland hingegen hatte eine lange und enge wirtschaftliche Beziehungen zu Griechenland.

Wie für die griechische Armee Waffen, waren diese nicht britischer Herkunft, sondern aus Frankreich und Bulgarien. Sie waren mit allem Großbritannien liefern könnte völlig unvereinbar. (S.49). Francis de Guingand, Stabsoffizier bei Treffen mit griechischen Behörden sagte: ' wir in die Irre geführt, wie die Griechen zu unserer Fähigkeit, ihnen zu helfen. Als Ergebnis haben wir viele Leben verloren, alle unsere Anlagen und gefährdet unsere gesamte Lage im Nahen Osten. Wir brachten über Katastrophe in der Westlichen Wüste und warf jede Chance, von so weit entfernt wie Tripolis" (S.50) räumen Achsenmächte.

"Deception dachte, stark in den Beziehungen zwischen Australien, Großbritannien und Griechenland zu diesem Zeitpunkt. Australien war zu glauben, die vorgeschlagene Kampagne lebensfähig war betrogen und hatte eine Chance auf Erfolg. Allgemeine Blamey die australische Kommandeur, wurde von den Briten zu denken, Australiens Premierminister Menzies hatte der Mission genehmigt, während die Briten sagte Menzies wurde gesagt Blamey hatte es zugelassen, wenn weder betrogen hatte . Australier Zugriff auf Gespräche auf hoher Ebene zwischen Großbritannien und Griechenland über Einsatz von australischen Truppen verweigert. (S.52) Australien wurde der Intelligenz Schleife links"

"Australiens Regierung hatte wenige Kanäle für den Erhalt von unabhängigen Informationen, die sich auf Büro britischen Dominions. Dies reflektiert einzige offizielle britische Regierung Meinungen (S.58). Gerüchte begann in den australischen Medien, die wir nicht über die griechische Kampagne, wo ein Großteil der Truppen beteiligt waren Australien und Neuseeländer konsultiert zu zirkulieren. ALP MP beschuldigt die Briten von "kaltblütigen Mord in den Versand schlecht ausgerüsteten Truppen in Griechenland und Kreta geschlachtet werden." Britische Beamte waren wütend" (S.62).

"Nach seiner Rückkehr nach Australien aus Großbritannien, Premierminister Menzies wurde zum Rücktritt gezwungen . Er wurde von ALP Oppositionsführer, John Curtin ersetzt. (S.63) Ausschluss von Australiens Oberkommando von britisch- griechischen Gespräche bedeutete, dass sie nicht wussten, die griechische Armee wurde vom Kampf gegen die Italiener in Albanien erschöpft und würden nicht in der Lage, alle deutschen Fortschritte zu widerstehen. (S.64) John Robertson sagt: "es gewesen sein würde keine griechischen oder Kreta-Kampagnen, wenn australischen und neuseeländischen Truppen vorenthalten hatte. (S.66). Während der ersten Hälfte des Krieges -1.939-1941 - Dominion Truppen waren die Mehrheit in den Nahen Osten Streitkräfte wie Großbritannien behielt zehn Divisionen in Großbritannien für die Verteidigung gegen die deutsche Invasion. Erst nach Juni 1941 wurden diese veröffentlicht zum Dienst an anderer Stelle" (S.66).

"Von der Zeit, die sie an Land trat in Griechenland, März 1941 australischen Truppen beobachtet wurden. Athen war überflutet Spione. Die deutsche Gesandtschaft in Athen blieb offen, wie es offiziell Griechenland war nicht im Krieg, bis die Invasion fand am 6. April 1941. (S.67) Griechenlands Verhältnis zu Deutschland vor 1939 produziert jetzt eine Fülle von der Fünften Kolonne die Schaffung eines Sicherheits Alptraum für die Australier mit "Straßensicherheit" beauftragt.

Ian Sabey, eine australische Nachrichtenoffizier in Griechenland klagte: "Berichte von Australien nach Griechenland wurden verdreht. Sie behaupteten, die Griechen 'treu' nach Großbritannien. Wenn das bedeutete Rang Fünfte Columnism war 'treu', dann war das genau. Wenn ein riesiges Netz von pro- Axis-Spione in jeder Stadt und jedem Dorf Zauber fieberhaften Angst für die britische Ursache, dann die Griechen waren unsere "Verbündeten". Auch die Priester waren in der Bezahlung der Deutschen" (S.68).
"So schwach war die britische Position in Griechenland, dass der deutsche Botschafter und seine zwanzig Helfer de Camps (sic) durften die Straßen unserer Hauptstadt von Operationen gehen, während wir bewirken Anstrengungen, um gegen sie zu verteidigen. A Fifth Kolumnist Hafenmeister zerstört unsere einzige Chance, in Griechenland noch durch Sprengung die Hälfte der Hafen Piräus und fast jedes Schiff in ihm "(S.68).

 "Australian Einheiten in Griechenland ankommen waren nach ihrer nordafrikanischen Siege lebhaft. Aber nach Griechenland Anfang März 1941 mit unzureichender Ausrüstung und begrenzte Transport, nicht geeignet, Gebirgskrieg geliefert, konfrontiert sie einen hochtechnisierten, gut ausgestattet Feind mit enormen Ressourcen. ANZACs fanden sich ständig "auf der Flucht" und "Rückzug" für die gesamte, monatelangen Betrieb. Die meisten weigern sich, nennen es eine "Flucht", aber das ist, was es war. Deutschen jagten die ANZACs von Griechenland bei halsbrecherischer Geschwindigkeit unterstützt und von der griechischen Regierung und ihren Oberkommando begünstigt"(S.70).

 "Vor 1939 hatten Deutschland und Griechenland enge wirtschaftliche Beziehungen. Deutschland investiert in der griechischen Infrastrukturprojekte, den Aufbau der griechischen Eisenbahnsystem und das moderne Athen Telefonzentrale. 50 deutsche Techniker waren noch dort arbeiten, wenn die ANZACs angekommen (S.71). Alle Militär-und Regierungsgesprächeging durch diesen Austausch. Viele griechische Geschäftsleute hatten starke Beziehungen zu deutschen Unternehmen. Bis 1941 entfielen auf Deutschland 43% der griechischen Exporte und 31% ihrer Importe.

Diese starke Bindung verlängert in die militärischen und politischen Bereichen. Griechische Führer  Allgemeine Metaxas an die Macht kam in einem pro- faschistischen Putsch am 4. August 1936. Er hatte in Deutschland erzogen worden. Einmal an der Macht gespült Metaxas alle, aber Demokraten und Republikaner von der Regierung und Armee. Nur pro- faschistisch, blieben pro-deutschen Elementen. 950 Offiziere, 25 % des Offizierskorps, wurden entlassen und dafür, dass pro- republikanischen oder zu Pro-Demokratie" auf die Insel Sykros verbannt.
[In der Tat war Griechenland ein Verbündeter von Deutschland. Warum Großbritannien wollen einen Krieg zwischen den beiden?].

"Aufgrund dieser engen Beziehungen mit Deutschland, der britische Geheimdienst bezweifelt die Loyalität aller Griechen von Anfang an informiert Sie aus alle Australier ihrer Anliegen (S.72) verzichtete jedoch SOE Officer Nicholas Hammond berichtet: "Metaxas und Papagos unter anderem Generäle wurden alle in Deutschland ausgebildet ihr Regime ist unwahrscheinlich, dass eine deutsche Angriff zu widerstehen, als die beiden Regime teilen viele Gemeinsamkeiten" [dh beide faschistischen] (S.73) britische Geheimdienst-Agent Ian Sabey festgestellt: . . . ' nur die Hälfte der Nation ist pro- britisch. die andere Hälfte, darunter die Mehrheit der griechischen Politiker und Generäle, sind ausgesprochen pro-deutsch" (S.74). die Briten wussten, dass dies aber geschickt ANZAC Truppen dort sowieso. Was war das Ergebnis?

TIMELINE für eine Katastrophe:
1.13. Januar 1941 britische General Wavell kommt in Athen zu Gesprächen mit dem griechischen Premierminister Allgemeine Metaxas. Metaxas fordert keine britische Kraft nach Griechenland geschickt, es sei denn es ist zehn Divisionen stark wie "alles, was kleiner wird nur provozieren die 12 deutschen Divisionen in Rumänien auf der Grundlage" (S.36) werden.

2 . 29. Januar 1941 Metaxas plötzlich stirbt. Gerüchte verbreitet, dass ein britischer Soldat 'besucht seine Heimat' der Morgen seines Todes, der eine "Gasflasche". (S.39)

3 . Britische Regierung bestellt sofort die australische 6. und 7. Division und 2. Division NZ Griechenland aus Nordafrika.

4 . 6. April 1941 : Deutsche Kräfte geben Griechenland. Nur ein Drittel der ANZAC -Truppen im Land . 7thAD zu spät und verpasst den Kampf ganz. (S.78).

5 . Die Briten versprochen ANZAC-Einheiten "enge Zusammenarbeit" mit "Frontline griechischen Einheiten". Stattdessen fanden sie sich auf den zweiten Kurseinheitenvon älteren Reservisten, deren einzige Transport Eseln oder Handwagen (S.76) zusammengebunden. Die britische sofern die ANZAC Einheiten ohne griechische Dolmetscher machen die "enge Zusammenarbeit" unmöglich, wie einige griechische Soldaten sprachen Englisch (S.81). Die wenigen britischen Offiziere, die Griechisch sprechen haben alle entschieden uns, im Kommandozentrale in Athen weit von der nördlichen Front (S.83) zu bleiben.
Hill hob einen interessanten Punkt: "Es gab 3000 -zyprischen und 1.679 Palästinenser (sic) Truppen im griechischen Theater von Operationen. Anstatt als "Dolmetscher" zugeordnet werden die Briten zuge diese ausschließlich auf Zwangsarbeitsbataillone. (ebd.).

6 . "Alliierten hatten keine zentrale Befehlsstruktur in Griechenland. Statt der rivalisierenden griechischen, britischen und australischen Befehl HQ unruhig Zusammenarbeit bestand. Z.B. Royal Air Force (RAF) Einheiten unter dem Kommando von der griechischen Armee gelegt. Britische Panzereinheiten waren angeblich unter dem Kommando von australischen Einheiten weigerte sich aber alle Aufträge von der australischen Kommandanten. (S.84).

7 . Als die deutschen Truppen in Griechenland, griechische Armeechef Papagos weigerte sich, einen strategischen Rückzug, weil sie angeblich "politischen Gründen" zu inszenieren. Bei einem Stadium er sogar britische Einheiten bestellt weiter nach vorne, in exponierten Lagen (S.85). Es wurde später schlug er gehofft hatte Jugoslawien den Krieg gegen den griechischen Seite geben . 8. April 1941: jugoslawischen Widerstand zusammenbricht, zwei Tage nach der Deutschen in Griechenland.

8 . 9. April Allgemeine Mackay , 6. AD des CO, traf mit General Karassos für Dolmetscher bitten. Nach drei Stunden verließ er -mit keine.

9 . 10. April 1941: Griechische Widerstand, auf die Frontier zusammenbricht.

10 . Benachbarte 6. ADs, die 12. und 20. griechischen Divisionen, floh aus Verria Pass Verlassen des ANZAC ausgesetzt ist. (S.95).

11 . 11. April 1941: 6. AD wach zu 12. und 20. GD finden über Nacht "verschwunden. (S.96). 6. AD General Rowell schrieb später: "Diese beiden [griechisch] Abteilungen aufgelöst. Danach hörten wir uns vor, Konten der griechischen Armee Unterstützung zu nehmen." (S.97). Insgesamt griechischen Befehlshaber Papagos, weigert sich, griechischen Armee Operationen gegen die Italiener auf Albanisch vor zu stoppen.

12 . 17. April 12th Australian Brigade (17.AB) kommen in Griechenland nach 'finden einen kontinuierlichen Strom von griechischen Truppen in Richtung Süden, unübersichtlich Straßen. 3000 kommen in unsere Kalabaka Basis an einem Tag. Alle sagten, sie würden zu "Rückzug bestellt und auf ihre alten Waffen aufzugeben. Neue sind", um später ausgestellt werden."

13 . 13. April der griechischen Armee albanischen Front, von italienischen und deutschen Truppen eingekreist, zusammenbricht.

14 . 14. April Jugoslawien verklagt für den Frieden" (S.98).

15 . 17. April 15th BDE Brigadier Savige trifft Allgemeine Tsolakoglou, Kommandeur der griechischen Armeekorps III. Savige findet ihn: "abgeneigt, zu kämpfen" (S.99-100). Später beschuldigte ihn der "bewusst zerfall seine Streitkräfte" (S.102).

16 . 16. April: 17. AB Savige wird der griechische General und seine HQ Kalabaka aufgeben. Deutsche Truppen kommen bald nach Eingabe einstimmig" (S.103).

17 . 16. April: Griechische Armee Minister und Allgemein HQ um alle Truppen auf " 2 Monate Urlaub " ( S.103) zu gehen. Laird Archer in Athen : "Dies schwächte die Front und" öffnete die Tore " den Deutschen " . Ian Sabey : ( ebd. ) "die ganze Armee in Albanien wurde " unbefristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis " gewährt " .

18 . 18. April Minister der Finanzen gibt 2 Monate Lohn für alle Beamten und weitere zwei Monate plus einem Bonus von jeweils 3.000 Drachmen, was den Eindruck der Regierung vor dem Zusammenbruch (S.106) war. Mit solchen Verrat der griechische Ministerpräsident, Koryzis konfrontiert, erhalten eine Audienz beim König, dann gab ihm die Schuld für seinen Minister Aktionen. In dieser Nacht Koryzis Selbstmord begangen . Die britische Regierung hielt die australische Regierung völlig uninformiert dieser Situation, wie sie in Griechenland" (S.107) entfaltet.

19 . 20. April: Befehlshaber der Armee Allgemeine Pitsikas weigert, sich zu ergeben, so wird von der griechischen Armee HQ entlassen und durch General Tsolakoglou, die einen Waffenstillstand mit den Deutschen unterschreibt" (S.108) ersetzt. "General Pitsikas an KL Dachau geschickt." (S.121).

"Die politische Situation in Griechenland betroffen, aber die Kampagne australischen Studien des Krieges bis jetzt haben die Schlacht in totaler Isolation diskutiert. Die Rolle der fünften Kolumnisten, die pro-faschistischen Militärs und der Regierung sind nie untersucht. So Teil der Kampagne hat aus der Geschichte" geschrieben worden. (S.87)

1 . GRIECHENLAND: "Die griechische Armee im Jahr 1939 hatte 16 Divisionen oder 300.000 aus einer Bevölkerung von nur 7.222.000 Sechs Divisionen wurden in Albanien, sechs eingesetzt, um die bulgarische Grenze [einschließlich der Metaxas-Linie von Festungen] zu verteidigen und nur vier, um den Rest der zu verteidigen. Land. die Armee hatte keine Panzer, keine Anti-Panzer-oder Luftabwehrwaffen. Für den Transport sie stützten sich auf die Eisenbahnen und hatte alle Kraftfahrzeuge requiriert und Lasttiere im Land. die Briten hatten ihre eigenen Maultiere aus Ägypten zu bringen. Griechenlands Luftwaffe hatte 143 Flugzeuge, alle Reste aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Die griechische Marine hatte zwei Kreuzer, 10 Zerstörer und sechs U-Boote, auch aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg (p.396). von 1939-1945 Griechenland verlor nur 35.000 Militärangehörige, sondern 700.000 Zivilisten, darunter 71.300 Juden". (p.398).

2 . British Commonwealth :
Da die britische Armee im Zweiten Weltkrieg war so klein, ihre Medien belogen, um sie größer erscheinen. Wie? Wenn ANZAC-Einheiten eine Schlacht gewonnen wurden sie nicht als solche gekennzeichnet. Sie wurden "British Commonwealth-Streitkräfte" bezeichnet. Nur wenn unsere Jungs eine Schlacht verloren wurden sie als solche gekennzeichnet. Auf diese Weise waren die britische Öffentlichkeit frühen Führung, ihre Truppen glauben immer siegreich und jeder verliert durch den Ausfall von 'kolonialen' Truppen. Aus diesem Grund "die Schlacht von Griechenland" zu Briten als
"ANZAC Niederlage" bekannt.

"Von 62.532 'Commonwealth-Truppen beteiligt waren nur 21.880 Briten. Von den übrigen 17.125 wurden AIF und 16.720 NZ-Armee. Insgesamt verliert für die kombinierte Kraft war nur 900 getötet, aber 13.958 Kriegsgefangene. Lebende nach Kreta evakuiert wurden gezwungen, ihre 'Kit' verlassen. hinter enthalten: 290 Flugzeuge, 8.000 Fahrzeuge; 54 schwere und 444 leichte Kanone, 431 Granatwerfer, 39 Panzerabwehrkanonen, 151.950 Gewehre, 134 gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, 2.710 Kraftfahrzeuge, "andere" Radfahrzeuge 600". [Quelle: Gavin Längengrad: Griechenland, Kreta, Syrien ( Collins: Sydney, 1986, pp.182-3)]

"Nach der Schlacht von Griechenland britischen Streitkräfte wurden Offshore evakuiert, auf benachbarten Kreta. Die Bundeswehr gefolgt. Eine zweite Kampf folgte, Mai 1941. Insgesamt alliierten Streitkräfte auf Kreta nummeriert 31.200. 17.000 waren Briten 7.700 und 6.500 NZ AIF Armee. Im Schlacht von Kreta der AIF KIA erlitten 274 mit 3.102 Kriegsgefangenen NZ-Armee verloren 671 Tote und 1.692 Kriegsgefangenen Briten verloren 612 KIA & 5.315 Kriegsgefangenen" [Quelle: G. Lang, aaO pp.315 -316 ] . . .

"Griechenland war eine Kampagne, die wenig Aussicht auf Erfolg hatte. Die Briten wussten, dass dies aber beharrlich aus politischen Gründen. Die griechische Armee wusste, dass es auch so weigerte sich Männer in einem vergeblichen Geste trotz der Zusicherungen ihrer Regierung an den britischen opfern. Hatte die australische Regierung die Wahrheit von der britischen gesagt, es ist unwahrscheinlich, sie würden die australischen Truppen daran beteiligt vereinbart haben." (M. Hill p.391)
[Hervorhebung im ganzen ist unser ].

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SNIPPETS #13: EU & US Plot Ukraine Coup? (Mandarin)

善胜# 13
英国广播公司世界服务上午05点Thorsday 23 Januar 2014 :记者丹尼尔·桑福德(J) :
“前两个死亡病例在乌克兰议会,抗议者试图冲进了以下新的反法示威传递昨晚录最后一晚。从枪伤的两人死亡。警方继续与鹅卵石和汽油弹被投掷。欧洲领导人表示震惊的暴力事件,但指责“克里姆林宫代理人' 。 ”

第一阶段是大规模的公众示威者支付的走狗假装是'民间社会团体“ 。训练和亿万富翁索罗斯地理资助的'这些群体招来当地安全部队的暴力反应,然后扮演受害者,直到第二阶段:他们的“武装斗争”阶段接管。这就是为什么普京被禁止在2010年这样的叛徒“海外资金” 。因此,在俄罗斯,他们从来没有超越第一阶段。

什么是他们的整体比赛计划?欧盟表明它的真实,脸难看后,乌克兰拒绝加入。现在是有目共睹的东欧,他们必须加入RU '自愿或内部颠覆破坏“ 。无论哪种方式,他们失去了。塞尔维亚犯任何罪行于1999年,但有针对性只是为是抵抗欧盟/北约帝国主义的象征。

正如在12世纪条顿骑士团看到了东欧作为其统治的沃土所以也做今天的欧盟新殖民主义者。似乎疯了吗?看看今天所使用的美国国务卿克里乔恩 - 科恩走向第二阶段,阿萨德,复兴党/社会主义叙利亚总统的最新的受害者的话: “有世界上没有任何地方阿萨德。


要意识到每一个欧盟和美国当选“官方”仅仅是一个高薪雇工,跨国公司的工具。这些看到世界的根本贫瘠地面,无主地为他们犁和利用。由世界上最大的核电的支持下,纽约时报所说的: “唯一的超级大国” ,谁能够反对呢?

调用所有的民族主义者!不要等到CIA/MI6马戏团来到你的城市 - 现在反对他们,对乌克兰前。形成自己的地方:委员会'从欧盟颠覆与北约的侵略保卫乌克兰。一场胜利也将节省你的明天。

Shàn shèng# 13
Yīngguó guǎngbò gōngsī shìjiè fúwù shàngwǔ 05 diǎn Thorsday 23 Januar 2014: Jìzhě dānní'ěr·sāng fú dé (J):
“Qián liǎng gè sǐwáng bìnglì zài wūkèlán yìhuì, kàngyì zhě shìtú chōng jìnle yǐxià xīn de fǎn fǎ shìwēi chuándì zuó wǎn lù zuìhòu yī wǎn. Cóng qiāng shāng de liǎng rén sǐwáng. Jǐngfāng jìxù yǔ éluǎnshí hé qìyóu dàn bèi tóuzhí. Ōuzhōu Lǐngdǎo rén biǎoshì zhènjīng de bàolì shìjiàn, dàn zhǐzé “kèlǐmǔlín gōng dàilǐ rén' . ”
Rúhé bèn bèn ōuméng zhèxiē shūdāizimen xiāngxìn shìmín shì! Ōuméng hé měiguó dàilǐ shāng ā kè dì áng shì 1999 nián de zhèngbiàn fǎnduì sài'ěrwéiyǎ zǒngtǒng mǐ luò shě wéi qí de fùběn, yóu tóngyī rén, zhōngqíngjú hé jūnqíng liù chù. Tāmen shìtú zài lìbǐyǎ hé xùlìyǎ zhèyàng zuò.

Dì yī jiēduàn shì dà guīmó de gōngzhòng shìwēi zhě zhīfù de zǒugǒu jiǎzhuāng shì'mínjiān shèhuì tuántǐ “ . Xùnliàn hé yì wàn fùwēng suǒ luósī dìlǐ zīzhù de'zhèxiē qúntǐ zhāolái dāngdì ānquán bùduì de bàolì fǎnyìng, ránhòu bànyǎn shòuhài zhě, zhídào dì èr jiēduàn: Tāmen de “wǔzhuāng dòuzhēng” jiēduàn jiēguǎn. Zhè jiùshì wèishéme pǔjīng bèi jìnzhǐ zài 2010 nián zhèyàng de pàntú “hǎiwài zījīn”. Yīncǐ, zài èluósī, tāmen cónglái méiyǒu chāoyuè dì yī jiēduàn.

Shénme shì tāmen de zhěngtǐ bǐsài jìhuà? Ōuméng biǎomíng tā de zhēnshí, liǎn nánkàn hòu, wūkèlán jùjué jiārù. Xiànzài shì yǒumùgòngdǔ de dōng'ōu, tāmen bìxū jiārù RU'zìyuàn huò nèibù diānfù pòhuài “ . Wúlùn nǎ zhǒng fāngshì, tāmen shīqùle. Sài'ěrwéiyǎ fàn rènhé zuìxíng yú 1999 nián, dàn yǒu zhēnduì xìng zhǐshì wéi shì dǐkàng ōuméng/běiyuē dìguó zhǔyì de xiàngzhēng.

Zhèngrú zài 12 shìjì tiáo dùn qíshì tuán kàn dàole dōng'ōu zuòwéi qí tǒngzhì de wòtǔ suǒyǐ yě zuò jīntiān de ōuméng xīn zhímín zhǔyì zhě. Sìhū fēngle ma? Kàn kàn jīntiān suǒ shǐyòng dì měiguó guówùqīng kè lǐ qiáo ēn - kē'ēn zǒuxiàng dì èr jiēduàn, ā sà dé, fùxīng dǎng/shèhuì zhǔyì xùlìyǎ zǒngtǒng de zuìxīn de shòuhài zhě dehuà: “Yǒu shìjiè shàng méiyǒu rènhé dìfāng ā sà dé.

Tóngyàng dehuà zài 2003 nián hé 2011 nián yòng yú duìfù fùxīng dǎng yīlākè hé lìbǐyǎ shèhuì zhǔyì de xiànzài móushā zǒngtǒng. Zhèxiē lèixíng de zhìdù bù zhǐshì zhēnduì'zhèngquán gēngdié', dàn sǐwáng hé róngjiě. Bùyào xiāngxìn xīfāng méitǐ rènwéi, lìbǐyǎ, yěmén hé āijí de'luàn'shì bùshì cóng ālābó zhī chūn de yī kāishǐ jiù jìhuà.

Yào yìshí dào měi yīgè ōuméng hé měiguó dāngxuǎn “guānfāng” jǐnjǐn shì yīgè gāoxīn gùgōng, kuàguó gōngsī de gōngjù. Zhèxiē kàn dào shìjiè de gēnběn pínjí dìmiàn, wú zhǔ dì wèi tāmen lí hé lìyòng. Yóu shìjiè shàng zuìdà de hédiàn de zhīchí xià, niǔyuē shíbào suǒ shuō de: “Wéiyī de chāojí dàguó”, shuí nénggòu fǎnduì ne?

Diàoyòng suǒyǒu de mínzú zhǔyì zhě! Bùyào děngdào CIA/MI6 mǎxì tuán lái dào nǐ de chéngshì - xiànzài fǎnduì tāmen, duì wūkèlán qián. Xíngchéng zìjǐ dì dìfāng: Wěiyuánhuì'cóng ōuméng diānfù yǔ běiyuē de qīnlüè bǎowèi wūkèlán. Yī chǎng shènglì yě jiāng jiéshěng nǐ de míngtiān.

SNIPPETS #13: EU & US Plot Ukraine Coup? (Rus)

Фрагменты # 13
BBC World Service 5 утра Thorsday 23 Januar 2014 : Репортер Даниэль Сэнфорд (J) :
"Первые две смерти были записаны вчера вечером в украинском парламенте , где протестующие пытались штурмовать следующие новые законы о борьбе с протеста передается прошлой ночью.Двое умерли от пулевых ранений . Полиция по-прежнему забросали булыжниками и бутылки с зажигательной смесью . Европейский лидеры выражают шок в связи с насилием , но обвинил " кремлевские агенты ' " 
Как простодушный эти зубрил ЕС полагают, общественности , чтобы быть! Aktion по ЕС и США агентов является точной копией 1999 переворота против президента Сербии Слободана Милошевича и теми же людьми , ЦРУ и МИ-6 . Они пытались сделать то же самое в Ливии и Сирии.
Первый этап является крупномасштабные общественные демонстрации платных марионеток делая вид, что " группы гражданского общества " . Обученные и финансируется за миллиардером Geo Сороса " эти группы спровоцировать агрессивную реакцию со стороны местных сил безопасности , то играть роль жертвы до Второй этап: их« вооруженная борьба » этап берет на себя. Вот почему Путин запретил « зарубежный финансирование » для таких предателей в 2010 году. Таким образом, в России они никогда не получали за Stage One .

Что их общий план на игру ? ЕС показал свое истинное , уродливое лицо после того, как украинцы отказались присоединиться . Теперь ясно для всех в Восточной Европе они должны присоединитьсяRU ' добровольно или быть уничтожены внутренней подрывной деятельности " . В любом случае, они теряют . Сербия не совершал никаких преступлений в 1999 году , но были направлены просто за то, что символом сопротивления империализму ЕС / НАТО.

Так же, как в 12 веке рыцари Тевтонского ордена видел Восточную Европу как благодатную почву для своего правления так же сделать сегодняшние ЕС неоколонизаторы . Кажется ума сошел? Обратите внимание на слова , используемые госсекретаря США Джон Керри - Коэн сегодня к последней жертвы второго этапа , Асада , президента в Баасистский / Социалистического Сирии : « нет места на земле для Асада " .

Те же слова были использованы в 2003 и 2011 году против ныне убитых президентов Baathist Ираке и Социалистической Ливии. Эти типы режимов не только целенаправленные для ' смены режима ', но смерти и распада . Не верьте западные СМИ , что " хаос" из Ливии , Йемене и Египте не было запланировано с самого начала арабской весны .

Осознайте каждый ЕС и США избран «официальный» является лишь заплатил наемник, инструментом глобальных корпораций. Они видят мир как просто бесплодной земле , ничейной земли для них, чтобы вспахать и эксплуатировать . Опираясь на крупнейшей в мире ядерной энергетики , что Нью-Йорк Таймс называет : «единственной оставшейся сверхдержавы ' , который в состоянии противостоять им ?

Вызов всех националистов ! Не ждите, покаCIA/MI6 цирк приходит в ваш город - против них сейчас, на Украинском фронте . Форма свой ​​собственный местный : « защищать Украину от подрывной деятельности ЕС и НАТО агрессии» Комитета. Победа будет сохранить завтра .

Fragmenty # 13
BBC World Service 5 utra Thorsday 23 Januar 2014 : Reporter Daniel' Senford (J) :
"Pervyye dve smerti byli zapisany vchera vecherom v ukrainskom parlamente , gde protestuyushchiye pytalis' shturmovat' sleduyushchiye novyye zakony o bor'be s protesta peredayetsya proshloy noch'yu.Dvoye umerli ot pulevykh raneniy . Politsiya po-prezhnemu zabrosali bulyzhnikami i butylki s zazhigatel'noy smes'yu . Yevropeyskiy lidery vyrazhayut shok v svyazi s nasiliyem , no obvinil " kremlevskiye agenty ' " .
Kak prostodushnyy eti zubril YES polagayut, obshchestvennosti , chtoby byt'! Aktion po YES i SSHA agentov yavlyayetsya tochnoy kopiyey 1999 perevorota protiv prezidenta Serbii Slobodana Miloshevicha i temi zhe lyud'mi , TSRU i MI-6 . Oni pytalis' sdelat' to zhe samoye v Livii i Sirii.

Pervyy etap yavlyayetsya krupnomasshtabnyye obshchestvennyye demonstratsii platnykh marionetok delaya vid, chto " gruppy grazhdanskogo obshchestva " . Obuchennyye i finansiruyetsya za milliarderom Geo Sorosa " eti gruppy sprovotsirovat' agressivnuyu reaktsiyu so storony mestnykh sil bezopasnosti , to igrat' rol' zhertvy do Vtoroy etap: ikh« vooruzhennaya bor'ba » etap beret na sebya. Vot pochemu Putin zapretil « zarubezhnyy finansirovaniye » dlya takikh predateley v 2010 godu. Takim obrazom, v Rossii oni nikogda ne poluchali za Stage One .

Chto ikh obshchiy plan na igru ? YES pokazal svoye istinnoye , urodlivoye litso posle togo, kak ukraintsy otkazalis' prisoyedinit'sya . Teper' yasno dlya vsekh v Vostochnoy Yevrope oni dolzhny prisoyedinit'syaRU ' dobrovol'no ili byt' unichtozheny vnutrenney podryvnoy deyatel'nosti " . V lyubom sluchaye, oni teryayut . Serbiya ne sovershal nikakikh prestupleniy v 1999 godu , no byli napravleny prosto za to, chto simvolom soprotivleniya imperializmu YES / NATO.

Tak zhe, kak v 12 veke rytsari Tevtonskogo ordena videl Vostochnuyu Yevropu kak blagodatnuyu pochvu dlya svoyego pravleniya tak zhe sdelat' segodnyashniye YES neokolonizatory . Kazhetsya uma soshel? Obratite vnimaniye na slova , ispol'zuyemyye gossekretarya SSHA Dzhon Kerri - Koen segodnya k posledney zhertvy vtorogo etapa , Asada , prezidenta v Baasistskiy / Sotsialisticheskogo Sirii : « net mesta na zemle dlya Asada " .

Te zhe slova byli ispol'zovany v 2003 i 2011 godu protiv nyne ubitykh prezidentov Baathist Irake i Sotsialisticheskoy Livii. Eti tipy rezhimov ne tol'ko tselenapravlennyye dlya ' smeny rezhima ', no smerti i raspada . Ne ver'te zapadnyye SMI , chto " khaos" iz Livii , Yyemene i Yegipte ne bylo zaplanirovano s samogo nachala arabskoy vesny .

Osoznayte kazhdyy YES i SSHA izbran «ofitsial'nyy» yavlyayetsya lish' zaplatil nayemnik, instrumentom global'nykh korporatsiy. Oni vidyat mir kak prosto besplodnoy zemle , nicheynoy zemli dlya nikh, chtoby vspakhat' i ekspluatirovat' . Opirayas' na krupneyshey v mire yadernoy energetiki , chto N'yu-York Tayms nazyvayet : «yedinstvennoy ostavsheysya sverkhderzhavy ' , kotoryy v sostoyanii protivostoyat' im ?

Vyzov vsekh natsionalistov ! Ne zhdite, pokaCIA/MI6 tsirk prikhodit v vash gorod - protiv nikh seychas, na Ukrainskom fronte . Forma svoy ​​sobstvennyy mestnyy : « zashchishchat' Ukrainu ot podryvnoy deyatel'nosti YES i NATO agressii» Komiteta. Pobeda budet sokhranit' zavtra .

SNIPPETS#13: EU & US Plot Ukraine Coup? (Ukr)

Фрагменти # 13
BBC World Service 5 ранку Thorsday 23 Januar 2014 : Репортер Даніель Сенфорд (J) :
"Перші дві смерті були записані вчора ввечері в українському парламенті , де протестуючі намагалися штурмувати наступні нові закони про боротьбу з протесту передається минулої ночі. Двоє померли від кульових поранень. Поліція як і раніше закидали каміннями і пляшки із запальною сумішшю. Європейський лідери висловлюють шок у зв'язку з насильством , але звинуватив " Кремлівські агенти '" .
Як простодушний ці зубрив ЄС вважають , громадськості , щоб бути! Aktion по ЄС і США агентів є точною копією 1999 перевороту проти президента Сербії Слободана Мілошевича і тими ж людьми , ЦРУ і МІ -6. Вони намагалися зробити те ж саме в Лівії та Сирії.

Перший етап є великомасштабні громадські демонстрації платних маріонеток роблячи вигляд , що " групи громадянського суспільства". Навчені і фінансується за мільярдером Geo Сороса " ці групи спровокувати агресивну реакцію з боку місцевих сил безпеки , то грати роль жертви до Другий етап : їх« збройна боротьба »етап бере на себе. Ось чому Путін заборонив « закордонний фінансування» для таких зрадників у 2010 році. Таким чином , в Росії вони ніколи не отримували за Stage One .

Що їх загальний план на гру? ЄС показав своє справжнє , потворне обличчя після того , як українці відмовилися приєднатися . Тепер ясно для всіх у Східній Європі вони повинні приєднатися RU ' добровільно або бути знищені внутрішньої підривної діяльності " . У кожному разі , вони втрачають . Сербія не скоював ніяких злочинів в 1999 році, але були спрямовані просто за те , що символом опору імперіалізму ЄС / НАТО.

Так само , як в 12 столітті лицарі Тевтонського ордена бачив Східну Європу як благодатний грунт для свого правління так само зробити сьогоднішні ЄС Неоколонізатори . Здається глузду з'їхав? Зверніть увагу на слова , використовувані держсекретаря США Джон Керрі - Коен сьогодні до останньої жертви другого етапу , Асада , президента в баасістской / Соціалістичної Сирії: « немає місця на землі для Асада" .

Ті ж слова були використані в 2003 і 2011 році проти нині убитих президентів Baathist Іраку і Соціалістичної Лівії. Ці типи режимів не тільки цілеспрямовані для ' зміни режиму ' , але смерті і розпаду . Не вірте західні ЗМІ , що " хаос" з Лівії , Ємені та Єгипті не було заплановано з самого початку арабської весни .

Усвідомте кожен ЄС і США обраний « офіційний » є лише заплатив найманець , інструментом глобальних корпорацій . Вони бачать світ як просто безплідній землі , нічийної землі для них , щоб зорати і експлуатувати. Спираючись на найбільшій у світі ядерної енергетики , що Нью -Йорк Таймс називає : « єдиною залишилася наддержави ' , який в змозі протистояти їм ?

Виклик всіх націоналістів ! Не чекайте , поки CIA/MI6 цирк приходить у ваше місто - проти них зараз , на Українському фронті. Форма свій власний місцевий : « захищати Україну від підривної діяльності ЄС і НАТО агресії » Комітету . Перемога буде зберегти завтра .

Frahmenty # 13
BBC World Service 5 ranku Thorsday 23 Januar 2014 : Reporter Danielʹ Senford (J) :
"Pershi dvi smerti buly zapysani vchora vvecheri v ukrayinsʹkomu parlamenti , de protestuyuchi namahalysya shturmuvaty nastupni novi zakony pro borotʹbu z protestu peredayetʹsya mynuloyi nochi. Dvoye pomerly vid kulʹovykh poranenʹ. Politsiya yak i ranishe zakydaly kaminnyamy i plyashky iz zapalʹnoyu sumishshyu. Yevropeysʹkyy lidery vyslovlyuyutʹ shok u zv'yazku z nasylʹstvom , ale zvynuvatyv " Kremlivsʹki ahenty '" .
Yak prostodushnyy tsi zubryv YES vvazhayutʹ , hromadsʹkosti , shchob buty! Aktion po YES i SSHA ahentiv ye tochnoyu kopiyeyu 1999 perevorotu proty prezydenta Serbiyi Slobodana Miloshevycha i tymy zh lyudʹmy , TSRU i MI -6. Vony namahalysya zrobyty te zh same v Liviyi ta Syriyi.

Pershyy etap ye velykomasshtabni hromadsʹki demonstratsiyi platnykh marionetok roblyachy vyhlyad , shcho " hrupy hromadyansʹkoho suspilʹstva". Navcheni i finansuyetʹsya za milʹyarderom Geo Sorosa " tsi hrupy sprovokuvaty ahresyvnu reaktsiyu z boku mistsevykh syl bezpeky , to hraty rolʹ zhertvy do Druhyy etap : yikh« zbroyna borotʹba »etap bere na sebe. Osʹ chomu Putin zaboronyv « zakordonnyy finansuvannya» dlya takykh zradnykiv u 2010 rotsi. Takym chynom , v Rosiyi vony nikoly ne otrymuvaly za Stage One .

Shcho yikh zahalʹnyy plan na hru? YES pokazav svoye spravzhnye , potvorne oblychchya pislya toho , yak ukrayintsi vidmovylysya pryyednatysya . Teper yasno dlya vsikh u Skhidniy Yevropi vony povynni pryyednatysya RU ' dobrovilʹno abo buty znyshcheni vnutrishnʹoyi pidryvnoyi diyalʹnosti " . U kozhnomu razi , vony vtrachayutʹ . Serbiya ne skoyuvav niyakykh zlochyniv v 1999 rotsi, ale buly spryamovani prosto za te , shcho symvolom oporu imperializmu YES / NATO.

Tak samo , yak v 12 stolitti lytsari Tevtonsʹkoho ordena bachyv Skhidnu Yevropu yak blahodatnyy hrunt dlya svoho pravlinnya tak samo zrobyty sʹohodnishni YES Neokolonizatory . Zdayetʹsya hluzdu z'yikhav? Zvernitʹ uvahu na slova , vykorystovuvani derzhsekretarya SSHA Dzhon Kerri - Koen sʹohodni do ostannʹoyi zhertvy druhoho etapu , Asada , prezydenta v baasist·skoy / Sotsialistychnoyi Syriyi: « nemaye mistsya na zemli dlya Asada" .

Ti zh slova buly vykorystani v 2003 i 2011 rotsi proty nyni ubytykh prezydentiv Baathist Iraku i Sotsialistychnoyi Liviyi. Tsi typy rezhymiv ne tilʹky tsilespryamovani dlya ' zminy rezhymu ' , ale smerti i rozpadu . Ne virte zakhidni ZMI , shcho " khaos" z Liviyi , Yemeni ta Yehypti ne bulo zaplanovano z samoho pochatku arabsʹkoyi vesny .

Usvidomte kozhen YES i SSHA obranyy « ofitsiynyy » ye lyshe zaplatyv naymanetsʹ , instrumentom hlobalʹnykh korporatsiy . Vony bachatʹ svit yak prosto bezplidniy zemli , nichyynoyi zemli dlya nykh , shchob zoraty i ekspluatuvaty. Spyrayuchysʹ na naybilʹshiy u sviti yadernoyi enerhetyky , shcho Nʹyu -York Tayms nazyvaye : « yedynoyu zalyshylasya nadderzhavy ' , yakyy v zmozi protystoyaty yim ?

Vyklyk vsikh natsionalistiv ! Ne chekayte , poky CIA/MI6 tsyrk prykhodytʹ u vashe misto - proty nykh zaraz , na Ukrayinsʹkomu fronti. Forma sviy vlasnyy mistsevyy : « zakhyshchaty Ukrayinu vid pidryvnoyi diyalʹnosti YES i NATO ahresiyi » Komitetu . Peremoha bude zberehty zavtra .

STORM 91 Apri 2011

        No. 91                 Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action                  Apri 2011
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only.

SCUTTLEBUTT: Told to STORM @ 15 Octobis 2010: 62 year old who’d just survived a heart attack. “Two years ago I was a Sales Manager for a major Co. when the boss’ daughter graduated from Uni. She needed a job so the boss told me: ‘train her up! Tell her everything’. I did. Next thing I know the girl has my job. I got demoted to store-man in the warehouse, packing boxes for the freight department. I was so ashamed I quit. After a year they were in such a mess they asked me to return but I refused”.

ABC Radio 792AM 4am repeats of ‘Late Nite Live’ Sol 5 Decembis 2010 (30 minutes): Philip Adams(J) interviews Robert Fisk(J) of London Independent live from Algiers. Recorded April 1995.
“How dangerous is it here? Worse than Beirut in the 1980’s. There they queried you first then kidnapped you. Here any ‘foreigner’ [i.e. WHITE] is killed on the spot. I only go into parts of Algiers the Capital with a heavily armed escort of Gendarmes and only for two minutes. After that the Commander will say: ‘it’s no longer safe’ & we flee. By then you can see the hate on the faces of the people – they want to tear us apart. At night the entire country belongs to the various Islamist factions. 
Last month [March 1995] there was a massacre at Secalju(?) Prison; 95-220 prisoners were killed. Police say they put down a revolt but the Islamists say it was a reprisal for the earlier car bombing of the Central Police HQ which they say killed 100’s. Police only admit a dozen killed. There was a revolt at the prison but Islamists say after it was suppressed the ring-leaders were taken from their cells and executed. Police say 95 died; Islamist say it was 220.
So we have this propaganda war with neither side telling the whole truth. How did the current three year civil war begin? In 1993 the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) was about to win the second round of voting in the first free elections in Algeria’s history. France did not want this so supported a military coup. The second round of voting never took place. It was clear to all the FIS would win the election.
Many in the West believe this is a war against radical Islam by a pro-Western democracy. Even NATO Secretary-General Willy Klas last month called it ‘a part of the global war on Islam which is to replace the Cold War, the global war against Communism’. This is false. We have a ferociously violent and oppressive military dictatorship battling a group who were about to win a democratic election. Overseas, in the West, this is not being accurately portrayed. Last month the Algerian  Opposition-in-Exile met in Rome to formulate a peace plan. This included FIS so the Army rejected it completely. This shattered the Opposition. 
They know the only alternative now is total war. But they are not strong enough to defeat the Army. Why are the Islamists targeting not only the Army, police and government officials for assassination but also foreigners, artists, singers & intellectuals? This is because these groups all openly sided with the military in the lead-up to the elections & since. Why? Algeria fought a savage war of Independence from France. One million died. It involved total massacres and throat slitting - just like now. When it ended the entire Algerian leadership, secular and Islamist, were dead. I believe that is why there is no meaningful leadership on either side, military or Islamist, now.
Those who should have lead were killed by France. French rule was brutal and lasted 132 years. The effects on it are still being felt. When Algeria gained its independence in 1962 brutal French rule was replaced with a socialist government, one that was thoroughly corrupt. The urban elite grew rich but the poor masses, in the countryside, stayed poor. Their only solace was in religion. Only FIS were seen as untainted by corruption. So when the decrepit socialist regime fell in 1993 [after the end of the Cold War] it was replaced by a military regime backed by France.
So why attack artists & intellectuals? Islamists say: ‘we are rule by an alien culture’. French TV shows are beamed in live from France. Their popular music and all main newspapers are in French not Arabic, the language of the majority. The artisan class nominally opposed the oppressive socialist dictatorship and then the military but, when it came to supporting the Islamists, they refused. Many even openly wrote & sang in support of the military regime. This incensed the Islamist who felt betrayed. They now said: ‘support the regime? Then you are a target, too’. So they began killing feminists leader, rock singers, actors: anyone from the intellectual class are seen as enemies.
 Is it an Islamic uprising? I prefer the term Islamist as many other Islamic armed groups are stunned at the savagery here. I met a representative of Hezbollah, who fight Israel in South Lebanon. He asked if the reports are true that FIS murder women. I said: ‘yes’. ‘Then they do not appear to be as mature as us’ he said. Even Al Turabi, Islamic leader in Sudan, agrees. He’s in contact with many FIS leaders but is amazed at their lack of a political agenda. I believe this goes back to the war with France. There is no leadership in Algeria on either side. Those who should have lead the country are long dead”.  
PA: “that was recorded in 1995. By 1996 a sort of peace had been achieved. Elections were held in 1999. [Former Socialist Party leader] Boutaflika has returned to power”.
[Inevitable FIS & Army should clash. Army’s controlled by same corrupt Socialist Party regime whose rule collapsed in 1993 after USSR cut all subsidies. But pro-Left media, not only in Algeria, ignore this. Many other wars resulted from collapse of the Soviet Empire 1989-1995. Across Africa and even Europe – look at the Yugoslav wars 1990-95. In all Western countries media falsified facts. This vile caste, along with actors & eggheads, sell us out to the traitor class who rule us. Should we agree with Islamist & say: ‘Kill them all’? RE].

P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia   phone 0448 187 582

STORM 92 Mai 2011

        No. 92                 Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action                 Mai 2011
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only.

BOOK REVIEW: Holiday In Mauritius by Douglas Alexander (Cape Town: Purnell & Sons, 1973). A simple backgrounder for tourists to the Indian Ocean island group but very revealing. Why review a travel book? Mauritius’ history parallels both Haiti in 1789 & Australia since 2007. How? Like Haiti it was French-ruled with a majority slave population. Unlike Haiti the whites retained rule & avoided being massacred. Like Australia Mauritius had no Indians but within 20 years of their arrival they were the majority. Till 2007 Australia had few Indians. Since 2007 we have imported 300,000 Asians per year, almost one million over three years. Soon, like Mauritius, we will be an Asian-majority State. There are lessons for us in tiny Mauritius.
“Until 1834 there was hardly an Indian on the island. Now Mauritius is swamped with them. What attracted them? Sugar. As in Natal local Africans were unwilling – or unable – to do the work. In Mauritius freed African & Malagasy slaves simply refused to work. Instead they took up unskilled labour or simply lazed in the sun. So there was an influx of Indians. The first Indians arrived in 1834". 
"Within seven years there were 24,000 out of a population of 100,000. Within 27 years Indians were in the majority. By 1861 they numbered 200,000 of the island’s 300,000. They’ve been in the majority ever since. The influx of Asiatics changed the island which ceased to be European or African but became ‘Asiatic’. The original field-workers were Hindu. After them came small traders who were Moslems. The Mauritian government finally halted the influx in 1907 by which time over 400,000 had arrived” (p. 58). 
“The Moslems – with the Chinese – remain the islands’ traders. The Moslems have the terrifying industry of all Indian merchants everywhere & the ruthless business acumen of the jews. The Creoles – whose ancestors were freed slaves - are artisans, teachers & minor civil servants (p.60). And the whites? Their population has shrunk since WWII. More white Mauritians now live in South Africa than in the islands. In 1950 there were still 25,000 whites in Mauritius. Now [in 1973] there are only 11,000".
Why the exodus? The shift of political power to non-whites, racial tensions & unrest” (p. 62) [our emphasis]. Australia, South Africa & Canada all welcome white Mauritians. ‘Mixed’ & white Mauritians flocked to Australia in such numbers – 7,000 by 1971 – that the 3,000 in Melbourne warranted their own Mauritian–born Roman Catholic priest” (p. 66). That’s how our story ends, with whites in exile. But how did it all begin? Here are the details.
“There were no native inhabitants” (p. 16). “Mauritius had a total of 72 colonial governors from 1638 to 1972: 18 Dutch, 22 French & 32 British” (p.15). First discovered by the Portuguese in 1507, the main island is only 720 square miles in area. Lying 2,500 miles from the nearest land (South Africa’s Durban) the three islands (Mauritius, Reunion & Rodrigues) were unpopulated. “The Portuguese put ashore cattle, pigs, goats & monkeys to serve as a source of fresh meat for passing ships” (p.17). The island was not formally ‘claimed’ until 1598 and then by the Dutch.
Their first colony was not established till 1638 but closed in 1658, the Dutch preferring to concentrate efforts on their new refuelling port, Cape Town. In the 20 years the Dutch had introduced Malagasy [Indonesian] slaves to work the sugar cane plantations but many had escaped into the interior. Before leaving the Dutch burnt all forts, building & plantations - to discourage French & British occupation (p.19). The Dutch returned 1664-1710 before finally departing again. Their 400 colonists relocated to Java. Again, all homes & plantations were destroyed.

In their place came pirates. Chased out of the Caribbean by European navies they set up base in Mauritius. France controlled the nearby island of Reunion, then called Bourbon. In 1694 France annexed the abandoned Mauritius to purely to deny a base to pirates then raiding their fleets to French India (p.21). It was another 27 years, in 1721, before the first French colonists arrived on Bourbon. Under French rule:
“Trafficking in slaves resumed. Blacks from Madagascar, Mozambique & West Africa were brought to work the fields growing coffee plants imported from Yemen (p.23). Under governor Bertrand Francois Mahe de Labourdonnais, 1735-1746 the population grew from 950 (including slaves) to 3,200 within four years. Runaway slaves called Maroons formed their own tribes complete with chiefs. These conducted raids on outlying white farms, burning homesteads, [raping women] & butchering all inhabitants” (p.24).
In 1742 Bourbon’s governor, Labourdonnais, annexed nearby Seychelles. By 1789 and with the French Revolution Bourbon’s population had grown to 45,000 - 4,457 whites & 38,000 Black slaves (p.28). On hearing of the Revolution in Paris, Bourbon’s whites formed their own Republican Assembly. Soon after a Royalist Admiral, Irishman Count MacNamara, arrived to enforce Royal writ. To show their loyalty to the New Regime locals murdered him in the street, hacked his head off and mounted it on a pike. In 1791 something arrived from Paris they didn't agree with: the National Assembly had approved a Constitution which granted equality to all – including Black slaves.
“The Colonial Assembly on Bourbon promptly passed a resolution stating ‘all laws emanating from Paris are no longer binding’. From 1796-1803 Paris regarded Bourbon as a rebel colony but there was nothing they could do as war had begun with Britain” (p.29).
This refusal to obey a foolish law prevented a repeat of the mass slaughter of whites in Haiti at the same time. By 1803 revolutionary fervor across the French world had subsided enough for slavery to be restored – too late to save the 3,000 whites of Haiti. Bourbon's Colonial Assembly returned power to the Governor. Corsairs - government-sanctioned pirates - began operations against British shipping with 11 English ships plundered in only three months of 1807.

The British Navy reacted by capturing the island of Rodrigues then launching attacks from there on Bourbon. On 29 November 1810 this culminated in a full-scale invasion. By 15 October 1814 Mauritius, Rodrigues & Seychelles had been ceded to Britain. In 1819 Britain announced their intention to ban slave–trading pending abolition of all slavery. Mauritius in 1820 held 87,000 slaves (p.38), the island’s economy depending on their cheap labour. Abolition threatened the sugar industry.
“In 1832 a local French lawyer, Adrien D’Epinay got approval from London for a Legislative Council (p.39) whose first Act was to petition London for compensation to be paid to all slave owners. In 1834, thanks to D’Epinay’s efforts, Mauritius received a large share of the 20 million pounds voted by the British Parliament to compensate slave-owners across the British Empire. Abolitionists in England were all for denying slave owners any compensation. (p.39). Historian Albert Pitot said: ‘if the persuasive D’Epinay had not been in London Abolitionists would have succeeded’ ” (p.40).        
Tiny Mauritius avoided the error of the United States where the issue of fair compensation for private property, black slaves, led to the 1861-65 Civil War. This cost 600,000 white lives & devastated the South. If the US government had not obeyed the whims of fanatics much ruin could have been avoided. The US, however, had no Adrien D’Epinay.
“Mauritius received its share compensation in 1838, 2.1 million pounds. With it they founded the Mauritius Commercial Bank. By then there were 69,000 slaves out of an island population of 100,000. Abolishing slavery ‘changed the character of Mauritius’ (p.40). The slaves, freed gradually over four years, refused to continue working on the sugar plantations preferring to fish or become tree-fellers. They even founded their own towns: Phoenix & Grande Gaube. To replace their freed slaves sugar-planters tried to use Chinese & Malay labourers but found Indians easier to recruit. These came on five-year contracts but few returned home. From 1836 the trickle became a flood. By 1846 there were 50,000 Indians in a total population of 158,000” (p.41). 
Under British governors Sir William Stevenson & Sir Henry Barkly (1857-63) the number of Indians grew rapidly. By 1870 they were two-thirds of the island’s population of 310,000 but as yet had no rights.

“The island entered the 20th century with problems. Vastly overpopulated, it was no longer prosperous. In 1907 political unrest arose with the islands polarized into two political factions: Les Democrats a.k.a. Action Liberale, lead by Indian lawyer, Manillal Doctor wanted to break the power of the islands’ white sugar planters. The planter’s party was called the Conservatives, Les Oligarques or Parti de l’Ordre. These resisted Indian majority rule. In 1911 Indians rioted in the capital. White-owned shops were looted then destroyed (p.47). Manillal Doctor demanded Mauritius become part of India (p.48). Many whites began migrating to Madagascar, South Africa & Canada. This period of unrest was heightened by the marked racial differences of the peoples”. (p.49) [our emphasis].

Unrest continued till 1967 when an election was fought on the Independence issue. Opponents were two rival blocs – one Indian, the other Creole/white. The Hindu’s Labour Party allied with the Moslem Committee of Action (CAM). The Creoles’ Parti Mauricien Social Democrate (PMSD) was funded by the few remaining whites. Britain granted the islands Independence in 1968; bloodshed soon followed. The so-called Creole-Moslem War saw rival ethnic gangs battling in the streets of the capital, Port Louis. 100 died on all sides before the National Army intervened (p.50). Indians won this brief civil war solely through weight of numbers.

After it a new grouping, the Independence Front, took power. A coalition of the Indian-ruled Labour Party, CAM and the Independent Forward Block, a Hindu-extremist group, won 43 seats out of 70 in elections to the new Parliament. The Creole’s PMSD also attracted all the white votes. Whites still controlled much of the island’s wealth but no longer had any political power” (p.50). “By 1973 the islands’ population was 850,000: 540,000 Indians (375,000 Hindu & 165,000 Moslem); 270,000 Creoles; 26,000 Chinese & 11,000 whites. Of the whites 10,000 were French & 1,000 British” (p.58).

AUSTRALIA ANGLE: This issue is extremely relevant for Australian 2010. Since 2007 our Federal government has thrown open the immigration ‘gates’ to Indians with alleged 100,000 arrivals per year. ‘Where will it end?’ some ask. It can end only one way – with our demise. Let us learn from Mauritius & Haiti. When white women refuse to breed, Asians outbreed us. Any Indian entry means eventual takeover. You have been warned!

P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia phone 0448 187 582

STORM 93 Juno 2011

        No. 93                Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action                  Juno 2011
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only.

ADF PEACEKEEPER 'CASUALTIES': “My nephew was sent to Rwanda by the ADF [Australian Army] in 1995. They were under UN command. They were, all of ‘em, just 19 year old boys. But since they returned my nephew & all of his mates - they’ve gone mad! He got diagnosed with PTSD & got a big pay-out from the Army. With the money he’s bought a big farm, far from any town. He lives there alone with his wife & three sons. They never go out. He refuses to see anyone. What happened to him? The ADF trusted the UN. The UN sent our boys into the worst places without no protection & with no preparation of any kind. Their first assignment was to go into all the hospitals in Kigali [Rwandan capital]. It was like one of them post-Apocalyptic movies!

They were  filled with corpses that’d lain in the tropical heat for three months. The US Army was also there. They’d been ordered to do it but refused. That left the Aussies. As soon as our boys went to pick them up the completely decomposed bodies fell apart in their hands. They disintegrated. Then our fellows had to scrape up the mess. When they finished in Kigali the UN decided they’d done such a good job they gave them a better one. They got sent ‘up country’. There they were to patrol every highway looking for and collecting severed body parts – arms, legs, heads - from alongside the road. The US Army had been given the task but, as before, deferred to the ADF. Great heroes these Americans! It’s no wonder our boys went mad.”

SOMALI CONTACT: “There are 100,000 Somalis living in the US, mostly around Minneapolis & St Paul, the twin cities. 15 of their kids went back to Mogadishu [Somali capital], wanting to fight for Al Shabaab [Islamist terror group]. All are the children of single mothers. Mother’s can’t raise boys alone! These kids are aged from 16 – 20 years old. They need a father or they will end up following some male leader who then leads them astray”.

GOLD COAST CONTACT: “A former Queensland Police Service officer had turned ‘whistle-blower’. ‘Dobbed in’ [informed on] his fellow Gold Coast officers for involvement in the illegal drug trade. He went to the Criminal Justice Commission [police ethics & oversight command]. Not long after 10 QPS officers visited him at his home. They stood in a circle around him in his lounge room. One knocked him to the floor, then the others proceeded to kick his head in! He only got out of hospital two months later. He immediately went into hiding. He’s been there for two years. No one was ever charged – either with the original drugs charges or with his assault”.

BRISBANE AIRPORT CONTACT: “I was with the Australian Federal Police at BIA [Brisbane International Airport] when we got a complaint about an arrival from PNG. A PNG National [native] was reportedly threatening airport staff in the main overseas passenger Arrival Terminal. As we approached we found a large black male acting very aggressively. He was swearing, hurling racial abuse at any nearby white persons including threats of violence. I proceeded towards him, placed his arm behind his back & ‘took out’ his knees. He dropped face down onto the tile floor. The 500 waiting passengers spontaneously applauded. We then checked his passport. Finding he was not a diplomat we speedily loaded him into the back of a paddy-wagon for transport to the Brisbane City Watch-house [a Queensland Police overnight detention facility].

There we handed him over to QPS officers. As we were leaving I looked in my rearview mirror. I saw a diplomatic car pulling into the BCW. I said to my mate: ‘step on it - let’s get out of here!’ Later that day, back at BIA, we got a visit from a senior AFP Inspector carrying an official complaint. He said to me: “listen here, you can’t go round arresting diplomats!” I said: “excuse me, sir, but I checked his passport. He wasn’t one”. “Oh?” says the Inspector, “OK, then”. Word came through later the National had been a ‘bagman’ sent to Australia to collect AUD $60 million in cash for PNG’s government. We’d intercepted him in error”.

DVD REVIEW: Devils Playground (2001) (116 minutes).
Executive producer Julia Goldman(J); Co-producer Toby Oppenheimer(J); Producer Steve Cantor(J); Director Lucy Walker. Stick Figure Productions.  Blurb on the DVD case is accurate:
ramspringa in Pennsylvania Dutch means ‘running wild’. Given the choice how many young people would endure 18th century religious strictures when they could indulge in 21st century pleasures? Amish youth are given such a choice”.
Amish youth strictly observe all the sect’s rules till they reach age of 16. The Amish do not overvalue education.  They see too much education as only leading to the sin of pride [certainly proves true of another sect. RE]. As a result Amish complete their education in Grade 8. They enter the workforce at age 13. At age 16, after working for three years & having matured through it, they enter a new phase, a period of authorised anarchy, a break from all rules: ramspringa. This lasts till they agree to end it or till they turn 21.

During this ‘interval’ Amish youth are allowed to buy cars, smoke, drink, take drugs or engage in casual sex. They ‘taste of the English [non-Amish] world’. Official Amish statistics show 90% of their youth, after the excesses of ramspringa, willingly return to the church body, joining as Adult members. This contrasts sharply with Christian fundamentalist churches in Australia. They report a loss rate of 94% from Sunday School to Adult church. i.e. they leave at 16 years old and do not return. The Amish could teach our fundo’s a new way of doing things. Rather than shut out the ‘world’ let it in but thoroughly prepare them beforehand so their responses are correct.  

BOOK REVIEW: Better Than Nostradamus or The Secretive World Takeover by Rev Barry R Smith 1996 (International Support Ministries, Pelorus Bridge, Rai Valley R.D.2, Marlborough New Zealand)
ISBN 0-908961-05-7
Contact passed us a tattered copy of this to review, obviously much read & by many. Target audience is  White Volk who've read Garry Allen’s classic political expose None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Like NDCIC, BTN is a seat-of-the pants terror ride through the arcane, shadow world of the New World Order. BTN is 15 years old but many things Rev Smith predicted, which seemed unlikely at the time, have actually happened. This gives it the mark of true prophecy. Highly recommended.

DVD REVIEW: 9-11 In Plane Site (2006) 100 minutes. Prod. Dave von Kleist; Dir. William Lewis.
Available from your corner video store. Best documentary we’ve seen on the 2001 World Trade Centre events. Von Kleist's logical and rational deconstruction of any faith in the 'official story' of 9-11, especially that it was a ‘work of Arab terrorists’. Given the weight of material already done on the WTC events, Von Kelist sagely focused instead on the Pentagon attack.

Main quandary there is the 14-foot-wide hole supposedly left by a 124-foot-wide airliner. His evidence is so sane and reasonable that after 100 minutes you are left wondering how even a child could believe the ‘official version’, let alone base a War on it. We give it 10/10; highly recommended. One reviewer: “If we’d had someone like von Kleist around after Pearl Harbor, WWII would never have happened”.

QUOTEABLE QUOTE: from Werner Baumbach’s The Life & Death of the Luftwaffe (Ballantine Books New York, 1949). Author was Third Reich’s ‘General of Bombers’. In foreword to his 1960 US edition he provides an excellent summary of ‘what went wrong’ in Germany, 1939-45:
“Hitler was trapped by his decision to wage a quick war. From the very start Germany, geared to win with what it had, could not adjust to delays in timetables or to changing needs. Blitzkrieg became a long, chaotic struggle between planning & expedience. Germany fell victim to over-centralised control & erratic policy, red tape & inefficiency, inter-service rivalry & political favouritism, shortages of raw materials, depletion of manpower, destruction of facilities & finally the onslaught of overwhelming numbers & production”.  
RECOMMENDED: A contact recommends Amity Shlaes’ book The forgotten Man: A new history of the Great depression. Provides insight into Global Financial Crisis, AKA Depression II.

FREE PLUG:  DVD’s of Olympia, Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers & French video In search of Osama bin Laden go to:

JOKE: ‘Why are Indians no good at soccer?’ ‘Every time they get a ‘corner’ they set up a shop!’

P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia phone 0448 187 582

STORM 90 Mars 2011

        No. 90                Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action                   Mars 2011
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only.

SKUTTLEBUTT: Contact @ 3 Novembis 2010:
“I’m from Roma [500 km West of Brisbane]. Everybody out there got their ‘fingers burnt’ on this CS [coal seam gas] caper. Dey all thought they woz gonna maik lotsa motza! But now dair house prices are higher ‘un in Brissie so locals can’t afford to live in dair own town!”

Contact @ 12 Novembis 2010:
“Brendale Electro-plating Company was bought by a Chinese billionaire who made his fortune selling condoms in China. Now he makes us work 12-hour shifts for only AUD$10 per hour”.

Contact @ 16 Novembis 2010:
“a mate in the Qld Police Service told me they’ve terrible trouble with Asian taxi drivers. Not shift goes by without a Brisbane woman being raped by an Indian or Pakistani driver. As soon as the sun goes down, they’re at it! It’s become a national sport”.
STORM: “But our media only report attacks by white males on Indian cabbies [now the majority of drivers]”.
Contact: “Maybe that’s why they’re getting bashed – as payback for raping our women! Their usual line is: ‘the fare is $20 but don’t worry, love. I know a way you can pay me’. Then they launch an attack. Or they say: ‘thanks for the fare, now let’s have sex’ ”.
STORM: “Maybe where they come from they rarely see drunken, half-naked, white sluts”.

Contact @ 17 Novembis 2010:
“ I hear the Qld Police Service are so short-staffed they’ve been ordered by Bligh’s Labour government to accept recruits with only ESL [English as a Second Language]. I can’t wait till they’ve got to give evidence in court! Ex-cop in Darwin tipped us off: are good jobs going at the Federal Migrant Detention Centre. You do six 12-hour shifts a week & get paid AUD$150,000 a year. Good money, if you wanna be servant to dirty wogs’ ”.

SBSTV How Many Can Live on Planet Earth? (docu.) 8.30pm Tuis 21 Sept 2010 (55 minutes):
Presenter David Attenborough. Series Prod. Lauren Van der Pool. Ed. Andrew Cohen for BBC 2009.
“India’s Kerala State has the highest education levels in the world for women with an average marriage age for women of 28. The neighbouring State, Uttar Pradesh, has an average marriage age of 18. By 28 women in Uttar Pradesh have an average of four children each - before women in Kerala have even gotten married. Consequently the birth rate for women in Kerala is India’s lowest”.
Hania Zlotnik UN Population Division:
“We need contraception made freely available to all women, everywhere”.
DA: “Studies have shown where ever women’s education is raised they have fewer children. Where ever women are given control over their own affairs they have fewer children”.

[DA & his Ultra-Green friends are honest. It’s why US is waging war on Islam: they reproduce too often for the N.W.O. ‘Women’s Liberation Movement’ of the 1960’s destroyed the West. Also those who copied us like Japan & South Korea. If Muslim women aren't stopped they'll overrun the West. We'll be eradicated. The 22nd Century will be a Muslim one unless our Masters force Islam to ’free’ women & shorten their breeding cycle. But if women refuse to breed, what use are they? If only women in bondage to men reproduce then any who seek a future for the white Race must conclude our women will betray us unless forced to submit. Sound oppressive? Selfish womb-men plan our annihilation. Do not be fooled, oh white man! First stage in our survival must be to get white women back ‘under the boot’. Only then can we proceed to Stage Two: battling the alien foe & their equally alien Masters. The war begins today - in every white home. RE].

BBC The Interview c/- ABC News Radio 936AM 3.30am Saturnsday 30 Octobis 2010:
“Printhi Zanthi, Bollywood starlet & ‘women’s rights’ advocate, became an actress by accident. She attended an audition with a University friend:
‘I was studying Criminal Psychology and had to present a paper on ‘male sexuality’. On the way I stopped off to see if my friend’s audition was over. But whereas I only expected 20 people to be there, there were 500. When the director saw me he approached me. I tried to explain I wasn’t there for a job but he only turned to the roomful of people & shouted: ‘a classic case of nerves!’ Later he phoned. I’d got the job! He convinced me it was ‘fate’ I was there, so I became an actor.
My most traumatic year was 2004. We’d gone to Sri Lanka to promote a film. We sang disco songs at an open air concert. A terrorist group warned us not to but we ignored them. During the concert, I saw a man flying through the air. I thought: ‘what’s going on?’ so I went to the edge of the stage. There I saw blood, blood, blood. A bomb had gone off! Then a woman ran into me - she had no arms. She’d have knocked me into the stampeding crowd but a security guard grabbed me at the last moment. I’d have been trampled to death. Many were others.
I was so traumatised that a friend phoned from Switzerland, where she’s an Exchange Student. She said: ‘a few of us are going to Phuket [Thailand] for Christmas Day. Why not come?’ so I did. Christmas night was so tiring! I slept in the next day, Boxing Day. All my friends went to the beach. That’s when the Tsunami hit. All eight of my friends simply vanished. I was so upset I took Thai boxing lessons, just to relax. 
Then I  went for a swim in the Ocean, to overcome my fear of the water. Some ask: ‘why didn’t you help with the rescue effort?’ but - dig up bodies?! Well, that’s just sooo not me! After a week I felt much better so I returned to Bombay for my 34th birthday. I thought: ‘what present will I buy myself?’ I chose a new Series 7 BMW. Then I read in the ‘paper about an 11 year old girl who was about to be sold into the sex trade. With the money her parents would buy a bicycle. I thought: ‘I can adopt her’. A friend asked: ‘how many girls could you afford to adopt?’ I thought: ‘34!’ So I did. Of course, they don’t live with me. They go to a boarding school. I just meet their financial needs’ ”.
WOMEN & CONSENSUS: why include this item? It portrays an erratic bimbo but one with money & power. Are Gillard & Bligh that different? Women have a mantra: ‘the world will be a better place when run by us’. We disagree. GOD gave rule over the Earth to Man. The female was created only to be a ‘helpmate’ (Genesis 2v18). GOD ordained man to ‘rule over her’ (Genesis 3v16). It is unnatural for women to rule men. The Earth cannot be run by those who refuse to accept responsibility for anything they do. Instead they constantly seek confirmation from others and/or look for some scapegoats for their errors. They talk ‘equality’ but seek domination. At Qld Health females make up 84% of all staff; at Education Qld they are 94% of all staff. Equality? No: ‘equity’.

MALE-FREE ZONES: Women seek ‘approval’ from other bimbos so progressively bar all men from the work-space. Why? They were designed as ‘nesting’ creatures by GOD; they transform every work-place into a large ‘nest’ so they can feel safe. They feel safest only amongst other females? Explains why our dysfunctional Health & Education systems can’t be fixed. They’re femo-ghettos. 35 years of ‘equal opportunity’ have created a system where only the least able are promoted.

FIRST BLACKS THEN WOMEN: Something similar happened in Europe’s former African colonies. By 1960 European governments had been weakened by 15 years of Soviet infiltrators from within & Red agitators from without. They began granting independence to their African colonies. With whites deposed, blacks were elevated but still felt inferior working alongside whites. Whitey had to go! Look at South Africa, the last white-ruled state in what had been an entirely (except for Ethiopia) white-ruled continent. In 1994 the Republic of South Africa, after 17 years of strangling UN sanctions, surrendered control of its Parliament & economy to incompetent blacks.

At the time white-run SA had the highest GDP in Africa & produced half the wealth of all Africa’s 53 states. By 2011 Black Economic Empowerment (BEE), the local variant of Equality Opportunity in Employment (EOE) had destroyed this. BEE created a system of black patronage & favouritism. Now the system barely works. Why? Servants took the place of masters but still can think only as minions (Proverbs 30 vs21-23).

ETWN c/- QCTV The World Over programme 10.18am Solday 7 Novembis 2010:
Interview with George Weigel author of The end & the Beginning: Pope John Paul II.
“For the first time since the French Revolution & the rise of Marxism someone showed that history is not driven by economics but by culture. Culture is what people believe about themselves & are willing to die for. In Poland in 1980 JPII turned that fact to his advantage. When JPII became Pope in 1979 he set about reforming the priesthood. In the 15 years prior there had been a mass exodus from the priesthood. We lost more priests than at any time since the Reformation of the 1500’s. Why did JPII ignore reports accusing American priests of paedophilia? Simple. Living under Communist rule in Poland he knew that this was a routine accusation made against Catholic persists. So as Pope he did not take it seriously. He just saw it as ‘more of the same’ ”.
[GW calls it ‘culture’. We call it racial pride. JPII unleashed it in Poland to unseat the Reds. RE].

ABC News Radio 936AM 6am Solday 28 Novembis 2010:
“Victoria is facing a ‘hung Parliament’ following yesterday’s inconclusive election. The ALP suffered a 6% swing against it“.

[A month before the 21 August 2010 Federal Election both South Australian & Tasmanian ALP governments held simultaneous elections, the first time ever. Tasmanian ALP suffered a swing of 7% against them. They handed over power to a Liberal-Green Coalition government. Greens have since decimated the main industry there, logging. Have destroyed thousands of jobs in the midst of a world-wide Depression. Liberals share the blame so ALP will probably return to power in four years. ALP in South Australia suffered a 12% swing against but did not surrender power. Instead they ‘stitched up’ an alliance with several Independents. The Australian boasted the SA ALP party strategist had used a new ‘tactic’ to ensure the government won even though they lost. Called it ‘working the marginals’.

Predicted use of this new tactic would ensure victory for J.Gillard in the Federal Election. It did. Now it seems to have done the same in Victoria. What it means is that Gillard won with only 41% of popular vote; 60% voted against the ALP. Just as in the March 2009 Qld election where ALP obtained only 41% of the vote but retained power. Amazingly this is all legal under our Proportional Representation System of voting. So successful is this scam that both UK Conservatives & Liberal-Democrats plan to adopt it. At least they said so in the lead up to their mid- 2010 election victory. Both see their current ‘first-past-the-post’ system as outdated. In Australia many long for just such a system especially after seeing ALP cronies in the Elections Commission using every corrupt trick to defraud the masses.

And what of the ‘free press’? They say nothing as all are card-carrying members of the Australian Journalists Association/MEAA. Is one of the ALP junta’s main props. Through the AJA they censor all critics and deny ‘oxygen’ to any regime opponents. Will take a Revolution to overturn this stinking morass of filth, our depraved and traitorous Political Caste. When the lackeys of the perverts palace are swing in the breeze their many ‘reporter’ friends should be enjoying the ‘fresh air’ right alongside them].

BBC ‘The Interview’ c/- 4RPH 1296AM 5am Solday 28 Novembis 2010:
Reporter Owen Bennett-Jones with Gary Trudeau [cartoonist of the Doonesbury series]:

GT: “I grew up in a small town south of Montreal. He was town doctor so he had a certain social status and was in effect a counselor, adviser, everything short of a rabbi. I looked at that & thought ‘I don’t have that much ‘milk of human kindness’ in me’ although I am a liberal.
OB-J: “You’re a satirist. You’d describe yourself as a liberal?”

GT: “I find all satirists are. We are forward looking people. We try to present positive options”. “I began the Doonesbury cartoon strip at Yale. It was a one-off for the college newspaper about a particular athlete. It was popular so I continued it thinking I’d drop it once he left college. But I got ‘scouted’ while at college. Ironically I went to college with Geo W Bush, later a US President. He was interviewed by the ‘paper over a torture scandal. He was very sociable and was chair of Delta Fraternity at Yale. He required Freshman to be branded with a hot iron with the Delta emblem. Geo W Bush defended this in the college paper. This, I believe, was his first media interview defending torture! He knew of me and now apparently sees we me as a ‘traitor’ to my class”

OB-J: “He’s described you as a Chardonnay sipping socialist”.
GT: “Hmmm. I don’t drink Chardonnay.”
OB-J: “The strip now has 70 characters and has been going 40 years. As time has gone on characters have died.
OB-J: “You’ve dealt with the topical areas of US politics: Vietnam, Watergate, Iraq.”
GT: “I’m so popular now that political columnists demand the editors put them on my page. I have four times as many readers as the usual political columnists so they want ‘in’ with me. Originally I was employed by an editor who wanted to ‘connect’ with the younger generation. They knew they were losing their younger readers. I was originally described as ‘dispatches from the frontline’ of the generation war, in the 1970’s”.

OB-J: “You recently went to Walter Reid Hospital and the frontline in Afghanistan”.
“One of my characters lost a leg in the battle for Fallujah where the US Marines lost so many men. He now has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [‘Shell Shock’]. The US Army rang me the next day and said: ‘we think we know where you’re going with this’ ".
They suggested if I wanted to ‘get it right’ I should have all the facts so took me on a trip to inform me. I found you cannot talk when you interview returned soldiers. They are the ‘story’. They feel a lot of guilt they aren’t on the battlefield still”.
OB-J: “So what’s the future hold?”
GT: “Depends on the future of 'papers. Few cartoonists have been able to move over to the internet”.  

SBSTV Who Do You Think You Are? 7.30pm Solday 28 Novembis 2010 (55 minutes):
Writer-director Kay Pavlov. Fulcrum Film for Screenwest (2010). Tonight’s guest is Magda Szubanski.
“My grandfather was in the Polish Underground Army [AK] during WWII. He joined at age 15 years old in 1939 after the German Occupation as a member of Counter-Intelligence Unit 993W. They carried out executions of collaborators – any Poles who served the Germans. He used to tell me: ‘it is not easy to kill your own people’. He’s now listed in the Warsaw Uprising Museum as he took part in the 1944 Uprising. A friend of his told us: ‘it was then [in 1944] we learnt how cruel Germans were – they executed any one they found including 20,500 women & children. Our Army [the AK] was winning for the first three days but then we all realized the Russian Army wouldn’t intervene. That’s when the Germans counter-attacked. They killed 200,000 people before Warsaw finally fell four weeks later. The Wehrmacht sent all captured AK prisoners to POW camps’ ”.
[Sources tell us: 'Red Army classed AK as ‘counter-revolutionary bandits’. Executed all they captured].

P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia phone 0448 187 582

STORM 94 Juli 2011

        No. 94                Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action                 Juli 2011
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only.

“While I was with [a security agency] we were tasked with training 75 National Police officers from [a Pacific Island nation]. All of them had the nominal rank of ‘sub-inspector’, equal to an Australian Police Constable. Their training took place at [a police Training College] using the Queensland Police Manual &  Queensland Criminal Code. Why? Their country’s justice system had been set up by Queenslanders! I was in the middle of training these Islanders when one night they decided to all get drunk. They got ‘toey’ [aggressive] & began waving pole cues around like spears. We [white trainers] didn’t know how to control them till one of them, a bloke we’d noted as never drinking alcohol, stepped forward. He said to us: ‘let me take over: these people only understand one thing’.

He then asked us to leave the building. Everyone else cleared off but me. I stayed outside, peering in through a side window. As I watched this middle-aged man began barking orders to his colleagues. He told them how they’d embarrassed themselves, their uniform & their country in front of whites. He had all 75 ‘fall in’ for assembly, then slowly walked down the ranks, targeting three ring-leaders. The first he struck a crushing blow to the jaw. Blood shot out of the guy’s mouth. Further down the line he hit a second culprit. Same place, same result. He then moved onto the third. This guy tried to shield his face so instead he got a mighty blow to the gut. Instantly he was coughing up blood. Our non-drinker barked another command, telling several to ‘clean up this mess!’ then ordered all to bed – and they went. I watched in amazement. He came out and asked: ‘Did you see anything?’ I said: ‘No!’ After that we had further trouble with them”.

DVD REVIEW: Tomorrow When The War Began (2010) (110 minutes).
Writer/director Stuart Beattie.. Stars Deniz Akdeniz, Chris Pang & Lincoln Lewis. Based on the book series by John Marsden. The blurb tells it all:
“Ellie & her friends decide to camp for the weekend in the remote bush. When they return their parents have disappeared, their phones are dead & all power is out…while they were away thousands of foreign troops invaded their country. The war has begun. Ellie & her friends must…fight back“.
First of a series of seven popular novels aimed at Australian teenagers, TWTWB is the first to be made into a feature film. The book series is required reading in Qld State & private secondary schools. John Marsden, a noted reformist school teacher, has used his income from the books to found his own, innovative, private school. So is the film any good? As sole Australian film of 2010 and with much positive media promotion, unusual for any Aussie film, we expected great things. Unfortunately we were disappointed but admit to being suspicious. Major fear of white Australia since 1788 has been the ‘Asian Invasion' yet 2.1 million Asians now reside here. Is illegal to mention ‘invasion’ for fear of ‘inciting racial hatred’. So how did this film receive government funding?

We smelled a rat & rightly so. The ‘Asian Invasion’ is only a sub-plot for yet another race-mixing teen pic. Our band of teenage heroes who battle to liberate their small town from a foreign army are miscegenators, a group of limp-wristed whiggers, kick-ass females & aliens. Together they form a ‘united front’, a future New Australia of half-breeds. United we Stand – in Mud. TWTWB abounds with ethnic stereotypes: the loud, brash Greek male; the hard-working Chinese boy; the beautiful blonde bimbo who secretly lusts for the Greek. Of the eight campers conveniently ‘out of town’ when Asians parachute in a la Red Dawn, are Ellie the kick-ass female Rambo lead, three boys and four girls.

While the Greek & Chinese are brave the sole white male is a cowardly whining whimp who quickly surrenders to the Enemy. He is then replaced with a white, male drug-addict. Is clear to see the attitude of the writer to whites: our men are despicable but our women are good broodmares for aliens. The four white girls are left with only a wog & a gook to mate with. They soon begin pairing off. The message is clear: Australia’s future belongs to race-mixing multiculturalists. Throughout the film the girls ridicule white males as weak wimps while the non-whites are shown as brave & resourceful. But if race-mixing is the future why fight the Asian invasion?

This is never made explored although an Asian general explains on their local radio:
“it’s time for Australia to share its abundant resources & space with its less well-off neighbours. This will allow a more well-balanced distribution of wealth in the region”.
A similar sentiment was expressed by the Liberal Party’s John ‘Malcolm’ Fraser, Australian Prime Minister 1975-83. Our controlled Leftist media smeared JMF as ‘racist’ & ‘right-wing’ for his role in toppling the Ultra-Left Whitlam regime, 1972-75. Yet JMF now boasts the title ‘Father of Multiculturalism’. He heads Care Australia, a pro-immigration aid group which sends millions of dollars to the Third World. JMF also founded SBS Radio & TV Networks in 1978 which now broadcast in 36 languages per day. In the same way the Liberal Party’s John Howard, Prime Minister 1995-2007, was smeared by the Left media as ‘racist’ for the 2001 M.V. Tampa affair. Yet while promoting his biography in late 2010 on ABCTV’s Q&A programme he boasted: “I raised Asian immigration to unprecedented heights” from 95,000 per year to 140,000 post-2001.

So what’s going on? South Africans understand. It's been revealed since 1994's black takeover that the last white rulers, denounced by the world’s media as ‘racist’, were happily betraying the white enclave to the ANC & their EU backers. A fraudulent double-game is played by this cynical System. It confounds the many & even some of the Few. It’s end game? Extermination of the White Race. So our opinion to TWTWB is ‘yes’, we support local films but ‘no’ to race-mixing tripe.

ABCTV Nicholas Cranes’ Britannia 10.30am Solday 16 Januar 2010 (55 minutes):
[A fascinating series which re-traces Camden’s famous travelogue, Britannia, written in the 1600s. The show compares Britain then to Britain today. RE]. Writer Tomasz Cebula. Presenter Nicholas Crane. Director Michael Woods for Tern TV & BBC Scotland, 2008.
“Camden wrote during the end of the 500 year long Mini-Ice Age. Its coldest part was 1570-1600 AD when the Thames River froze over. Gypsies arrived in England during the reign of Henry VIII. He executed many. His son Edward branded their backs with ‘V’ for vagabond. Bloody Mary was for executing the lot. Queen Elizabeth offered them the option of ‘giving up their ungodly ways & becoming loyal subjects’. Those who did not were executed. 100 were killed in Darbyshire alone”. [our emphasis]
More proof our so-called Indigenous Australians, the Aborigine, are not. They arrived 700 years ago during the Mini-Ice Age. They walked from Sri Lanka, through Thailand, down Malaysia, across PNG & down Cape York. Following the 1990’s cracking of the gene code we can now trace the mass migrations which took place during the MIA. We can follow Eskimos across the Bering Strait, into North America, down South America, across the Pacific Ocean ending in New Zealand. No, Maoris aren’t ‘indigenous’, either.

Like Abos, they're invaders. As such they have no more morally superior claim to ‘land rights’ than whites. They simply got here before us. In fact, evidence is emerging a white habitation existed here before the arrival - invasion? - by these prehistorics. What happened? They snuffed us. Just as they are in this era. White civilization is unable to fend off the alien inrush.

ABCTV Wallace & Gromit’s World of Invention 6.30pm Solday 16 Januar 2010 (30 minutes):
“A British scientist has developed a Bio-mass Fuel Cell (BFC) that runs on dead flies. For eight flies it can run 12 days. BFC can power clocks & small robots. He got his inspirations from nature. ‘Animals consume biomass & turn it into energy. So must our machines’ ”.
SBSTV World News Australia 6.30pm Solday 27 Februa 2011:
“UN says so far 1,000 have been killed in the uprising against Libya’s Colonel Qaddafi. For a country of only six million people Libya had 1.5 million foreign workers. In Bengazi city the defection of Libya’s Air Force was crucial to the success of the revolt”.
P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia Phone 0448 187 582