Friday 17 January 2014

STORM 124 (Janus 2014)

No. 124                    Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action                    Janus 2014
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only

STORM gets information from ‘insiders’, SCUTTLEBUTT. We can’t confirm their stories. The latest:

MRSA Plague? Mother of 14 year-old girl: “she was at tennis and began vomiting on the court after complaining of feeling ill. The doctor later diagnosed ‘MRSA’. She got it in her arm, possibly off a bite from an infected mosquito. She nearly died. She was on antibiotics for three months”.

Q Health Story: “a 97 year-old nursing home patient, a Dutchman, was swearing in his native tongue and frantically waving his fists at QH staff - all Asians and Africans. Assuming he was demented a white, Dutch staffer was found to translate for him. He soon quietened down. She listened as he continued to curse and swear for a full five minutes, this time without the wild gestures. Then he stopped as, his eyes widening, he slowly surveyed the room, now full of puzzled aliens. They all asked: ‘what’d he say?’ ‘Nothing' she said, 'I told him he’s just hallucinating’. The room erupted in laughter.

He was a not ‘hallucinating’ and neither are we. Alien rule of QH is clear to any visitor whether in nursing homes, clinics or hospital wards. Staff ratios, aliens to whites, now is 1:1. In some areas it’s higher, up to 9:2. Can you imagine the mental state of our elderly war veterans who’ve undertaken many wars against alien foes since 1941? They retire only to find their ‘care’ entrusted to those they once fought. 'Care' for your aged parents? Do it at home. Every else, the Enemy awaits!

Mt. Isa Mines Revealed: A mine worker approached STORM: “I work at Mt Isa Mines. It is a lead, copper, and silver mine. But wherever you mine copper you also find gold. So we smelter our copper to only 99.0% purity. Then we send it to Townsville. They smelter it to 99.9% purity. The remaining 0.1% is gold. We send the ingots to Japan. They smelt out the 0.1% gold and send it back to us as gold ingots. It just a ‘deal’ we have with them”.
STORM: “what’s it like working at Mt Isa?” “The mine itself has 22 levels below ground, Level 22 being the lowest level, is 1.1km down. The lower you go the higher the rock temperature".
STORM: "How hot does it get?" "One night we had to dismantle an underground digger for return to the surface. It was winter, but being ‘the Isa’, a strong wind was blowing in from the desert. At the 'mine head' [topside] it registered 50’C. At Level 22, where we were, it was 55’C. We had to go up and down, up and down, all night long. That’s life at ‘the Isa’ ”.

STORM EDITORIAL: We rarely do STORM Editorials, so here goes. Occasionally we get asked: “why doesn’t STORM carry current news?” As a monthly bulletin in an age of instant news via the Internet this question answers itself. Secondly, we do not wish to add to the flood of ‘bad news’ deluging our Race worldwide. Many Right outlets copy the controlled media and simply report bad news. The end result is our people grow despondent as they see only doom awaiting them. In despair some ‘marry’ the alien foe, hoping to ‘fit in’ with the ‘rapidly changing times’ (sic). No! Race treason is never an option. What, then? Our people in their disparate locations have faced, and overcome, many hurdles in the past five thousand years. What STORM hope to add to our current dilemma is keen analysis and a path forward, not dwell on woes besetting us. We must be, collectively and individually, like Dickens’ Mr McCawber who hoped: “something will turn up”.

BOOK REVIEW: Diggers and Greeks: The Australian campaigns in Greece and Crete. By Dr Maria Hill (Sydney: University of NSW Press, 2010).
This book could have been better written.  It desperately needs an editor. Could easily have been cut from 500pp to 150pp. M. Hill, a Greek-Australian and lecturer at the Australian Defence Force Academy, claims this is the ‘first book written in English about the Greek and Crete campaigns by a Greek-Australian’. We recommend these two campaigns for study, unfortunately not so Hill's book.  However, using Hill’s book we managed to glean the following facts:

(p.1) "In March 1941 Britain sent a force of 62,532 troops to Greece, comprising British, Australian, New Zealand, Palestinian and Cypriot units". By the time they arrived the Greek Army had been fight-ing the Italians for six months after they invaded Greece from Albania on 28 October 1940. The British presence provoked a German response. On 6 April 1941 they invaded with 100,000 troops and using 1,394 aircraft. By 25 April 1941 the British campaign was lost. After a long retreat they withdrew to the island of Crete. Over 10,000 Allied troops were left behind in Greece. Most were captured.

Of those evacuated to Crete only half stayed to defend against a German attack. 31,200 British troops with 25,000 Greek soldiers and a British/Greek garrison of 5,300 made a total of 61,800. In attack the German deployed only 23,000 men. Unlike Greece, on Crete the Allies outnumbered the Germans 3:1, but the results were the same. The German campaign in Greece lasted four weeks. The Battle of Crete lasted only 10 days, 20-30 May 1941. The German victory in Crete cost 6,580 troops with British/Greek loses at 3,967. But back to Greece…    

(p.15): “Greek historians do not regard the German invasion [of Greece] as a ‘battle’. They readily acknowledge the Greek Army did not put up much of a defence nor that the General Staff ever intended to, believing rightly that the German heavily outnumbered them. Unlike the war against Italy the British interlude, from March to April 1941, is just a ‘blink’ in Greek history. (p.16)There is no record of it in Greek war museum displays or photos.

"For Greeks the silence of WWII is staggering. They will not write about it or discuss it" (p.17). "The war is a taboo topic. The Greek Civil War 1945-49 immediately following WWII polarized the nation. Unlike Australia there are few war memorials to WWII in Greece. Because the Left came to dominate the anti-German resistance the whole topic has been censored and its participants branded ‘bandits’. David Close: ‘many regimes suppress the past, Greeks being the worst’ ”(ibid).

So what was Australia doing there? (p.24): “the British War Office in early 1941 calculated the German Army would field 170 divisions against 85 French and only ten British. Australia, with five divisions,  therefore had a strong bargaining chip. (p.25) However, the British supplied Australia only with the information they wanted them to have so they would reach a similar conclusion: it was in their best interest to send troops to Greece. (p.27) The official reason for sending troops to Greece makes little sense as the British government and High command admitted they knew they would lose everything they sent to Greece, both material and men”.

Elizabeth Barker: ‘The British government put pressure on the Greek, Yugoslav and Turkish governments to enter the war on the Allied side. British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden admitted five months after the campaign: ‘Greece’s defence upset the time-table for Hitler’s attack on Russia by six crucial weeks’. (p.28)

 On 13 January 1941 general Wavell arrived in Athens for talks with the government of General Metaxas. Metaxas demanded no British force be sent to Greece unless it was ten divisions strong as ‘anything smaller would only provoke the 12 German divisions based in Rumania’ (p.36). "Metaxas died suddenly on 29 January 1941. Rumours blamed Britain, especially a British soldier who’d visited his home on the day of his death (p.38). "Metaxas’ replacement, Koryzis, had neither his military nous or strong character. Britain now feared Greece would sue for a separate peace with Germany” (p.39).

The British had no real intention of assisting Greece. They had no knowledge of the country, no maps, no understanding of the German-built railway system” (p.49). Francis de Guingand, a junior staff officer present at meetings with Greek authorities later said: ‘we misled the Greeks as to our ability to help them. The result was we lost many lives, all our valuable equipment and jeopardized our whole position in the Middle East. We brought about disaster in the Western Desert and threw away any chance to clear out as far as Tripoli” (p.50). “Deception figured greatly in relations between Australia, Britain and Greece at this time. Australia was left out of the intelligence loop” (p.57).

"ALP MP’s began to accuse the British of ‘cold blooded murder in dispatching poorly equipped troops to be butchered in Greece and Crete’ (p.62). On his return to Australia from Britain PM Menzies was forced to resign. His place was taken by ALP Opposition leader, John Curtin” (p.63).

“Australian units were buoyant after their victories over the Italians in North Africa. They were then shipped to Greece in early March 1941 with inadequate equipment and limited transport not suitable to mountain warfare. They faced a highly mechanized, well equipped enemy with enormous resources.  ANZACs were constantly ‘on the run’ and ‘in retreat’ for the entire operation which lasted a month. Most refuse to call it a ‘rout’ but that’s what it was. Germans chased ANZACs out of Greece at breakneck speed, aided and abetted by the Greek government and its High Command" (p. 70).

SOE officer Nicholas Hammond reported: ‘Metaxas, Papagos and other generals were all trained in Germany. Their regime is unlikely to resist a German assault as the two regimes share much in common” [i.e. were both fascist]. (p.73). British Intelligence agent Ian Sabey noted: ‘only half the nation is pro-British. The other half, including the majority of Greek politicians and generals, are decidedly pro-German” (p.74). The British knew this but sent ANZAC troops there anyway.
[Emphasis throughout is ours. For a more complete Summary of this important, though inadequate. tome see our Blog].

BOOK REVIEW: Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy by Dr Colonel-general Dmitri Volkogonov (Moscow: Novosti/London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1989).

“In collectivizing the farmland of Russia, Stalin targeted rich peasants or ‘kulaks’. One million peasant households, 30% of the total, were declared to be kulak. This meant that all their property, possessions and they themselves and their families were deported to remote regions. Exact numbers punished in this way, will never be known.  We do know that 150,000 families were exiled to Siberia in 1929;  240,000 families in 1930 and 285,000 families in 1931. One calculation is that a total of 8.5–9 million people were deported. Many of these were, however, shot for resisting. Large numbers more died in transit (p.166). Winston Churchill asked Stalin about the kulaks' fate on 14th August 1942: ‘how many suffered in the 1928-31 collectivisation?’  Stalin immediately shot back: ‘ten million’ ” (p.167).

“When tempted to doubt himself, Stalin quoted anarchist Bakunin: ‘the will is almighty. Nothing's impossible for the will’ ” (p.169).

“Stalin many speeches in the 1920s and 30s helped create a public mood of revolutionary zeal, enthusiasm and optimism. After his speeches there appeared a growing suspicion, a distrust of one’s fellows and a readiness to believe the most outlandish tales about ‘enemies of the people.’  In this way, Stalin laid the ground work for the utter insanity of 1937-38” (p.187)

“Kovalev described his experience of the 1937 Purges: ‘I was appointed head of the Western Railway, Minsk. I arrived at the administration office to find it empty. My predecessor had been arrested and shot. I called for his deputies. There were none. All had been arrested. I found no one, only a strange and terrible silence. I went to the apartment of a friend. I found him at home with his wife who was weeping. I asked: “why aren’t you at work?’ ‘I’m waiting to be arrested,' he said. 'They told me it was my turn today. The NKVD are purging every second man. They’ve paralysed the Railway’. I phoned Stalin in Moscow and told his personal secretary, Poskrebyshev. The rampage stopped. Anyway, by that stage they’d run out of people to arrest’ ”. (p.306) “This was the pattern across the entire Soviet Union. E.g. in Kursk 18,000 Communist Party activists were arrested, some for being late for work, others because a horse went lame’. (p.307)

"How many were arrested, 1937-38? Between 4.5–5.5 million people. Up to 900,000 were executed. Many more died in concentration camps. On what basis were they arrested? If we look at the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, we see that 23 members were ‘removed’ in 1937 accused of being ‘German spies’ and ‘agents of the Tsarist secret police, the Okhranka’. How is that possible? 20 years after the collapse of the Romanov dynasty and its Police Department were somehow still operating as if nothing had happened!” (p.309) “By the end of 1938 it was revealed 98 of the Central Committee’s 130 members had been arrested and executed. 80% of those had been Bolsheviks since before 1921. How many died elsewhere?"

"The information is patchy. V. Ulrikh sent a report to Stalin on 15 October 1938: ‘from 1 Oct 1936 to 30 Sept 1938 the USSR Supreme Court sentenced 30,514 to be shot and 5,643 to prison’ (p.310). ‘In September 1938 alone ‘the USSR Supreme Court sentenced 1,803 to be shot and 389 to prison’. There were another 3,588 sentenced in October 1938, but that is only the military courts. The civil courts were also working very hard’ ” (p.311). How did it all end?"

"The January 1938 plenum discussed ‘mistakes’ in expelling so many CPSU members. Postyshev told of a trip he'd made to Kuibyshev, Ukraine. ‘I found 30 district committees had ceased to function due to lack of members’ (p.311). At once, Stalin blamed Postyshev! The decision was made to ‘drown’ Postyshev. Every speaker at the plenum then denounced Postyshev. The chief critic, Kaganovich who said: 'Postyshev is hostile to the party' (p.312). Stalin declared: ‘Postyshev shall be expelled from the Central Committee’. He stayed free only another month. In February 1938 Postyshev was charged with: ‘the dissolution of 35 district party committees’, arrested and shot".

"The causes of the excesses was in the poor treatment of party members. Instead, increased impetus was put on seeking ‘enemies’. Kiev party secretary Kudryavtsev repeatedly asked: ‘why aren't there written denunciations?!’ He was meet with a wave of denunciations, so much so that 50% of the party was denounced. The first arrested? Kudryavtsev himself!’ ” (p.314)

“One lie lead to another; Stalin unleashed a wave of lying against which society was defenceless. The lies of the secret police linked up with the lies of the courts and the prosecutors department, the lies of the media followed the constant speeches of the high party officials. Who to blame for the mayhem? No one. Who could end it? No one”.                                                          [Emphasis throughout is ours].

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