Saturday, 31 May 2014

STORM 81 Juno 2010

        No. 81               Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action                  Juno 2010
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only.

‘WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE WHITE RACE?’ A future mulatto anthropologist may ask this question. Of course, without our inherent genius, is possible there will be no institutes of higher learning to produce either anthropologists or other intellectuals. Contacts send us snippets of information from media, own observations or conversations overheard. We piece together the ‘puzzle’ of what passes for life under the New World Order.

CONVERSATIONS OVERHEARD: A conversation between two attractive, young, professional white women. Their aim was to avoid ‘loosing their figure’ via the natural physical changes that come with child-birth. Bimbo One: “If - God forbid - I’m ever required to produce an offspring - I’ll use a surrogate". Bimbo Two: “I said the same thing, too, but then when it came to it…" These few words summarise an ideological framework at odds with white survival yet very popular in the controlled media & amongst the lumpen intelligentsia.

1973 - YEAR THAT CHANGED OUR WORLD: What conceptual elements built this framework? Ideas such as the ‘throw-away society’. Whatever no longer brings pleasure is ‘inconvenient‘ & therefore to be discarded. Since 1973 this includes marriage & familial ties; national & racial loyalties; and all love for one’s own children, whether pre- or post-born. The Ultra-Left ALP government of Edward ‘Gough’ Whitlam ruled Australia briefly 1972-75. In those short years all Hell broke loose on our poor country.

CHILD MURDER A tidal wave of legislation poured forth, some just bad but most pure evil, the effects of which we still suffer from today. Key areas Whitlam influenced were child murder, marriage termination and birth prevention. What changed in 1973? The killing of unborn children became legal in the US. It then became the norm in every other Western country including Australia. By 2009 the US had butchered 48 million. Even Australia with only 21 million people has murdered three million of its potential white soldiers & workers.

DIVORCE: Since the ALP legalised ’easy divorce’, also in 1973, the marriage rate has fallen to below 46% of all ‘long term relationships‘ I.e. more than three years. The average Australia marriage now lasts 11 years. Since the ALP’s granting of ‘equal opportunity’ to de facto relationships these have gained a equal footing with legal marriages. 54% opt to ‘live together’. They can still claim property rights and every other ’rights’ after they ’separate’ as long a they were together for 3 years. The question for many is: ‘why marry?‘

CONTRACEPTION: Contraceptive ‘pill’ was invented in France, 1962. In 1973 Whitlam made it freely available. Many Leftists parents put their daughters on ’the pill’ at age 12. Others simply provide a ready supply of condoms as does every public toilet, night clubs, university or anywhere else sexually active youth are likely to congregate.

SEX EDUCATION: In 1973 this became standard in all schools. Today it begins in Grade Two. Courses from years 7-12 such as Health & Personal Development (HPD) or Personal Development Education (PDE) are now standard. These force students to wrestle with issues such as homosexuality, bisexual sex, rape & contraception in class, in front of each other. In 2004 the Federal Liberal government legalised to free use of the post-intercourse aborticidal drug, the so-called ’morning after pill’ RU486.

WHAT HOPE THE WHITE RACE? Given all these Leftist ’advances’ is it any wonder our young, blonde, professional, white woman - who our contacts says was “stunningly beautiful” - saw it as her right to avoid conception. She saw this as a job for ‘lesser mortals‘. May seem harsh but Hollywood’s female role-models like Madonna, Nicole Kidman and Angela Jolie are routinely lauded had all ‘opted out’ of birthing preferring to adopt African orphans.

THIRD WORLD ADOPTEES: Third World adoptees are required as there are NO available white children in the West as all ’unwanted’ are murdered. Jolie has been quoted saying: “I could not be so selfish as to have a child of my own when there was one orphan in the world”. Given inability of modern youth to think for themselves, a bi-product of mass media saturation and life-long 'education/ indoctrination’, is no surprise our fit young professional saw it as alien, even obscene, to birth?    

MATERIALISM: Frightening statistic: ‘Australians today live in larger houses than 20 years ago but have half as many children’. Four bedrooms for two people? ‘To store all their material possessions’.

GODLESS CHURCHES: A STORM contact is with an all white, Afrikaaner church. Was shocked when, in November 2007, the day after KRUDD’s Leftist ALP were elected, their new assistant pastor from South Africa prayed “thank god! We now have a progressive government!“ Senior pastor was worried at many newly arrived Afrikaaners amongst his flock so appointed sole Anglo-Indian, married to a blonde British, as chair of Sunday School Board. To stop Afrikaans being spoken at Youth Group he appointed their daughter as ‘Youth Leader’.

BLACKS RULE WHITES: The only two blacks in the church now run all child & youth activities, where the future is shaped. But are they good leaders? On a recent surf camp she showed her true colours. She’d ordered the youth not to go swimming till after lunch. When two did she saw fit to inflict ‘collective punishment’ on all Afrikaaner youth for ’disobeying’ her. They were banned from swimming for the rest of the day! After the camp many left the group and the church. Pastor was happy to be free of these ‘racists’.

BLACK INFLUX: He then announced the 500 member church was to become ’a multicultural church’. Huh? First Maori family had arrived, courtesy of the church’s free-food handouts. Pastor immediately inducted their eldest daughter into the church choir, its first black face. Following week the first black Africans appeared at church. Pastor could almost be heard to utter a ‘hallelujah! No more monochrome membership’. One could ask the African: “you expelled us using ‘Africa for Africans’ So what are you doing here?” The black was grinning from ear-to-ear. No doubt poverty is what he left behind in Africa. So why allow him into another white country? Why welcome such into their church? So we can repeat the process, all over again! Appears Whites have a death wish.  

NEED FOR A NEW ‘PUBLIC SPACE‘? STORM subscriber suggested: “In South Africa & the US the main ‘public space’ is the local church. Going there is not a religious duty but more of a social occasion. In Britain & Australia however, the only ‘public place’ is the public house - the pub. So in the US & South Africa the public space alcohol-free. Not so in the UK or Australia. To gather a community together always implies alcohol consumption. Until we establish a new ‘public space’ there can be no success in the battle against violence & public drunkenness. US also has a second public space in the diner. Is seen in many the US TV shows from Happy Days to Seinfeld. An area where food is consumed communally but is essentially alcohol-free.

CHURCH AS PUBLIC SPACE: A benefit of having the church as ‘public space’ is one can publicly claim to be a ‘Christian’ - an asset in the US and South Africa. But such claims are viewed as a liability in the UK and Australia. In the US & SA it simply means you attend the local public space. In the latter it suggests you’re a religious fanatic. This explains why 55% of Americans claim to be Christians even though they don’t act like it. In Australia only 16% claim Christ. In the UK it is only 6%. The white Race needs a future free of stupifying substances. We will only survive if we remain awake and alert. Dullness will doom us.

POBox 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia ph 0448 187 582  Email: 

N&INS Juli 2009

Nationalist & Inter-Nationalist News Service        
Juli 2009
N&INS accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. N&INS is an information source only.

Channel Nine Live Broadcast ‘Michael Jackson Memorial’ 8.30am-2pm Wodensday 8 Juli 2009: Performances and eulogies by usual media types & has-beens. One declared: “Michael wasn’t just a great singer he was THE greatest singer of all time!" Boastful Americans competed to outdo each other in hyperbole; for 6 ½ hours, without a single commercial. Who paid for it? BBC Radio reported the broadcast would “go world-wide". Seven Network carried story of Jackson’s death every day for 14 days. Some ask: ‘why? He was a has-been?!’ But he was one of the new global new elite: race-mixers.

14 DAYS OF WACKO: Most shown pictures during the 14 days from death to interment were of Michael holding his white son, the one with bleached hair. Aim was to promote racial integration. In 2000 we were warned: “racism will be to the 21st century what sexism was to the 20th century”. Michael Jackson, regarded in Australia as an oddball, was darling of Hollywood's elite - a collection of perverts & Chosen. Current race-mixing elites pin-up girls include Angela Jolie, Nicole Kidman & Madonna. All are shown regularly in popular women’s media carrying their black children. In the same way Michael was regularly shown with his white kids. These opinion leaders have an impact.

OTHER RACES: White twenty-some-things now routinely seek partners from other races. This 14-day and night celebration of a sad freak is the System‘s way of showing its approval of his marriage to two white women. They’re telling white youth: race-mixing will be rewarded. Our two Chinese-owned networks, Nine & Seven, carried the greatest share of Jacksonian coverage since his 23 Juno 09 death. Both these high-lighted alleged 'racist attacks on Indian students' over the past month on their 'current affairs' (scandal) shows Today Tonight and A Current Affair. Later turned out to be false. All the purported ‘students' were working as late-night taxi-drivers & petrol station attendants, dangerous jobs. Chinese media use ‘racism’ and model race-mixers like MJ to brow-beat whites into self-destruction.

SBSTV World News Australia 6.30pm Frigasday 10 Juli 2009:
Reporter Daniel Sandford, London:
“Article in The Guardian newspaper alleges the News of the World, a British tabloid owned by News Limited [Murdoch], hacked into email accounts of thousands of British politicians & celebrities through their mobile phones. Two NotW reporters were gaoled in 2007 for hacking into emails of the Royal Family. Scotland Yard says it will not pursue the latest case due to ‘insufficient evidence’. Director of Public Prosecutions says he will. Guardian alleges News Limited paid one million pounds in bribes to keep case ‘quiet'".
Channel Nine News 6pm Solday 19 Juli 2009:
“Ambulance officers in Qld are to receive Aggressive Behaviour Management training after their calls to be issued with MACE spray were rejected by Health Minister. Officers are routinely subjected to violent assault, even grievous bodily harm, when attending drunk or drug affected people. Police statistics show a 60% increase in violent crime since 2004”.
[Alcopops - alcohol-laced soda drinks - became available in 2004. Howard’s Federal Liberal government altered the soda drink mix under pressure from dominant brands to allow caffeine  to be added to ALL sodas not just Cola. Five years later we see effects of Capitalist ‘self regulation’ as in Finance sector. RE].

SBSTV World News Australia 6.30pm Tuisday 21 Juli 2009: Reporter Brian Thompson:
“US Defence Secretary Robert Gates announced expansion of US military by another 22,000. Brings total to 570,000. Is hoped this will reverse the sharp increase in suicides by service personnel which some blame on their being detained long after their tours ended. Video released by Taliban of a US soldier captured in Afghanistan, Idaho Pfc Bowe Birkdale(?), brought outrage from US officials”.
BBC World Service c/- SBS Radio 933FM 5am Frigasday 24 Juli 2009. Reporter Tom Esement, Tbilisi:
“during a tour of Georgia US Vice-President Joe Biden met with Georgia’s President whom he assured of continued US support. Now ‘reset button’ is pushed in US-Russian relations Georgians fear abandonment. Mr. Biden addressed the idea of ‘spheres of influence’ [that Georgia belongs under Russian control] by saying: ‘we now live in a multi-partner world’ ".
[War in Iraq exposed US military weakness as did war in Vietnam. Superpower? US only talks of ’partners’ when it can no longer force the world to obey its fickle will. America’s leaders are tools of Others. Their media, music and cinema are a curse on the world. Will be no peace for the world till their vile voice is stilled. RE]

POBox 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia ph 0448 187 582  Email: 


        No. 82                Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action              Juli 2010
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only.

‘ANTI-VILIFICATION MORNING‘: STORM were contacted by students of a local Christian community college with 1,100 pupils. Year Nines there, all 13-14 year olds, are now suffering full-blown Bolshevik indoctrination in   SOSE (Studies of Society & Environment - formerly ‘social studies‘) & HPE (Human Potential Education - formerly Physical Education) classes. This term’s Year Nine SOSE Assignment topic choices were: ‘was Captain Philip (first governor of the NSW colony) racist in his treatment of Aborigines?’, ‘Were the Tasmanian Aborigines victims of a policy of racist genocide?’ & ‘Was Early Queensland Sexist in banning Women from voting?‘

HPE: HPE introduced students to ‘your various sexual options’ & ‘how to procure an abortion’. A student told STORM: “we call Wednesdays ’anti-vilification day’ as first up we have SOSE & HPE. Then Religious Education but we never open a Bible. Instead we discuss ’how can we make everyone feel accepted & included?’ ” Whites students from South Africa or with Germanic names are made to feel ’guilt’. One cried to us: “I’ve suddenly realised I was this terrible person! I had the same name as someone who’d killed millions of people. What can I do?!”

ERASED FROM HISTORY: In SOSE they learnt ‘South Africa gained its independence in 1994 under the wise leadership of Nelson Mandela‘ and ‘Zimbabwe gained its independence in 1980 under Dr Robert Mugabe’. We asked: ‘if SA got independence in 1994 -from whom?!’ Kids were puzzled. SOSE has obliterated 350 years of white rule in Southern Africa. Erased from History. Don’t think it won’t happen here, too. We’ve wondered for some time why our material has little or no impact on teenagers especially as these same teens are the ones suffering racist violence from Asian & Pacific Islander gangs. Why do they not embrace ANA & read our material? Herein lies the answer: SOSE and HPE got to them first.

PEER LEARNING: Both subjects use ’peer learning’ I.e. topics discussed in class are then peer-evaluated as in Mao’s China. There ’struggle meetings’ were used to force conformity to all the latest Red policies. End products of such ‘education’ were unleashed by Mao on society in the 1960’s as the Red Guards, teenage Red fanatics numbering in millions. Children of white South African refugees now living in Australia are forced into these indoctrination classes. They fled their homeland to escape black racism & should be our natural allies. But they’re ’turned’ by SOSE, HPE & ’Bible Classes’ into our most virulent foes. For this their parents pay AUD$5,000 per year. Why pay for mis-education when you can get the same bilge free at any State School?

STUDIES OF SOCIETY & ENVIRONMENT: Who invented SOSE? In 1995 Federal MP Pauline Hanson founded a pro-white party, One Nation. Queensland ALP government responded by commissioning a Professor, head of Asian Studies at the most Leftist university in Queensland, Griffith Uni (Nathan) & one of their most rabid Maoists to write SOSE, a course taught ‘P-12’ I.e. in all classes from age 4 till 17 years old. 13 years of brain-washing. Professor boasted on ABC Radio in 2007 he had visited China “every year for 40 years in an annual ’pilgrimage’”. Who better to ’immunise’ Queensland youth against the virus of racism?

13 YEARS OF BRAINWASHING: But how? He wrote a programme of indoctrination that begins in preschool and goes till the students escapes the System. May seem heavy-handed to us but Left have 100 years of experience at this. Begins as ’fun’ but by the time they reach Year Nine (13 years old) it is deadly serious. Who commissioned him to write this obscenity? Then Education Minister Anna Bligh, a committed Maoist and now Queensland Premier.

Was she who paid for thousands of stickers that pupils plastered on schools: ‘RACIST MP’s DON’T REPRESENT ME!’ Bligh then allowed the Socialist Workers Party’s youth wing, Resistance, to organise hundreds of State school students into ‘anti-racist walkouts’ that ended in street marches down Queen Street the main street in Brisbane’s CBD. What were they protesting? The democratic election on 12th Juno 1998 of 11 One Nation MPs.

ABCTV News 7pm Frigasday 28 Augustus 2009: Reporter Christine Harizin, Brisbane:
“Father of four today sentenced to 25 years gaol for two-year long ‘Bikeway Bandit’ attacks. Eleven women were attacked from behind while either jogging or riding on Brisbane bike-ways. One victim said in court ‘he robbed me of my positive outlook on life’. He will be eligible for parole in 15 years”. 
BLACK KILLER versus WHITE 'RAPIST': Case needs further examination. Sentence was excessive. A white youth was beaten to death by a black two years ago in the CBD. Killer got only 18 months as court 'did not want to ruin his life’ and ’he'd shown remorse’. This 'rapist’ gets 10 times the sentence of a murderer? 'Rapist’ was white not black and victims were women, a privileged class under the New World Order, unlike white men. We have our first female Premier, an Ultra-feminist who appointed our third female Governor and our first female Governor-General. All three are EMILY's LISTers and ALP lawyers. Judge who sentenced alleged 'rapist' was not mentioned but most likely was one of twenty feminists appointed by outgoing Premier 'Sneaky Pete' in 2004. Due to ’equal opportunity’ these get accelerated promotion over more learned, male judges. In return they give out ’politically correct’ sentences.

RAPE RE-DEFINED: Are we defending a rapist? No. But what is 'rape' as currently defined by our laws. In 1995 the gross and embarrassingly obscene ALP PM Paul ‘The Lizard of Oz’ was standing for re-election. He made a remark that 'offended’ key feminists voters upon whom the ALP Left rely. By way of apology he 'tightened' existing rape laws. How? A debate had been raging. 94% of rapists are unable to ejaculate during the assault so most rapes are incomplete. Meant many rapists were only charged with 'attempted rape', leading to reduced sentences. Feminists argued: ‘rape is not about sex but power so any attempt is the same as rape'. To appease these extremists PM changed the law to match the feminists’ definitions. Even created a new crime of 'digital rape' where if a man inserted one of his ‘digits’ inside a woman that counted as full ‘rape’. Now let’s place all this in the context of contemporary cultural practice.

'HOOKING UP': Concurrent with this 'tightening' a new cultural practice had emerged in the night clubs of our larger cities. Termed 'hooking up', and imported from America, it involved a consenting couple randomly meet on a dance floor, share drugs then proceed to a toilet cubicle where they engage in anonymous sex, never to meet again. While this animal-like behaviour was becoming the new norm the PM & his feminist allies were pretending their bodies were something from a Jane Austin novel. Needless to say the PM lost the following election but left us with these evil laws. RE].

POBox 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia ph 0448 187 582 Email:

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Friday, 23 May 2014


  No. 87                                                                                                                    Decembis 2010
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only.

 DVD REVIEW: Baader-Meinhof Complex (2008) (143 minutes) [In German only]
Executive Producer Mark Shapiro(J); Producer Gilbert Adler(J); Producer/Director Bryan Singer(J) for United Artists & 20th Century Fox. Blurb on the cover says ‘from the producer of Downfall comes the story of the most notorious terrorists group of our times, Germany in the 1970’s. The true story of the rise & fall of a left wing terrorist organisation started by radicalised children of the Nazi generation’.

Despite the cover blurb the Red Army Faction were not a ’product of the radicalised children of the Nazi generation’ but a continuation of the Red filth who battled the Hitler’s party in the streets of Germany, 1923-1933. Like feeble Weimar Republic’s liberal democracy 1919-33 the post-WWII Federal Republic refused to defend itself till 1972. Its showcase Munich Olympics left it thoroughly embarrassed after PLO commandos killed 11 Israeli athletes. After this it was ‘gloves off’. The aftermath of the massacre is dealt with in Steven Speilberg’s Munich starring expatriate Australians Geoffrey Rush & Eric Bana.

MEL VERSUS SOLLYWOOD: The Baader-Meinhof Complex is released by ICON Films, Mel Gibson’s private production company. Mel has suffered the scornful wrath of the Sollywood elite since his Passion of the Christ not only accused them of murdering their own Messiah but earned him US$800 million world-wide. This film opens with an anti-Chosen tirade by RAF co-founder Gudrun Ensslin where she lambasts her pastor father for the US’s pro-Chosen bias & resultant death of innocents in Palestine. Is this Mel’s payback for the Chosen campaign against him since Passion of the Christ? We hope so. Best defence is good counter-propaganda.

LEFTIST BRAIN-WASHING: West Germany’s post-WWII generation were so indoctrinated with Leftist ideology as part of their ‘education system’ they came to see the democratic system itself as ‘fascist’. After street battles with police in 1967-68 University-based  Leftist radicals formed into groups to fight ‘the System’ on behalf of its most prominent foes, Palestinian Liberation Organisation fighting Israel & Viet Cong fighting the US. One radical group was the German Red Army Faction (RAF) dubbed the Baader-Meinhof Gang by the popular press.

Among the RAF‘s role models were Argentine terrorist Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara & the Uruguayan  Tupomaros terrorists*. Che ’fought the System’ and died young. He was captured, tortured & murdered by the CIA in 1967. For many Lefties Che’s life was similar to 1950’s movie icon, the actor James Dean who in words of one fan: “lived fast, died young & left a beautiful corpse“. Proof of Che’s continuing allure for impressionable youth is the success of the 2007 film Motorcycle Diaries.

LEFTIST MURDERERS: RAF’s radicals followed Che’s murderous path to self-destruction but not before killing many innocents. These self-appointed martyrs of the Left included: Gurdun Ensslin; Andreas Baader; Ulrike Meinhof; Brigitte Mohnhaupt; Holger Miens; Siegfried Hausner; Bernhard Rossner(J); Karl-Heinz Dellwo; Lutz Taufer; Hanna Krabbe(J); Suzanne Albrecht; Gottfried Hagemann; Petra Schelm; Chtistian Klar; Peter-Jurgen Boock; Jan-Carl Raspe; & a ‘Mrs Moller’. Dubbed the Baader-Meinhof Gang by the popular press the group’s leaders were Gudrun Ensslin & her boyfriend Andreas Baader. Ulrike Meinhof only joined later, after her 'cover' as a Leftist journalist was blown; she’d been writing for her husband’s Ultra-Leftist magazine, Konkret. Ensslin & Meinhof never agreed on policy. Film suggests Ensslin coerced Meinhof into suicide while both were in prison.

RAF ORIGINS: What drove these German youth Leftist Uni-types to take up arms? In 1967 the Shah of Iran, an American puppet, toured Germany. Where ever he went he inspired protests. The largest of these, in Berlin, turned violent when Iranian secret police assaulted the Leftist Uni types. Instead of protecting students the German police joined in! Degenerated into a ‘police riot’. Hundreds of Lefties ‘copped a hiding’. One was shot dead. This dead Red soon became a martyr, a model for the others. Not long after a nationalist teenager, angered by the free rein of the streets he saw the Left enjoying & wishing to end the anti-American protests, shot Leftist/student leader Rudi Dutschke(J) four times. Did not kill him but left him permanently brain-damaged. Left had another instant martyr.

FROM PROTESTERS TO ASSASSINS: Radical Leftists used these two assaults as a trigger to ‘go underground’. From there they initiated ‘next phase of the struggle - armed conflict’. From then on a minority of student radicals abandoned ’peaceful methods’ for ‘direct action‘. Began a ten-year campaign of robberies, kidnappings, murder & bombings. The RAF was born. At the same time similar groups arose in the US, France, Italy, across Latin America & in the US itself. Left eulogise these as ‘legitimate protest movements against capitalist oppression‘.

BABY-BOOMER SELF-INDULGENCE: More likely they were just post-WWII baby-boomers overly indulged by middle-class parents. The lax sentences initially handed down to RAF terrorists by liberal German courts certainly point to the latter. In the days before SWAT teams & the War on Terror Western societies did not know how to react so either didn’t or overreacted. Our ‘open society’ was prey to these Soviet stooges and their media accomplices. Remember this was during the US-USSR Cold War, a war without borders.

Pool of German youth from which the RAF recruited were so indoctrinated against becoming Rightists by their post-war Leftist educators that they became perfect Marxists. The result was predictable. A weak and effete West Germany, fearful of being called ’fascist’, refused to fight back. Leftist terror gangs soon ran riot in the streets, schools & Universities. A survey at the time found ¼ of German youth ‘praised the actions’ of the RAF.

*(p.291 Edward Hyams Dictionary of Modern Revolution Tapling Pub. Co., New York 1973; p.177 ‘Guerrilla Groups‘ by H. P. Willmott in War In Peace: Warfare since 1945 by Sir Robert Thompson (Ed.) Orbis Pub. Co.; London, 1981).

DVD REVIEW: Valkyrie (2008) (115 minutes)
Starring Tom Cruise; Executive Producer Mark Shapiro(J); Producer Gilbert Adler(J); Producer/Director Bryan Singer(J) for United Artists & 2oth Century Fox.
Is no wonder The Chosen should make a film about traitors attempting to murder the legally elected German Chancellor. More interesting than the rather predictable film is the accompanying featurette The Valkyrie Legacy. This one hour documentary reveals that from 1944 till 1952 the majority of Germans saw the July 20th 1944 coup plotters as traitors. All this began to slowly change after the newly formed Federal Republic of Germany decided to promote these copyists as ‘democrats’.

FRG instituted a policy for their new Bundeswehr or West German Army where every officer candidate was asked: ”what do you think of the July 20th plotters?” To say: “traitors!” saw one automatically barred from admission. A similar policy began in the public schools. Slowly the mind-control succeeded. Ironically, according to relatives of 200 executed plotters, they were not democrats but wanted a return to the pre-1918 monarchist rule by a Kaiser-figure. Fact most had the aristocratic ’von’ in their surnames is never mentioned by any of their apologists.

But at the time the German Chancellor himself pointed this out. In 1933  he’d led a mass movement which won power through elections. The aristocratic elite refused to accept him. When they felt ‘the time was right’ they struck. Featurette reveals July 20th 1944 was fifteenth attempt on life of the elected Chancellor by this same group. 13th March 1943 a bomb in a bottle of alcohol on Hitler’s plane planted in Smolensk, Russia. It, like the 20th July bomb, used British ‘pencil’ fuses supplied by the SOE terrorist equipping agency.

UNANSWERED QUESTION: Why are the Chosen seeking to rehabilitate the Germans whom even the lines of the featurette admit: “Nazis! Germans?! For many people these are the same”. It is 2008. The war on Terror is being lost by the US and its lackeys or ’allies’. This war is not the US’s. It fights on behalf of the Mittel Ost Terror-Staat. This illegal Staat threatens further wars against other countries principally the Islamic Republic of Iran. It could not defeat Hezbollah in Lebanon. The US & Co cannot beat the Taliban in Afghanistan. Time for reinforcements. Call in the Germans! Already 4,000 Bundeswehr serve in Northern Afghanistan but not yet in combat roles. Stay tuned: that may change very soon…

P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia Ph 0448 187 582


    No. 88                                            STORM                                          Janus 2011
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only.
DVD REVIEW: Waltz with Bashir (in Hebrew) 115 mins 2008.
By ARTE France, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Channel 8, Israeli Film Fund. Producers Serge Laloy, Yael Nahlieli, Gerhard Meixner & Roman Paul. Written produced & directed by Ari Folman. [Some may object to listening to Hebrew for 115 minutes but this film will dispel any myths about the IDF being a ‘super army’. You will see they’re akin to the US Army in Iraq & just as prone to cowardice, failure and ‘friendly fire’. RE].

Interview by David Stratton of ABC TV (Australia) At the Movies show with director Ari Folman:
“the film is entirely autobiographical. I did it as therapy for my time in Lebanon in 1982. I really did have total memory loss about that period. Then one day an old army buddy, Boaz Rein-Buskila, came to tell me of nightmares he’d had every night for the past 30 months. He asked: ‘do you also have nightmares from that time?’ ‘No‘, I said. That made me wonder. That was in winter 2006. Then, that night, for the first time in 20 years I had a brief ’flashback’ to the War. I began to question veteran of Lebanon they also had either partial memory loss or nightmares. But why? 
That was the genesis for this film. The next day I went to see a psychiatrist friend, Ori Sivan. I asked: why would Boaz‘s memory trigger mine?” He answered: “memory is fascinating. We tried this experiment. A group of people are shown 10 various childhood images. Nine photos were really from their childhood but one was fake. Their portrait had been placed into a fairground they had never visited. 80% recognised themselves in the photo and said ‘yes I remember that!’ The other 20% were not sure. 
When asked a second time they also ‘remembered‘. They would say ‘what a wonderful day at the park with my parents!’ They remembered a completely fabricated experience. How could this occur? Memory is dynamic; its alive. If some details are missing memory fills the holes with things that never happened”.
[Like those who claim they saw gas chambers in Dachau, Bergen-Belsen & Madianek KLs? If this is a recognised psychiatric disorder why are holohoax lies taken as ‘evidence’? RE].

Ari visited fellow vet Carmi Cna’an in Holland where  he has been living for the 20 years since Lebanon. Ari asked:
“How you become so rich? Everyone at school thought you’d become a nuclear physicist!” “No, I made money selling falafels to health-conscious Dutchwomen. In three years I’d  made my fortune“. 
[Another case of memory filling in factual gaps. RE].
"Carmi was in Ari’s unit but has memories Ari does not. Carmi remembers them being landed in secret on a beach in Lebanon and shooting up the first Mercedes they saw drive past, killing a whole family. A war crime but Camri puts it down to “pure fear & anxiety. We began shooting like lunatics”. “At what?” “I don’t know! At everything. After two years training, the fear, the uncontrollable fear. We destroyed them & we didn’t even know where we were”.
By checking their dates it turns out both Ari & Carmi were in West Beirut, posted in oversite positions around the Sabra & Shatila Palestinian refugee camps while Christian Phalangist militia carried out the massacre of 800 men, women and children. Yet neither has any memory of it. A blank. But on the return trip to Amsterdam airport, while in the taxi, Ari has a ’flashback’. He is driving a M113 armoured personnel carrier in Lebanon and has been ordered to “take the units dead and wounded and dump them at the big lights”.

Unsure, they load up and drive off. The entire crew fires the vehicles heavy weapons, in all directions, as they travel like frightened children. The ’big lights’ turn out to be a heli-pad where dozens of IDF dead are being assembled for a chopper flight back home. Only now does Ari remember the stench of blood and guts inside the APC.

Fellow vet Ronny Dayag was a tank crewman. He recalls the 1982 invasion as 'a joyride’ till his tank commander got killed by a sniper. Soon after his and the following tank were destroyed in an ambush. All crew from both were then machine-gunned. Only he escaped. The rest of thank column simply fled in retreat, leaving him behind.
[Neither IDF nor PLO took prisoners. A race war knows no mercy. RE].

Ari’s other friend Shmuel Frenkel remembers everything. Now a martial arts expert, he enjoyed the war. Boasts of killing children, civilians, anyone. Ari asks: “ was I there, too?” Frenkel: “since training school you’ve always been at my side”. So how could he forget this? Asks Professor Zahava Solomon, post traumatic street expert. She: “it occurs when a person is in a situation but feels outside of it”. Ari admits he remembers every ’furlough’ from the war but nothing about the war itself.

Carmi suddenly recalls: “we were together in the ‘slaughterhouse’, a junkyard where captured PLO were brought to be tortured, dissected then executed. People were wandering around with body parts in jars. It was like being on an LSD trip!” Eventually Ari recovers his memory of the twin camp massacres - but lays the blame on the Christians when the world knows they were simply obeying IDF orders. His friend Dror Harazi, a tank gunner also in on over-site at Sabra camp, admits “the Christian soldiers wore Israeli uniforms". [Where’d they get these from? Steal them?! RE]

Popular TV reporter Ron Ben-Yishai claims it was his personal intervention that stopped the 'Christian massacre’. How?
“I was asked by a colonel friend at the airport that day: ’did you know they’re massacring Palestinians in the camps’? That night Micha Friedman took me to dinner in Beirut’s Baabda district with members of 211 Brigade. They said the same thing. So at 11.30 pm I ‘phoned [Israeli Defence Minister] Arik Sharon. He showed no reaction. At 5.30am the next morning I took my entire TV crew with me to the camps. But as I arrived so did Brigadier Amos. I watched as lines of women & children were being marched off to their death - you know like that photo from the Warsaw ghetto? Just then I heard Brigadier Amos shout an order through his loud-hailer: ’the shooting is to stop’. That’s how it all ended“.
[Why didn't Ron’s TV crew take any photos of these 'lines of women & children’. Story is false. RE].

Ari [and his psychiatrist] conclude: “the Christians carried out the massacre that went on all night. My unit fired illumination rounds [flares] so they could work on into the night. Was I personally firing flares? What difference does it make?” His psych admits: “you were unwillingly cast into the role of a Nazi”.
[Typical Chosen response whenever they are called to account for their evil deeds. 1. Blame someone else. 2. Deny personal responsibility. 3. When 1 & 2 fail say: “well, so what?”]  

Despite self-serving factual flaws this war film gets 4 1/2 stars out of five as the best War film of 2008. Compared to patriotic rubbish like Hurt Locker, Jarhead, Stop Loss & other Hollywood propaganda about Iraq this is real. Has the best ‘fog of war’ since Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket and its print inspiration, Michael Herr’s Despatches.

DVD REVIEW: Patty Hearst: the Kidnapping of an American Princess (1988) (140 minutes).
Executive producer Marvin Rosenblatt(J); director Paul Schrader(J) for Atlantic Entertainment. Stars Natasha Richardson. Based on book Every Secret Thing by Patricia Campbell Hearst & Alvin Moscow from Avon Books.

THE KIDNAPPING: On April 1 1974 newspaper heiress Patricia Campbell (‘Patty’) Hearst was kidnapped by a small urban terrorist group, the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA). Patty was held in a small closet, blindfolded and in total darkness for 56 days & nights where she was raped & psychologically tortured by the entire gang. Finally she ‘cracked’ and was ‘turned’. How? Since 1974 there had been observed the Stockholm Syndrome where captives slowly begin to identify with their captors. Patty was an extreme case going so far as to aid the gang in the bank robberies with which they funded their activities.

She was rescued by an FBI raid on an SLA safe-house, 18 September 1975 after being a hostage for 19 months. There was no public celebrations at her escape. Instead, in inimitable US-style, Patty was put on trial for crimes committed whilst a hostage. She was subsequently convicted of ‘armed robbery’ & ‘use of a firearm in a felony’ & was only freed after a Presidential pardon granted February 1st 1979.

THE TIMES: How to explain such this strange treatment of a victim? To gauge the sentiments of the times here’s an insert of the film’s dialogue from the pre-trial discussion. Her lawyer says to the prosecutor:
‘how’s she gonna get a fair trial? In the 1960’s every parent sent their nice normal kid of to college and bingo! It was like the kid got kidnapped by the counter-culture, turned into a commie and says ‘f--k you!’ to society and his parents, lives in a commune and has free sex with negroes and homosexuals”.   “So?”
“So they think Patty did the same thing“.   “Didn’t she?”

WHO WERE THE SLA? They were by a Negro petty felon, Donald De Freeze also known as Field Marshal Cinque. Cinque was sole black in the SLA’s all-white ‘combat unit’; remainder were five white females and two white men. The females included Jewish lesbians Zoya, Gelina & Gabi. Fahizah. The men were ‘Cujo’ (William Wolfe);  ‘Teko’ (Bill Harris) his wife ‘Yolanda’ (Emily Harris). The Harris’ later got eight years for kidnapping, robbery & auto theft. After release from prison Bill found work with a legal firm. Only Asian SLA member was Japanese-American Wendy Yoshimura who described SLA’s unusual structure, with a black leading an all-white group, as ‘wanting a black master to assuage your honky, white guilt’.

SLA members were sexually active with each other regularly performing homosexual and group sex acts & with their captive Hearst. Cinque, a self-styled ‘Prophet’, had his pick of both men & women. None were allowed to refuse as this would be seen as both ‘racist‘ & ‘un-comradely’. The SLA could be seen more as a personality cult than a guerrilla group. Compare David Koresh’s Branch Davidian cult in Waco, TX and the Jim Jones People’s Temple cult in San Francisco. In all three cases sexual & racial pluralism lead to eventual implosion & death.

US URBAN TERRORISTS: The short-lived SLA had none of the cohesion of its much larger Ultra-Leftist rival, the Weathermen which operating at around the same time. Both groups, like similar European cells, had their origins among Upper middle-class white youths radicalised by campus struggles against the Vietnam War, 1962-75.  US youth were radicalised by Nixon’s  crackdown on Uni protests culminating in 1970 with the Kent State massacre by National Guardsmen. A majority of middle class parents agreed with the State: it had a legitimate right to defend itself from internal foes whilst engaged in a external war.

University Leftists took the opposite view. They saw any attempt to halt their increasing violence support for the North Vietnamese & Viet Cong as ’oppression’. They declared ’war’ on Nixon and in fact their own parents. Whereas many Weatherman still have not been caught or convicted the higher profile SLA, with its unusual racial mix, was a direct challenge to white dominance and was smashed. Another unique feature of the SLA was the predominance of youth women, many of them Jews.

END OF THE SLA: Zoya, Fahizah, Gelina, Gabi, Cinque & Cujo all died in 1975 during a police assault on their ‘safe-house’, 84th Street, Los Angeles. When they refused police demands to surrender officers ’accidentally’ set fire to the house using tear gas much as later occurred in 1993 to the Branch Davidians Compound, in Waco, TX. Steve Weeds wrote his book My Search For Patty Hearst without ever having talked to her. Hearst’s trial lawyer F. Lee Bailey wrote an unpublished manuscript dealing with her case. Wendy Yoshimura was convicted on weapons charges & served a short prison term. None of the later SLA have ever been convicted of anything.

DVD REVIEW: The Valley of Elah (2008) (116 minutes)
Writer, producer, director Paul Haggis for Warner Independent Films. Stars Tommy Lee Jones, Susan Sarandon, Charlize Theron and Josh Brolin. Cast alone should have been a warning, but I’d read nothing but rave reviews of this film. However, JB is son of Barbra Streisand, one of the leading Hollywood Leftists as is SS. Now apparently also CT. CT earlier embraced Nelson Mandela, calling him ‘father’. Woman’s magazines carried stories of her ‘racist’ Afrikaaner father who allegedly tried to murder her and her mother before killing himself. But, on the basis of universal praise, I rented it.

TLJ plays to ‘type’. His usual stereotypical hard bitten cop, this time a retired US Military Policeman. His first son was killed in Iraq War I. His second has just survived a tour in Iraq War II when he is found butchered and burnt only four days after returning to the US. TLJ investigates after police, both civil & military, show no interest. They write it off as ‘drug-related violence’. TLJ finds instead it was his son’s own comrades who did him in. In the process he exposes a unit, and an Army, where pathological behaviour is the norm. This is the final conclusion of this long, slow and very dull film: the unjustified Iraq Wars waged by Bush I & II has mutated the once honourable  USA into a place where evil triumphs. As a result the amoral Army that fought these wars is now unable to distinguish right from wrong.

HOLLYWOOD AS HEROES? A good point - that an immoral society cannot expect to fight moral wars or have a moral army - but coming from the Hollywood Left it is unbelievable. Ever heard of Roe vs Wade, 1973? Who was it that degraded the human embryo to just ‘pregnancy tissue’? Then they act surprised that after 37 years of inhumane, illogical laws their society is imploding. Hello! These are the same ‘educated idiots’ who boast of ’woman’s right to choose’ - but only as long as the choice is MURDER. Every new evil is applauded by the Hollywood Left, from unmarried mothers, to teen pregnancies to ‘gay marriage‘.

s why so many, and not just Islamist militants, shout: ’GOD damn America’. Where did it all begin? Scripture says: “the fool says in his heart: ’there is no GOD’ ” (Psalm 14 v 1). The result? “They are corrupt, do abominable things & none do good“ (ibid). Iis why the godless Left cannot correctly analyse its own dilemma: they deny First Principles. Like the captain of Titanic in denial they may still argue ’what killed America?’ 100 years from now. What killed America? Rampant atheism & resultant moral ambiguity. Like soldiers without bullets Americans have been morally disarmed.  

      P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia Ph. 0448 187 582    Email:

STORM 77 Februa 2010

    No. 77                   Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action                Februa 2010
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only.

BLIGH MAKES HISTORY: On 21 March 2009 appointed Queensland ALP Premier ’Red Anna’ , also known as ’the Captain’ after her infamous forebear of HMS Bounty renown, made history as Australia’s first ‘elected’ female leader. Australia already has many female ’leaders’ but all are ALP appointees, e.g. almost every State Governor including the Governor-General is now female. Previously this largely ceremonial role was held by retired generals, admirals etc. - all males. Now most are ALP lawyers and members of the US-based cult Emily’s List a hyper-Left cell of elitists devoted to the destruction of the white race and the emasculation of white men in particular. For this reason the so-called War on Terror’ can only end badly for we white males. If Islam is defeated in this proxy war then all men lose as Islam is the last patriarchal religion on earth. More than a religion it is a way of life. As such it naturally resists EL’s main objective: a world-wide femo-cracy.

HURRAH  FOR RED ANNA? Shouldn’t we congratulate Red Anna? A year ago Red Anna was appointed Premier by out-going ALP lawyer ’Sneaky Pete’ who then fled to the US to escape his many political foes in Queensland. His long-term contacts in the US Democratic Party, made through NSW Right Senator Stephen Loosely, secured him a nice sinecure as ’law professor’ at a North Carolina university. Pete was soon short of cash so had Red Anna arrange a second sinecure for him - as ’Queensland Trade Commissioner for the Americas’. Is paid AUD$300,000 per annum to do nothing in coziest job in Australian political life, second only to Federal appointment as ’Ambassador to Ireland and the Holy See’.

FROM GAIR’S DLP TO queer GREENS: AI & HS posting became infamous after 1974 when Ultra-Left ALP Prime Minister Edward ‘Gough’ Whitlam used it to lure into retirement Senator Vincent ‘Vince’ Gair, his arch-rival, notorious drunk & leader of the small Rightist Democratic Labour Party. Having effectively decapitated the DLP, Whitlam’s ALP defeated the anti-Communist DLP’s remaining five Senators at the following 1975 election.  

The Catholic DLP had held the balance of power in the Federal Upper House for 23 years. After 1979 their place was taken by an Ultra-Left, pro-ALP Liberals Party splinter group, the Australian Democrats. In 2007 Federal Election the Australian Democrats, like the DLP, lost all eight of their Senators. Their place was taken by a more debased party, Australian Greens, with five Federal Senators that one insider called: “half Trotskyite, half queer”.    

THE SPLIT: With demise of Gair’s DLP in 1975 all life in Australia took a turn to the Left. Nothing has been the same since. Does one individual count for much? The Left-ruled media & academics say ‘no’. But history tells otherwise. Was only ever one Napoleon; one Mussolini; one Gair. Without him the floodgates were opened for the Left. Vince Gair was Qld ALP Premier in 1958 at the time of the notorious ‘Split’ when the ALP, under Federal Opposition Leader Dr ’Doc’ Evatt, began an internal ’purge’ to remove all Catholics (read Robert Murray’s The Split, Melbourne: Cheshire, 1970 for more details).

‘RED’ ARMY? During WWII the Soviet Union’s spy agencies had infiltrated the ALP & its member unions in the guise of the Communist Party of Australia. By 1945 CPA boasted: “we control 10,000 members of the Australian Armed Forces”. ALP Federal government, 1940-1949 under Prime Minister’s Curtin & ‘Ben’ Chifley, feared a coup. Was a major reason for the ALP keeping Australian troops in PNG after 1943 when all Japanese resistance had ceased. After 1945 major Australian Army units were not returned home but posted to Japan instead with ’British Commonwealth Occupation Forces’ (BCOF). By 1947 British Labour government could no longer afford  to fund the Occupation of Japan so abandoned it but Australia did not.

BCOF became mostly Australian. Is how  our troops reached South Korea so soon after North Korean tanks crossed the border in 1950, making them the second Allied force to arrive there after US Army’s ad hoc Task Force Baker. Reason was much of our army was based in Japan, just across the sea. Australian government feared its own Army. ALP knew it was not a ’popular revolution’ that seized power for Soviets in 1917 but a simple military coup by units of Tsar’s own Army, preceded by strikes in key sectors by Red trade unions (pp.vii-xii, D.J.Goodspeed The Conspirators: A Study of the Coup d’Etat London: MacMillan & Co 1962).

1948 COAL STRIKE: Australia had suffered its only ever nation-wide coal strike in 1948. In that era coal placed the same role as petroleum today - all Australia’s power generation came from coal. Whether electricity for homes, offices, factories or to drive freight and commuter locomotives; without coal the nation ground to a stand-still. Whoever controlled the coal mines controlled the nation. In 1948 it was the Communist Party of Australia. In response a terrified ALP Federal government ‘militarised’ all coal mines. Those elements of the Army still loyal to the ruling ALP Right faction were drafted in to dig & transport coal. All suspected Left units were posted overseas or forcibly ‘de-mobbed‘ (de-mobilised). A coup was narrowly averted but the Reds had given the ALP Right a real fright. How’d Australia come so close to a Red seizure of power?

DEADLY FOES BECOME WARTIME ALLIES: WWII began for Australia in September 1939. Conservative government, Menzies’ United Australia Party, immediately banned the Communist Party of Australia (CPA) on the basis that these were ‘tools of the USSR‘. USSR, allied to Germany, had invaded & dismembered Poland. But in June 1941 this situation ceased when Germany invaded Russia, making the USSR our ‘ally’.

With Menzies out of office the ruling ALP quickly ’un-banned’ the CPA. Wartime USSR-UK-USA alliance allowed once-banned Communist Parties all over the world to appear ‘patriotic’. Helped them infiltrate all areas of  political & economic life in Allied countries including Australia. By war’s end major question in Australia politics was not whether Reds would seize power but when. ALP was too deeply infiltrated to neutralise the Reds. An external outfit was needed.

CSSM - ALP SAVIOUR or PAPIST PLOT? They chose the Catholic Social Studies Movement or ‘the Movement’, a rabidly anti-Communist group of religious zealots. Was founded in 1936 by the Roman Catholic Church in response to an Encyclical by the Pope who in 1931 called for Catholics to reject both rival atheistic philosophies of Communism & Fascism in favour of a vague ‘Catholic Socialism‘.

Pope foresaw end of Fascism, which ruled Italy 1923-1945, would leave a vacuum & allow a Red seizure of power. Part of Pope’s plan was to establish ‘Catholic trade unions‘ & ‘Christian Democrat‘ political parties. After 1945 these in fact arose in both Germany & Italy post-1945. From 1945-48 the CSSM & Industrial Groups from within the ALP did a thorough job. The ALP’s chiefs now believed they faced a similar dilemma to that of 1945 but now from the Right. The CSSM ‘Rat-catchers’ had succeeded too well. How was the ALP leadership to control them?

CATHOLIC OR COMMUNIST? By 1954 the ALP realised they couldn’t. A real Leftist threat had been replaced by a perceived Papist Plot. Rightist ALP leadership were removed by new ALP Left leader Dr. ‘Doc’ Evatt, a brilliant but unstable barrister & founder-President of the UN General Assembly. While in NYC ‘Doc’ came under influence of Soviet agents. On his return to Australia he dedicated himself to freeing the ALP of conservative Catholic rule. Doc decided to ’play the sectarian card’ in Australian politics.

ANTI-CATHOLIC PURGE PUTS ALP IN LIMBO: ALP had always been a Catholic party as was 40% of the population. Was because Protestant 40% of the population, mainly Anglicans, barred Catholics from entry to higher education & many Public Service jobs. In the late 1890’s oppressed Catholic working class sought alternate access to power. Flocked to first trade unions in 1891. These then founded ALP in 1893. By 1948 most ALP members were Catholics. In 1948 Doc sought to sever this historic connection. From 1954-1958 the ALP were ’split’ as Doc pursued his religious rivals.

His ’mania’ shortened his life & led him to purge every Catholic from what had been primarily a Catholic organisation, plunging the ALP into a 23 year-long exile from political power. ALP only recovered in 1968 when Edward ‘Gough’ Whitlam’s Uni educated ‘new guard’ seized power in an internal coup from Old Guard led by Arthur ‘Artie‘ Caldwell, last ALP Federal leader to be a genuine worker.

23 YEARS OF ‘WHITE-ANTING’: During their 23 year exile from political power after the Evatt-engineered ‘Split’ the ALP were not inactive. The ‘new guard’ began a long, brutal purge of ‘uneducated’ foes from all arms of power within ALP & its unions. Over decades of struggle Left gained ascendancy in every union & institute of higher education consolidating an iron grip on all media & schools which remains today.

Whereas previously to work you needed an ALP-union approved ‘ticket’ e.g. fork lift operator or railway engine driver, now none may work without an ALP-approved educational ’ticket’ - a degree from an ALP-run university. Was the main motive for Queensland ALP Premier ‘Sneaky Pete’s 2006 dictat that all four year olds attend Prep School, adding a thirteenth year to their compulsory education. Was not to make them wiser but to lengthen their Leftist indoctrination. Education in Australia is a closed shop with few private operators. Is key to ALP perpetual rule.

ALP MONOPOLY ON POWER: By 2007 ALP had reached an unprecedented height. Every major city, every State & both Territories plus the Federal level were ALP fiefdoms. All other parties were excluded from power. Became embarrassing even for Ultra-Left. Irony of course is that, just as in former USSR, with absolute power came absolute responsibility for catastrophic failures. Usual Leftist fiascos are now routine nation-wide. Shortages exist in every area from electricity to clean drinking water, from hospital beds to doctors & medicine - just as in the USSR. Even old Soviet excuses are being dusted off & trotted out.

Along with this is an unprecedented control of media & regular smears of any potential regime opponents. How will ALP rule end? Not through a sudden, over-nite collapse as in USSR or by internal coup via some home-grown Gorbachev. Will require a mass defection from ALP of key operators and the bulk of voters. To achieve this the ALP must be publicly exposed as ineffective & inefficient. Requires re-gaining control of media & education. But how?

QUEENSLAND’S ELECTION-RIGGING COMMISSION: Absolute corruption of ALP’s atheistic rule was seen in 21.3.2009 ’election’. Polls showed ALP received not 51% of votes, as claimed, but only 41%. Even pro-ALP Murdoch media were stunned. So how did ALP retain office? Her ALP also runs Queensland Electoral  Commission, one of Australia’s  most corrupt organisations & a key institution for rule. Don’t forget it was QEC which put Pauline Hanson on trial. Gaoled her for something she had not done (stealing AUD$502,000). Beattie‘s ALP government rescued her, illegally, from three year gaol sentence after only 11 weeks due to public backlash.

Was QEC’s evil twin, the AEC, which abolished Hanson’s Federal seat of Oxley forcing her to stand for Blair which she then ’lost’ despite getting 45% of primary vote. Was QEC which on 21.3.2009 unseated Qld’s last remaining One Nation MP ( of 11 elected in 1998), Rosa Lee Long. Her seat was abolished. Forced her to run for nearby un-winnable seat. Same trick QEC used in 1952 against Australia’s only Communist MP, lawyer Fred Patterson.

HOW TO EXTIRPATE EVIL? Start with an Independent Electoral Commission to replace ALP’s QEC/AEC fraud. Truly ‘independent‘ - not stacked with ‘usual suspects’ who pollute every aspect of political, educational & economic life in Australia. Popular joke after 2007 Federal ALP ‘landslide’ by ‘Kevin 07’. “Why’s Mafia so little influence in Australia? Because the ALP was here first!” How ever absolutist ALP rule ends we must prepare alternate structures to take its place. This motivates ANA. 1. We must be ready to ’carpa diem - seize the day’ when inevitable collapse occurs. 2. Keep tabs on ‘rats’; they’ll try to hide, then reemerge under our New Order.

LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT: System enjoys the confusion & mental disconnect that occurs when Leftists reappear as fake Rightists as happened in the US in 2000. US President Bill Clinton’s mentors for eight years (1992-2000) were stooges of crooked Wall Street bankers. Clinton lost power to Geo Bush II in 2000 but his stooges remained in power simply re-labeling themselves ‘neo-Conservatives’. Real Conservatives were ignored, jailed or killed. For eight years the self-titled ‘neo-Cons’ ruled America. Public grew poorer & more confused as former Left-turned-Right looted them. In 2008 ‘Al’ Obama was elected on wave of a backlash against the neoCons. But guess who has re-appeared in his Cabinet of ‘change’? Same ugly, unelectable faces.

US POLITICAL SUICIDE: Some commentators marvel that Traditional Right US voters, I.e. white male Christians, voted for a Leftist semi-Muslim black. Why not? Anyone who promised to free them from this sad sick saga of lies and corruption was welcome. McCain only promised ‘more of the same’. Voters were never going to vote for Hillary Clinton. Her corrupt, sex-fiend husband was still hanging around like a bad smell. She herself was equally implicated in the Whitewater land scandal yet both escaped censure. Let’s hope US voters will not pay too dearly for their choice. In 1917 Russians rejected Kerensky’s ‘more of the same’ government in favour of radical Bolsheviks promising ‘change’. Fifty million died as a result.

“voter anger is at an all-time high [in Britain] not just with parties but with the party System” (BBC World Service c/- ABC News Radio 936AM Saturnsday 30 Mai 2009). System needs total flush-out in Australia, US & Britain. Financial collapse occurred because greedy banks used their paid hirelings, our so-called MPs, to legalise the looting of our bank accounts. What’s surprising is both sets of crooks assumed the dozey public would not be “angry”. Share same view of us as their Masters: we’re cattle to be milked then slaughtered. Let’s agree with our foes: NEVER FORGET - NEVER FORGIVE!

ISLAM, OUR SAVIOUR: Long after this ‘financial crisis’ is over we must recall the shameful conduct of our Masters & their stooges. Can the British or any other Parliament in the West be reformed? Not as long as the Masters rule us. Some conclude is only by Divine Intervention or Islamic Victory we will be freed from alien rule. Yes & No. GOD gave Man a brain to think & arms to use. We are His instruments on earth. Don’t look to the skies. You know what needs to be done - DO IT! As for Islam saving the West - forget it. Islam talks but does not do, a common problem with many politico-religious philosophies.

FALSE ISLAM: Forget the claims of Islam: a call for true ‘equality’; suppression of feminists; a built-in patriarchy. Instead, look at Islam’s reality: 75% of world’s refugees are from Islamic countries fleeing random violence of Muslim fanatics, its self-appointed ‘guardians’. Islam separates world into two Zones: Zone of Peace (where Islam reigns) & Zone of War (where Islam doesn’t rule). Irony of daily news (BBC World Service 5am 30 Mai 2009): “15 killed in mosque bombing in Southern Iran”; “19 killed in bombing Karachi, Pakistan. Follows 24 killed on 28 Mai 2009 in bombing Lahore, Pakistan”. ‘Zone of Peace’? Nowhere in Islam do we see freedom except for zealots to kill & rulers to be despotic.

CHRIST NOT MULLAHS: Let’s forget help from Islam. We might as well hope in little green men from Mars. The fact is that in the decrepit West we carry a truer seed, more like ourselves - the Christian Gospel. While the Church has failed in its task of presenting the true Message of peace, security & freedom the Message still remains. Churches require same ‘cleansing’ as West’s Parliaments & other institutions. It will take a new Hercules to cleanse these Augean Stables but once cleansed they can be rebuilt in our image and in that of The Saviour.

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STORM 99 Decembis 2011

No. 99                 Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action                 Decembis 2011
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only.

STORM gets information from ‘insiders’, SCUTTLEBUTT. We can’t confirm their stories:

@ 21.9.2011 NSW PRAWNS: A geriatric: “I met a guy from a pawning factory in Northern NSW. He told us its cheaper to ship Australian prawns to China to be peeled & tinned than to do it here. So they closed down the NSW factory. Are the Chinese taking over? Why should I care! It won‘t affect me. But It’ll be bad for the kids of today. Soon the Chinese will own everything” [selfish older Australian are happy to mortgage our children‘s future to fund their present. RE].

“My daughter goes to Murray McScollop Catholic High School (sic). Cath-Ed [Roman Catholic Education Office] are very p.c. [politically correct]. They sent us a survey recently. We were expected to say things like ‘we’re so sorry for being white & racist’. No way! There are only 500 girls at MMCHS but it’s a terrible place. MMCHS got a recent influx of Africans. This, added to the many Maoris, Samoans & Tongans - those three together are a powder-keg! - then there’s the Saudis with their full face veils, plus the other Muslims. The minority are whites & Asians - Koreans, Chinese & Japanese. They just try to stay out of the way of the warring racial groups. But the African girls - they’re terrifying“. We asked: “is your daughter being brainwashed into accepting the multicultural?” “No way! I re-educate her every night”.
“I lived & worked in Brisbane but retired to Hervey Bay 22 years ago. Then it had only 3,000 residents. Now it has 60,000. Nearly all the newbies are ‘blown-ins’ from the South (Sydney & Melbourne). I hate them! They’re arrogant, rude & short-tempered. I call them ‘2nd chancers’. They’re all here looking for a ‘2nd chance’ & are on the run from relationship breakdowns, drug addiction or bad debts. They want a fresh start but simply bring their problems with them”.  
EDUCATION FOR OUR OWN DEMISE:  Recent sentences for murder in Queensland have received only 18 months gaol. It is clear we are ruled by a government of demoniacs who value animals more than people. Their ‘value system’ is upside-down. Given 30 years of ALP control of public education it’s no wonder Green Party now get 11% of votes. They electorally underpin ALP governments in Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia & Federally. Is a direct result of ALP Education unions. Same result is seen in pro-queer & pro-refugee policies.

Public vote for parties which promise to destroy the country because the unions which control ‘education’ have brainwashed the masses into seeing the corrupt elites’ goals as their own. How can we expose this illogic which is nothing new. 2,000 years ago the Christian Scriptures exhorted:
“No longer think like children or be tossed to & fro with every wind of doctrine [or policy]. You are prey to wily men who use cunning craftiness, lying in wait to deceive innocents” (Ephesians 4. 14).

DECEITFUL TEACHERS: Amoral teachers ‘deceive’ those in their care, leading them astray with ‘cunning craftiness’. Demons in human form rule the ALP & its mis-education unions. They seek the ruin of us all. How will all this end? Only when: “the Wicked One is revealed…(8) Him whose coming is after the workings of Satan (9). He will deceive them that perish for they loved not the truth (10). For this reason GOD sent them a strong delusion that they should believe the lie (11) so they might be damned who seek not truth but take pleasure in evil” (12) )II Thessalonians 2 v 8-12).

Educated to believe lies, the ignorant masses choose liars to rule them & submit to illogical policies like ‘equality’ of all races & sexes. Eventually homosexuality appears ‘OK’. How can we tell the Saved from the Damned? The Saved reject lies & seek the truth regardless of cost. The Damned eagerly accept whatever lies they’re fed & cheerfully cling to these. We’re often asked: “why do so few agree with Right policies & so many embrace anti-racism & ‘gay rights’?” Easy: they’re damned.

A SIGN OF THE TIMES? Overheard: A teenage white boy confides to a teenage white girl: “I always got on with my Dad’s girlfriend but not with my Mum’s boyfriend”. Girl: “Gee! I always got on with my Mum’s boyfriend but never with my Dad’s girlfriend!” [Yuk! RE]

National Geographic magazine June 2009 (Vice Presidents Mark Bauman & Daniel Edleson; TV President Michael Rosenfeld).  (p.25):
“US WWII artifacts continue to emerge from the Hurtgen Forest scene of a bloody battle that saw some 31,000 US casualties. The Pentagon’s Joint POW-MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) estimates 84,711 soldiers, airmen, sailors & marines from WWII onwards remain missing in Europe, SE Asia & the South Pacific”.
[America’s global empire has cost much blood. Was it worth it to fight for Wall Street? RE].

National Geographic magazine June 2009 (p.78-97)‘Christian Exodus from Holy Land: Forgotten Faithful, Arab Christians’ by Don Belt & Ed Kashi.
“Huddled alongside Jewish converts in caves of Palestine & Syria, Arabs were the first persecuted for the new faith, the first to be called Christians. It was her In the Levant – a geographical area including Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel & Palestine – that hundreds of churches & monasteries were built after Constantine, emperor of Rome, legalised Christianity in 313 & declared his Levantine provinces holy land. Even after Arab Muslims conquered the region in 638 it remained predominantly Christian. It was during the Crusades (1095-1291) that Arab Christians slaughtered along with Muslims by the crusaders & caught in the crossfire between Islam & the Christian West began a long steady retreat into the minority. 
Today native Christian communities have dwindled in the past century from 25% to 8% of the population as the current generation leaves for economic reasons & to escape the region’s violence. Their departure deprives the Levant of its best educated citizens & the most politically moderates – people these societies can least afford to lose’. 
‘Mark a Palestinian Christian from Bethlehem, west Bank, says: ‘80% of the Christian guys I grew up with have left for another country to find work’. Mark, a trained sociologist has been unemployed for two years. He calls the West Bank a science experiment. ‘You’re surrounded by this giant wall & there are no jobs. If you keep rats in an enclosed space & make it smaller & smaller every day & introduce new obstacles & constantly change the rules, after a while the rats go crazy & start eating each other. It’s like that here’. When Mark tried to wash his car the water did not work. He was outside with the kids, Nate & Nadia, with his wife Lisa watching. 
Why no water? ‘They turned off our water’ he says gesturing to the new Israeli settlement on a nearby hill, ‘and turned the pipes on for them. No more water for us’. Lisa tries to explain this to her kids. She then says: ‘I hate the Israelis. I really hate them. We all hate them. Even young Nate’s starting to hate them’. ‘Isn’t that a sin?’ asks Don Belt(J). ‘Yes it is’ she replies’. 
[Our emphasis. Chosen want to restrain Christian minions. Read Chosen Scriptures. Hate evil as GOD does. Eg Psalm 139.21-22].
‘The 196,500 Palestinian & Israeli Arab Christians have dropped from 13% of the population in 1894 to only 2% today. They occupy a unique, oxygen-starved space between traumatised Israeli Jews & traumatised Palestinian Muslims whose rising militancy targets Arab Christians. Razek Siriani who works for the Middle East Council of Churches says: ‘we’re outnumbered & surrounded by angry voices’. He says Western Christians make matters worse. Many Arab Christians agree. 
‘It’s because of what Western Christians, led by the US, are doing in the East’ including the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, US support for Israel & the threat of ‘regime change’ by the Bush Administration. ‘To many Muslims this looks like the Crusades all over again. Because we’re Christian they see us as enemies, too’. Every Arab Christian family is debating whether to migrate. Mark lived with his brother in San Diego where he worked till 2004. Living as Arabs in the US after 9/11 was an eye-opener. He says: ‘Americans had never heard of Arab Christian. They assume all Arabs are Muslim - terrorists - & that Christianity was invented in Italy. A woman asked me: ‘what did your parents think about you becoming a Christian? I bet they were very upset!’ But I was born a Christian’. 
‘Lebanon’s Marionite Christians are followers of 4th century hermit monk, St Marion. When he died in 410 his followers battled rival sects over theological issues. After the arrival of Islam, they opposed Muslims, too. Fleeing persecution they pushed into the mountains from Syria to Lebanon where they sort out the most inhospitable valleys, fortified their caves & monasteries & set about defending themselves from the caliph’s armies. 11th century French crusaders marched through on their way to Jerusalem; Marionites poured out of the mountains to greet them. 
800 years later, at the end of WWI, France took charge of Syria & Lebanon. They repaid Marionites by creating the future nation of Lebanon to their advantage. The French-speaking Marionites nurtured a cultural affinity for Europe. Alone among Arab Christians, in 1943 they were a majority in a Middle Eastern country. Till recently they were amongst the most feared militia fighters in Lebanon’s civil wars – waging fierce campaigns against Shiite, Sunni, Druze & Palestinians between 1975 & 1990. But today after decades of migration, they too are a minority with only 40% of Lebanon’s population. They have formed alliances with the ascendant Shiite group, Hezbollah & a coalition of Sunnis & Druze. Christian militias have gone underground. 
Liliane Geagea, a Marionite shopkeeper in Bcharre, says: ‘everyone is saving their money to leave this crazy place. So are my family. I’m exhausted. When my daughter finishes Uni I’ll tell her: go to America, Europe, Australia - it doesn’t matter where. Just go & take me with you’. Many, like 40 year old Milad Assaf, a member of Lebanese Forces Christian militia, don’t have that option. ‘We have weapons but the Shiites have more. They have everything, all supplied by Iran. If it turns to a shooting war, we’ll lose’. 
“When the Muslim Caliph Omar first conquered Syria from the Christian Byzantine Empire in 636AD he protected Christian subjects, allowing them to keep their churches & worship as they pleased. Many Christians converted to Islam preferring its emphasis on a personal connection to GOD to the oppressive hierarchies of the then church. Early Islam accepted both the Old & New Testaments, esteemed Jewish prophets & venerated both Jesus & the Virgin Mary. Many Christians, including the theologian St John Damascene, accepted Islam, thinking it just another of the many Christians heresies then sweeping Byzantium. It never occurred to them Islam was a separate religion. Later caliphs imposed heavy taxes on Christians; Conversions to Islam soared”. 
“As a percentage of the Levant’s total population Christians face slow decline: in 1882 - 24.5%; in 1914 - 26.5%; in 1945 - 19.1%; in 2007 - 8.7%. By 2007 the Christian populations had shrunk to only 8.2 million in Egypt, 2,500 in Gaza Strip, 73,000 in West Bank, 121,000 in Israel, 1.5 million in Lebanon, 1 million in Syria & 258,000 in Jordan”.
(Graph/map p.87 by Jerome N.Cooksen & Marguerite B. Hunsiker; sources M.R.Izady & P.Fargues)

SBSTV Hitler’s Bodyguard 3pm Solday 21 Augustus 2011 (series) (50 minutes):
Negus/Martin Production.
 “There were 380 political assassinations in Germany’s Weimar Republic in 1919 alone. Fights in beer halls & on street corners were the norm. Preferred weapons were knives, clubs & knuckle-dusters – even guns & grenades on occasion. In 1919 gun ownership for private citizens was banned in Germany. Violence became so widespread that all private armies were outlawed. AH’s first bodyguard unit, the National Order Troop, were code-named the National Gymnastics Group to get around the ban on private armies. The NOT/NGG was renamed the Hall Security as most NSDAP meetings took place in beer halls. 
One historic assault came in 1921 where 500 Communists attacked AH’s 50 HS using clubs & knives. Shots were fired at AH; AH returned fire! Both Emile Maurice, first HS leader, & Deputy NSDAP leader Rudolf Hess were wounded. AH later wrote: ‘my men fought like wolves! Within five minutes everyone one of us was covered in blood’. In 1922 AH received a three month sentence for assault (sic), then one month & probation for an assault by the HS on a rival nationalist speaker. 
After 1921 the HS were renamed the Storm Troop in honour of the WWI close combat squads of the German Army. In 1922 Storm-Truppe AH adopted the Death’s Head in honour of elite WWI cavalry unit, the Prussian Hussars. AH had rivals within NSDAP. In 1930 & 1932 Walter Stennis seized the Brown House, NSDAP HQ in Munich. In 1931 Ernst Roehm was recalled from Bolivia to ‘restore order’ at HQ. Ernst Roehm was a classics scholar from a family of Prussian Junkers (landed aristocracy). While in Weimar’s Army he supplied weapons to NSDAP’s SA units. 
Kurt Walecke(?) was chief arms procurer for the SA, as he later confessed in his book: I Knew Hitler (published in London by Jarrolds & sold through the National Book Association). The 1923 ‘beer hall putsch’ involved 2,000 NSDAP members. Of these 14 were killed along with four police. After it the NSDAP, SA & ST were all formally banned & Adolf Hitler gaoled for five years. SA members were then routinely sacked from their jobs if publicly exposed”.
ABCTV Australian Story: ‘House of Gold’ 8pm Moonday 23 Mai 2011: Executive Producer Deborah Fleming-Bauer(J).
“Emile Sherman(J) won Best Producer at the 83th Academy Awards in 2011 for The Kings Speech. His parents Brian & Jean fled South Africa in 1975. Jean: ‘we found the country morally offensive due to apartheid’ (sic). Emile’s grandfather had migrated to South Africa from Lithuania in 1910 ‘due to persecution’ (sic). Brian Sherman & his friend Lawrence Friedman(J) travelled to New York City in 1985 hoping to raise US$60 million for their brokerage firm, Equitylink. Instead they raised US$ $250 million. After much financial success Brian retired in 2005, selling his share of Equitylink for $152 million. He now devotes his millions to animal welfare. He made his daughter CEO of his charity, Voiceless".
Brian Sherman:
“Ondine became a vegan at age 8, so I followed. We founded Voiceless in 2004 to give a voice to pigs & chickens. We employed Australia’s first animal rights lawyer. Now we have ten. Why start Voiceless? We put creatures into cages & play GOD with them: we’re not to do that!" [A Chosen refuting GOD’s grant to Adam of: “dominion over the whole earth” (Genesis 1.26) is a "fool, not to be listened to" (Proverbs 15.21). By seeing Aussie films you persecute Aussie farmers. RE]. 
"Writer Edmund Capon is a friend of Brian’s. Kings Speech starred Geoffrey Rush (J). Received four 12 Academy Award nominations & won four Oscars including Best Picture. Emile received the statue personally from Steven Spielberg(J). Emile’s previous films included Wogboys; Wogboys II: Kings of Mikanos; Disgrace; Rabbit Proof Fence & Candy”. 
[Rabbit Proof Fence is a notorious, tax-payer funded ‘anti-racist’ film. Depicts alleged 1930’s white ‘abuse’ Abos. Is hawked around Europe by Abo activists to smear Australia’s reputation. Chosen seek to undermine white rule of Australia just as they did in South Africa. RE]

P O Box 635 Strathpine PS 4500 Australia      Ph. 0448 187582     Email:

STORM 78 Mars 2010

        No. 78                Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action                Mars 2010
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only.

BOOK REVIEW: A Cure for Money Madness by Spencer Sherman(J).
Interviewed from Ukiah, US by Michael Toms(J) for his show New Directions on ABC Radio National 792AM 2am Moonday 8 Juno 2009 (60 minutes):
MT: “You’ve been an investment adviser for 15 years. What have you learned about investors in that time?" SS:
“I got an MBA from Harvard but then studied psychology. Business schools don’t teach psychology but they should. What I’ve learned over time is that most people are governed by fear. Some see it as greed but it is really fear. Why did Bear-Stearns make unwise investments? They feared what their peers might say if they did not. I had a client who refused to diversify when the market peaked. He stayed with this one stock till it hit zero. Afterwards I asked him if he’d asked his wife’s advice. ’No’ he said ’she would have told me to sell’. He feared his wife’s disapproval so he ignored what he knew he should do. Watching the markets taught me more decisions there are made from emotion than from reason. 
This means the unskilled investor has just as good a chance as the one with an MBA. Why? Records show most investments are made when markets are high & most sales come when markets are low. That is the opposite of logic. To maximise your investments you rationally should sell high & buy low. That is not what happens as most stock market investors, whether professional or amateur, follow their emotions. My research showed this applied equally to prices paid for real estate".   
WAR ON 'EDUCATION': Long-time readers of STORM will know this editor’s low opinion of the Australian ‘education’ system. Was matched recently by a father who told us: “I’d rather smash my kid head in with a rock than send 'im to a University". The man, a fundamentalist Christian but no lover of the Mittel Ost Colony, said he had seen ‘too many’ young Christians sent off to university only to return home a year later as raving atheists. “Most never recover their faith. They take up the lifestyle of the devil - drinking, smoking, drugs, casual sex".  Another father told us how his child found the Uni method of ’education’ to be biased and open to intimidation.
“Say your kid is studying journalism. In first year The kid gets articles to rewrite. These must be rewritten as the tutor wants. These tutors are always some ALP-appointed low life drunk, a former reporter who can‘t work anymore. His or her job is to twist the future reporters into his or her own perverted image. Any who refuse to be so twisted are simply ’failed’. System is totally biased. Only pro-Left students are allowed to pass. From what I have seen the same method applies in all Australian Teacher Training institutions. Even the so-called ’christian’ or Catholic training outfits all use lecturers from the State system so are equally polluted".
CHRISTIAN OR SECULAR? Were contacted by a lecturer from a conservative theological college which trains future pastors. Said he could never become college President. Lacked a Doctor of Theology (D Th.) but could not go beyond his current Masters of Theology. Why? He’d have to study at the nearby secular State University. All theology lecturers there were atheists. “To pass my exams I’d be required to DENY all my basic beliefs. I refuse to stoop so low simply for another piece of paper”. The question is not ‘why does he not submit?' but, under such circumstances, why'd his denomination require their college President to have a D. Th.?

WORLD SWALLOWS CHURCH: Because they’ve accepted the world’s values. This lecturer also told us of a church in his denomination who appointed as Chair of their Dakotan (head of board of management) a lecturer at the same secular State University. Man had a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) but was an avowed atheist. “Then why appoint him as a church leader?“ we asked. “Maybe the church seeks credibility so accepts the world‘s low standards“, he suggested. In fact the newly installed atheist soon started up a Social Justice Task Force.

SJTF: The SJTF routinely embarrassed the 10,000 member denomination by making wild, statements to the media on ‘hot’ social and political topics. Fortunately this church was governed by a week-long, democratically-elected, Annual Assembly. Delegates came from each member-church. After a year of ceaseless provocations the AA ordered the SJTF to be disbanded. Turned out the very loud SJTF had only ten members! Not all churches are so blessed with such a democratic set-up.

TOP-DOWN HIERARCHY: Just look at the Anglican Church. The various issues its 'leaders’ espouse are not approved by the mass of its members, who out of misplaced loyalty retain links with an organisation they now barely recognises. Media regularly warn of a ’split’ in this church but the truth is the conservative members know if they depart they’ll lose property, finances, everything. Has already happened in the two years to separating US churches after US queer Gene Robinson was appointed Bishop in 2007.

UNITING CHURCH: Also happened in 1970’s Australia when the conservative Methodist, Congregational and Presbyterian Churches amalgamated to form the Leftist Uniting Church. Individual churches who resisted or attempted to retreat were simply robbed of their property. So a local congregation that had built a church building, paid for it & run it themselves for a hundred years would find themselves ‘out in the street’ with an anonymous Head Office pulling the plug on them. Forced many to stay in ’their’ churches even though they loathed the new-style Leftist preaching, theology or methods.        

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Friday, 16 May 2014

STORM 75 Decembis 2009

        No. 75           Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action            Decembis 2009
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only. Some names changed to protect the indolent.

'RED ANNA' MAKES HISTORY: On 21 March 2009 appointed Qld ALP Premier ’Red Anna’, also known as ’the Captain’ after her infamous forebear of HMS Bounty renown, made history as Australia’s first ‘elected’ female leader. Australia already has many female ’leaders’ but all are ALP appointees, e.g. almost every Sate Governor including the Governor-General is now female. Previously this largely ceremonial role was held by retired generals, admirals etc - all males.

EMILY's LIST: Now most are ALP lawyers and members of the US-based cult 'Emily’s List' a hyper-Left cell of elitists devoted to the destruction of the white race and the emasculation of white men in particular. For this reason the so-called War on Terror’ can only end badly for we white males. If Islam is defeated in this proxy war then all men lose as Islam is the last patriarchal religion on earth. More than a religion, it's a way of life, one that resists EL’s end game: a world-wide femo-cracy.

HURRAH  FOR RED ANNA? Shouldn’t we congratulate Red Anna? A year ago Red Anna was appointed Premier by out-going ALP lawyer ’Sneaky Pete’, who then fled to the US to escape his many political foes in Qld. His long-term contacts in the US Democratic Party, made through NSW Right Senator Stephen Loosely, secured him a nice sinecure as ’law professor’ at a North Carolina university. Pete was soon short of cash so got Red Anna to spin him a second sinecure - as 'Queensland Trade Commissioner for the Americas’. Is paid AUD$300,000 per annum to do nothing. Is cosiest cot in Australian political life, second only to Federal posting as ’Ambassador to Ireland and the Holy See’.

GAIR’S DLP: That post was made infamous in 1974 when then Ultra-Left ALP Prime Minister Edward ‘Gough’ used it as a lure into ‘retirement’ for notorious drunk & leader of the rival Democratic Labour Party, Senator Vincent ‘Vince’. Having effectively decapitated the DLP Whitlam’s the ALP, at the 1975 election, proceeded to demolish the remaining five anti-Communist DLP Senators   This Catholic clique had held the ’balance of power’ in our Upper House for 23 years.

BENT GREENS: After 1979 their place was taken by an Ultra-Left pro-ALP outfit and splinter from the Liberals the Australian Democrats. Was not till 2007 election that all eight of the Australian Democrats Senators were defeated, destroying this nest of vile traitors. However their place was taken by in the rush to obliterate Australia’s white males by an even more debased outfit, the Australian Greens, a party as one insider put it: “half Trotskyite, half queer” who now hold five Senate seats.    

INDIVIDUAL WORTH: It was in 1975, with the demise of 'Vince’s DLP that all life in Australia took a turn to the Left. Nothing has been the same since. Does one individual count for much? Our Left media & academia tell us ‘no’. But history tells us otherwise. Was only one Napoleon, one Mussolini, one Gair. Without him the DLP collapsed. Floodgates opened for Left.

THE SPLIT: 'Vince' had been Qld ALP Premier in 1958 at the time of the notorious ‘Split’ when the ALP, under Federal Opposition Leader Dr ’Doc’ Evatt, began an internal ’purge’ to remove all Catholics. We recommend any interested read The Split by Robert Murray (Melbourne: Cheshire, 1970). During WWII the Soviet Union’s spy agencies infiltrated the ALP and its member trade unions. These boasted that “we control 10,000 members of the Australian Armed Forces”. The ALP Federal government, 1940-1949, under Prime Minister’s Curtin & ‘Ben’ Chifley, feared a coup. Was a major reason for the ALP keeping Australian troops in PNG after 1943, when all Japanese resistance had ceased.

‘RED’ ARMY? After 1945 major Australian Army units were not returned home but posted to Japan instead on Occupation duty with 'British Commonwealth Forces in Japan' (BCOF). By 1947 British Labour government had abandoned Occupation. Australia did not. BCOF became largely Australian. Is why our troops were second armed force to arrive in South Korea after North Korean invasion of 1950, right on the heels of the US Army’s ad hoc Task Force Baker. The bulk of our army was in Japan, just across the sea. Australian government feared its own Army. Knew it was not a ’popular revolution’ in 1917 that seized power for the Soviets but a simple military coup by units of Tsar’s own Army but preceded by strikes in key sectors by Soviet-run trade unions.

1948 COAL STRIKE: In 1948 Australia suffered its first and only nation-wide coal strike. In that era all of Australia’s power generation came from coal - whether electricity for homes, offices, factories or to drive freight and commuter locomotives. Without coal the nation ground to a stand-still. We could not operate without control of the mines and the Reds now had this. Terrified, Chifley’s ALP Federal government ‘militarised’ all coal mines. Elements of the Army, those still loyal to the ruling Right faction of the ALP, were drafted in to mine coal. Suspect, Left units were posted to PNG, Japan or forcibly de-mobilised. A coup was narrowly averted but Reds had given the ALP Right a real fright.

WARTIME ALLIES: In September 1939 the Conservative Menzies government banned the Communist Party of Australia (CPA) and its dozen rival Red fractions on the basis that these were “tools of the USSR” which, allied with Germany, had invaded & annexed Poland. In June 1941 Germany invaded its ally, the USSR. This made the USSR our ‘ally’. By then Menzies was out of office and the ruling Leftist ALP quickly ’un-banned’ the CPA.

CPA - REDS IN THE BED: The wartime alliance of USSR-UK-USA allowed the once-banned Communist Parties to infiltrate all areas of  political and economic life in those countries, but especially so in Australia. By war’s end in 1945 the major question in Australia politics was: ‘How are the Reds to be exposed & rendered safe?’ ALP was too deeply infiltrated to undertake the task. An external outfit was called for. A group rabidly anti-Communist and motivated by religious zeal: the Catholic Social Studies Movement, founded in 1936 by the Roman Catholic Church.

‘CSSM TO THE RESCUE‘ OR PAPIST PLOT? CSSM began life after the Pope issued a 1931  Encyclical calling for Catholics to reject both rivals atheistic philosophies of Communism & Fascism in favour of a vague ‘Catholic Socialism‘. He foresaw ‘Catholic trade unions‘ and post-war political parties such as the ‘Christian Democrats‘ in Germany & Italy. But in 1948 the ALP chiefs faced a new dilemma: having called in the CSSM ‘Rat-catchers’ how were they to control them? By 1954 they realised they couldn’t. A real Leftist threat had been replaced by a perceived Papist Plot. As a result the original Rightist ALP leadership were replaced by Leftist ‘Doc’ Evatt, Founding President of the UN General Assembly. Was in NYC that Doc came under influence of Soviet agents.

ANTI-CATHOLIC PURGE PUTS ALP IN LIMBO: On his return to Australia he was horrified to find ’his ALP’ under rule of Ultra-Right Catholics. Doc proceeded to ’play the sectarian card’ in Australian politics.ALP had always been a Catholic party, representing 40% of the population. Was simply because ruling Protestant elite, the 40% Anglicans, barred Catholics from entry to university, higher education & most Public Service jobs. As late as 1967 major retail outlets like Woolworths still had an unofficial ‘ban’ on hiring Catholics. Lower classes sought alternate access to power so joined trade unions in 1891 which then founded ALP in 1893. Most were Catholics. Doc sought to sever this historic connection.

SPLIT ISOLATES ALP FROM POWER: From 1954-1958 the ALP were ’split’ as Doc pursued his religious rivals. His ’mania’, as his rivals then and later believe, shortened his life. Many thought him mad. His obsession led him to purge every Catholic from what had been primarily a Catholic organisation. Doc Evatt plunged the ALP into a 23 year-long exile from Australian political power. ALP only began to recover in 1968-72 when Whitlam’s ’new guard’ - a Uni educated elite - seized power in an internal coup in 1968 from Old Guard led by Arthur ‘Artie‘ Caldwell. Caldwell was last ALP Federal leader to be a genuine worker, not a Uni-educated lawyer or academic.

23 YEARS OF ‘WHITE-ANTING’: During their 23 year exile from political power the ALP were not inactive. Their ‘new guard’ began a long & brutal purge of their ‘uneducated’ foes from all arms of power within the ALP & unions. After decades of struggle Left gained ascendancy in every union & institute of higher education. Then consolidated an iron grip on all media & schools which continues till today. Whereas previously to work you needed an ALP-union approved ‘ticket’ e.g. fork lift operator or railway engine driver, now none may work without an ALP-approved educational ’ticket’ - a degree from an ALP-run university.

ALP MONOPOLY ON POWER: Was the main motive for Queensland ALP Premier ‘Sneaky Pete’s 2006 dictat that all four year-olds attend Prep School, adding a thirteenth year to their compulsory education. Was not to make them wiser but to lengthen their Leftist indoctrination. Education in Australia is a closed shop with few private operators. Is how ALP maintain their perpetual rule.By 2007 ALP had reached an unprecedented height. Every major city, every State & both Territories plus the Federal level were ALP fiefdoms. All other parties were excluded from power. Became embarrassing even for hard-Left. Irony is that, just as in former USSR, with absolute power came absolute responsibility - and catastrophic failures. Leftist fiascos are now routine nation-wide.

SOCIALIST SHORTAGES: Shortages now exist in every area from electricity to clean drinking water, from hospital beds to doctors & medicine - just as in the USSR. Even old Soviet excuses are being dusted off & trotted out. Along with this is an unprecedented control of media & regular smears of any potential regime opponents. How will ALP rule end? Not through a sudden, over-nite collapse as in USSR or by internal coup via some home-grown Gorbachev. Will require a mass defection from ALP of key operators and the bulk of voters. To achieve this the ALP must be publicly exposed as ineffective & inefficient. Requires re-gaining control of media & education. How? Hmmm.

MEDIA GLOSS WANING? Absolute corruption of ALP’s atheistic rule was seen in 'Red Anna’s 21.3.2009 ’election’. All polls showed she received not 51% of votes, as she claimed, but only 41%. Even pro-ALP Murdoch media were stunned. So how did Anna retain office? Her ALP also rule the Queensland Electoral  Commission, one of Australia’s  most oblique organisations & a key institution for perpetual rule. Let‘s never forget it was QEC which put Pauline Hanson on trial & in gaol for something she had not done (stealing AUD$502,000). Was 'Sneaky Pete's ALP government that rescued her, illegally, from a three year gaol sentence after only 11 weeks.

QUEENSLAND’S ELECTION-RIGGING COMMISSION:  Was QEC’s evil twin, the AEC,  which abolished Hanson’s Federal seat of Oxley forcing her to stand for Blair which she then ’lost’ despite 45% of the primary vote. Was QEC which on 21. 3. 2009 unseated Qld’s last remaining One Nation MP ( of 11 elected in 1998) Rosa Lee Long. Long’s seat was abolished forcing her to run for a nearby but un-winnable seat. Is same trick  QEC used in 1952 to remove Australia’s only ever Communist Party MP, the lawyer Fred Patterson. Where to begin in extirpating corruption?

INDEPENDENT ELECTIONS COMMISSION: Begin by establishing a Independent Electoral Commission to replace ALP/QEC fraud. Truly ‘independent‘ - not one stacked with ‘usual suspects’ who pollute every aspect of political, educational & economic life in Australia. May need to recruit from Mars. Is why popular joke after 2007 Federal ALP ‘victory’ by ‘Kevin 07’ was “why don’t the Mafia have much influence in Australia? Because the ALP got here first!”

NEED FOR A RADICAL RIGHT: How ever the end of absolutist ALP rule comes we must be ready for it. Is key motivation for keeping groups like ANA active & alert. We must be ready to ’carpa diem - seize the day’ when the inevitable collapse occurs. Keep tabs on ‘rats’ who will try to hide then reemerge under our New Order. Why else do our Leftist rivals in the Leftist New World Order, in the US & elsewhere, continue hunting ‘Nazis’ and to arrest ‘Neo-Nazis’? So lumpen (politically uneducated) masses have no one to lead them in reprisals against life-long Leftist tormentors.

LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT: System enjoys the confusion & mental disconnect that happens when Leftists reappear as fake Rightists as happened in the US in 2000. US President Bill Clinton’s mentors for eight years (1992-2000) were stooges of crooked Wall Street bankers. Clinton lost power to Geo Bush II in 2000 but his stooges remained in power simply re-labeling themselves ‘neo-Conservatives’. Real Conservatives were ignored, jailed & killed. For eight years the self-titled ‘neo-Cons’ ruled America. Public grew poorer & more confused as former Left-turned-Right looted them. In 2008 ‘Al’ Obama was elected on wave of a backlash against the neoCons. But guess who has re-appeared in his Cabinet of ‘change’? Same ugly unelectable old faces.

US POLITICAL SUICIDE: Some commentators marvel that Traditional Right US voters, I.e. white male Christians, voted for a Leftist semi-Muslim black. Why not? Anyone who promised to free them from this sad sick saga of lies and corruption was welcome. McCain only promised ‘more of the same’. Voters were never going to vote for Hillary Clinton. Her corrupt sex-fiend husband was still ‘hanging around like a bad smell’ & she was equally implicated in the crooked Whitewater land deal. Both had escaped censure. Let’s hope US voters will not pay too dearly for their choice. In 1917 Russians rejected Kerensky’s ‘more of the same’ government in favour of radical Bolsheviks promising ‘change’. Fifty million died as a direct result.

SALVATION OF THE WEST: System needs total flush-out in Australia, the US & Britain where “voter anger is at an all-time high not just with parties but the party System” (BBC World Service c/- ABC News Radio 936AM Saturnsday 30 Mai 2009). Financial collapse occurred because greedy banks used their paid hirelings, our so-called MPs, to legalise the looting of our bank accounts. What’s surprising is both sets of crooks assumed the dozey public would not be “angry”. Share same view of us as their Masters: we’re sheep to be milked & slaughtered at their whim. Let’s agree with our chief foes: NEVER FORGET - NEVER FORGIVE! Long after this ‘financial crisis’ is over we must recall the shameful conduct of our Masters & their stooges. Can the British or any other Parliament in the West be reformed? Not as long as the Masters rule us.

ISLAM OUR SAVIOUR? Some conclude is only by Divine Intervention or Islamic Victory we will be freed from alien rule. No. GOD gave Man a brain to think & arms to use. We are His instruments on earth. Don’t look to the skies. You know what needs to be done - DO IT! As for Islam saving the West - forget it. Islam talks but does not do, a common problem with many politico-religious philosophies. Forget basic appeal of Islam, a claim to true ‘equality’, suppression of feminists & its in-built patriarchy. Look at Islam’s reality: 75% of world’s refugees are from Islamic countries. Flee random violence of fanatics, Islam’s self-appointed ‘guardians’. Islam separates world into two Zones, the Zone of Peace (where Islam reigns) & Zone of War (where Islam doesn’t rule).

CHRIST NOT MULLAHS: Irony of daily news (BBC World Service 5am 30 Mai 2009):
“15 killed in mosque bombing in Southern Iran”; “19 killed in bombing Karachi, Pakistan. Follows 24 killed on 28 Mai 2009 in bombing Lahore, Pakistan”.‘Zone of Peace’? Nowhere in Islam do we see any freedom except for zealots to kill & rulers to be despotic. Let’s forget help from Islam. We might as well hope in little green men from Mars.

The fact is that in the decrepit West we carry a truer seed, more like ourselves - the Christian Gospel. While the Church have failed in their task of presenting the true Message of peace, security & freedom the Message still remains. The Churches require the same ‘cleansing’ as the West’s Parliaments & other institutions. It will take a new Hercules to cleanse these Augean Stables but once cleansed they can be rebuilt in our image and in that of The Saviour.

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