No. 77 Public Information Bulletin of Australian National Action Februa 2010
ANA accept no responsibility for information provided/inferred. STORM is an information source only.
BLIGH MAKES HISTORY: On 21 March 2009 appointed Queensland ALP Premier ’Red Anna’ , also known as ’the Captain’ after her infamous forebear of
HMS Bounty renown, made history as Australia’s first ‘elected’ female leader. Australia already has many female ’leaders’ but all are ALP appointees, e.g. almost every State Governor including the Governor-General is now female. Previously this largely ceremonial role was held by retired generals, admirals etc. - all males. Now most are ALP lawyers and members of the US-based cult
Emily’s List a hyper-Left cell of elitists devoted to the destruction of the white race and the emasculation of white men in particular. For this reason the so-called War on Terror’ can only end badly for we white males. If Islam is defeated in this proxy war then all men lose as Islam is the last patriarchal religion on earth. More than a religion it is a way of life. As such it naturally resists
EL’s main objective: a world-wide femo-cracy.
HURRAH FOR RED ANNA? Shouldn’t we congratulate Red Anna? A year ago Red Anna was appointed Premier by out-going ALP lawyer ’Sneaky Pete’ who then fled to the US to escape his many political foes in Queensland. His long-term contacts in the US Democratic Party, made through NSW Right Senator Stephen Loosely, secured him a nice sinecure as ’law professor’ at a North Carolina university. Pete was soon short of cash so had Red Anna arrange a second sinecure for him - as ’Queensland Trade Commissioner for the Americas’. Is paid AUD$300,000 per annum to do nothing in coziest job in Australian political life, second only to Federal appointment as ’Ambassador to Ireland and the Holy See’.
FROM GAIR’S DLP TO queer GREENS: AI & HS posting became infamous after 1974 when Ultra-Left ALP Prime Minister Edward ‘Gough’ Whitlam used it to lure into retirement Senator Vincent ‘Vince’ Gair, his arch-rival, notorious drunk & leader of the small Rightist Democratic Labour Party. Having effectively decapitated the DLP, Whitlam’s ALP defeated the anti-Communist DLP’s remaining five Senators at the following 1975 election.
The Catholic DLP had held the balance of power in the Federal Upper House for 23 years. After 1979 their place was taken by an Ultra-Left, pro-ALP Liberals Party splinter group, the Australian Democrats. In 2007 Federal Election the Australian Democrats, like the DLP, lost all eight of their Senators. Their place was taken by a more debased party, Australian Greens, with five Federal Senators that one insider called: “half Trotskyite, half queer”.
THE SPLIT: With demise of Gair’s DLP in 1975 all life in Australia took a turn to the Left. Nothing has been the same since. Does one individual count for much? The Left-ruled media & academics say ‘no’. But history tells otherwise. Was only ever one Napoleon; one Mussolini; one Gair. Without him the floodgates were opened for the Left. Vince Gair was Qld ALP Premier in 1958 at the time of the notorious ‘Split’ when the ALP, under Federal Opposition Leader Dr ’Doc’ Evatt, began an internal ’purge’ to remove all Catholics (read Robert Murray’s
The Split, Melbourne: Cheshire, 1970 for more details).
‘RED’ ARMY? During WWII the Soviet Union’s spy agencies had infiltrated the ALP & its member unions in the guise of the
Communist Party of Australia. By 1945
CPA boasted: “we control 10,000 members of the Australian Armed Forces”. ALP Federal government, 1940-1949 under Prime Minister’s Curtin & ‘Ben’ Chifley, feared a coup. Was a major reason for the ALP keeping Australian troops in PNG after 1943 when all Japanese resistance had ceased. After 1945 major Australian Army units were not returned home but posted to Japan instead with ’
British Commonwealth Occupation Forces’ (BCOF). By 1947 British Labour government could no longer afford to fund the Occupation of Japan so abandoned it but Australia did not.
BCOF became mostly Australian. Is how our troops reached South Korea so soon after North Korean tanks crossed the border in 1950, making them the second Allied force to arrive there after US Army’s ad hoc Task Force Baker. Reason was much of our army was based in Japan, just across the sea. Australian government feared its own Army. ALP knew it was not a ’popular revolution’ that seized power for Soviets in 1917 but a simple military coup by units of Tsar’s own Army, preceded by strikes in key sectors by Red trade unions (pp.vii-xii, D.J.Goodspeed
The Conspirators: A Study of the Coup d’Etat London: MacMillan & Co 1962).
1948 COAL STRIKE: Australia had suffered its only ever nation-wide coal strike in 1948. In that era coal placed the same role as petroleum today - all Australia’s power generation came from coal. Whether electricity for homes, offices, factories or to drive freight and commuter locomotives; without coal the nation ground to a stand-still. Whoever controlled the coal mines controlled the nation. In 1948 it was the
Communist Party of Australia. In response a terrified ALP Federal government ‘militarised’ all coal mines. Those elements of the Army still loyal to the ruling ALP Right faction were drafted in to dig & transport coal. All suspected Left units were posted overseas or forcibly ‘de-mobbed‘ (de-mobilised). A coup was narrowly averted but the Reds had given the ALP Right a real fright. How’d Australia come so close to a Red seizure of power?
DEADLY FOES BECOME WARTIME ALLIES: WWII began for Australia in September 1939. Conservative government, Menzies’ United Australia Party, immediately banned the
Communist Party of Australia (CPA) on the basis that these were ‘tools of the USSR‘. USSR, allied to Germany, had invaded & dismembered Poland. But in June 1941 this situation ceased when Germany invaded Russia, making the USSR our ‘ally’.
With Menzies out of office the ruling ALP quickly ’un-banned’ the
CPA. Wartime USSR-UK-USA alliance allowed once-banned Communist Parties all over the world to appear ‘patriotic’. Helped them infiltrate all areas of political & economic life in Allied countries including Australia. By war’s end major question in Australia politics was not whether Reds would seize power but when. ALP was too deeply infiltrated to neutralise the Reds. An external outfit was needed.
CSSM - ALP SAVIOUR or PAPIST PLOT? They chose the Catholic Social Studies Movement or ‘the Movement’, a rabidly anti-Communist group of religious zealots. Was founded in 1936 by the Roman Catholic Church in response to an
Encyclical by the Pope who in 1931 called for Catholics to reject both rival atheistic philosophies of Communism & Fascism in favour of a vague ‘Catholic Socialism‘.
Pope foresaw end of Fascism, which ruled Italy 1923-1945, would leave a vacuum & allow a Red seizure of power. Part of Pope’s plan was to establish ‘Catholic trade unions‘ & ‘Christian Democrat‘ political parties. After 1945 these in fact arose in both Germany & Italy post-1945. From 1945-48 the
Industrial Groups from within the ALP did a thorough job. The ALP’s chiefs now believed they faced a similar dilemma to that of 1945 but now from the Right. The
CSSM ‘Rat-catchers’ had succeeded too well. How was the ALP leadership to control them?
CATHOLIC OR COMMUNIST? By 1954 the ALP realised they couldn’t. A real Leftist threat had been replaced by a perceived Papist Plot. Rightist ALP leadership were removed by new ALP Left leader Dr. ‘Doc’ Evatt, a brilliant but unstable barrister & founder-President of the UN General Assembly. While in NYC ‘Doc’ came under influence of Soviet agents. On his return to Australia he dedicated himself to freeing the ALP of conservative Catholic rule. Doc decided to ’play the sectarian card’ in Australian politics.
ANTI-CATHOLIC PURGE PUTS ALP IN LIMBO: ALP had always been a Catholic party as was 40% of the population. Was because Protestant 40% of the population, mainly Anglicans, barred Catholics from entry to higher education & many Public Service jobs. In the late 1890’s oppressed Catholic working class sought alternate access to power. Flocked to first trade unions in 1891. These then founded ALP in 1893. By 1948 most ALP members were Catholics. In 1948 Doc sought to sever this historic connection. From 1954-1958 the ALP were ’split’ as Doc pursued his religious rivals.
His ’mania’ shortened his life & led him to purge every Catholic from what had been primarily a Catholic organisation, plunging the ALP into a 23 year-long exile from political power. ALP only recovered in 1968 when Edward ‘Gough’ Whitlam’s Uni educated ‘new guard’ seized power in an internal coup from Old Guard led by Arthur ‘Artie‘ Caldwell, last ALP Federal leader to be a genuine worker.
23 YEARS OF ‘WHITE-ANTING’: During their 23 year exile from political power after the Evatt-engineered ‘Split’ the ALP were not inactive. The ‘new guard’ began a long, brutal purge of ‘uneducated’ foes from all arms of power within ALP & its unions. Over decades of struggle Left gained ascendancy in every union & institute of higher education consolidating an iron grip on all media & schools which remains today.
Whereas previously to work you needed an ALP-union approved ‘ticket’ e.g. fork lift operator or railway engine driver, now none may work without an ALP-approved educational ’ticket’ - a degree from an ALP-run university. Was the main motive for Queensland ALP Premier ‘Sneaky Pete’s 2006
dictat that all four year olds attend Prep School, adding a thirteenth year to their compulsory education. Was not to make them wiser but to lengthen their Leftist indoctrination. Education in Australia is a closed shop with few private operators. Is key to ALP perpetual rule.
ALP MONOPOLY ON POWER: By 2007 ALP had reached an unprecedented height. Every major city, every State & both Territories plus the Federal level were ALP fiefdoms. All other parties were excluded from power. Became embarrassing even for Ultra-Left. Irony of course is that, just as in former USSR, with absolute power came absolute responsibility for catastrophic failures. Usual Leftist fiascos are now routine nation-wide. Shortages exist in every area from electricity to clean drinking water, from hospital beds to doctors & medicine - just as in the USSR. Even old Soviet excuses are being dusted off & trotted out.
Along with this is an unprecedented control of media & regular smears of any potential regime opponents. How will ALP rule end? Not through a sudden, over-nite collapse as in USSR or by internal coup via some home-grown Gorbachev. Will require a mass defection from ALP of key operators and the bulk of voters. To achieve this the ALP must be publicly exposed as ineffective & inefficient. Requires re-gaining control of media & education. But how?
QUEENSLAND’S ELECTION-RIGGING COMMISSION: Absolute corruption of ALP’s atheistic rule was seen in 21.3.2009 ’election’. Polls showed ALP received not 51% of votes, as claimed, but only 41%. Even pro-ALP Murdoch media were stunned. So how did ALP retain office? Her ALP also runs Queensland Electoral Commission, one of Australia’s most corrupt organisations & a key institution for rule. Don’t forget it was QEC which put Pauline Hanson on trial. Gaoled her for something she had not done (stealing AUD$502,000). Beattie‘s ALP government rescued her, illegally, from three year gaol sentence after only 11 weeks due to public backlash.
Was QEC’s evil twin, the AEC, which abolished Hanson’s Federal seat of Oxley forcing her to stand for Blair which she then ’lost’ despite getting 45% of primary vote. Was QEC which on 21.3.2009 unseated Qld’s last remaining One Nation MP ( of 11 elected in 1998), Rosa Lee Long. Her seat was abolished. Forced her to run for nearby un-winnable seat. Same trick QEC used in 1952 against Australia’s only Communist MP, lawyer Fred Patterson.
HOW TO EXTIRPATE EVIL? Start with an Independent Electoral Commission to replace ALP’s QEC/AEC fraud. Truly ‘independent‘ - not stacked with ‘usual suspects’ who pollute every aspect of political, educational & economic life in Australia. Popular joke after 2007 Federal ALP ‘landslide’ by ‘
Kevin 07’. “Why’s Mafia so little influence in Australia? Because the ALP was here first!” How ever absolutist ALP rule ends we must prepare alternate structures to take its place. This motivates ANA. 1. We must be ready to ’carpa diem - seize the day’ when inevitable collapse occurs. 2. Keep tabs on ‘rats’; they’ll try to hide, then reemerge under our New Order.
LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT: System enjoys the confusion & mental disconnect that occurs when Leftists reappear as fake Rightists as happened in the US in 2000. US President Bill Clinton’s mentors for eight years (1992-2000) were stooges of crooked Wall Street bankers. Clinton lost power to Geo Bush II in 2000 but his stooges remained in power simply re-labeling themselves ‘neo-Conservatives’. Real Conservatives were ignored, jailed or killed. For eight years the self-titled ‘neo-Cons’ ruled America. Public grew poorer & more confused as former Left-turned-Right looted them. In 2008 ‘Al’ Obama was elected on wave of a backlash against the neoCons. But guess who has re-appeared in his Cabinet of ‘change’? Same ugly, unelectable faces.
US POLITICAL SUICIDE: Some commentators marvel that Traditional Right US voters, I.e. white male Christians, voted for a Leftist semi-Muslim black. Why not? Anyone who promised to free them from this sad sick saga of lies and corruption was welcome. McCain only promised ‘more of the same’. Voters were never going to vote for Hillary Clinton. Her corrupt, sex-fiend husband was still hanging around like a bad smell. She herself was equally implicated in the
Whitewater land scandal yet both escaped censure. Let’s hope US voters will not pay too dearly for their choice. In 1917 Russians rejected Kerensky’s ‘more of the same’ government in favour of radical Bolsheviks promising ‘change’. Fifty million died as a result.
“voter anger is at an all-time high [in Britain] not just with parties but with the party System” (BBC
World Service c/- ABC News Radio 936AM Saturnsday 30 Mai 2009). System needs total flush-out in Australia, US & Britain. Financial collapse occurred because greedy banks used their paid hirelings, our so-called MPs, to legalise the looting of our bank accounts. What’s surprising is both sets of crooks assumed the dozey public would not be “angry”. Share same view of us as their Masters: we’re cattle to be milked then slaughtered. Let’s agree with our foes:
ISLAM, OUR SAVIOUR: Long after this ‘financial crisis’ is over we must recall the shameful conduct of our Masters & their stooges. Can the British or any other Parliament in the West be reformed? Not as long as the Masters rule us. Some conclude is only by Divine Intervention or Islamic Victory we will be freed from alien rule. Yes & No. GOD gave Man a brain to think & arms to use. We are His instruments on earth. Don’t look to the skies. You know what needs to be done -
DO IT! As for Islam saving the West - forget it. Islam talks but does not do, a common problem with many politico-religious philosophies.
FALSE ISLAM: Forget the claims of Islam: a call for true ‘equality’; suppression of feminists; a built-in patriarchy. Instead, look at Islam’s reality: 75% of world’s refugees are from Islamic countries fleeing random violence of Muslim fanatics, its self-appointed ‘guardians’. Islam separates world into two Zones:
Zone of Peace (where Islam reigns) &
Zone of War (where Islam doesn’t rule). Irony of daily news (BBC World Service 5am 30 Mai 2009): “15 killed in mosque bombing in Southern Iran”; “19 killed in bombing Karachi, Pakistan. Follows 24 killed on 28 Mai 2009 in bombing Lahore, Pakistan”. ‘
Zone of Peace’? Nowhere in Islam do we see freedom except for zealots to kill & rulers to be despotic.
CHRIST NOT MULLAHS: Let’s forget help from Islam. We might as well hope in little green men from Mars. The fact is that in the decrepit West we carry a truer seed, more like ourselves - the Christian
Gospel. While the Church has failed in its task of presenting the true Message of peace, security & freedom the Message still remains. Churches require same ‘cleansing’ as West’s Parliaments & other institutions. It will take a new Hercules to cleanse these Augean Stables but once cleansed they can be rebuilt in our image and in that of The Saviour.
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